Wearing Masks on Public Transport and Shops.

I had to travel to Londonistan yesterday and used the train, long journey and on the train into Leeds from my home town, there was a cunt on the seat opposite travelling with another guy wearing a mask, the cunt wasn’t.

The Cunt was talking bullshit about great he was at full volume so projecting whatever may be in spit as far as possible, at one point they were talking about masks and he said ‘even if I didn’t have a medical reason I still wouldn’t wear one’, the self important wanker!

While most people were wearing masks there were a significant number who weren’t and even in Kings Cross station no one was challenged by the Stasi directing traffic (people).

When I got home I watched Newsnight and there was a piece about a woman who was upset because she had been ‘abused’ by another woman for not wearing a mask in a hair salon. She couldn’t wear a mask because it gave her flashbacks of a rape two years ago and the rapist put his hand across her mouth, ok fair enough that seems legitimate.

In both the examples above, if masks cannot be worn for either medical or psychological reasons why not use a face visor, I saw quite a few people with these and a lot of staff in various places wore them rather than masks as I guess it makes communicating easier.

Nominated by: Sick of it

118 thoughts on “Wearing Masks on Public Transport and Shops.

  1. We just watched a fit and healthy young bloke go into a Greggs. He hopped out of his builders truck and strolled in, no mask. Personally if I worked there he’d have walk straight back out again until the selfish cunt put one on. I realise some people don’t want to wear one but it’s what we should do, no exceptions. He was an arrogant looking body builder type with a vest. He should be shot twice, once for the lack of mask and again for the vest. Cunt.

    • You’d have enjoyed ten dushka construction workers in a huddle outside our minimart this morning. They’d all have comfortably fitted in a two-metre radius, and not a mask in view. Cunts.

    • In every shop I go to there are people without a mask, me too sometimes when I forget the fucker. This virus will come back in the winter and the government will have no money to anything. It’s not smallpox and it’s here forever unlike the above. Thank China for doing its bit on population control. I couldn’t give a fuck anymore. Whoopee shit.

      • The only reason Smallpox isn’t here forever is because a vaccine was developed to eradicate it.

      • Ruff i know that, as should everyone who was born after1970. It will take a long time to develope a vaccine for this cunt, as it came out of the chinks laboratories. If it does happen I think it will be made in China on the label.

  2. I went to Asda this morning. I would say that less than half the staff were wearing any sort of face covering. Why bother?

    • To be honest, there is so much confusion and inconsistency as to who has to wear a mask, and where, that a lot of people have just given up and thought “fuck it!”

      I don’t know if shop assistants have to wear masks as a mandatory requirement; shoppers do.

      But in pubs and restaurants (or at least the ones I’ve been in), waiters/waitresses do wear masks, whereas punters don’t have to.

      Then there’s all the people who have “exemptions” for one reason or another (genuine or otherwise)

      Load of bollocks: you might get struck by lightning in the morning, so fuck it, I’ll take my chances!

  3. May have cited this one before, but the lass walking into my newsagent after the shops rule came in, without a mask, works at Boots over the road. Want to try walking into Boots without a mask? I’d rather not.

    Yet another unenforceable rule which relies on the good sense and good will of the public. Oh my aching sides.

  4. All bullshit to enable bullies.
    Pub? 100 people in close proximity, no mask.
    Shop for a loaf of bread? Mask.
    I wear a mask when in shops as reassurance and a courtesy to the staff (and because I am wanted for a number of sex offences!), but I don’t believe a word of the reasons behind it.
    And some Karen shouted “dickead” very loudly at me yesterday for not wearing a mask – on my fkin bike! Fuckoff back to A***hwitz love, it’s your shift on the machine gun tower..
    Was one of the things I said as I was tearing her a new one in front of an appreciative crowd! ??

    • Bernard Manning joke “a relative of mine died in concentration camp he fell out of machine gun tower”. Very old but maybe someone hasn’t heard it.

  5. And I always feel a bit weird walking into Barclays with a mask and no sawn off – somehow I feel naked, but at least the gals behind the counter cry a lot less!

  6. I’m convinced the mandatory wearing of masks in public places/transport et al, is just a short step away from us being forced to wear Letterboxes, in order to placate our Mudslime population into how the country should be run in the near future.

      • Which reminds me: Halloween is only 7 or 8 weeks away, so better order my Jess Phillips & Flabbott masks to scare the little fuckers from trick or treating me!

      • Foxy@
        I used to have a werewolf special effects mask!
        Realistic as fuck! Snarling teeth long fur,
        Wish I still had it for coronovirus!!
        Gave it my mates son who has autism and learning difficulties,
        He was obsessed by it,
        Had it on the headrest of the passenger seat in my van!
        The looks id get with that the akita, and my own Manson like face..

      • They do them on Ebay MNC!
        I was checking as my new “young lady companion” has damaged her brassiere due to the humongous size and weight of her lady bits and I was shopping for something saucy for her!
        She is slowly killing me with her insatiable bedroom vigour – but by jingo, what a way to go! ??

      • Good for you Foxy!
        Having your spuds drained regularly will keep you out of mischief!?
        I’ll look on Ebay!?
        To be honest I didnt want to give the kid my mask but he liked it that much I had too.

      • As I was walking home from the shops, I saw a kid getting bullied by three other kids because he was wearing a mask, so I decided to help. I knew he wouldn’t stand a chance against the four of us.

  7. Whether masks work or not, I don’t know for certain. But what I can’t stand is the culture that seems to have been created whereby you’re pretty much not allowed to question their effectiveness or whether the government should be allowed to control their citizens in such a way. Give any opinion short of total approval and you’re seen as some sort of subhuman heretic.

    • The government and scientific advisors resisted the call for mask for a long time but eventually after pressure and looking at evidence they concluded that there is a limited positive case for wearing them…
      Where other measures cannot be implemented, but you cannot make it too complicated so they have to go for a blanket approach.

      I don’t think it is control, it a request on public health grounds and it’s not such imposition, if you work in certain industries you have to wear PPE of all kinds, a flimsy mask isn’t the end of the world.

      Don’t worry, they will be banned soon when the environmental lot start kicking off over the amount floating around in the oceans ?

      • I don’t think it can be called a request tbh when you can theoretically be fined for not wearing one. Although if we have to wear them people could at least not wear the disposable ones – the amount of those I have seen discarded on pavements in my area is obscene.

      • Yes the government website starts off with ‘Must’ and as you read down, it become ‘expected’, I assume it all comes under the emergency powers, which I guess are due for review fairly soon.
        I saw some report on the disposable masks, I didn’t pay full attention but the weight was an astronomical amount if everyone wore a disposable mask every day. The message should have been wear them and dispose responsibly.

      • 5th November, I have a black guy to comply with the new diversity rules.

        White robes and hood are banned

    • actually you are a fascist!
      those in charge of the regime fail to see that it is them who are the fascists

  8. Where I work in the shop I have to wear a mask. It’s not a proper one with the filter things that screw on the outside that painters or the army wear, though.
    It’s just a bit of cloth with loops to go around the ears.
    I’ve seen some staff and customers wear those welder mask things.

    What’s the point of wearing masks if no one else wears them?

    • I don’t wear a mask.
      If it states I have to in a shop ive got one a cheap one in my back pocket.
      But dont wear one just for walking about or working.
      If people keep too social distancing and keep the fuck away from me,
      Im not endangering them,
      Just dont like them if im honest.
      People and masks.

  9. I couldn’t give a shit about a fake pandemic with a pathetically minuscule death rate as a direct result. All the data is there in public.
    If people are that scared perhaps they should stay at home, there’s nasty germs in the world.
    Sorry, I’m a cunt, it comes with the package.
    No mask here.

  10. The “virus” won’t get you in a pub, but it will in a shop…
    What bollocks.
    As I said to the nominator the other day, wearing masks is being laughably gullible and tantamount to sucking government cock.
    Is this site turning into the comments section of the fucking Guardian?!

      • The only mask I’d consider wearing is my Hannibal Lecter mask I got off eBay. There’s a slatted mouth hole for me to breathe through.
        That might be good for starting an argument with some woke prick.

  11. At the risk of sounding heartless, how many of the reasons given for not wearing a mask are actually true – we only have the individual’s word for it. Its like ‘Mental Health Issues’, seems to me this is the new ‘bad back’; difficult to prove and no one wants to be seen as the bastard querying it.

    • My reason is it ruffles my beard up.
      I look like Greta Thunbergs pussy all long dark hairs poking out through white cotton!!
      Also because I dont like being told what to do.

      (I suspect St Greta isn’t fully female, but is loaded with a 12″ dong! – DA)

    • You can have my bad back any day of the week friend. 4 MRIs and 2 procedures to prove the issues. Immobility and permament left leg sciatic nerve damage right down to me big toe.

      And they fucking made me wear a mask when I was last in the scanner.

      Pointless as I was the only cunt there, had not any symptoms of the Chinese flu, self isolated for 10days before and it was disinfected for 30mins after I left.

  12. Fuck masks and fuck all the fucking mither about The Yellow Perils Pandemic.
    Die from it or get better but fucking shut up Karen and the BBC.

  13. Fucking pointless. Not medically proven to stop anything.

    If you feel unwell or display symptoms stay in. You should do this with any cough or cold TBH.

    Carry a tissue, handkerchief and sneeze into that.

    I saw a mask wearing Mong whilst driving a car. On his own. All he was doing was decreasing the oxygen supply to his lungs and potentially becoming drowsy at the wheel.

    Later on I saw a Mong walking down the street with one on. No one around.

    Whilst in the supermarket car park I witnessed a Mong without a mask hawk up a giant gob of sputum and hawk it up on the ground.

    Fucking humans. Chair. Power supply and don’t disconnect until smoke seen and burning smelt.

    • ‘All he was doing was decreasing the oxygen supply to his lungs’

      Absolutely 100% not true. I say again, 100% absolutely NOT TRUE. I could stick a SATS probe on you, your O2 levels will be, lets say 97%. I’ll stick a mask on you and they’ll stay the same. You don’t see surgeons collapsing through lack of oxygen every day…

  14. We get these announcements that say ‘Mask wearing is mandatory’. But they don’t bat an eyeclid when tossers come in for their crappy cheap lager and ‘lotties’. And how come the customer has to wear a mask but the shop staff don’t? It’s a load of bollocks.

    • True Norman, although some supermarket staff wear masks most haven’t since this whole pandemic began.
      The amount of cunts on buses wearing their mask on their chins and Pàki shops that don’t even bother asking the local piss heads to wear one is a joke.
      It really is a load of bollocks.

      • Joke is my local Co-Op don’t give a toss if some chav cunt isn’t wearing a mask. Then some twat will come through on their speakers saying mask wearing is compulsory. Our local chippy has reopened and I saw a waynetta slag with all four of her brats in there and all maskless. But it states on the chippy window that masks must be worn. It’s a total mockery, B&WC. The staff will do fuck all in case some scrote kicks off, and the customers know they can do what they fucking like, as the cozzers will do nothing.

      • Heard Manchester is in and out of lockdown Norman…I bet most up there aren’t bothering… especially the Peacefuls.

  15. The way this Government have handled this is a joke…if they think I’m going to jump when they say they can piss right off.
    I’ll am not wearing a mask, no shops bother asking really anyways, and as Vernon mentioned above the pubs seem to be exempt from masks even though cunts are getting pissed and splattering their spit everywhere whilst pissed up.
    What a total mess, I suppose the second wave will get this Government to sort themselves out, and second wave there will be.
    Corona might kill out me bombaclaat.

  16. Where is the scientific proof? Wearing a mask to stop spread of covid virus is equivalent to wearing chicken wire around your face to trap house dust. Thankfully, in Wales we are able to shop without wearing one; so far. On public transport; compulsory. If people in most of the U.K. wish to comply with the miss mash of pub okay – shops – no way, then fine, it becomes a personal choice, no doubt creating individual physiological security. The most ridiculous example I have seen is of folk driving a car solitary wearing a mask. The majority of masks are not fit for purpose in the slightest. What comes next for compliance with silly rules? I remember Woody Allen’s movie Bananas. A south American dictator insisted everyone should wear their underpants on the outside. Now that one I would definitely consider.

    • Didn’t hurt Superman now did it?
      Unless they were fashioned from kryptonite.
      Lex Luther fashion house be damned.

  17. More people have died from summer flu these past 2 months so tell me this if Covid is so deadly why do we need a test to see if we have/got it? You know if you’ve got the Ebola virus, you’re eyes start bleeding then you shit out you’re insides. No test needed there.
    So these masks prevent Covid but not flu? Mmmmmm
    So why aren’t the media screaming about this?
    Unless you have a n95 respirator mask the one you’re wearing at Tesco will not protect you.


    • it’s propaganda to introduce a controlled population, to have a vaccine when 99.9% of people survive, and to possibly introduce digital IDs – who says we live in a democracy anymore – time to wake up

  18. Just another rule to make do gooders and lefties feel superior.
    ‘But the science tells us’ is the new unarguable phrase that has us all doing what we’re told.
    Can’t see them ever letting this go even if covid is erased. Next flu season: ‘the science tells us to wear masks to halt the flu’.

    • The principle is a very simple one, respect.

      I you are on a bus or train or tube and your fellow passengers are wearing masks, not necessarily to protect themselves but fellow travellers then it is only good manners that YOU wear one as well.
      You can argue about effectiveness but it is fairly obvious that if someone has asymptomatic China flu then there is less chance of spraying over someone else if you wear a mask.

      In the example I gave in the Nom, the loudmouth cunt on the train was a bloke late 20’s or early 30’s and I would run bollock naked through Leeds city centre if the cunt had any impediment that prevented him wearing a mask, unless being an absolute cunt is a valid medical reason. Fucking gaffer tape over the cunts mouth would have been a big improvement.

      I personally don’t give a fuck, if the government hadn’t brought in the rule about masks I would just make sure I wasn’t in a position were I was within spitting distance of any other cunt.

      • bollocks about respect – it’s about complying with government mandates and setting people against one another

      • No, it’s not, I assure you. We’re not allowed to carry out aerosol-generating procedures until we’re level 3 protected for that reason.

    • That’s because they’re litter louts. Doesn’t mean they no longer wear a mask.

  19. Talking of plagues. Manchester Abu Dhabi Citeh have been fucked off out of the European Cup for the third consecutive season.

    And apparently the Gorton Globetrotters are now after Lionel Messi. A soulless corrupt cunt for a soulless corrupt club.

    And their fans can fuck off and all. One blue cunt moaned ‘I don’t recall the BBC doing a documentary after City won the title after a 44 year wait, or Leicester, am I wrong?’

    That is because Liverpool have just won it without buying it, you cunt.

      • I’m not in the thread SOI. I just wanted you to know that I’m sympathetic to your point of view.

      • Thank you RTC, it will become a minor issue when shit hits the fan in a couple of months, but I saw today house prices are booming, can’t see it lasting though.

      • Sicky@
        I sympathize and see your point.
        I personally dont wear a mask unless in the supermarket or a shop,
        More for other peoples piece of mind.
        Its a good nom mate!?

      • Thank you MNC, that cunt on the train really wound me up, to be honest it’s not a big imposition for me, during my working life I have worn dust masks, Full BA, Chem Suits so a flimsy little mask Is not problem at all.

      • Evening Miserable.

        Same here. I don’t wear a mask anywhere that I’m not required to wear one. 95% of people in our town don’t wear them outdoors.

        I went to the Post Office recently and they didn’t require me to wear one.

      • Evening Ruff,
        If someone is uncomfortable or vulnerable and ask me to wear one then of course I would do.
        But the social distancing thing for me makes more sense.
        If you stay away from people as much as possible surely youd lessen the chance of contracting it?
        Know in some jobs thats not possible,
        Think people should do what they see as just precaution, handwashing whatever,
        But hate been patronised by some goverment mouthpiece saying I have to do so.
        Maybe if theyd locked down our borders at the start it wouldnt be a issue?!!

      • Yup, I play it by ear.

        As usual it tends to be down to using your common sense. But because that was outlawed in 1997 not everyone possesses it.

      • Same here, MNC. Obviously at work, I do, all the time as the public are dirty cunts, but not when I don’t have to.

    • Glad I’m not the only one, and thanks for the nom. Suspect it looks a bit different if you are like me over 70 and thereby officially in an at-risk group, wasted 4 1/2 months at home because of that, and accept a conditional return only to find every other cunt’s taking the piss.

      The degree of organisational chaos, the contradictory messages and the periodic panics don’t make it easy to decide on any course of action and stick to it. Nevertheless, if, masked, I sneeze in a shop, any other cunts present will receive only a fraction of the snot to which they would otherwise be entitled. My conscience is clear.

      • the confusion is deliberate – check out the behavioural insights team working with hancock to fuck us all up

      • The confusion is worldwide. It’s not the (hugely misguided) UK nudge unit. Still, I’m guessing you think Putin and Trump are the good guys?

      • If you sneeze in a mask isn’t that more unhygienic due to it (and consequently your face) being coated in snot?

      • No less hygienic than having the snot in your nose and airways. The intention is to keep the snot off others.

  20. I wear a mask for 2 reasons.

    1. So I don’t have to breathe the same air the other cunts breathe.

    2. So when I “go off” on some cunt for being a cunt and the Police ask them, “Can you describe him?” They say, “He wore a mask.”

  21. If you’ve got a face that could curdle milk at 20 paces, then please, FFS, wear a mask, you ugly cunt.

    I took my Mother to hospital on Tuesday, for the 1st of 4 injections in her eyeball. (Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration). We both sported masks – Mum’s for her own safety from Corblimey 19 (she’s 80) and mine to prevent any lip-readers from witnessing my hushed outburst of “Jesus Fucking Cunting Christ” as the needle went in.

  22. I didn’t obey the lockdown regulations because I have a social conscience, I obeyed them for the purpose of self-preservation. I am in a high risk group and have a good reason for not wearing a mask, but I wear one anyway where I’m supposed to. You’re always going to get clever cunts refusing to do it, simply to draw attention to themselves, but I’ll do whatever is recommended by doctors if it’ll reduce my chances of catching the virus by even 1%.

    • The problem with that is that the science isn’t necessarily homogenous. We really don’t know whether they work or not.

  23. People who say well the WHO advice is best this is same cunts who are responsible for spread of it for cosying up to China in first place, their advice is clearly bollocks.

    Apparanty maskes weren’t needed at worst of virus but are now when 5 people out of 100000 in your town have it you are at greater risk.

    I do wear a mask, buy they are making this shit up.

  24. 1. there is NO evidence that wearing a mask prevents transmission of a virus
    2. the wearing of masks routinely in public can cause at the least mouth and throat infections, also hypercapnia and loss of oxygen intake and potentially lung problems
    3. there are many exemptions and it is unlawful to challenge anyone about not wearing a mask
    4. mask wearing is only okay in a clinical setting
    5. everyday you wear a mask you hasten the time when they will be mandatory for ever
    6. mask wearing is a sign of stupidity and complicity with government say so
    7. how many people in this country think matt hancock should have every word he says obeyed – the man is worse than a cunt
    8. there is no pandemic

    now, do you want me to point you to the real science?

    • i’ve gone on a lot on this thread – i’m not sorry – i am extremely concerned about where all this shit is leading – we have to fight the tyranny

    • ‘also hypercapnia and loss of oxygen intake’

      Absolute bullshit, mate. See my post somewhere above.

  25. It is now my intention to purchase and wear a full on deep sea divers suit and helmet. I intend to wear it when I’m made redundant in a months time on my twice fortnightly sojourn to the dole office. Not because of Covid 19 but to protect myself from the unbearable stench of certain riff raff, illegal immos and the feckless workshy that congregate in the fucking hell hole.

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