You stroll down the local with a mate, sit down with a pint and discuss how well Boris is doing and what a fine chap that Sir Kreme Kracker is. Normal stuff.
Then your friend turns to you and casually exclaims that Michelle Obama allegedly has a penis. How would you react? Ask if he’s had a bang on the head recently? She has children. “Fakes” he says.
But he goes on: the Clintons allegedly run a paedophile ring which centres around the basement of a city pizza parlour. And that many leading citizens of the world drink the blood of babies. And Trump was the saviour voted in to rid the planet of this scourge.
By this time you might be recommending that your chum visits a good doctor. Yet he is implacable. Where does this inside information come from?
Q Anonymous!
An online movement with millions of members. Not just youngsters but people of all ages. There is almost certainly somebody in your circle who believes this garbage as there is in mine. He assured me it is all true and I have been too brainwashed by mainstream media to accept it. He also thinks Covid is a scam, designed to control the population. (That’s working to plan then!)
Now I understand why many many folk no longer believe what the BBC churns out. Nor do most of us on this site. But Q-A makes David Icke and his lizard creatures look feasible and quite charming.
With so many falling prey to conspiracy theories, are we witnessing a modern form of mass hysteria?
Nominated by: Lord Helpuss
…and seconded by: General Cuntster (Deceased)
I call this “Cunt…Counter Cunt”:
Imagine sitting down with a friend and he tells you that a mysterious Jewish financier named Jeffery Epstein was part of an international ring of pedophiles.
Imagine he told you that President Bill Clinton allegedly flew multiple times on Epstein’s private jet, the “Lolita express” to his private “Pedo Island.”
Imagine further that your friend said that the Duke of York was a friend of Jeffery Epstein and had visited and indeed stayed at his New York Town House. He then puts forth the notion that there are/were pictures of the Duke with an under aged victim.
And try to imagine further he said, that Epstein counted many powerful and influential friends like Microsoft founder, Bill Gates or prominent attorney Alan Dershowitz or film maker Woody Allen or former Senator George Mitchell or a whole host of other powerful people world wide.
Your friend goes on to have you imagine that when arrested, Epstein cut a deal with the prosecutors that granted immunity to all these people. But then somehow, he managed to get arrested again. And isolated and depressed he kills himself in prison.
Nobody would believe any of that. Right?
But your friend isn’t done:
Imagine that your friend goes on to tell you that British socialite Ghislane Maxwell…daughter of British media mogul Robert Maxwell…(who himself died in mysterious circumstances)…(she) is a friend of Prince Andrew…and was Epstein’s closest associate. And that she was arrested…hiding in plain sight…in a multi million dollar estate in New Hampshire, and is now being held in the same prison Epstein offed himself in.
As your friend goes on, he explains that there is a conspiracy of sexual degenerates who are producing television programs that normalize tran-sexual girls and are producing movies that sexualize little “cuties”.
These movies, he says are to be shown on television and on the world’s largest subscription service in furtherance of their degenerate schemes.
As your friend dives further into the “conspiracy” theory, he details how a bunch of “deep state” operatives conspired to remove the President of the US by fabricating evidence and making up stories of his involvement with foreign interests to rig the US election. And when they couldn’t remove him legally, he opines that they have openly fomented insurrection and revolution in the streets.
He then digresses briefly to explain how these same people tried to thwart the the referendum calling for Britain to leave the EU. And failing to defeat the referendum, they then tried to get the politicians to reverse the actions called for in the vote.
Your friend get back to the point; a few in the government are starting to talk. But the degenerates have allies everywhere. To discredit the the leakers and to hide their schemes, they get a corrupt and complicit media to orchestrate a cover up by starting a disinformation campaign. They (the media) exaggerate the claims made by your friend (and anyone else) and in a classic case of misdirection they put forth their own outrageous claims as the beliefs of these conspiracy nuts. Then they ridiculed any one who believes them or anyone who questions them, thus “having their cake” and “eating it too” (as the saying goes).
You don’t want to be rude but you think to yourself; My friend has lost it! A mysterious Jewish financier with powerful international friends in government, business and entertainment running an international pedophile ring? They and their partisan agents are trying to thwart the will of the people and remove a sitting President who opposes them?
That’s rich! Nobody in their right fucking mind would believe that. LOL!
(Except maybe Aleister Crowley.)
The views expressed in this rebuttal anti-cunting are not necessarily those of the author.
(But then again…)
(As a precaution I’ve had to throw in the odd “allegedly” here and there, even if the actual allegation is true. – DA)
Very interesting. I agree with the Q Anon cunting but think the late General makes a very good counter cunting.
I have no time for conspiracy nutters, whether harmless – fake moon landings, or plain dangerous – 9/11 the work of Mossad, FBI, the Salvation fucking Army.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a fucking duck. The simplest explanation is the true one. The General’s case needs no leaps of assumption or suspension of belief and therefore doesnt count as a conspiracy theory. It is demonstrably true. Allegedly.
Well I don’t believe a word of it. Any of it. Except David Icke. Those lizards are here now and they’re taking over. You’ll see.
Keep it on the down Allan – we will soon be ruling you earthlings!
And I for one will welcome our new lizard overlords.
You’re a tad behind the times Allan. The lizards already control the world. Icke revealed this indisputable truth in 1999.
Further reading:
Absolute FACT.
Now stfu and get on with whatever you humanoids do or I’ll set Prince Harry on you.
Icke also had Ted Heath’s number, as he revealed a few years ago:
“What I had been told about Heath did not surprise me after my own experience with him in 1989 at the London Sky News studio where I was being interviewed as a national spokesman for the Green Party on an EU election results programme.
“When I arrived I was taken into a make-up room and told that someone would be along in a moment to see me. I thought I had been left alone, but then as I sat down facing the wall of mirrors something caught my eye and there hidden behind an open door was Edward Heath who had just been interviewed and was waiting for his make-up to be removed. I said ‘hello’ but Heath did not even acknowledge me. He gave me a long inquisitive look that seemed to say ‘Mmmm, what’s this?’
“Heath continued to stare intently without speaking and his eyes moved to the top of my head and slowly scanned down to my feet and back again. It was the weirdest experience and about to get weirder. At one point as his eyes were ‘scanning’ they turned jet black. I mean all of them, including the whites. I was looking at two black holes and at no point was there a point to make ‘eye contact’ in the sense that the blackness seemed to have no end and continued through him into wherever. His ‘eyes’ returned to normal and he turned away to look at the mirror in front of him.
“Not a word was spoken the entire time. I didn’t say anything publicly about this at first because you question if you actually saw what you appeared to see, but later I began to come across stories and accounts from around the world about the ‘black-eyed people’ when the same experience was being described. Heath was one evil human being and controlled by an Archontic force not of this world.”
I think Prince Harry from the House of Markle-Hewitt-Mountbatten-Windsor married a lizard.
Yep the theory known as accoms razor
Most synonymous with sherlock holmes
That if we eliminate the illogical then the logical becomes most likely probale.Strange thing is it seems how gulloble some people are/i myself only accept hard scientific evidence that cannot be faked.And im not into conspiracy theorys.
Never mind face masks – just get a tinfoil bonnet asap !
I love conspiracy nuts and encourage them as much as possible.
Let them enjoy it, everyone needs a hobby.
The thing about drinking babies blood is a old one levelled at jews that just wont go away, ‘blood libel’ its quite a dangerous one and the nazis used it.
Ive heard loads of conspiracy theories from plausible to full on fuckin mental.
Mostly from a old acquaintance who is a ‘sovereign Citizen’
Who beleives hes not subject to UK law!?
Like I say encourage them, casually mention you saw someone taking photos of the contents of their bins, or say you keep noticing a bloke in a suit parked nearby with binoculars.
Conspiracy theories are exactly that. Theories.
Usually 99% speculation based on 1% of fact.
Well who would have believed that the son of a carpenter born in a shithole in the middle of a desert would become the son of God and it came to pass that in fact the said Carpenter wasn’t actually the father, but it was God who Tupped the wife of the carpenter and in fact she was also still a virgin….
Now who the fuck would believe all that ?
PS, I have seen Michelle Obama’s cock, hung like a donkey
She murdered Joan Rivers by sticking her cock down Joan’s throat, SOI…
I said it was big ?
Most millenial Mog’s believe you can be ” born into the wrong body” . So nothing changes.
There are dark things going on in the world, always have been, always will be.
And I strongly believe Covid is being used to bring in totalitarian governance.
But nutters will aways use conspiracy theories to convince people they are “in the know” just to project that air of smug arrogant superiority to the uninformed.
I make up my own mind, and rely on fact and evidence.
Very little of that about these days.
With these conspiracy theorists they want to beleive its true, they the idea of knowing a secret that the rest of the population isnt aware of dead exciting!
So they convince themselves.
Hangar 18, 9/11,JFK, etc
OnevI heard not long ago concerned the Bildeburg group and the New world order, how mega capitalists (jews) are plotting to enslave us, Tony Blair was one, I egged him on.
If he assassinates Tony?
Oh well….?
Epic FAIL. Tony is a Catholic now. And so is Boris – (baptised as such, confirmed CofE, married Catholic, son’s just been baptised Catholic)
Therefore it is a Fenian plan for world domination and Miles Plastic is behind it.
Who? Evil overlord Miles Plastic?
Wear a Alex Harvey
Tshirt when the knock at the door comes, it’ll save your life!!
Will AC/DC or Jimi Hendrix do MNC?
No fraid not, Alex Harvey, Kes, or some old poet will though or any Catholic iconography!
Whos that bloke Miles references all the time?
Charlie Chester?
Him too!
Afternoon Miserable.
Cheerful Charlie Chester? Those were the days!
PS: If you really want to get in with Miles, wear a Mrs Mills t-shirt.
Afternoon Ruff,
Mrs Mills?
I dont know who that is,
Not the one legged wife of ex Beatle Paul?
This is Mrs Mills me old cock sparra.
She was a plumpish ragtime piano player.
This video will appeal to you Mis, as it’s a time gone by that I could imagine you fitting in with very well. A bloody good piano player though.
Sing along but not after 10pm.
She sounds like shes playing it with her feet?
You don’t know who Mrs Mills is, Miserable? Did you not read Miles’s nom: ‘The Evil That Is Rock And Roll’?
Btw, the second line in my previous post should have read: “Cheerful Charlie Chesterton”. His fan would not be amused by my faux pas.
Yeah read Miles nom on the devils music but never heard of mrs Mills!
Seems a nice old bag but her piano playing is awful.
Its given me a mild headache.
So the military are to help the police in enforcing the law. For the next 6 months.
What country you say? Venezuela? Russia? No good ol’ Blighty.
I’m beginning to believe these conspiracy theories more by the day.
Politicians and mega rich fuckers are total cunts and I could believe anything about them. Brexit and Trump were a massive shock to the elites…….they weren’t supposed to happen, not in a million years. We can see what those bastards have done to try and reverse those terrible mistakes.
I don’t believe a single word that comes out of their lying cunting mouths.
Has anyone seen sky news before boris made statement in the house of commons, the cunt Steve Bray made an appearance behind the camera, the cunt was dressed like a gay nazi, unkle Terry oven for the fucker
“Conspiracy nutter”…the easy way to dismiss and belittle anyone who isn’t prepared to just blindly swallow the “facts” as provided by their “Betters”.
Conspiracy theorist cunts always stick in a few facts and little bit of truth to make us mugs think the main theme of their bollocks might be true. In the end it really boils down to how much we want to believe their nonsense, not how much water their theories actually hold. You can go a long way pandering to gullible cunts’ fears and their prejudices.
” You can go a long way pandering to gullible cunts’ fears and their prejudices”
Well ain’t that the theory, er, sorry, truth?
Kung Flu, so deadly you need a test to tell you you’re about to die.
General C (deceased) is spot on.
A conspiracy theorist is one who believes government gives a shit about the masses, the media is decent and truthful and pharma have our health interests at heart, not vast profits.
Dozey, hoi polloi fuckwits believe anything that doesn’t burst their comfort zone bubble.
Bollocks to Bozo and his troupe of dancing monkeys.
Things get sensationalised, by the Icke’s and Jones’ in order to make a buck, and by orindary folk who know where’s there’s smoke there is fire but lack any way of demonstrably proving it.
I don’t care to argue with people about conspiracies anymore. To me it’s self evident we live in a highly curated culture run by degenerates who would think nothing of allowing the murder of innocent citizens through a terrorist attack to justify a war in a foreign nation. Or putting a needle behind the ear of a weapons inspector.
Our lives are so curated people shun the idea of the supernatural as voodoo yet at the same time believe the universe sprang from nothing for no reason, just because science is in vogue when it was the church yesterday. No one fucking knows what the score is so to dismiss anything as fantasy is closed minded. Maybe they eat babies, maybe they don’t, who the fuck knows.
No one would have believed,
In the last years of the nineteenth century that human
Affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space.
No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized,
As someone with a microscope studies
Creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.
Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets and
Yet, across the gulf of space,
Minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this Earth with
Envious eyes,
And slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us.
“Yesterday’s conspiracy is tomorrow’s truth.” — Bertie Blunt June 1980
“And the chances of anything coming from France were a million to one….but still they come!”
You are Richard Burton and I claim my free treble bourbon and a quickie with Liz.
That’s Bertie and not MNC.
Afternoon Paul. I’ll bet you’re really disappointed that you’re no longer able to go into the houses of those nice neighbours of yours for the riotous drinking sessions you used to have?
Nothing is what it seems. I`m actually black. Innit.
You are Rachel Dolezal, and I claim my free KFC.
Better safe than sorry.
Too many cunts and vermin scurrying about.
Master of Ovens.
Whitty is lizard, looks like one. Still who gives a fuck we are all going to die.
Yes, we will all die.
Eventually, but probably not today.
Whitty has not COVID himself in glory has he?
To be fair to mr Whitty he spends 5months of the year in a box full of straw in the shed.
If I had said to you all last year that Boris will lock down the nation , put 10 pm curfews on pubs , no gatherings above 6 people and get a 10 grand fine if you break the rules all to save between 1 and 2% of the population .you would of all said fuck off Fenton with your conspiracies, you need your head seen to.
Funny old world isn’t it ?
If you had said all that this time last year I’d have told you to get down to the bookies.
Evening Fenton.
If you’d said all that last year I’d have outed you as Mystic Meg and claimed my £5. But which conspiracy are you alluding to with all these often contradictory government actions and u-turns?
Evening Ruff.
I’m not talking conspiracies, just a case of you never know what could happen. For instance who would ever of predicted this cock up ?
I agree many many things that have happened seemed unbelievable not long ago.
But I still believe in cock-ups rather than conspiracies.
And my reasoning is that no government or organisation is clever enough to plan something so dastardly AND be able to keep it a secret from the general population.
There are however many many people who want us to believe they are ‘in the know’ while the rest of us are ignorant.
That is what really fuels conspiracy theories. Sheer arrogance.
How crazy!
Time to come clean:
I am in fact Michael Jackson, I didn’t die, just couldn’t afford to keep paying little Mexican kids to keep schtum.
Also my daughter was beginning to be a complete fucking embarrassment and Neverland was costing me a fucking fortune to run, so I faked it.
Me and Prince (he faked too), came up with a brilliant plan: kill Britain’s foremost entertainers Ant & Dec and take there place-luckily, so far so good-no one has rumbled , although I forgot about driving on the left and twatted some bitch-had to pretend to be pissed up-got away with that too.
They say confession is good for the soul, I feel like a massive weight has been lifted?
So I will sign off, fellow cunters.
Way-aye man, when da boot comes in, Fog on the Tyne
Aaaaaaaaiiii. Ooooooooo
Shamoo mutherfuckers!!
I have yet to see any evidence to convince me that the following theories are false;
Barry O’bama born in africa, (not hawaii) he made that claim himself as a young lawyer. Birth cert produced to prove american appeared faked.
Bath house Barry, a young lawyer looking for a good time in Chicago liked to hang out with all the boys while getting oiled up and suked off. Multiple confirming sources and suspicious deaths of several gay “close friends”.
US congresswoman Ilhan Omar bigamously married her own gay brother in a supposed immigration fraud. (Personally I think he fucked her up the ass a good few times.) This is widely accepted as fact but curiously no criminal charges have ever been filed.
Lizard people bollocks apart, just because it sounds crazy doesn’t make it untrue. I could go on………..
Heard about this and went on that website with all the messages.
Fucking gobbledeegook. Load of bollocks and written by a fucking nutcase by the looks of it. I heard a few important predictions on there have fallen flat on their face.