Ofcom deserve a nomination. Why? Because after receiving more than 24,500 complaints about that bunch of cunts, Diversity (ironic name for an all black dance group) hijacking the BGT finals with their political motivated drivel, celebrating a dead, violent, convicted criminal, they have announced that they will NOT be investigating because they have concluded the programme did not raise issues which warranted investigation under its broadcasting rules. Except for the fact that Diversity CLEARLY broke Ofcom’s own regulations with their politically motivated bollocks. Incidentally, the number of complaints makes it the second most complained about show in Ofcom’s history.
It’s pretty obvious that events of the past few months have left Ofcom shit scared of their own fucking shadow. They’re terrified of being accused of racism, even though they can PROVE that any such accusation is patent bullshit. And in my opinion, it also means that Ofcom has just thrown what authority it had, out with the trash. How can they now sanction, or even investigate, any other show, or person, for an alleged breach of its rules, when they have allowed Diversity to escape scot free, when they were clearly in breach of those very same rules?
They even tried to claim that Diversity’s BLM/George (I held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach while demanding money) Floyd inspired bullshit was about promoting cohesion and unity. BOLLOCKS! It was intended as a blatant statement that; “White people, especially White police officers, are evil”. They tried to guilt trip the White majority of the British public, and they failed, because people are sick of their overtly racist shit. And make no mistake, we’re not the racists, THEY ARE! If anything, they’ve made things worse. But now they, and even worse race baiters, have been given a free hand to spout their racist shite, safe in the knowledge that they will face no sanction, because Ofcom are cowards.
The episode that aired the following Sunday had tens of thousands fewer viewers than the Diversity episode. After this decision, It’ll be interesting to see what the viewing figures for future episodes of BGT (or as it SHOULD be known, the World’s Got Talent, because you don’t even have to live in Britain to get on it now.) Step forward and take a bow Ofcom, you bunch of pandering cunts.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
In that favourite term of the libturds Ofcom is ‘Unfit for purpose ‘
Nothing more needs to be said about the bunch of cunts.
You do realise that Ofcom is simply implementing the current rules of Equality……..
Equality (2020) = 90% LEFT / 10% RIGHT
’nuff said …..
OFCOM is a vassal of the MSM, and will do anything to avoid investigating a complaint fairly, legally, honestly, competently or impartially.
OFCOM is packed with former BBC and MSM executives – they look after their own.
Remove all employees and let impartial members of the public run it.
Good nom Q – fuck OFCOM – rotten, corrupt and not fit for purpose.
Thousands complained, Ofcom did fuck all.
Yet 2 complaints against my Blitzkrieg bop dance in full SS uniform and im off air?
Not a fkin minute of my inspirational speeches at Nuremberg shown by the MSM either MNC!
Discrimination and everything – sod this, finished my jobs for the day – off to the pub with a lovely young lady!
Lefty prudes.
Theyll probably take umbrage with my rock opera “FLASH DANCE”
A ode to indecent exposure, rock out with your cock out!
Stuffy little prigs.
Jennifer Beals in Flashdance.
Oh dear me, yes.
But watch the sparks from that fkin welder!
Bring on New KKK Kids on the Block and their Rope and Wobbly Chair dance
Shouldn’t have shown that death’s head and the lightning flashes mate. They remind the far left of their ideological ancestors, and they hate that.
Unless Ofcom orders banjo to do a dance routine on and let’s just say 3 that come to mind
PC Matiu Ratana
Joe Ritchie Bennet (victim of Reading stabbing)
PC Keith Palmer
Then Ofcom are cunts, the case for Banjo being a cunt is already closed. You can bet your life that Ofcom are instead financing Banjo and he is already rehearsing a routine on Someone like either
Mark Duggan or Abdulfatah Hamdallah (His dinghy went flat in the channel)
Ofcom are I agree cunts,
As the great Tez Hall sang, the lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Boots is hoping to install BBC hating pro Brexiteer Paul Dacre, former editor of the Daily Mail as Chairman of Ofcom.
The times they are-a-chaaaaaangin’???
Fucking predicted text?
Glad you clarified that – I read it as Boots the chemists!
Nothing will change at either the BBC, the MSM or OFCOM – different talking heads, same agenda.
Quango’s have influence. Not a good one either. Ofcom ( like many others ) serves the interests of their paymasters, not the people. Turn over the tables in the Temple !
Let`s have a new series of the Black and White Minstrel Show. Good clean honest fun.
…… quickly followed by “Till Death Us
Do Part”
I saw a photo of s young Lenny Henry with the B&W minstrels.
Oh, the celebrity woke luvvie cunts despise Dacre.
I do hope that he gets the job.
And, as Hughie Cunt would say,
and I mean that most sincerely, folks.
Britain had talent once, now we have cuntent. A show that epitomises the very soul of new Britain BGT. We are fucking doomed.
Just another set of pen pushing rats.
Fling them in the oven and use the money for Royal Marines to sink the Dinghy People of Lies.
Fuck Off.
My, I fucking hate kiwis and their shitty dump of a country where everything is broken or gay rap never even made it to TV the racist cunts.
Just saying.
And some of them still sport mullets in nz ffs!