Star Trek Trannies

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again for the record. If Joe wants to put on a wig and a dress and call himself Josephine, that’s fine by me. If your name’s Josephine but you want to get a dick grafted on and call yourself Joe, then equally that’s fine by me. If you want to identify as agender, androgyne or intersex, go right ahead. It’s your business, and no skin off my nose.

BUT… just don’t go on about it. And on, and on… as though it’s actually something to be proud about, and something that we’re all expected to be pleased about. Even worse, don’t go on about it on somebody else’s behalf, simply as a means of demonstrating your ‘woke’ credentials to the world.

Take Hollywoke for example, where live and work some of the most self-righteous ‘woke’ individuals on the face of the planet.

Latest off the ‘woke’ production line is ‘Star Trek: Discovery’. The wonderfully named Michelle Paradise, the show’s executive producer, just can’t stop gushing that ‘Star Trek has always made a mission of giving representation to under-represented communities because it believes in showing people that a future without division on the basis of race, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation is entirely within reach’.

So wait for it… the studio has announced that it will be introducing the show’s ‘first non-binary and transgender characters in the forthcoming third season (sic)’.

Well whoopee-fucking-do. You couldn’t get on quietly and just do it, could you? No, you’ve got to make a huge fucking production number about it all, about how ‘warm’ and ’empathetic’ and ’empowered’ the characters are. Nothing to do, of course, about wanting to impress the whole world about how ‘right on’ and ‘progressive’ YOUR credentials are.

I used to love ‘Star Trek’, but it lost its soul years ago; just take a look at ‘Picard’ if you want to see just how far into bedwetting identity politics it’s sunk. What a bunch of snivelling, virtue-signalling, up their own arse wankstains.

Do you want a fucking medal struck?.

Oh do fuck off; warp factor ten!

Nominated by: Ron Knee

(Gives a whole new meaning to the Captain’s Log – DA)

87 thoughts on “Star Trek Trannies

  1. There’s just on problem with this. They are NOT the first non-binary or transgender characters. Star Trek TNG had an episode that featured Riker having a romance with a member that did not identify as either gender, i.e. non-binary. There was another episode in which Doctor Crusher started a relationship with a guy from a race know as Trill. What she didn’t know, was the Trill are symbiotic race. There is a small, sentient, slug like creature that lives inside the host humanoid body. When this particular Trill’s humanoid body was badly wounded, and later died, the symbiote was placed inside a female Trill, (there’s your transgender). Crusher later ended the relationship, because all though the new body was female, the symbiote still had feelings for her. Crusher, as a straight female, found she could no longer continue a romantic relationship. So there you go. Two episodes from 30 years ago. One featuring a non-binary character and one featuring a trans-gender character.

    This current bullshit just goes to show that Alex Kurtzman, Secret Hideout and all the current staff, despite their announcements to the contrary, know absolutely fuck all about Star Trek, and care even less. Now I know why Discovery, Picard and now Lower Decks is such undiluted shite.

    • Fucking hell, Quick Draw, sounds like you know your ‘Trek’!
      I really loved the original series, hammy though it was, and NG and DS9. The rest’s been shit imo.

      • I enjoyed all the TV permutations of Star Trek up to and including the Enterprise series with Scott Bakula as Captain Archer. Not a fan of the various movies though.

        I was going to post along the same lines as Quick Draw, but he outdrew me.

      • Quantum Leap was pretty good. Bakula and Dean Stockwell were a good double act and there were plenty of fit birds in it too.

      • I’ve been watching it for a long time. To be honest though, It’s only the pre-2009 movie Trek that I know anything about. That movie was entertaining, but it wasn’t a patch on the originals. And as for Discovery and Picard, they are not Trek. I only managed to get through the first episode of Picard and about fifteen minutes of the second. It was boring as fuck. And when Patrick Stewart said it was an allegory for Trump and Brexit, and Kurtzman said he didn’t want Trump supporters watching it, I turned it off.

    • First prize in the Trekkie Nerd of the year goes to…..

      Surely the Trannīe can’t be a Vulcan? It would be illogical having a being whose sole purpose is not to reproduce and perpetuate the species but to imagine it is something it biologically isn’t.

    • Same goes for Doctor Who. QDM. That cunt Chibnall claims to be a lifelong fan, but he’s a twat. A new Goebbels for the BBC Woke Nazi Party. Davies had his faults, as did Tennant. But it was obvious that both loved the series and its heritage.

      And Jodie Whittakunt admits she knows fuck all about the show’s history and she can only name three Doctors: Tennant, Smith and Capaldi. Apart from being another woke femstapo foot soldier, she is also a fucking cabbage.

      • A cricket stump would make a better Doctor than our Jode. Can’t even bear to look at the show anymore; that cunt Chibnall and his gang have shot it to bits. Cunts.

  2. Well as far as I’m concerned the trekkie trannies can stick their Tribble troubles where the sun don’t shine!

    Make it so, Number Twos

  3. I stopped watching Star Trek after being disgusted and outraged at the “first interracial kiss on telly”…I knew even then that it was the thin edge of the wedge and would open the floodgates to a tidal-wave of other such filth and degeneracy.

    I didn’t much care for that Basil Brush character either..they should have shown the Cunt nipping the heads off chickens.

    • I’d have been up her like a rat up a drainpipe.
      And often imagined such a scenario.
      The minx.
      Just off to the boozer.
      Afternoon Dick, afternoon all.

    • I wish they would repeat Pinky & Perky – although will probably offend some cunt or other.

      Then there’s Trumpton and Camberwick Green – simply not diverse enough. And Mrs Honeyman was clearly a hooker and drug dealer on the streets of the Green!

      Andy Pandy – possible tranny material, although Andy may have abused Looby Loo and that teddy in their basket – won’t please Animal Rights activists.

      Magic Roundabout – weird back then, so no one will notice today; although Florence needs to grow a pair – or not, as the non-binary case may be.

      In the words of Scotty – “I canna take it anymore, captain!”

      • P and P would be nailed on to offend peacefuls; plus those always willing to be offended on their behalf.

    • Actually the first interracial kiss on telly took place in 1962 during a live performance of the play ‘You in Your Small Corner’ by Barry Reckord. It was broadcast as part of the Granada Television series Play of the Week. The central theme of the play is a relationship between a young black intellectual and a white working-class girl. During the play, a kiss takes place between actors Lloyd Reckord and Elizabeth MacLennan, and what has been described as an “explicit post-coital scene”… ?

      • Not sure about that, RTC. A slight correction may be needed. According to his W-Pedia profile, it was Reckord but on 01/02/1959 in an ITV play based on a stage play of Hot Summer Night. Mind you it is W-P so it may or not be true.

      • I suspect Dick you were but a mewling babe in arms in 1962 (or 1959), far too young and innocent to witness such degeneracy…

      • RTC, A gentleman never reveals his true age (unless the presiding judge demands it).
        I’m just a poor boy from a poor family. No telly in our house at either of those dates so I wouldn’t have witnessed it. If we had have had one and my old man had seen it I think Granada studios would have gone up in flames shortly afterwards.

      • Apologies, RTC. My fault. Too many Dicks for my brain to cope with. In future (if I remember) I’ll post under Dickie or Dicky Dribbler to minimise the possibily of a similar misunderstanding happening again.

      • Kissing while doing the 800 Metres? And here’s me thinking actors had no talent!
        The great Captain James Tiberius Kirk was nailling alien pussy across every galaxy before this interracial nonsense was even thought of.
        “Er, Captain, there’s someone here from the interplanetary CSA”..
        “Warp factor nine Scotty – let’s get the fk out of Dodge”!
        Oh well, back to winding Saint Gary up on twatter! ??

  4. There was an episode of enterprise where Archer snogged a some sort of big flatworm. As for ‘Picard’, called on a mate, he was watching it. I lasted less than ten mins. Should have let the Borg keep the twat.

    • I stopped watching when that bald bastard took over as captain. And I thought the films were just diluted versions of the tv series. Shatner was a smug twat but the programme was watchable in those days, except for one episode called ‘The Trouble With Tribbles’ which ‘sucked ass’.

  5. My first memory of a ‘trekkie’ was a girlfriend I had during secondary school.

    Well, not her, it was her older brother who was the trekkie. She got me to look in the wash basket where you could see a big pair of off-white Star Trek undies…which had a huge skid mark in them. She thought it was hilarious.

    Can still see them now. Made me wretch at the time. Bloody awful. He had the worst dandruff I’ve ever seen and he never had a girlfriend.

  6. I made a comment at the very end of that Chiyo thread and I will make the same comment here. “These jokers can claim as many genders as they like. But there’s two sexes. Only.”
    How many options on reality do these cunce want? I always thought thinking is its own reward rather than being convinced of one’s own impeccability because of feelings.
    This inability to think rationally is critical for a nation’s survival. Did anyone 20+ years ago imagine we would passively accept a scenario where the disordered and obnoxious influence the greater good?

  7. I wonder, which is the biggest set of fancunts?
    is it:

    1. Trekkies
    2. Whovians
    3. Harry Potter
    4. Star Wars
    5. Game of Thrones

    I don’t know why, but Potter cunts make my teeth itch. I fucking hate them.

      • Oh aye, Baron. I forgot about ‘Millennial Bondies’. Cunts who think 007 started with either Brosnan or that soyboy gnome Craig. And they think Bong girls are feisty stick insect types with the sex appeal of a shitting camel. These sad cunts have never seen the glory of Jill St John, Ursula Andress, Barbara Bach (Ringo, you spawny cunt), Britt Ekland, Jane Seymour, Tanya Roberts and the late great Diana Rigg (RIP).

      • Luciana Paluzzi, Martine Beswick and Claudine Auger in “Thunderball”
        Drool, dribble, slaver etc

    • Norman- grown men watching schoolchildren is always dangerous ground.

      Ps: re my comments on Star Trek, can I categorically state the following:
      I am not a fucking fan?
      I prefer reading sci-fi by the masters like Edgar Allen and H G.

      • Too true, CG. I will never get blokes who fancy Emma Twatson. Apart from the fact she is a cunt, she was the little girl from the Potter films. There were cunts who were counting down the days until she was 18 years of age. I find that fucking weird. There are plenty of real and attractive women out there. It’s the same as those cunts who have a thing for that wooden tart who is the doll-like ‘Queen of Dragons’ in Game of Thrones. As Clinton Baptiste would say, ‘I’m getting the word…’

      • Emilia Clarke. The eyebrows move but the rest is completely static.
        And people used to complain about Roger Moore…

      • I read “The end of Eternity” by Asimov when I was at primary school – stole it from the “older pupils” library and put it back when I had finished it.
        Proper sci fi!

  8. What the fuck is that in the top picture?!
    I thought Hervé Villechaize was dead.

    Tha plane, boss! The fucking plane!

  9. The Star Trek concept was allegorical:

    The federation represented an amalgamation of US/Anglo/European people’s.

    The Vulcans represented the technically advanced Japanese, less emotional and not completely trustworthy-Spock being half human.

    The Klingons represented dark keys, violent, uneducated, dirty, uncultured lower intelligence, less educated, shabby, grabby and flabby.

    The Borg represents Antifa type far left fascists-determined to control people’s thought output in a kind of woke hive mentality.

    This new shower of shite has been contrived to indoctrinate children into all the worst perversions of modern society.

    Cunts all.

  10. So looking forward to the trans Klingon invasion, with all the LBGT progressiveness that the Klingons are renowned for.

    Much like black time lords that never existed on a different planet with a different species but hey ho seems they must of been hiding the black folk on timelord world for eons after all.

  11. What abaaaaht the first heterosexual couple scene where the man tongues a ladies bumhole? Well if they’re letting transbenders on it they may as well feature a bit of bumhole tonguing.
    They could call it ‘Star Trek…a tongue up the bumhole and beyond’.

  12. If it ain’t Kirk, Spock, Bones and Scottie, it ain’t Trek.

    Anything else can boldly do one.

    The end.

  13. I saw the first episode of the new Star Trek thing. The lead female is called …….Michael.

    Just fuck right off .

    • Black. ✔️
      Wimminz. ✔️
      Mans name. ✔️
      Relationship with different species. ✔️

      Job done. ✔️

      • Sounds like that revolting horse faced black lezza that infested Doctor Who. ‘Bill’ I think it was called. What a cunt she was.

    • Quick Draw’s right. ST has been doing weirdo sex for donkey’s. Loads of interplanetary and inter-species hanky panky. Something for everybody really; Kira was bonking a blob of viscous gloop. Rather tasty, was Major Kira.

  14. As a kid I thought the original Star Trek was awesome. I watched the first run broadcasts when they aired in prime time.

    All the incarnations that followed can stick those dilithium crystals up their plasma conduit.

  15. In my teenage years I always had a thing for Terry Farell who was Jadzia Dax in DS9.
    Couldn’t remember any of the story lines, but I always wondered how far down those markings went.

  16. Let’s just sort this out.
    Once and for all
    If its got a cock it’s a boy
    If you can put a cock in it, it’s a girl
    Hmmm hang on

  17. I remember I worked in a record shop in 87. It was good money and I got discount (LPs including chart ones were only £4.99 then!). But all the time I got cunts asking for that ‘Star Trekkin’ single that clogged up the charts. It was fucking awful. Like William Shatner meets Black Lace. Every time some tosspot put it on, I would replace it with New Order’s ‘True Faith’.

  18. Can’t stand any of the new JJ Abrahams Star Trek shite. Discovery is crap as well. So far removed from the original series and older reincarnation. Enterprise was the last series I really enjoyed. All this alternative time line shite is crap.

  19. The original series was the best, seen it time and time again, also got the box set (£10 from TJ Hughes).
    Exceptions, that crap tribbles episode, spock’s brain and the one where kirk snogs uhura, not because of that, but because the episode was pure cuntitude.

    • My favourite episode was ‘The City On The Edge Of Forever’. The standout from the original for me.

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