Paul “Dung Beetle” McCartney (7)

Paul McCartney is a cunt.

In a recent interview with GQ (you know the one, the men’s magazine that never has any women on its covers!) Macca went on about how great Black Lives Matter is.

Doesn’t the daft old sod realise that if their black marxist ‘revolution’ is ever realised his work (and the work of his fellow Beatles) will be wiped from ‘history’ a la Ninteen Eighty Four? What annoys me about this bloke is he has done the lot in his time. Yet he still desperately craves to be seen as ‘cool’ So he works with cheeseholes like Kanye West and bigs up BLM and he virtue signals at every opportunity.

His right on revisionism is also cringeworthy. For the fuckteenth time in recent years Macca bleats on about how ‘Blackbird’ is about an oppressed black woman (Lordy fuckin Mama!). Yet I have heard a radio interview from the time of The White Album’s original release, and McCartney casually says that it’s a simple Donovan inspired song about a blackbird and that there’s even a real blackbird chirping on the record. Yet for the last fifteen years or so, the man has repackaged the ditty as some sort of right on race card battle cry.

His desire to ‘outcool’ John Lennon is also still going on. In 2020 he is still – fucking still – going on about how he was the first ‘avant garde’ Beatle before Lennon was.

Seriously, who really gives a fucking shit?! Macca still does have a bug up his arse over John being seen as the most innovative and artistic member of the Beatles. And as for still moaning about ‘How Do You Sleep?’ in 2020 for GQ? Fuck me. It was a song one man wrote on the spot after provocation which Macca started (with ‘Too Many People’).

I bet he has made to order ‘answers’ for these interview things. Remind everyone about how he was the most ‘way out’ Beatle (yet he was the last one to take LSD).

Repackage ‘Blackbird’ as a late 60s ‘We Shall Overcome’ (when it wasn’t). Oh, and moan about the lyrics to ‘How Do You Sleep?’ to remind everyone how ‘ nice Macca is and how ‘nasty’ John was. It’s nearly fifty years since Lennon made that song.

So come on, Macca. Change the fucking record.

Nominated by: Norman 

109 thoughts on “Paul “Dung Beetle” McCartney (7)

  1. I feel sorry for mr McCartney.
    His first wife was a vegetable apparently
    And he lost his second wife to woodworm.

    • On the evening Linda died, Paul gathered his kids up and said, “Bad news, children…your Mum is dead. On the positive side, there’s bacon and black pudding for dinner.’

    • He was so generous, he bought Heather a plane…and a Philips Ladyshave for the other leg!

  2. The prick has millions yet still would not pay two minions who delivered a heavy fridge/ freezer 18 fucking pounds sterling to his property. The cunt. His daughter is a smug fucker as well. “The Beatles are dying in the wrong order” was once wrote, how true that is. He is a prick.

  3. Most accounts name Paul McCartney as the Beatle who picked Satanist Aleister Crowley for the artwork/cover of Sgt Peppers. Some say the Beatles were definitely Illuminati. Even the NME contributed to this debate

    So given that all Paul’s songs since the Beatles are utter mind numbing garbage, is knighted, and at the age of 693 gets on the cover of GQ, are we so sure he isn’t part of an occult elite???!

    • Cuntologist@
      Jimmy Page the guitarist with Led Zeppelin bought Boleskin manor,
      Aleister Crowleys old place near loch Ness.
      And many in Hollywood were members of Anton le veys church of Satanism including actress Jayne Mansfield.

  4. Never liked the Beatles. Sissy fops mincing around. With hysterical bitches throwing crusty piss stinking gussets at them. Macca is the biggest cunt of them all however. Proper gods gift to the masses he is. Proper god to himself I’d wager. Cunt will still be around, pouting and a’shaking the tambourine whilst shaking like a shitting dog filming his latest doctrine telling us what’s right as we start to colonise the red Amazon planet.

    • Fucks sake. She’s as bad as him. All yours pal. Don’t forget to steal her grots and flog them on eBay.

  5. A very talented musician. Wrote great songs.
    Also some shite – Maxwell, Michelle etc.
    Unfortunately not written anything of note since 69. (Neither did Lennon)
    Mull of Kintyre should have been a capital offence. And he even conned Denny Laine out of his share of the royalties. (Denny needed money for a tax bill)

    All in all, a bit of a cunt. But not in the class of the monumentally untalented cunts we have today.

  6. Bland Boomer boy band bugger off, enjoy your money and die quietly scrotum faced cunt.

  7. I bet he would let me shag Stella while he watches through a key hole.. Then he would right a song about us. ? Stella your a dirty sod shagging old Fenton, ooh yeah ?

      • Mary was the fitter one from what I remember. A bit of a dark haired beauty was Mary. Stella is a no-no. She has the Macca goggle eyes. Like the typewriter from Sesame Street.

  8. I am a Beatles fan, well their music anyway. That said McCartney has turned into a massive libtard cunt of monstrous proportions. A very well deserved cunting sir.

  9. I see that Eavis is hinting that Glastonbury might be postponed by two years.

    In which case the doddering old cunt will have passed his 80th birthday beforehand if he fulfils the 2020 booking.

    Diana Ross was lined up too, she’ll be struggling.

    Rock n Roll

  10. Bet paul is not going to sing ebony and ivory with stormzy or what ever his name is.. Come to think of it there’s no ivory left all the blacks killed the elephants and sold it to the chinks for chess pieces.

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