Nigeria is a cunt, isn’t it.
A 13-year-old boy has been sentenced to 10 years in prison in northern Nigeria. The crime? Blasphemy. Yes, Omar Farouq was convicted in a Sharia court in Kano State after he was accused of using foul language toward Allah in an argument with a friend. Blasphemy is not recognized by Nigerian law although Kano State, like most predominantly Muslim states in Nigeria, practises Sharia law alongside secular law.
By the bollock of Allah, that is harsh. 10 years in prison with menial labour. Give the little bastard a break. When I was 13 I was buying ten Embassy No:1 and Mad-Dog 2020 then attempting fingers & tops with a sultry goth girl before spanking the teenage magnanimous love-truncheon. Jumping Jehovah in a juicer, I used to spank the purple-throbbing yoghurt-squirter until only air came out.
I hope those caring, merciful Nigerians don’t import their shite laws here, especially their welfare of children.
By the bowels of Shiva, Blasphemy’s a cunt.
By the tiny todger of the Prophet Móhammad, Sharia Law is a cunt.
Jesus fucking Christ on a mobility scooter, Nigeria is a cunt.
Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous
I’m not sure I’ve got this right, Captain. Are you asking me to sympathise with a Nigerian Muslim brat? Actually, I’m rather against the demonisation of Muslims, but the other two deficiencies are plenty.
Only 10 years? Pussies.
Id of given Omar 25yrs the blasphemous little bongobongo bastard!
Thatll keep him off the street!
Omar read the scriptures to pass the time.
Sorry, bit liberal of me!
A few strokes of the cat on his back too.
I know what id have said to that cunt of a judge en all
!race aside etc fuck you en all cunt!
Still one less to worry about over here in blighty
Im sure some corrupt bastard will supply him a dinghy
Who is the victim in the ‘crime’ of blasphemy? An all-powerful supernatural deity? Or a weak minded shit-for-brains who can’t stand having their imaginary friend insulted? Answers on a postcard to Archdruid Justin Welby, Lambeth fucking PALACE (wonder how many families you could feed on the upkeep of that Welby, you utter shitstain).
One for the married men…
Come on then you BLM cunts, XR cunts, Hollywoke cunts, Guardian cunts and other assorted Lefty cunts – why don’t you all fuck off to Nigeria and demonstrate your bullshit over there!
Let’s see how you get on against Muslims and their love of Sharia Law over there, you bleeding-heart fuckers.Plenty of human rights abuses going on, but will you choose to do anything about it? Of course not!
Too shit scared of upsetting their religious ways, and of getting a good hard kicking by the military.
Hypocritical cunts
The libturd cunts would rather import more of these less than civilised creatures into the U.K. and then allow them to practise sharia law here. Well , that will only happen over their dead bodies.
I wouldn’t feel too sorry for the little cunt, before you know it some Guardianista like Linekunt will want him brought over here…….along with 62 members of his extended family.
Not my country, they can do what they want as long as they fucking stay there.
Does anyone know if Gary’s lodger has arrived yet?
Linecunt is currently shitting his Mums pants after some joker submitted a planning application for a 300 bed asylum centre outside one of his mansions!
And I am always careful what I say as some years ago I was in Court for speeding and the Police and one of the magistrates lied through their crooked teeth and when the bitch handed me a huge fine and then asked if I had anything to say.
“I do not recognise the authority of this kangaroo Court and furthermore consider you a complete cunt”!
Fifty quid fine!
Can’t the whole rats nest simply be bombed to nice shiny melted glass?
Better for all concerned.
The filthy cunts.
Backwards country.Agreed Unkle Terry bomb them all
Mrs Fistula’s manager is from Nigeria , he’s very educated and calm untill you question his religion of peace. He then goes from intelligent nice man to medieval witch doctor in a second on who ever dares question the word of a cunt that married a 9 year old.
I wouldnt be at all surprized /mind you i believe what happens in umbongo bongo lands should fucking stay there .
Well cunted Herr Kapitan. Though I’d have thought it goes without saying that Nigeria, blasphemy and Sharia law are all cunts.
That said, anyone unfortunate enough to have been born into a shithole like Nigeria has my sympathy. And any 13 year old who has a smidgen of independent thought after being brought up in a Muslim country has my sympathy doubly so.
Dog knows what you have to do in a previous life to deserve such a fate.
Be a blasphemer?
Mohammed was a cunt. Islam is a pile of shite.
That’s me banned from Nigeria, shithole country full of cunts.
Islam is a pile of wank. Mohammad sucked off camels.
I’m hoping for a lifetime ban.
Next time you two want to go there for a holiday and they won’t let you in, you’ll be sorry.
How else can I meet my Niggerian princess I’ve invested in for years?
When the little cunt gets released from prison because some soy boy or soy girl, woman ,man ,it, they ,or whatever the fuck gender lawyer that gets this aspiring architect free, you can guarantee when the goat fucker is the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger spook double the cunt will be on the news in some sort of terror attack, oven for the cunt now and save us the trouble
Now if only he’d have nicked a kiddies paddling pool and a bit of two be four and navigated his way to good old blighty looking for a bit of rape and shit we could have looked after him…the cunt!
At least with him being in prison he won’t be doing what normal Um Böngos do at that age…fathering 15 children.
He’ll doubtless be having plenty of sex though…whilst biting a thin, prison-issue pillow.
They’ve given him a pillow? I thought they sent him to prison as a punishment, not so he could live in luxury. The big mouthed little cunt.
Should give the cunt a good kicking bedtime and morning, nothing like giving someone a doctor Martin 18 hole oxblood colour prescribed size 12 kicking
Send in the SAS, bring him back here, educate him, give him job opportunities and the chance to be an upstanding citizen…
Nah, on second thoughts, leave him to serve his sentence. Maybe he’ll think twice next time about badmouthing Allah…
Sharia Law is here in the UK, and is openly practiced in the former County called Yorkshire. Catholic and the then ” Church Law” practiced in England ( until 17th century ) were very similar ( in intent (subjugation )
Oh! I forgot…Mohammed was a nasty man, a narcissist who invented a notion of a new religion that justified his perversions. It was Abu Akbr (et al, ) ( founders of Sunni Islam ) who cottoned of that it would be good to maintain the beliefs of Mohammed in order to continue dominance of an illiterate people.
Did this no doubt.involve in the fucking of children^ marrying very young its obviously not done them any favours bunch of backward bastards
It did. Sunni Law endorses such unions, and condones rape as a “duty of Man “
Abu Akbr might have been a cunt but at least he led the defence of his homeworld and masterminded the rebel attack on the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi.
The perfect combination. Dumb kaffirs and peacefulness. A winner every time.
At least serving 10 years will stop him sending scam emails to old ladies in the UK
Not at all, Nigerian prisons have several chain gangs , Rock breaking, maintenance of roads, and computer scam room!
Amused to hear you got to the point of blowing air. There is an upside, in the case you were around town on the T-shift Chopper and got a flat tire.
Blimey. Boris is on his feet right now actually talking sense about our shite education system and lack of training and apprenticeships….
Fine words, but all hot air of course, just like his “bring back control” and “oven ready Brexit” and “world beating test and trace system” bollocks.
Go back to work, stay at home, lose weight, eat out at taxpayers expense, fuck off.
Hands, face, space, did he say it, did he say It ?
“Lifetime skills guarantee” ?
And if your woke etc hands /face/space/ safe space
They bollocked the last pint its 10 pm bit up i see/well christ on a fucking bike/who didnt see that coming pissed up in the street/all together in crowds no masks/yet another genius idea gone tits up
They are very emotional.
Shes a right mentalist.
Introduction to skydiving called for there.
Thats right mnc nigerian air express
She’s probably only just managed to escape shithole Detroit and realised she got on the wrong plane.
On the plus side, her agility skills remind me of the time Rapunzel went on a coconut and banana diet – – didn’t lose any weight but you should have seen her climb trees.
What language is that, Klingon?
Fucking Hell, Sixdog. This hysterical witch is like something out of Angel Heart.
You would think a nation so advanced that it has become a world leader in internet fraud that it wouldn’t have time for any of the middle eastern fairy tales, let alone the most draconian. Then again, their medical system involves diagnosis by throwing chicken bones on a dustbin lid, and most cures involve the blood of an albino.
Lammy cant wait to emigrate there then/rest assured he probaly knows someone in their goverment over there
May peace be upon all contributors to is a cunt because as we know Allah is a very forgiving kind of god.
Yep which is why everyone in that nigerian shithole has the mental elf and there all called allah
They could boil the cunt in oil for all I care, crack on with your primitive ways in your own country, before you know it we will have Voodoo for beginners down at the town hall.!
Umbongo bongo go home /yes its cslled the uk