A brief and succinct (is that a tautology?) cunting for a cunt. Just seen him on the idiot lantern and he is a cunt. Hopefully he’ll be amongst the first to be made redundant along with Linecunt. Oh no wait, Linecunt has taken a pay cut so that’s ok then. Fucking shitshow. Haven’t watched TV in ages and decided to dip my toe in again but now realise I was right and am now a cunt for doing so. Is it possible to cunt oneself? Fuck my old brown (racist?) boots. Not so succinct now. Bollocks.
I’m a racist xenophobic cunt and apparently the Battle of Britain was won by wimminz? Fuck the fucketty off. Cunts.
Nominated by: Kunte Kunty
Where do I recognise him from?
Seen him before?
Thats Dennis Neilson right?
Looks like he might enjoy the exhuming of rotting corpses for a quick novelty wank. Or possibly be one of those corpses.
Both lefties too… but Nilsen was far more articulate.
Well if it is mnc he has let himself go
He is a political corresspondent /although like a tory or labour party whip for e.g whatever purpose they serve is unknown /probaly to lecture all of us inept thick bastards whats going on in the world of poli tricks and how to correctly put on a covid mask yes mien fuhrer i have it on
Patronising cunts
Iv just pissed my pants. Had a fart dont think it was a shart, going to go and have a look.
Ooh… is he back on our screens already?
I forgot to set my HDD recorder. ?
Cheers for the heads-up Kunte!
Afternoon Creampuff, did you get through the backlog of ‘The Pledge’ episodes? June Sarpong is a yappy piss boiling moron but countered by the lovely Michelle Dewberry.
Christ, LL! I forgot about those Pledges!
Just had a butcher’s and found there are 12 episodes awaiting my viewing pleasure!
If Willie Stroker were here I could delegate him to watch them and edit out everyone apart from Michelle Dewbury for nefarious purposes later.
Just realised it was my Cunting RTC! Seems like ages ago, can’t remember what it was on but I’m surprised my TV is still intact!
Don’t let your guard down they seem to be everywhere at the mo..
I think I can explain why he does that, Mr Always a cunt.
It’s because he’s an arrogant, superior, condescending, utter and complete CUNT!
Is it because he is a cunt?
Peston? Thick arrogant know all clueless big mouthed bullying gobshite.
But he is white and male, so he won’t be on the screen for long.
I should very much like to see this tremendous insightful paragon of journalistic integrity fed to an alligator.
Haircut beforehand optional.
If you are a citizen of the UK and you have been cunted 7 fucking times you should have the decency to off yourself for the good of the realm.
We need Shaun to “Dead Pool” this cunt.
Afternoon General, there should certainly be a safe passage made available to these activists, sorry, journalists to a more suitable country to save their sensitivities. Cunts News Network’s Chris Cuomo and Don Lemonhead should chip in with the BBC, C4 and Sky News to charter a plane to some Marxist utopia.
Hey LL,
I’ve noticed that anytime anyone mentions wannabe gansta Fredo Cumliono or fruity Don Lemon, that for some reason it sparks my interest in medieval torture techniques.
Your idea however, has merit as I’l love to see them host, live from Pyongyang, North Korea Tonight.
Seen the clip where Nadia Whittome was told she had resigned/sacked. What a shower of shit.
Utter cunt who oozes with self importance, only wonky eyed leftie cunts give this “ GOTCHA” incoherent wanker journalist the time of day ……
Señor Quislingo, where the Dickens have you been and why have you become a plural?
Hi el capitano!!
Been busy as fuck ?
I’m back for some enlightenment on my favourite site
Peston and his strangulated verbs.
I only wish he’d strangulate his own neck, with a noose, nowwwwww.
Isn’t amazing how much these cunts now about running a business when the only thing they’ve run, is away from a fight with a soy boy.
Put this cunt up on the wall of cunts and fire a dum dum bullet into his head.
The cunt.
Never heard of this turd, so mosied on over to YT for a sample of its output. OMG! His speech pattern is incredibly annoying after about 3 seconds. Exaggerated and unnecessary pauses, gurning and gesticulating like he has some mental and/or muscular disorder. His tone of voice screams ‘know-it-all’ too. So yeah, he’s a cunt. Blonde tart on some ITV post news show was tasty though. I would. WEP.
Never mind Jarvis Cocker or whoever the speccy twat above is, get this!
Just gone the shops with the dog, missus Miserable working late,
Dog stops to sniff a lamp post, a young couple stood hugging near the shop, didnt notice at first but sort of looked a bit ‘goth’ fishnet gloves etc
Suddenly one squealed in the campest ever voice
“Oh my god! Look at that dog!
How cute!”
I looked at them,
Glitter eyeshadow, cat ears on, pink hair,
2 lads!!
Necking in broad daylight!!
Got to admit I was shocked, they’ll get battered acting like that,
Im not homophobic but this isnt London,
Expecting to hear sirens shortly.
Its a fucked up world we are living in now ^still at least it wasnt a peacefull planting a bomb running and shouting shit as i goes off and decimates a few streets !could have been worse
Not by much!
My dogs only 4yrs old!
Dont want it to see the Rocky Horror show live thank you.
Akitas are gentle animals easily upset!?
They must be on holiday from down south?
They got the rainbow bus from Brighton!
Fuck knows i ay from down south either lol.Akita eh japanese fighting dog eh?thatd see a few dooshka dooshka s off mek no mistake
They sound like nice boys.
Candidates for Terry’s oven?
You must live somewhere decadent and whoopsy-do like Brighton, Islington or New Mills.
Maybe it was ‘Stockport Pride’ Miserable, innocently interrupted by one man and his dog outside the local SPAR. Next year there might be a float with some trans things.
Hehehe! Yeah!?
Just the two of them!
Dogs gone quiet.
Phone the vet tomorrow.
Dont be so bitchy ducky.
Now now, you Northern monkeys have got gerbil-smugglers up there, you know. Mankchester is full juicy bars for batties. I saw Coronation Street once and they all sounded frighteningly qüeer.
“How do luv, fancy a pint duck?”
Evening Cap,
You seem to know a awful lot about the northern variety bandits Cap?
They liked my dog Thats all I can say in their favour.
Oh and that glitter eyeshadow reminded me of Marc Bolan.
Cant be locals.
Phillip Schofield has been reliving the trauma of living with his guilty secret and revealing he went to some “dark places”. I bet he fucking well did too.
As I said, I saw an episode of that homô programme once, Corrie Street and learnt me some Northern mincey lingo:
Alrigh’ pet
‘ello chuck
Alrigh’ chicken
‘ello duck
I thought I was watching some zoology guide.
Don’t go to Mankchester, Miz. You’re safer in your dogging areas around lamposts.
I wont cap!
Promised my mam.
Cities scare me anyway,
I like the feel of the wind on my genitals as I walk the moorland.
Duck, hen, chicken?
Stop using fowl language!
This is a family site!?
Pesto used to feature on the Mr Muscle TV adverts. Now he gets his hair cut by a Black and Decker garden strimmer and takes styling tips from the local vagrant.
Someone needs to buy him a lightbulb for his bedroom so he doesn’t keep getting dressed in the dark. He looks as if he dresses using a catapult.
Looks like the bastard love child of Louis Theroux and leyla Moran?
Make some room please Unkle Terry for your oven for him.Twat.
Very well,I suppose I can push him in early,so long as it doesn’t interfere with my nice cider.
The greasy cunt.
She came from greece she had a thirst for knowledge.
She studied sculpture at st Martins college.
Thats where I
Caught her eye.
He was great with Pulp.
But hes not the mustard for politics.
Fancy telling the poor ‘baby of the house’ Nadia witless shed been sacked live on air?!!
I preferred “lets all meet up in the year 2000, won’t it be strange when we’re all fully growo-hown, be there, 2 o’clock by that fountain down the rooow-woad”.
I liked his dancing as well used to make me laugh.
Another utter cunt who has his nose in the public money trough.
All together… “PPE Oxford”
Daddy a Labour peer, entry into influential circles effortless, despite weird speech mannerisms. I mean, a broadcaster with built in dead air?
I remember his infuriating style when (on the basis of having briefly worked as a stockbroker, or maybe because Daddy was an economist) he was the BBC’s business editor.
Peston’s delivery on radio and television news has attracted comment. Richard Wenner complained of it being that of a “verbal slug – leaving a trail of audio slime”. Tim Teeman in The Times described his “intonation” as “raggedy [and] querulous” in 2008,[31] and Ann Treneman described Peston as “excruciatingly hard to listen to” in 2009.[32] The Daily Telegraph identifies “strangulated diction” (Wikipedia, accurately)
First choice for radio, then.
Cunting endorsed, in spades, and that’s without going into a fair amount of dodginess about his journalism. Here’s the latest arsery from Robert:
Changed his name from Sexpest, not a lot of people know that. Another on the long list of smug remoaners who need their faces smashed with a jagged edged half brick until even their whorebag mothers wouldn’t recognise the bloody mess. Fucking cunt.
Cruel but fair