A take my money cunting for the increase in the charge for single use plastic bags.
The government have decided that from next April the charge will double from 5p to 10p and the exemption for small retailers will disappear.
The charge is supposed to be used (after appropriate deductions) for good local causes decided by whichever outlet is issuing the bags, all fucking yippee.
Since the charge was introduced the reduction in single use bags has dropped by 80% and some shops don’t even offer single use bags, so why put up the charge, why not just remove the exemption which would probably account for a large part of the 20%.
It’s because they had a consultation and the majority were in favour of increasing the charge, absolute bollocks, as most people now don’t use single use bags they don’t give a fuck what the charge is, maybe they should have just consulted those customers who still use single use bags, they may have had a different result.
All this to keep plastic out of the Ocean and off the beaches, except when it the chicken cookin cunts from East London invading Greatstone beach, but they aren’t the only cunts who have no social responsibility whatsoever. 5p or 10p won’t make any difference to the chav types!
When the 5p charge was introduced it put a small firm in Nelson out of business overnight, but I guess that’s progress. I used single use bags, and reused them until they became a bit to tatty and weak and then used them in my waste bin, the only difference now is I buy more pedal bin bags, I wonder if anyone has done a survey to see if sales of pedal bin bags has increased over the last few years.
Pandering to the environmental lobby!
Nominated by Sick of it
In the Democratic people’s republic of Cymru this shit has been going on a few years, these days I get the cunts to deliver my food, saves me a job, also try and keep the boxes, handy for storage, last time I visited the shop I refused these parasitic fuckers 5p shitty bags and just put the trolley into the back of the old Land Rover, fuck them and their bag tax, utter cunts!!! (I did bring the trolley back on my next visit)
it’s all part of the green new deal being implemented under the cover of covid – wait till furlough ends and people find there’s no jobs and our taxes are hyked to pay for their folly
Hasn’t it been 10p for a while now? The supermarkets must be making millions. I notice Sainsbury’s have (adopts caring voice) “stopped using free bags for fruit ‘n’ veg because it harms the environment.” Don’t worry though, Sainsbury’s still provide Fruit’n’veg bags… for 30p.
When all this kicked off the ‘bag for life’ was 10p, I have a couple of Tesco ones which are about 2 years old and still in reasonable condition, Tesco used to offer new for old on the bag for life FOC but not sure if that is still going.
It’s all marketing, isn’t it Sickie.Wrap it in environmental issues and people will fall for it. Why don’t they provide free paper bags if they’re so concerned about turtles? Paper bags are ace and everyone likes them, especially Jo Swinson’s husband.
And Mr Phillips no doubt, yes Paper bags are great until everything falls through the bottom
It’s ridiculous.
Plastic bags form the main diet for sea turtles and other marine life.
Also they are used by the homeless community as hats, makeshift wellies, and incontinence pants.
Once again big business and this government ride roughshod over the vunerable for money.
I got rid of my ‘bag for life’ about 13 years ago, it cost me more than 10p in the divorce settlement though.
I put the veg loose on the belt at the checkout. 30p for a bag. Fuck off.
Mr Cunstubble I like your work and #metoo I however employ maximum cuntitude by putting the odd bit of fruit in the middle of the conveyor rather than altogether in protest at the 30p charge.
I have also thrown at least 10 bags off of my local Pier and half a dozen in the duck pond of the local park since the charge was introduced
It solves fuck all, but saves big business money. I used them as pedal bin liners for the bathroom or as small waste bags for a small kitchen pedal bin while cooking etc.
Now I have to buy little pedal bin liners instead. So no plastic saved at all and just money saved for big business, while I pay for something I got free before the libtards fell hook line and sinker for huge companies like Tesco saying we need to ‘save the world’ (they really mean increase the bonuses for the high ups).
Well done you fucking morons.
I don’t bother with bathroom bin liners, I just wash the bins out.
I don’t bother with bins.
Just flush everything down the khazi.
Don’t care if a bag goes up to 50p or £20, I don’t use em.
I’m all for reducing packaging and plastic, hate the stuff.
Virtue signalling from businesses that don’t have a fucking ounce of moral fibre in their organisation.
I dont see why the cunts charge for a. bag when they pack four apples in more plastic that was injected into Amanda Holdens face.
I would like to inject something into Amanda H.
Fuck that, Les Dennis has been up her arse. Famously he did her up the shitter during a break in rehersals in the dressing room and when she went back out someone pointed out she had a small wet patch on the arse of her dress; fucking anal spooge seepage….nice!
See what you can get if you play your cards right..
I always use a trolley now and just take it to car and decant into bags there. Then leave the trolley for the trolley cunt to collect.
If I have time to kill I will look shifty and run from the store after paying and see if anyone shouts “thief”!
I’ve had a security guard stop me a couple of times thinking I was nicking it. Passes the day off from work I guess.
Must get a hobby
I use Morrisons to deliver my shopping when I can’t be arsed to go out (living in the Lakes we’re a bit stuck for choice).
Before the lockdown they would charge 5p per bag used.
But during Lockdown, including a delivery I had yesterday, they still delivered my stuff in individual plastic bags within crates, but they haven’t charged me a penny for the bags!
One suspects once the lockdown is lifted (fat chance), they will probably start charging again. So okay, I’ve saved a couple of quid, but it doesn’t make any logical sense to suspend charging.
But now of course you’ve got cunt throwing their plastic drinking bottles all over the shop, as well their “disposable” face masks, most of which are ending up in our oceans – the exact same place where the plastic bags were ending up.
Does this mean they’ll slap an extra tax on bottles and masks?
the latest studies show loggerback and green sea turtles, and manatees and dolphins are adapting well to a diet of wuflu infected blue masks.
yet another tax on the people in order to keep them poor and subservient – and just think how many ‘dangerous covid masks’ there are being thrown away every day….?
you do realise we no longer live in a democracy don’t you – fascism is here unless we fight it – after all, didn’t we win the war in 1945 to stop this sort of thing – britain is becoming more violent everyday aided and abetted by police forces all over the country – we must obey the fascists – well they can fuck right off
ASDA are priceless on this. Their online ordering service abandoned bags ages ago.
They say due to ‘environmental issues’, which means pandering to psychotic woke libfucks. People should get what they pay for. And if they have paid for bags, they should get them. No fucking quibbling or ‘issues’ crap.
Then the virus turned up and everything was in bags again. A while later and everything ordered is now loose once more. Fucking awkward when there’s loads of tins and bottles.
If somebody pays for their shopping to be bagged, they should fucking well get it bagged.
ASDA don’t like ‘nasty’ plastic bags, but they sell stuff that encourages gambling, alcoholism, smoking, and they sell fireworks. The stench of both hypocrisy and cunts is evident.
Why don’t the cunts just switch to reinforced paper bags?
Then Fuck Off.
Inhabitants of the Hackney North constituency?
It was in the interests of the supermarkets to move to “bags for life” because the profit from them goes to the supermarket. Although use of plastic bags has fallen, these heavy plastic bags are going to landfill where they take longer to degrade.
Whats the point of a non plastic bag when everything in it is wrapped in plastic. Plastic comes from oil. Oil is a natural product made from carbon based ex living things. If you dont want plastic in the Ocean then dont “recycle” it to the third world and put it back into the ground. If it takes 10000 years to degrade ( a lie) its a lot quicker than the millions of years it took carbon based life forms to become oil.
Why are bags for life so feminine?
Flowers on them, made from hemp, leftie or charity shite printed on them?
Just give me a plain strong canvas bag!
I dont want to look like im a Dick Emery character while shopping.
Cant they print dunno,
Maybe a tank or historical villians on them?
Something less ‘worthy’
Miserable, what a great business suggestion that would once have been…. choice of bags.
“I’ll have one Sir Nigel , one Pub Landlord, a Roger Daltrey and two Laurence Fox’s”
I have a great “I need a beer” carrier bag from Poundland.
Poundland rules…
Exactly. It’s not a plastic problem it’s a waste management problem. If our local councils had the sense to incinerate the waste rather than ship it off to some shithole where it just gets chucked into a river there wouldn’t be any plastic bag problem.
They’re all lying, virtue signalling cunts, creating more problems with their ‘solutions’.
Fuck ’em. I buy a roll of 100 flimsy plastic bags from B&m which cost about 1p each and I hardly ‘recycle’ anything. At least my waste goes to a hole in the ground rather than the ocean.
Having lived in Scandinavia, shopping bags were never free. 15p for a flimsy one and 25p for the bag for life, thicker biodegradable ones.
I was totally used to bringing beer and pop bottles back for the deposit money, fold the bag up, stick it in pocket and reuse until the bag was only fit to be a bin liner.
I have no issue with this as it prevents a build up of hundreds of single use bags in a kitchen drawer.
What does boil my piss is that Tesco no longer sell the heavy duty hemp bags. They were given out free about ten years ago to encourage re-use and then they were 99p.
I still have three of these and a fully loaded basket could be decanted into one seriously strong bag.
So where are they now? If they last ten years, 99p is an absolute bargain.
Having managed to superheat my own piss over this, I looked those bags up.
They are made of Jute, not hemp.
Strong enough and large enough for 16 tins of ale, a 2 kg bag of oven chips, a loaf of bread and four steaks. Comfortably.
New legislation came in banning the hemp ones.
Jute law.
There doesn’t seem to be any noises from the environmentalists on the constant supply of charity bags which drop through the letterbox on a regular basis, the ones I get end up as bags for grass cuttings into my general waste bin ?
Andrew Lloyd Webber cunt needs to put a plastic bag over his head…
Fucking bleating on about the arts being at the point of no return. Your’e worth £1.2 billion you pompus cunt – maybe have a fucking dig around in your pocket (a wise Chinese man once said “man who have hole in pocket feel cocky all day”).
We’re in a pandemic – there’s more important things at stake here than watching a load of ponses jumping up and down on stage at the moment providing entertainment for champagne socialists.
My wife who was running her own one man business hasn’t worked for months, Rishi that big eared cunt has done nothing to help her so why are your media types suddenly so fucking important.
While I am cunting you I know you’ve married three times stop pretending your not a batty boy and just come out.
Piss off!
Got 2 spaniels, what do I put the crap in??????? Best throw it on to the road. The bags had their uses, but why was it always Morrisons bags in the hedges?? Never see one now.
This is so typical of the libtard leftys mentality. We decree plastic bags are a problem. But instead of getting rid of them and fixing the problem, we’ll charge users a penalty. That way the problem still exists and we make money off of it.
Virtue signalling is both fun and profitable.
use an Ikea blue bag myself. Big volume, and easier to carry with the shoulder straps. Shows no sign of wear after six months.
We are warned that the reuseable bags used repeatedly for food are not healthy because the nasties multiply. The reuseable bag should washed frequently. Properly.
Othersise, we are all going to die, just because of reuseble bags.
Not sure how true….. BUT
I was told if it’s over printed they can’t charge you….?
If IT is plain they can…