Wearing Masks on Public Transport and Shops.

I had to travel to Londonistan yesterday and used the train, long journey and on the train into Leeds from my home town, there was a cunt on the seat opposite travelling with another guy wearing a mask, the cunt wasn’t.

The Cunt was talking bullshit about great he was at full volume so projecting whatever may be in spit as far as possible, at one point they were talking about masks and he said ‘even if I didn’t have a medical reason I still wouldn’t wear one’, the self important wanker!

While most people were wearing masks there were a significant number who weren’t and even in Kings Cross station no one was challenged by the Stasi directing traffic (people).

When I got home I watched Newsnight and there was a piece about a woman who was upset because she had been ‘abused’ by another woman for not wearing a mask in a hair salon. She couldn’t wear a mask because it gave her flashbacks of a rape two years ago and the rapist put his hand across her mouth, ok fair enough that seems legitimate.

In both the examples above, if masks cannot be worn for either medical or psychological reasons why not use a face visor, I saw quite a few people with these and a lot of staff in various places wore them rather than masks as I guess it makes communicating easier.

Nominated by: Sick of it

118 thoughts on “Wearing Masks on Public Transport and Shops.

  1. I reckon half the population would go along with it if you the only prevention for covid was to let a immigrant piss in your mouth, the fuckers would queue up.

  2. For a change, the socialist republic of Wales has done the right thing by not making the wearing of masks compulsory. You do see people wearing them, but the majority, young and old, aren’t bothered. Thank fuck I don’t have to wear one of those filthy spit catchers. No sign of any spikes either.

  3. The amount of cunts wearing masks in their cars here is comical. Ironically they are all fucking Chinkys!!

  4. Question. If said vaccine comes out this year, which would be a record to get it from development into production and into FDA approval. Would you take it?

    I certainly wouldn’t. Not unless my life insurance sends a disclaimer saying in the event of a COVID related death you would not be paid out of unless you have taken the experimental 3 headed drug.

    • And there are still folks who’d jump at the chance to be a guinea pig for something that may or may not work and that may or may not have serious repercussions in later life.
      Go on then, you first, suckers.


      I saw a couple leave a completely full restaurant on half price special day only to put masks on once outside in a windswept ,empty street.
      THAT’S the level of confusion and irrationality infecting the population right there. The fear is more contagious than batshit kung flu.

  5. I would have less of an issue doing all this stuff if the people telling me were less of a fucking joke….

    Boris…fat cunt
    Handcock…utter cunt and thick too

    The bald twat who drove the country while having a cold, the professor who couldn’t keep his cock in his trousers, the forth home MPs who drove all over

    The list goes on.

  6. Anyone who wears a mask deserves the Dystopian prison that’s coming for them.

    And no, I don’t buy the “But I’ll lose my job” emotion-led argument.

    Alright then, keep your job by conforming to EVIL. And enjoy wearing a mask for the REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE. Because that’s what the aim is.

    You either stand up or you capitulate. ‘Buts’ are for the bollock-less.

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