The National Trust

Surely not, a classic British institution protecting our great and noble heritage even if most people don’t give a flying fuck about it or the buildings and countryside they protect.

But the national trust has decided that far too many of its buildings are a result of whitey being a bit horrible a few hundred years ago. I don’t really expect many visitors who go to visit are horrified about our past.

I also imagine that a great deal less than 15% of their membership is made up of the BAME community to reflect the make up of the nation. History is history good or bad it can’t be erased. My advice to the national trust is stick to what you do and open some old buildings and sell overpriced cake. you are not a political organisation if you are then you should lose your charitable status immediately.

If you are so ashamed on our behalf why don’t you convert a couple of buildings into shelter for those peacefuls arriving on dinghies I’m sure they would be most grateful and you can then watch then your membership numbers dwindle.

How long must this BS go on and how many more organisations will feel so guilty about a past they never experienced that they feel compelled to show their woke credentials to the detriment of what they do and what they stand for.

National Trust can fuck right off!

Nominated by: Cuntsince1066


and seconded by Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

The National Trust.

Last year the Trust was promoting the idea that most of the Great Estates and Stately Homes in this country came about due to The Gays and should be celebrated as monuments to Shift-Lifters through the Ages. This year it is promoting the idea that most of these Great Estates and Stately Homes came about due to wicked slave-owners and are monuments to Whitie’s wickedness through the Ages.

I’m now waiting to see what they do about Homosexuals who also owned slaves….probably knock down all the properties and build some kind of Butlins-style reeducation camps promoting the idea that dark-key poofs were actually the ones who built this country.

Which takes precedence,National Trust ? The Loveliness of The Gays or The Suffering of The Sooties?

53 thoughts on “The National Trust

  1. In other news in this autumn of madness this week Uncle Bens rice is to get a makeover with it’s dark key image and Colston Hall in Bristol is to be renamed because of the slavery aspect. In view of this David Lammy and his Black and White Minstrel Show will be playing there next week. Mammy!

    • Either Sharwoods, Pataks or simply make my own cooking sauces from now on.

      If there’s no jovial, elderly negro on the packaging, then I’m not fucking buying.

    • I suppose that the Colston Hall was a gift to the people of Bristol and they have benefited from its income for many years. In light of this the council should charge each council tax payer say, £2,000 to be placed in the Swiss bank accounts of various African despots. The charge should be announced a week before the next council elections. I feel certain that the Libturd voters of Bristol will relish the opportunity to right the dreadful historical injustice- BLM.

  2. It’s got to the point now, where it seems that every morning when I wake up and have a quick look at this bastard phone to see what’s going on, that some sort of virtual BAME hand reaches out if it and starts slapping my round my face simply for being white, heterosexual, English and not a complete and utter cunt.

  3. Surely all these NT properties should be kept open as a tribute to all the wimminz who were so badly treated by filthy, lazy whitey men. Hardly a minute goes by without me thinking about the physical and psychological torture handed out to the likes of Anne Boleyn and dem uvver bitches innit? We just need a bit more education for the unwoke masses.
    Ya get me?

  4. Runs nicely alongside the multi million pound bull to the taxpayer (read majority white taxpayer), to come to the conclusion that more needs to be done to encourage bames to go into the wilds if the countryside.
    Stupid cunts-the majority of bames prefer city dwelling and living in ghettos if their “own” sort.
    Interfering, cucked, clueless, cowardly fucking social scientists.

    It’s the Anglo Saxon that built this once Great Nation. Stop biting the hand that feeds you,
    you fucking idiots.

    These charities are walking a very fine line-they are not the BBC and membership is not compulsory.
    They would do well to remember that very-important-fact.


  5. You could take most old buildings, religious structures etc from around the world and link it to some form of slavery, however tenuous. The pyramids of Egypt were built by slaves, slaves fought to the death for entertainment in Rome’s Colosseum and The Great Wall of China at least hundreds of thousands ‘workers’ died building it yet the NT are wetting themselves because some stately home was owned by a poet who’s cousins housekeepers dog once bit a black man.

    • Morning LL.

      Forin atrocities are justified becos reasons, innit.

      The only evil race is whitey.

      All this self-fucking-flagellation by Britain is achieving is to make me even more resentful and prejudiced towards certain minorities than I ever was before.

      • You, me, ISAC and millions like us. Problem is that in our alleged democracy we somehow don’t get a say about our culture and customs being trashed. I wonder how this came about. I ‘ll ask my next door neighbour who is an NT member, I think.

  6. You should know by now , there is no bad black history. All the bad history is white.

    I must have imagined atrocities in Rwanda , Sierra Leone and countless others still going on. I don’t have enough fingers to count the wars currently happening in Africa.

    Certainly wouldn’t if I’d been on the wrong side of the argument in Sierra Leone about 20 or so years ago as they’d cut off hands without thinking about it.

    You won’t hear about that in black history month.

  7. Dear Cuntstance, are you sure only 15% of the population are dark keys? Judging by the adverts I see in tv, it must be nearer 90%. And all those lovely mixed race families. I must be in the minority then being in a white marriage.

      • Watched TV for the first time in yonks yesterday. The number of woke adverts was astounding. Accidentally flicked over to BBC news and they were nattering about BLM too.

        I actually sat through most of Terminator Dark Fate. Fucking masochistic, don’t know what possessed me to do that.

      • What else would you expect from the BB?. That and Covid is all they go on about!. I have often mentioned Wireless 4 with it’s “serious” documentaries by po-faced black wimminz going on about how they get discriminated in the online games industry, and having to have a special telephone voice to disguise de blackness innit – all sorts of serious things like that.

      • So did I. An all wimminz cast basically. Apart from the terminator who is a cunt by default and Arnie, who they made out to be a cunt too.

  8. Why don’t they get the fact that if it wasn’t for the British Empire and the other European countries empires, they would have no education or even living here. They would still be living simple hunter gatherer existences spearing each other on the dark continent. Rather than stabbing each other over here.

    Need a TV series showing the benefits of the British Empire.

    Sick of this shit and their constant attempts at brainwashing the UK population.

    • Before Andrew Marr went fuckbrained, he did front a really good series on British history, some time around 2009-2010 – cannot remember what it was called without searching. It was really fucking good and probably the last time I saw a programme on the BBC putting the UK’s history in a (largely) positive light.

  9. The Director General of the NT is one Hilary McGrady, a posh bitch who, among other woke obsessions, cries her eyes out over climate change. In fact if you look at the cunts with fancy titles who run the NT they are all posh BBC types sucking on the taxpayers teat. They need a good culling. Get some cunts in who want to do the job instead of competing to see who can be the most right on. Fucking wankers.

    • Remember Tristram Kunt former piss poor “Labour” shadow minister? He is head of the V & A Museum now, and most egregious of the lot, Blarite arselicker in chief James Pur-nell, now head of BBC News and Education, who got an unadvertised job – just the same as he did with BBC digital media, when even his treachery was no longer acceptable to the squabbling rabble of New Labour. They are, morally, physically and mentally a flyblown heap of putrid filth – but they lick the arses of the right people. WE should include in that description David Minciband and his great “charity” work for International Rescue

      • When News and Education are under the same political appointee, you know there’s an agenda. All very stealthy, all under the radar, until you notice that what you once took for granted is being anathematised and your opinions are being suppressed.

        I don’t go for conspiracies, but there’s been a very suspicious coalescence of metropolitan opinion, assisted by the fact that the most effective route to power and useful contacts for greedy metropolitans has for some time been an Oxford PPE degree.

        I may cunt this phenomenon in detail at some point.

  10. Maybe we should demolish the buildings and replace with mud huts – make it a home from home. Fuck off.

    • I had exactly the same thought when I read the nom. Whitey would have to build them and dark key would take the credit.

  11. They dont really give a shit.
    National Trust (and English Heretics) are big business.
    They care about money,
    This is just free publicity.
    They charge through the nose to visit one of these properties all by cruel whiteys hands.
    In 5 BC (before corona) I regularly visited 2 National Trust sites,
    Lymm park which I dont pay as I park nearby and walk the dog there along a deer trail and Tatton Park which I go to a medieval fayre.
    Its spelt ‘fayre’ not fair to sound olde worlde for any tourists!??
    Tatton park used to be reknowned for the cruelty of its gamekeepers towards poachers, where theyd be caught in mantraps and hung.
    They were starving whiteys, blacks hadnt arrived yet.
    Hung for a rabbit to feed your family.
    Dont see any mention of them?
    Maybe if one had a suntan, curly hair?

    • The price of entry to NT properties has been pretty cheeky ever since I can remember, MNC. You’d have to poach and sell hundreds of rabbits to get into one these days.

      • Yes Komodo, expensive!!
        Know these stately homes soak up money, maintaining the grounds, upkeep of the deer herds etc
        Im happy to pay for entry but they take the piss something awful!!
        Although they are national treasures and should be kept,
        We have a beautiful country but dont want to be lectured by some tourist mugger while visiting.

  12. Wouldn’t they be better off looking after their estate and staff than worrying about this nonsense?

    I’m always shocked at so called charities lack of tact when they choose to support things that are of no concern to them at all….RNLI providing fucking burka swimsuits, NT obsessing over slavery, Oxfam paying child shankers etc etc

    • Now, of all fucking times, the NT should be focussing on mass appeal and positivity; extolling the rich history and curiosities of their estate.

      Companies, businesses and charities still are too fucking dumb to understand that the minorities they pander too are not fucking remotely interested in their woke bullshit.

      Do the NT expect to see more dark keys through the doors of Ascott House or Osterley Park with this unfathomable virtue signalling wank?

      • Exactly. Unless it is for little Mutungbe’s shit riddled waterhole, or Isis, the BAMEs are not exactly noted for their charitable donations.

  13. We ( the general public ) are ideally placed to counter this. Unlike the BBC licence fee, there are no laws against withdrawing your membership subscription, and simply not paying to visit an establishment. The oxygen of nil income would be positively received.
    As for the Trusts Charter …” to protect and preserve the cultural identity of an age for the preservation of future generations ” the trust are in breach of their own charter.

    • Charters are for public consumption, they have no bearing on what any organisation actually believes in or does.

    • Far from subscribing, I have never knowingly set foot in any NT establishment in my life. Closest I’ve come is reading (in issue 55 of Jimpress) about the blue plaque commemorating Jimi Hendrix.

  14. I’ll assume these (until this revelation) closet Marxists will now dynamite the offending structures and build statues to Mr Mandela etc.
    I hope they go bankrupt and disappear from the face of the earth.
    Extermination by gas is also very appropriate to this vermin.
    The CUNTS.

  15. Funny. I went to Oxfordshire last month to Churchills birthplace, Blenheim palace, and there was a painting in the entrance hall of the first Duke of Marlborough on a horse, underneath the picture on a plaque, it said The First Duke and his negro companion,
    Standing next to me was a negro family looking at it, not a word said by any of them,
    I was laughing of course,
    Fortunately I think it is privately owned,

    Usual suspects causing unnecessary blatant hysteria

  16. I wasn’t mentioned that to save the planet you must only visit your location NT site , and not drive miles to the ones you haven’t visited. This is another charity infested with tunnel visioned brain dead cretins. I would suppose with PPE, fine art or black studies degrees. RNLI and RSPCA all taken over by the left woke brigade. I feel sorry for the foot soldiers who lose their jobs when the membership and donations drop. Bunch of cunts cannot leave anything alone. Fuck em.

  17. I’ve recently cancelled membership of the NT.

    Partly because I just couldn’t use it, I was up in Morpeth last month and Cragside was fucking closed the cunts but also because of this review they are carrying out.

    They can just fuck right off.

    They disgust me. A couple of years ago I commented that in their annual book advertising the venues was full of folks with ‘a funny tinge’ and the every present Dark Key dad and white mum. Bullshit bollocks I hardly see and boons or child rapists when I go and I was a member for 10 years.

    It’s bollocks. Everyone knows Dark Key dad just inseminates and fucks off.

    In fucking addition Guido Fawkes did an FOI request on ‘Anti Racist British Library’ you may recall the fucktard that runs in Liz Jolly saying ‘racism is the creation of white people’ oh yeh Liz tell that to the fucking 1m Tutsi’s murdered in 3 months by the savage Hutu’s you ignorant slag.

    Anyway I digress. Turns out 95% of the British Library’s staff are, erm, ahh, Whitey’s.

    Terry’s Oven

    Turn it up

  18. We have a new system of grading buildings: instead of Grade I and Grade II they are now rated on how much they are related to slavery: Dis stately home good Dat stately home bad.

    I can just imagine the conversation in BAME households: “Winston, I was goin’ to see dis big ‘ouse in Kent but I changed me mind man. Twas built on slavery. So weez gonna go to da pizza parlour instead.”

  19. Does one “take a knee” before entering these temples of racist whitey bastardry or does one cancel one’s subscription. Did generations of smock and shirt lifting fellows actually create the majority of country estates? That is something the historians have missed. I look forward to the impending rectification of this horribly bigoted omission.
    That great national institute the National woke Trust will swiftly move to invent and whitewash anything that questions the blm handbook. We will see the truth.

  20. I want to know which NT properties were built, preferably using slave labour, with the profits from the builder’s extensive sugar plantations, and filled with artworks by white painters of white subjects.

    I will happily pay the no doubt extortionate entry price these houses charge.

    Incidentally, all of our older churches were designed by white architects, carved by white masons, and built by white labourers under a white Pope’s jurisdiction. Tear them down, and replace with corrugated iron sheds owned by the Holy Singy Dancy Saviour Church of Accra. Whose pastor, Sir the Reverend Wambamaloola Udugu VC and Bar will be pleased to accept your account details.

  21. One of the first things NT will notice in reaction to all this is a drop in the numbers prepared to be unpaid volunteers. Many volunteers have been ‘old school’ who are generally elderly, have a long association with their local NT property. They illustrate this when proudly talking to visitors. They are not the type to go along with all this woke wank.

    • Very smart observation BBTC. Who will replace these guardians of our history. Cannot see a pack of illiterate fuckwits talking cuntish and stabbing each other is going to cut the mustard with me no way no sir. Up yours NT until you grow a pair and refrain from jumping on every woke bandwagon that rumbles past. Do I take a knee now?

  22. Reading an article on this recently and seeing that dark keys might be upset about seeing slave collars, well, what about man traps used in this country to catch poor poachers that had no other means of food or all the torture equipment in museums like The Clink, which was used on everybody upto 100 years ago.
    I read another article on the British Freedom Party site about this and was so enraged I joined up ?

  23. I wonder if the National Trust will stop taking whitey money in contributions, grants, bequests and wills then? Let every black person in for free to apologise for non existent slavery? Get rid of all the middle and upper class Hyacinth Bouquets who run it and replace with black people? Renounce its tax dodging charitable status and pay its fair share of tax? Apologise for the fact the arab and African nations were the most prolific and ruthless in selling their own people? Demand reparations from black people for the 9 million people in slavery in 2020 on the African continent? Pay the UK for funding the free state of Sierra Leone? Thank the thousands of English nationals who died protecting its people from slavers? Nope – will they fuck.
    Now – THE BILL: The Roman Empire invaded England, killed lots of people, tried to erase our history and heritage, took slaves and acted like Empirical conquerors and introduced fkin snails! We, the whitey victims of their oppression demand every Roman building and statue around the World is torn down, Italy apologises for its colonial empire of slavery and pays whitey reparations – one Trillion will do.
    Next – the Normans – same deal – France pays one Trillion.
    Vikings? – Sound – Norway, Sweden, Scandinavia, Denmark etc – same deal – they all pay one Trillion.
    Where’s our FUCKING MONEY?
    And as a lot of National Trust buildings were built with riches from rich whitey and graft or die of hunger whitey slaves we will have an apology, reparations of 50% of every penny of public money they have ever taken and selective buildings and monuments that we choose torn down.
    Crack on then cunts – are the cheques in the post are they? Bulldozers moving in? No – well expect a few bonfires, looting, destruction etc from white lives matter.
    Sick of this shit now – and the National Trust will not see a penny from me as long as I live – go traitor, go broke.

  24. You bunch of history denying racist cunts?

    Everybody knows that Sir Christopher Wren’s real name was “Umbongo swingo mango”, originally from the Serengeti.

    Also Capability Brown was actually called “Lil chaz-chop Coco-brown” and he originated from Trinidad & Tobago.

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