There’s an old chestnut which asserts that ‘you can’t keep a good man down’. Sadly it appears that you can’t keep a cunt down either. Somebody’s kicked a stone over and allowed those shifty chancers John ‘The Grey Man’ Major and Anthony ‘Phony Tony’ Blair to slither out into the light again.
In a joint ‘Remoaning’ attack on the government, the Gruesome Twosome maintains that the United Kingdom Internal Trading Bill overrides certain ‘key aspects’ of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement, including the protocol on Northern Ireland. Writing in ‘The Sunday Times’, they claim that ‘it is wrong in principle and dangerous in practice. It goes far beyond the impact on Ireland and negotiations for a trade deal, crucial though they are. It questions the very integrity of our nation’.
Mmm… ‘principle’? ‘Integrity’? A strange choice of words from the adulterous hypocrite ‘Mr Back to Basics’, the man who prorogued Parliament in 1997 to prevent debate on the expenses scandal, and who denied the people a say on the Maastricht Treaty. Good ol’ ‘Honest John’.
A strange choice of words from ‘Mr Dodgy Dossier’, the man who took the nation into what is widely regarded as an illegal war, and who many claim should be answering charges in front of a court in The Hague. Oh and let’s not forget those *nudge nudge* peerages in return for cash to New Labour *nudge say no morwarh*…
A strange choice of words from two weasels who’ve consistently argued against the will of the people with regard to the Brexit referendum, and who campaigned for a ‘People’s Vote’ because the referendum didn’t produce the outcome that they wanted, and indeed expected.
No, what’s irresponsible and dangerous is the persistent meddling and whining by a couple of yesterday’s men; two slippery has-beens who claim to accept that we’ve left the EU but who deep down want it to continue to hold dominion over us, because they sold their souls to Brussels long ago.
Well *cough* ‘gentlemen’, you both had your day, so now you’re left to struggle constantly with coming to terms with your utter irrelevance. I don’t think many of us will look back on your contributions with much in the way fondness or gratitude. To quote from a classic Kern and Fields song, ‘you’re as cold as yesterday’s mashed potatoes’. Just shut up and fuck off already.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
John Major stabbed Margaret Thatcher in the back, and that led to the Conservatives losing to Tony Blair and NuLiebore, who signed our powers away to the EU and signed the UK up to what would become a curse – the European Court of Human Rights. Surprise surprise, who’s wife happened to be a human rights lawyer? Blair’s wife, Cherie Booth, who made quite a fortune for her firm, fighting for “human rights abuses”.
John Major nearly bankrupted the country up to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. The list could go on and on.
Four years ago the people finally told these 2 (and all the other globalist elitist cunts) that they realised they’ve been lied to about everything for THIRTY YEARS, and I don’t trust either of these 2 Europhiles as far as I can spit. In fact if I saw either of them on fire I’d run to the nearest petrol station and fill up an empty water bottle to douse them with. They couldn’t care less about the country, only themselves.
It was Heselcunt who stabbed Thatcher in the back, not Major. Furthermore Major was Thatcher’s preferred candidate to take over from her – he was seen as a Thatcherite at the time, and was the only candidate not in favour of the UK adopting the Euro as its currency.
I stand corrected about Major. As for Blair, we’ve destroyed his dream of being the EU President and he’ll never get over it.
But don’t we all have a warm glow.
It’s a pity that. As it goes, he’s got all the qualities to make a perfect EU president, the most obvious being his total cuntitude.
I’d like just five minutes in a locked room with this pair of cunts.
that long? use a flame thrower or chainsaw – 2 minutes flat!
Why can’t we learn from the Lebannese people ?
Around 3,000 tonnes of improperly stored ammonium nitrate in the basement of Parliament sounds about right.
Of course we need an emergency sitting of both houses. Most of the fat over-paid cunts are busy shooting grouse at their country estates during lockdown.
I wouldn’t trust Blair or Major to post a letter if it was stamp adressed & I was standing next to them in front of a letterbox – the devious cunts !
? I’m the yesterday man, to my country that’s what I am, that’s what I am, the yesterday man?
Chris Andrews put it better than I ever could, utter cunts
We even have Theresa May offering her point of view. Why are these proven failures unable to keep their mouths shut?
Not to mention that cunt Cameron piping up to boot. Fucking shitstains, all of them.
Oh, and just get the shit-eating grin again from Phony Tony in the picture up top…
I wouldn’t trust Cameron to get a pair of trunks wet, if he was neck deep in a swimmining pool – the slippery cunt !
Its regret syndrome probaly stems back to their years when they was in the classroom having never been picked by teacher to show how bright they am(alledgedly)all.policticians seem to have it
I wouldn’t trust Theresa May to burn if you sat her inside a furnace – she’s that fucking useless !
Instead of Covid picking on normal people, why cant it change tact and infest proper cunts like these? Bliars gob is never shut these days and would make an excellent entry point for this particular ‘migrant’ from China.
My toilet has a cistern which is too small to deal with my excreta. For persistent floating blairs, inflated with wind and swimming in piss, I am forced to use a bucket of water. This ensures that they reach the sewage farm and are treated as all mouthy ex-PM’s deserve to be.
An alternative method would require careful extraction with long-handled tongs, and an industrial oven.
To add to the indictment, ‘integrity’ is not even remotely applicable to most of Blair’s clients, for whom he works tirelessly to line their pockets and his own. Unelected despots such as the ruling families of the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Fraudulently elected despots such as Paul Kagame, Macky Sall, and nearly every other bloodsucking leader in equatorial Africa. Military dictators such as Egypt’s Sisi – and Sisi’s go-to money men, the Sawiris family. The Serbians and the Kosovars, the Croatians and the Bosnians, at one time or another. Blair has probably been paid to spin at least two State-sponsored murders – Saudi and Kazakh. Cunts do not come much more fish-flavoured and slackly gaping.
Integrity? I wonder when he discovered the word. Five minutes before the cunted effusion, at best.
Good cunting, Ron. But Blair’s malfeasance puts Major’s so far in the shade, I’m not sure Ol’ Y-fronts is entitled to share the nom, even as a charity cunting.
Nothing like a cunt to attract another cunt
And both had shit taste in women too
Fuck off the pair of you
Pair of absolute traitorous cunts, totally representative of the stink hole remoaner cause. I would lock them in a prison with a load of sex starved A-rabs , straight off the dinghies, and watch them get bummed to death. Filthy bastards.
Given his past ol’ Lynton would probably enjoy it.
Any illegality at least doesnt amount to war crime.
‘you’re as cold as yesterday’s mashed potatoes’.
Hmm, in the case of grey Major, he is as cold as the peas on his plate.
“More peas, dear”
Anthony Blair (and Gordon Brown) will, if Dame Kweer ever get into number 10, have an afterlife, as the whining Welsh motherfucker, the deputy Home Secretary, Nick Double-Barrell, boasted that he seeks out the gruesome twosomes advice, which they give “extremely” readilly. I wonder if he meets up with Mandy Mandelson as well – even if he doesn’t I am sure Mandy will recognise another Blair lover and send him love and kisses.
I don’t know what is more depressing – a man of 40 having hero worship for an old cunt who left office 13 years ago, and his replacement which lasted two years and ended his time in disgrace, or that the Starmer bunch of also-rans have such poverty stricken imaginations that they need to lick the lavatory seat of a pair of old has-beens – or the simple truth that with Boris performing so ineptly the chances are we will be stuck with Starmer and his bunch of freaks, who will merely be New Labour version 2.
Oh god imagine Bliar back in the cabinet ?
He and Dame Kweer would be fighting every day to be first to the make-up mirror, and girly fights over the lipstick and eye shadow
Good news surely?
The cunt would surely wipe yet more tens of thousands off the Labour vote!
All these will pale in comparison to the damage Bonkers Boris and his band of tit swinging reptiles and mad scientists will cause by the time they are finished.
Boris likes to think he’s Churchill….well you tit, be whatever methods, Churchhill saved the UK but you are going to be remembered as the one who took us down to the sixth level of hell.
Also, I don’t recall fucking egg headed scientists being on the ballot paper so why the fuck are these utter cunts in control of people’s lives, businesses and futures?
Well said, Mr McSpank. Mr Whittey may be a very good scientist and a very nice man, but like many academics they are far from streetwise and are often gifted with little wherewithall of the world around their sterile bubble.
I really cannot see what good another lockdown will do. We will see a third spike unless young people and towelheads learn to socially distance. The school return will inevitably produce a spike, but this ‘second wave’ is unlikely to result in the level of deaths in the order of the first wave.
Just to add, what Boris and his team of gommos should be doing is:
1. Protecting the old and chronically sick.
2. Enforcing social distancing.
3. Keeping business going with the very good measures many have put in place.
Lets face it, Covid 19 will be here to stay until a vaccine is developed. This will be years and not months, so this pandemic needs to be managed in the meantime.
Anyone who sucks massive salaries from the public purse will have no worries in imposing whatever crazy batshit mad stuff they like…… of my friends works for the local council who have just given everyone a Covid Risk Bonus or some such shit…don’t worry about potholes or rubbish everywhere, give the work from home parasites a bonus.
I still think when the real misery sinks in from this huge debacle people are going to have far more to worry about than few dead’uns and a cold.
Both of them would look OK nailed to a barn door.
They are both cunts for different reasons but together they are mega cunts for sticking their noses into Brexit.
How can anyone who shags Cherie Blair and Edwina Currie have any credibility
So true Sick. You could at least have a bit of grudging respect for them if they’d been nudging something worth the effort.
Cherie Blair is the epitome of beauty, the face that launched a thousand boners. A glimpse of her photo and I have no option but to masturbate. B&W would lick her ring, she’s simply irresistible.
Not even I could get the horn for Cherie Blair.
I admire a man with standards.
Both Blair and Major have got hideous wives. I wonder if they ever do a swap? You know, Norma and Cherie lez up while John gives Blair some arse-to-mouth followed by a Dirty Sanchez.
Ah Cherie, the face that sank a thousand ships
What a pair of cunts, they keep letting that Alistair Campbellend remoan on the radio as well for some reason.
Fuck off the lot of you, like O’bama they can’t stay fucked off.
Fuck off.
The cunts.
I wish this pair of old cunts would just fuck off and die.
Lock them in a room and lob a couple of hand grenades in.Stop interfering you stupid twats.Your time has passed.Pigs in the trough
Blair and Major? Chaps – you’ve had your time of fingers in the till and snouts in the trough, filled your bank accounts off the backs of the working Men and Women of the Country, introduced disastrous immigration policies and fucked us over every way, every day, every how.
Please – just go die.
One of the biggest “What The Actual Fuck”? moments of 2020 so far, is Tony Blair presuming to criticise Boris over breaking international law (which would only happen IF the bill was enacted). Remind me again, Tony, who was it that broke international law back in 2003 by lying about Saddam’s imaginary weapons of mass destruction, to start a war that was completely unnecessary, and resulted in the destabilisation of the middle east and led to the deaths of around 500,000 people, including a very close friend of mine? What was his name again? It’s on the tip of my tongue. Bony Mare? Coney Tear? Oh yes, that’s it, TONY FUCKING BLAIR.
Clearly, this motherfucker’s dictionary does not include the word “irony”. And as for pea eating, Edwina Currie shagging, boring as fuck piece of shit, John Major, I remember when Boris prorogued parliament a few months back. There was Major, right at the front of the choir criticising Boris. Obviously having forgotten that he himself once prorogued parliament. The difference is, Boris actually had a legitimate reason for it. Neither of these two cunts has any moral ground on which stand. There’s a mountain of hypocrisy they could stand on though.
What never ceases to amaze me about Blair is the extent of his conceit. What never ceases to irritate me about Major is his quacking voice.
What constantly annoys me is the fact these two continue to breathe.
Mmmmmm Teflon Tony and Mr Back To Basics ??
What a match made in heaven a couple of cunts you would be hard pressed to find finer.
Anthony Linton Blair should be hung from the nearest lamppost and The Grey Man shot at Dawn a couple of right hypocrites ??
Leave Means Leave get over it you lost ??
Any nomination involving either of these smug turds gets my vote.
“……principle’? ‘Integrity’? A strange choice of words from the adulterous hypocrite….” The nom states.
“Adulterous? Well let’s be clear.We can of course refer to either Edwina Currie or Wendy Deng for evidence against either of these ‘arseswipes’ for the aforementioned accusation.
Name and address supplied. Should either party wish to pursue legal action.
“…..shifty chancers”….
Go to the top of the class.