Ewan McGregor is a certified cunt. Hopefully this cunting will be the third outing for this twat.
This talent-free, cheesy-grinning bellend has dined out on his Trainspotting role for over 20 years. In Star Wars he was more Wankthenobby than Wan Kenobi. But, of course this is not news, so what has actually elicited this cunting?
Well, Mr McGregor believes he is eminently qualified to give, to the little people (of course) like you and me, his supreme wisdom and why he believes it is now time for Scotland to break free from the shackles of the remainder of the UK.
The wee, muttering bollock McGregor explained, “We’re a very left-voting country, Scotland, and we’ve been under conservative rule for years.” (Say’s the man who currently lives in LA, and also lived in London, ENGLAND! – DA)
After looking at the map of areas that were voting leave, McGregor explained further, “I thought that’s it, you know. The Scottish people want to stay in the European Union and the English don’t.”
He is correct in what he states in terms of wholesale numbers i.e. 1.6m Scottish voted to remain, whilst just over 1m voted to leave the EU. What the map has to do with it is unclear. Many Scottish pro-independence, such as McGregor, believe that due to the Scottish surviving the lockdown, they can survive independence from the UK and pretty much anything thereafter.
Perhaps McGregor should temporarily remove his grinning head from his arsehole and consider a few minor details, such as:
1. How will Scotland fund itself following independence? The remainder of the UK will no longer fund Scotland, as currently under the generous Barnett Formula.
2. How will Scotland pay off its share of the UK debt?
3. What currency will Scotland use? The Bank of England is under no obligation to permit Scotland the use of the Pound Sterling.
4. How will the Scottish/English border be established and enforced? Why the fuck should the UK pay for this given it is Scotland that is pushing independance?
5. The deluded SNP seems to believe that it will be an easy path to re-joining the EU once it breaks away from the UK. That’s the teensy weensy detail that they fail to enlighten their supporters with. “Neh matter, anyhoos. Up the Braveheart and fuck the English – yay!”
McGregor is a fucking clueless lovey arsehole in the same vein as that senile, bald, dribbling old cunt, Connery who doesn’t even live in Scotland.
Piss off.
Nominated by: Paul Maskinback
(Will he give up his OBE if Scotland become independent from the UK? – DA)
The most jingoistic and vocal cunts about their country are the cunts that don’t even fucking live there. ALL races.
I did like him in ‘Little Voice’, though.
He stands in front of a blue screen pretending to duel masked aliens with laser sabres for a living so presumably that qualifies him to tell working people what to do.
Zitty, no-talented porridge prick.
Morning captain!!
Of course standing in front of a blue screen doesn’t qualify him to spout off endless political bollocks , neither does hosting a football programme, being in a fucking band or anything else these sleb wankers do , anybody with a double digit IQ would instantly dismiss anything these cunts said leaving it for the celebrity loving sheeple and MSM to graze and digest their latest opinions ……
Funny how the most outspoken cunts like connory ,Mc Gregor , Patrick Stewart and co spend most of their time in LA
vitue signaling to their Hollywood mates….
Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose living in a different continent but lecturing everybody on what their home country should be doing.
Choice a better zit cream.
Choose not being a cunt.
Good day, Quizzer.
Afternoon captain ?✈️
Hate the cunt in everything he’s been in. Don’t care what he thinks about anything. He can fuck off, and then fuck off again while he’s doing it.
time to gather up all these nutters, put them all in edinburgh castle, saw off the country from the mainland and let it sail up the clyde into the north sea – fuck ’em!
Don’t you just wish that was possible.
I wish it was geographically possible!
Once you’ve sawn it off, you’ve got no Clyde to sail it up!
If you sail up the Clyde, you certainly won’t reach Edinburgh!
(This has been a free lesson from a clever arsed retired teacher.)
What is it with Arty-Farty types and their need to lecture ? They make a living playing dress-up and spouting words that others have written..in what way does that give them insight into subjects way beyond their ken?
I wouldn’t listen to the brat who played Eeyore in the children’s Christmas Panto give his views on…well,anything….so I’m hardly likely to listen to some Cunt who has never got further than playing the same puerile nursery games.
Don’t really know McGregor apart from Trainspotting ( I liked Begbie)but he can shove his opinions up his arse ( he’s probably a Gay…most thespians are)
“The deluded SNP seems to believe that it will be an easy path to re-joining the EU once it breaks away from the UK.”
They’re having a laugh! With Scotland’s budget deficit, it wouldn’t even qualify to join the EU if it left the UK.
To join the EU, a country’s deficit must be no higher than 3%. Scotland’s deficit is around three times that high!
Mind you, I wouldn’t put it past the crooks at the EU commission to bend the rules… if only to snub the UK. But would they really want to take another basket case non contributing economy onto their books in the foreseeable future?
The EU is not interesting in laws. Legally Germany could not join the Euro, nor could Greece. But never mind. The cunts would let Scotland join just to have a go at us. Still they would be ruled by an iron fist, as are Greece since they have no money. But would the EU like to have a nazi state as a member. Fuck em.
Afternoo Ruff Tuff. Don’t worry! By the time the Jockanese get independence, the EU will be long gone – or at least in terminal decline, since the Euro will NOT last more than 5 years. Simples.
As a placcy Jock that doesn’t live there, like this rich luvvie cunt I don’t believe I can proffer a considered opinion on Scottish independence nor have the right to piss in people’s ears about it (I’d happily bore you unto tears on the pros of West Oz independence). Stop trying to resurrect your faded career Ewan and get a job with the Markles and btw it’s a Jocks face on the money.
Oh how easy it is for the multi millionaire McGregor and let’s not forget Sean Connery to demand independence for Scotland whilst sipping Skinny Latte’s from the sun kissed boulevard’s of L.A.
Ney bother.
For it won’t be their taxes that will be sucked into ether to pay for the impending disaster.
In the run up to the 2014 Vote I personally knew of 2 very wealthy Scottish businessmen who spent thousands setting up shell companies in England.
I understand they in turn knew literally hundreds who’d done the same.
Nazi Nicola is fucking deluded. She’s been given tax raising powers but is shit scared to use them.
The Scottish NHS is a fucking disaster just look at the scandal of the new ‘super hospital’ in Glasgow.
The SNP gave a contract to their cronies to build a New Caledonian Ferry, fuck me these cretins were well into the build before they realised it was actually to big to get out of the dry dock. Costing tax payers millions.
But alas it was swept under the carpet.
Then there’s the tiny problem of the EU’s rule on National Debt being 3% Max, currently it’s 9% but I guess the EU likes to bend rules, Greece is a great example and of course a little bit of PFI here and there goes a long way to taking debt of the books.
Oh and then of course there’s the sensitive issue of Catalonia.
Fuck off McGregor, the Germans run the EU and when shitty little countries want to join they look what’s in it for them and I’m struggling to think that other than underwriting a shit load more debt there’s fuck all in it for them.
McGregor, you fuck stick, get yourself down to Govan one night and see how well your opinions go down.
I agree that they should get independence. As long as it means we can boot those SNP cunts out of Parliament and stop the fucking handouts. We own the oil too. They’d only cover the rigs in batter anyway.
The EU will arse rape them into a third world existence too.
I’ll wave across the border with my Pims in one hand and plate if quail’s eggs and truffles in the other, as I set fire to fifty pound notes.
Superb and well-deserved cunting, Mr Maskinback! The first time this tartan-skinned prick came to my attention was as a young lad playing Julien Sorel in a BBC series called ‘Scarlet and Black’, an adaptation from the 1830s novel ‘The Red and the Black’ by Stendhal. (All flickering candles and fancy military uniforms – yum-yum!)
He seemed a fair bit of eye-candy despite (as I recall) not having the best of complexions (I think I detected a spot, although the rest of his skin had not at the time become en-tartaned, it being such an early point in his career) but he ended up guillotined, his head thereafter carried around in a box by his lady love – which I now see would have been an all round better conclusion if the blade had really done its work.
Also, he is no longer eye-candy and therefore, a totally useless wank-pig waste of space. Fuck off.
I prefer to respect him for his talent as opposed to his youthful good looks! ???????
Good nom PM ?
I imagine little Ewan’s vote for the SSNP was by post from Hollywoke then?
I have an idea Ewan – live in Scotland, pay your fair share of tax or shut the fuck up.
Half of me wishes Scotland did get conned into going independant – that would see the SSNP gone as a political party and as Scotland would not be allowed to join the EU (as repeatedly stated by the EU but never by the SSNP) they would be dumped into being a freezing chip of bankrupt land.
So be it – but out means out, enjoy.
Don’t mention the Barnet formular to cunts like this. They either go quiet or are convinced they’re entitled to more money per head than the nasty overbearing English.
And of course the Barnet Formula bears no resemblance to the actual formula.
It’s a complicated issue but was introduced by by Joel Barnett in 1978 in the run up to planned political devolution in 1979 as a way of giving Scotland a share of the oil/tax revenues.
In a nutshell the Scottish Government, whoever they are receive a block grant of around 85% of their expenditure.
However it only ever goes up.
Oil tax revenues have fallen from Billions to little more than 10’s of millions.
Joel Barnett himself has said the formula was a massive mistake and it’s not fit for purpose.
I guess we could say it’s the price we pay for the Union.
Well fuck you Nazi Nicola. I’d give you another vote because you will loose and you’ll loose by exactly the same margin as you did last time.
I’m genuinely glad you can’t have kids and wish Ebola on you. You DO NOT represent the Scottish people.
You represent a cabal of racist, greenists, fascists, Tranny freaks and other pond dwellers and you and your Nazi party will be finished.
And if I could I would kick you so hard in the cunt you’d have snow on your head when you hit the floor.
Fuck off.
Nice to see you holding back Cunty! saving the rest for next time eh!
Hes a smarmy little ducky darling isnt he?
Your just a actor.
Nowt important you little shortbread fucker.
I see you on that bike with your boyfriend Charlie youll get pushed off the road you entitled little porridge w0g.
Little help?
My casual racism got me moderated!???
Morning Miserable. Charlie Boorman, now there is another dickhead. Of all their adventures its a wonder they have avoided serious traffic accidents, natural disasters and bandits, most people probably tuned if to see if they would fall off or have a crash.
If it was two ordinary blokes going on a road trip itd be more enjoyable!
But posh Charlie and make up McGregor?
Hes the type who loves his photo taken with african children.
Diagnosed with terminal Bono syndrome.
Why is it all these loves become lefties as soon as they get some cash under their belt and have left the country?That old slag Emma Thompson is just as bad.
If he decided to go ‘home’ to Scotland for a visit he’d probably lose his way because he’s forgotten where it is. He’s one of a long list of actors whose participation in a film would convince me not to watch.
Give Scotland a taste of independence – cut all funding, make Scotland entirely self financing for two years – Nicola legohead won’t be able to blame everything on the English then and she will be exposed for what she is – a lying conniving sly racist chancer.
And the SNP will disappear.
Stood at side of the road holding a cardboard sign
“Will work for porridge”
I can see rationing on Iron Bru, deep-fried Mars Bars and shortbread. That’s Alex Salmond fucked for starters.
He’ll be short of many other ‘titbits’ in the future.
Morning LiLi.
“Will work for smack and tartan skirts”!
Anyone who refuses to live in Scotland and pay their way should not have a say on how it’s run.
Bye bye Scotty Land.Och aye the noo.Back of the line to join the crumbling empire of Euro Land.
Dear Wee Krankie and all her followers
Fuck off and see if you are as clever as you think you are
Shetland will leave taking all the oil with them. Fuck Scotland . I have never met anyone in England that gives a fuck about Scotland either way. No one’s interested ,stay, go, who fucking gives a shit.
Personally, I support a referendum on the issue of Scottish independence, for the English.
I have met / know many “sweaties”, from all walks of life.
They have two things in common:
1) They eulogise at great length about how wonderful Scotland is and how Scots are a hard working, salt of the earth people.
2) They all live in England.
Ewan McGregor, the man who left his wife and kids for a woman half his age and moves to LA whilst whining about Scotland and Scottish politics. When it comes to ethics, morality and politics, I’ll think I’ll give your views a wide berth Ewan.
As a foot note to this I want a nom for TCWCC, that bastard made coffee spit out of my mouth and nose all over my laptop with the name wankthenobby…
Another cunt that needs a German Shower
Followed by a warm drying out in
Unkle terry’s oven!
So he was in some cunty sci fi film and also acted as a heroin addict is that right?
His wisdom will shine forth from his arse like a winter sunset. We should be honoured that such a person does not live among us. He knows where its at does (whats his fucking name again). We the small people are so happy to be blessed by such a example of how the mentally disabled can make a great contrbution to the well being of humankind. Fucking halfwit arsehole
Ain’t nobody wanking this nobby (except & Mrs nonuts) ye gods!!
Nicola’s Scottish NHS and education is fucked that’s what she doesn’t tell you.
What would funniest is a load of the islands tell her to piss off and they remain part of UK.
The once in a lifetime refurendum wasn’t it, what was it a hamsters.
Leave if you want but don’t come Back when you are skint.
This goggle eyed little incoherent wanker can’t even act. His ‘version’ of Kenobi is one of the main reasons the Star Wars prequels were shit. As for his ‘love’ of Scotland? The wee turd is like a male version of Cilla. A complete celebrity cunt who fucked off the minute they could, yet spouts off about how great the place they left is now they are thousands of miles away from it. Not unlike the aforementioned doddering old sack of whisky, Sean Canary. Gargling about how much he loves ‘Schcotlandh’ from his tax haven in Marbella. One trick pony bald cunt.
Also, doesn’t that slithering toad McGregor crawl around the arse of that dirty kiddy drugging and fucking cunt, Roman Polanski? Yes, I believe he does. The cunt has no room to lecture anyone about anything. I am no fan of Gooner Piers, but he’s spot on about this slippery cunt.
Time to tie a haggis round his neck, shove a caber up his arse and launch him from a catapult over Hadrian’s wall. We can all stand there and shout “See you, Jimmy!” as he flies over.
Just like the rest of Scotland for Scotland and Independence mob ??
It’s such a wonderful place but none of them want to live there ??
Hypocrites ??