Blacks asking for sympathy
Just now I’ve read today’s story about two young American cops who were ambushed and shot by a dark key male. This is the eighth time this year that such a thing has happened (dark key ambushing and shooting honky cops).
A white cop in the USA is 18 times more likely to be killed by a dark key than the other way around. Blacks are killing each other in almost genocidal rates. And they kill and rape the honky at much higher rates than the other way around.
But still, we’re supposed to believe that it’s them who are being oppressed and targeted.
What a load of fucking bollocks.
If any knee taking and campaign should exist right now, it should be in the name ‘Leave the honky alone Mr Dark Key’ or something similar.
The brass neck of these fuckers playing the victim, when the facts and statistics are very different.
White Lives Matter.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Wherever they are in the world the sink to the bottom. Their only achievements are the chips on their shoulders.
Send them all back to Africa and seal the fucker off.
Their greatest achievement is room temperature.
Here is a little fact for you. This year in Chicago alone there have been 529 black on black shooting murders and over 3000 black on black shootings….in one city.
Quite clearly, black lives don’t matter to other blacks.
Therefore why should we give a fuck.
“All aboard the Serengetti Express “
Learned a few days ago of a black Roman emperor Septimius Severus who in 208AD had shit loads of whiteys slaughtered north of Hadrians Wall. Where’s our reparations for the carnage this cunt caused? Fucking oppressed my hairy shitehole!!! Every ethnicity has been at it at some point. Fucking swartz cunts!
The fuckers had it coming to them. It was a wall and a border after all. Id do the same thing in the channel right now. Wheres my machine gun??. Fuck. cant find it. Must of left it on the bus.
Yeah! And how about that (admittedly white on white abomination) statue of William the Conk at Hastings? Why aren’t we tearing that down and chucking it into the sea? The Harrying of the North! Are you with me, Miserable N C?
Just saddling up and finding my broadsword.
Any left standing can go in the whicker man to honour the old gods of the North.
The crows will feast tonight LC!!
Kill em all!!????
Ahhh! If only Harold had won at Hastings. We wouldn’t be left with the bloody class system which still exists today.
30 rich and influential men can go grouse shooting but 7 little girls can’t feed the ducks in the park together.
As for BLM have you seen the new black militia in the states? Armed to the teeth, uniformed and legally allowed to March through the streets.
Trouble is brewing.
The only thing they have managed to shoot so far is three of their own. ?
Don’t forget, football, rugby and angling are also exempt from the rule of 6. So all classes have been fairly catered for.
Except doggers, ffs!
Btw, supervised activities provided for children are exempt, so you should be able to get away with feeding ducks under that proviso.
Youll just have to go dogging on your own Ruff.
Are flashers exempt, Miserable? ?
I enjoy shooting duck…does this mean that I have to take a gaggle of screaming brats with me on shooting days?…I do hope not..I’ve still not recovered from the screeching and wailing that time I accidentally blasted “Jemima Puddleduck” , the local infant’s school pet…Fuck’s Sake…I only winged the fucking thing…it was when the hounds got a hold of it that things got a bit messy.
Served the quacky bastard right for being so damned tasty…and providing an easy target by waddling towards me quacking when I’d just staggered out of the Pub. after a dinnertime session.
Do you always take a loaded shotgun with you to the pub, Dick?
@RTC…Yes…yes.I do. You would too if you had to put up with some of the Mentals that cross my path.
I also take a foil epee and set of duelling pistols in case any Cunt impugns my honour.
and a shillelagh to deal with common types.
Black fucking militia ???
I’ll disciplined, sub Sahara low iq’d, piano moving tea swiggers.
Like most of these cunts, a properly trained military unit will chop them to pieces in minutes.
Send in the proud boys???
Trump will fix it id bet money he will just build another wall around em
See what would happen if they bumped into a squad of SEALs.
When the shit hits the fan Mnc, as a soft southern wanker would you allow us to move north and crush these southern soft as shite wankers? pretty please! because these cunts we now have in the south ain’t what i was dragged up with!
Knew you’d not let me down, MNC! Bring your big coat.
Both black AND white lives matter. And Minstrels ® too – in crisp candy coats.
We shouldn’t have domesticated them. Seriously though Ive worked with some great black people who I’m sure would be as sick of all this BS as much as we are. At least there are some prominent blacks who talk sense such as Candace Owens and Morgan Freeman (I’m struggling to think of any British names). If they stop playing the victim and work hard, they’ll find no barriers. They’ll get nowhere sitting about waiting for handouts and bloody reparations.
Trevor Phillips is no fan of this BLM shite.
The real problem to my mind is the treacherous media who can be guaranteed to present information in a twisted manner to support their long term agenda. Let’s be clear, George Floyd was a criminal and unlikely to see his 40th birthday. A 70 something year old ex police captain was murdered in the subsequent riots. The fact that he was black was outweighed by him being part of the deposed establishment ; his death went largely unreported. A man who contributed to society and by his example promoted the black cause far more than most black people is unworthy of respect?
FFS, despised, not deposed.
Negro: I like being black.
Cap’n Mag: Cool.
Cap’n Mag: I like being white.
Negro: Racist.
Tru dat blud
Listen fam, ain’t gonna liiie to ya, I don’t got no time for aksing how people is, dat is some cracker shit y’all chattin’.
There is a reluctance to report reality and the media is driven by anything left and the Twitter fraternity.
Criminality is disproportionately black in the US and to a lesser extent in the UK and the blame is always on the white population, there is no comparison between policing in the UK and the US and there may be some police in the USA who are acting inappropriately but there has to a realisation that they face much greater danger from the public than the police in the UK although it is getting worse here too.
The BLM protests in the USA were an excuse for the lawless to riot and loot, it’s happened before so it was obvious that it’s got very little to do with St George.
As the black girl who confronted the protesters in Washington said, why aren’t you concerned about blacks killing blacks every day in Chicago, the reason is simple, there isn’t any political gain, blaming a minority doesn’t fit well with left wing narratives. It’s easier to pick out one isolated incident and blame the whole thing on Whitey.
BLM can fuck off, the political side of BLM means nothing more than the far left Marxist agenda, the human side (if you can call it that) means absolutely nothing because the interpretation is that it’s only those black lives that are ended by racist white police.
There is a website called heyjackass where they keep a real time scoreboard of black on black crime in Chimpcongo.
Its a real eye opener as to how little blacks value the lives of other blacks. Or anyone else caught in the driveby crossfire for that matter.
No one gives a shit about your life except for direct family and friends. No governments do here or in Zimbabwe. Its all a load of bollox.
As pointed out by my esteemed colleagues on here on numerous occasions all this BLM shit is taking us back 60 years to having segregation and racism once again. The other day my mrs was told by her friend at work that her son was called a nigah at school. Only 7 years old. The kid who said it has been suspended and investigation ongoing but this is the outcome that the BLM etc want. Only a matter of time before shit escalates.
Would be interesting if some BLMs murdered a few white woke lefty cunts.
Would the media report on it? And if they did what kind of angle would they take: blame the BLMs, blame the libtards, or more likely blame Trump and whiteys as a whole!
Techno-already happened in a park in reading.
Nice fluffy gays having a “love-in” for BLM got the stabby treatment from a banana chomper.
Media response……….,???
As we’ve seen in Reading and Birmingham. Quickly swept under the carpet.
Am amazing the Alphabets have been up in arms (or arses) about the lack of media recognition regarding these attacks.
But I guess this is one of those “woke eat woke” moments where you have one bunch of woke cunts (the Alphabets”) wanting to have a go at another (BAMEs), but they choose not too because it doesn’t suit their agenda (ie. attacking the Establishment and Whitey)
Uncle Ben’s rice has now had a a name change on account of connotations of racism, it will now be called Ben’s original, ffs , I despair with these cunts, whatever next? KFC being rebranded on account of colonel sanders military title? When the profits at the corporation’s are down I will piss myself laughing
My daughter nearly had a meltdown because my father inlaw referred to chips as ‘n*ggers lips’.
Too easily upset.
Outraged on behalf of others!?
I got blamed for laughing.
Miserable-is that some sort of Mancunian-rhyming-slang,
Dunno Id never heard it before?
But the daughter didnt find it funny!
Millennials dont find much to laugh at…
I see your daughter’s point…such gratuitous,casual racism is a fucking disgrace…I’ve even noticed it creeping onto this site….For Shame.
@Sir Fiddler:
I went into moderation the other day for n.ig.n.og.
Won’t be making that mistake again-after attending that course on unconscious racism at Fidler Polyversity, I shall henceforth be referring to those fellows as “Porch Monkeys”.
Diversity be praised.???
I’m never moderated because Admin trusts me not to post anything offensive…a lesson that a few on here should heed.
Which just confirms the point I made months ago:
There is no such thing as white privilege, just “class” privilege ☹️
This is an interesting article from a black guy who doesn’t want to be labeled black anymore.
It’s a disgusting mess that should have been cleared up right at the beginning of this current unrest.
By crushing the thieving vermin under the wheels of riot vans and armoured cars.
Fuck Them.
Bristols’ Colston Hall to be renamed ‘Bristol Beacon’ due to some cunts uncomfortable with slave trader connections. Didn’t stop the cunts playing there, though….
And Uncle Ben can go and fuck off. Never again will his products grace my plate.
Should have kept Uncle, and changed the name from Ben to Tom. Great marketing!
Unckle Terrys oven chips…..
On a bio prog about I K Brunel last night, they couldn’t help getting some bleck bird on camera to reiterate that slave money underpinned the economy at the time. No mention of the satanic mills of the north contributing to the wealth of the nation, the coal mines, farm workers or anything like that. Brunel didn’t own slaves – this bird’s comments were only included to please woke viewers … if they watch progs about great British white men. Probably not.
I seen a piece on the news last night a group called JAFC want their own country.All of them wearing body armour and all in black.The leader said he wants to talk to the United nations.Only in America.Give me strength
They want their own Country? Certainly – transport them to Sierra Leone.
All of them, never come back – but don’t join the westside boys, they are still cwwying about the hiding they got from the Paras and the SAS last time! ?
If he can read, I’d tell him to read all about a similar project and what happened.
It is disturbing that the media cunts pander to the narrative of bull fucking left blm shit rather than report the facts around who kills steals rapes murders carries guns knives and in what proportions and report the fucking simple facts.
Look, we’ve been ordered to take the knee, put you mask on, to clap our NHS every week a while back and then to shut the fuck up and do as our masters tell us.
At this rate, the only solution to any real social cohesion on this island, will be a policy of enforced repatriation.
A policy I wholeheartedly endorse.
BLM should try getting their heads around the fact that every human being is white.
Nobody has ever found a black or yellow or brown skeleton.
All skeletons are white, and it’s just the wrappers that differ.
People with white skin can have different coloured hair and/or eyes, but they generally get along ok, unless they are French or Ginger.
So try getting the BLM mob to accept they have white skeletons and we are all essentially the same.
They might end up kneeling on themselves.
Aren’t they naming a road after that nice boy George Floyd, that tells you all you need to know about BLM there poster boy was a total piece of shit and let’s be honest he wasn’t long for world anyway.
‘Gun to a woman’s stomach while my homies rob her house road’ is a funny name for a road.
Which road? The one to San Quentin?
Just heard that the National Trust is now looking at the history of some of its houses that have links to slavery and may adjust displays and literature. Pushed me over the edge and today I joined the British Freedom Party. £36 well spent.
Fuck them as well?
I hope that lad who got sacked by those cunts in Burnley for that aeroplane banner has sued the arse off the shite he used to work for. I also hope he takes Burnley FC and Burnley Police to the fucking cleaners.
A pox on Burnley FC. Bob Lord was a cunt.
Norman-I was wondering about his situation too.
Also, that short arsed cop who got filmed threatening to “make something up, who they gonna believe. Eh? WHO THEY GONNA BELIEVE????”
I hope he got fucking sacked, the cunt.
Myth: Africa is poor because it has few natural resources left because of whitey imperialism.
Reality: Africa is very rich in natural resources today. Japan has never been rich in natural resources. And is one of the most advanced and peaceful nations on earth. Can’t quite put my finger on this..
Myth: Whitey and his white privilege stops the dark key from achieving his full potential. This frustration creates anger and then criminality, which at times manifests itself as violence. The need for being part of society and being rejected leads to them joining gangs.
Reality: Low IQ is directly linked to more criminality. This has been shown in many studies over the years. Those with sub Saharan genes, on average, have very low IQs. There are outliers of course, but the truth is not up for debate. Dark keys are more prone to glorify violence and big named gangsters. I’m no white supremacist btw, East Asians shit all over us honkies when it comes to IQ. I’m just a realist.
The reason for all this anger is jealousy. They hate the honky because of all he has achieved. Despite constant ‘leg ups’, they (on the whole) can’t achieve the same on a level playing field. We move the goalposts and they still hate us. Some (not all of course) are so angry and jealous that they want us all dead so they don’t have to feel so inadequate.
This was a party political broadcast not on behalf of the labour party.
Marvellous stuff Señor C-B.
Cuntybollocks… I see in your nom that you said “ the brass neck of these fuckers”. I don’t think St George had a brass neck.
I meant to put a smiley face at the end of my comment ?
Gotcha first time 🙂
Basically you have humans and you have chimps. Chimps are savage and tend to rip your face off with no warning. Humans build a structured society etc.
Now there are many beings inbetween the human and the chimps.
You can probably make a judgement about where they fall on that scale by examining their behaviour.
Ask yourself who is most likely to engage in chimp like behaviour? Things like forming gangs, having a dominant leader, protecting their patch, trying to kill the enemy clan etc etc.
Sounds like peacefuls to me.
3 Hopefully this will be the right thing – Jacob Zuma demonstrating his mastery of reading from a printed page.
Dumb fuckers the lot of em, turning everywhere they live into a dirty toilet, riding on the back of our success and hard work.!