Lets have a whoops a daisy, suits you sir, Antipodean cunting.
‘A book shop has announced they will no longer stock JK Rowling novels and will “phase out” the copies of Harry Potter they currently have in store.
Rabble Books and Games in Maylands, Australia, (fuck knows) shared their bold decision in a post on social media on Tuesday.
They explained that this move was intended to help them become a “safer space” for the community.’
Bold decision. Not selling fucking knocked out fairy tales will certainly make things safer for the trannies. How dare the author have views that threaten the safety of the Les Dawson look a like community. Perhaps they should burn the books . ‘Phasing out’ these literary masterpieces sounds a little like profiteering from fascist oppression.
Where is sir Les Patterson when his country needs him?
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Start by burning the books in the dozy trollops shop. With her locked in the shop.
Wouldnt of thought Harry Potter would of been that popular in Australia?
Very twee and english isnt it?
Anyway Jk Rowling as proper upset the most mental cunts there is, the militant trannies & marxists.
Good for her, she didnt go far enough.
Theyll never forgive her so she may as well taunt them!
Shes richer than god so not bothered about losing her job.
Start referring to them as ‘mentalists’ and hint at putting them in ‘camps’
Watch them froth at the mouth!??
Left eats left
Awfully nice.
Harry was very popular here, there’s fuck-all else to do.
As books are made out of paper and are a fire hazard, clearing all the stock from her shop would make it a safer space for the community.
Nothing like a cheap bit of publicity is there, luv?
Can I spaff on her tits before you pop her on the book pile?
Amazing, isn’t it?
All the shit that’s gone down this year and the most important, most pandered to people are mentally deranged, trånny fåggots.
Fake Sheilas I can believe but Aussies…….reading books? Fuck off!
Rowling has only herself to blame for bending the knee to commies and benders, the sour old bitch.
And fuck all the stars of the Harry Potter series for jumping on the denial of their only being 2 genders bandwagon the speccy or ginger pricks.
Now that going to the cinema is dead and buried, let’s hope they (Daniel Radcliffe, supporter of Lib Dems, Emma Watson, feminist cunt bitch extraordinaire and also all those coppertopped Weasley bloodnuts) all never work again and lose all their money in some sort of pyramid scheme, the ungrateful cunts.
This seems an odd decision for a commercial bookshop to make, especially as Amazon continues to grow. I hold no brief for Rowling but she has sold in excess of half a billion copies of her wizard books. Are there really that many trannies in Perth that they can replace the kids who buy Harry Potter books?
I predict the number of trannies offended by Rowling’s latest book who have actually read it is equivalent to the number of Muslims who read The Satanic Verses before deciding it was blasphemous. Somewhere in the region of zero.
They’ll be banning all customers next week.
Just in case any of them pose a threat to their safe space.
How many fucking trans twats do they have coming into their shops, 1,10, 100 and do they outnumber the normal shoppers coming in to buy a copy of ‘Harry Potter pulls out his wand a splurges over Hermione’
I am sure the weirdo tranny types would search the shelves for Potter books before they could feel safe ‘Oh thank god for that, no Potter books, I feel safe to pull my cock out of my knickers’
What a load of absolute fucking shite.
Native Australians are thought to be the first race to have developed defined, six pack stomach muscles.
Ab originals….
How on earth does this bookshop survive. Just looked on website. Panders to a minority of of a minority.
I can’t believe she operates on a profit.
I looked at a website of theirs. They have a drag queen story hour. I would love to see an updated Bazza McKenzie strip.
Wouldn’t want to add to the hits on the site, so will with difficulty refrain from looking. But Dame Edna was Bazza’s alter ego, surely?
They should all have been binned before now. What a load of shit they are!
Good on Rowling for her anti woke stance; but she can’t write for fuck.
This goes a bit with the British Library ‘decolonising’ their collection.
Whatever happened to independent minded people in this book trade? It was always the case that book publishers /sellers were fiercely independent.
Whatever happened to ‘publish and be damned’.
Fuck me Solzhenitsyn wrote the ‘gulag archipelago’ on big roll-sneaked out of the prison. People risked their lives publishing, disseminating it.
Book publishing used never to be ‘safe’
That pair in the photo look well experienced exploring the bush in the land down under!
That’s right, in between woke-bookstorekeeping, they mine opals at Coober Pedy; shoot giant crocs in the gulf, all while tipping Darwin stubbies of Vic Bitter in the general direction of their mouths and carousing the Bruces song
I think we should help this shop out and export all our trannies to Australia like we used to do with criminals.
These woke cunts are supposed to be in favour of inclusivity and diversity in all things, are they not? So why not diversity of opinion?
Rowland’s latest novel includes a transvestite serial killer. That’s pretty diverse isn’t it? Woke cunts should be out celebrating!
Hardly original though. Norman Bates dressed up as a woman in Psycho.
Indeed, and DS Bruce Robertson in Irving Welsh’s “Filth”.
Afternoon RTC.
Afternoon Thomas.
My missus bought me Filth as a birthday present around 20 years ago, and I’ve still not got round to reading it!
Will make it the next book on my list. Unless you don’t recommend?
On the contrary, it’s great!
I heartily recommend it.
Now I know I had a deprived childhood.
I was more than happy receiving the Dandy and Beano annuals, a tin of Bird’s toffees and a chocolate smoking set for Christmas; however, this is the kind of stuff I should have had in me stocking:
I will be buying copies of this book for all my nieces and nephews this Crimbo.
Will I fuck!
B is for Black Lives Matter
C is for Cultural Appropriation
D is for Discrimination
Imagine what a cunt you’d have to be to buy this arse wipe!
They want money for it too!
The cheeky cunts.
In the nomination picture, is that Harry Potter on the left, and Harry Potter’s mum on the right?
I have an idea for the books in her bookshop. For instance:
“Streuth, Sheila! Where’s the dunny paper?”
– “We ran out. Use some of that paper in those wizardy books”.
On way.to London to see friends.Wonder if the protest is still on.Might drop by.
That shop could be improved by firing a bazooka into it.
When it’s full of The Trannie muck.
Even though these dingo eating cunts at Rabble Books (who they?) are premium fuckflakes, I also hope this is the beginning of the end for Rowling. A stinking cunt who has milked the woke bandwagon and spread her Remainer poison at every opportunity. That said, those other ‘Daddy and Mummy got me the job’ shitheads, Daniel Twatcliffe (a closet shirtlifter, if ever there was one), Emma Twatson (Femstasi titless tax dodging turd) deserve to go down the crapper and all. The loony liberals stabbing one another in the back and turning on each other.The left will eat itself. Lovely stuff. No honour amongst liberals. Splendid.
Why the fuck is this shit newsworthy?? Who gives a fuck what this virtual signalling bitch does with her shop? Fuck off back to obscurity you pathetic cunt.
Exactly. I’m sure Rowling couldn’t give a flying fuck, just like 99.999% of the population.
‘Safe space’ ffs.
“Why the fuck…”? How about free publicity for a failing niche business?
Piggy back on someone famous, and follow the money.
The bitch on the left reminds me of the Aussie lezza from Alan Partridge.
‘Dykes. Bull Dykes. Dick Van Dykes. Quick Fit Fitters. Knicker Pickers. Melon Farmers’.
Only difference is the one on Partridge was more doable.
The sheer amount of filth in their “LGBTQIA+ Fiction” made me so angry I nearly tore my cock off. Disgusting fucking freaks.
What human slugs like Daniel Ratface and Emma Twatson prove is they are proper pieces of work who would sell their own grandmothers and shit on their own without hesitation, just to look good and score woke points. Rowling may be a cunt herself, but she deserves better off those two entitled little trust fund scumbags she more or less made into household names and millionaires. Still, like attracts like. Laying down with dogs, I believe it’s called.
Bet you a pound to a pile of Chinese excrement, that the Aussie book shop bitch on the left has got a package intact that would put Jon Holmes to shame.
Just fuck off and do one.
No one gives a fuck about your wanky, woke bookywooky shoppe.
Time to say fuck this crap. Could not care less what consenting adults of any gender get up to as long as it does not involve children or animals. The more these mentally ill fucktards go on about gender this and rights that the more I despise them and their weird life choices. At least our supposed leaders said fuck of to self gendering being recognised in law you still need certification from doctor etc. The alphabet community was not amused. Seriously one day these fuckers will get permission to legally self identify gender. Imagine, wife goes into pool changing area with kids and is confronted by a naked large hairy man with a semi and full beard. He can do this because today he is Susan and if the bigoted owners of the pool do not allow him free access to all the female facilities he and legal aid will sue them to death with the equality and unman rights act. Makes one proud to be English.
Never read any of those Harry Potter books. Too much fantasy.
Apparently they involve some ginger kid with friends….