A join hands and contact the living, who the fuck is he? cunting please for this double-barrelled nonentity from Dame Kweer’s shadow cabinet.
Nicky is a boy who will go far – and he has to, because he is always buying new suits, as he wears out the knees of his trousers regularly. He came from nowhere and will doubtless return there very soon.
On the eve of the “virtual” Labour conference, he admits he often has a bijou chatette with former leaders Anthony Blair and Gordon Brown who are “extremely ready to give advice”. Which he no doubt takes, I also have little doubt Mandy is also on hand to offer advice on the right sort of gimp suit to wear.
There can be little doubt that Dame Kweer talks to Blair as well, which is no doubt the reason Anthony says little in public about his beloved party – His will will be done on Earth as it is in Devon.
I can just imagine Nicky Double-Barrell, hovering and servile, and terribly anxious to be polite and respectful “May I like your arsehole Mr Blair – oh and yours too, Mr Brown?”.
They say a cat can look at a queen, and in the Starer Charmers case, obviously a Dame can look at a queen too There you have the confirmation Starmer is Blair Mark 2. The rubber boaters can throw away their oars – if Boris keeps underperforming a Starmer government will welcome them with open arms – and no paddling.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
(Yet another Labour cunt who has never done a proper day’s work, according to Wiki – DA)
“I stand with people with dementia”?
Did he mean Jeremy Corbyn?
Another career politician on a free hand out climbing the ladder to having wealth and a big house all at our expense
Shallow trench
Sprinkle with lime
Sharp blow to back of the head
Fill trench.
Those are the kind of politics I like! And there is a rumour my Nephew Laurence Fox is going to hook up with Nigel of the Farage for the coming election – we’re going to drain the sewer!
Vote Fox/Fox!
Reclaim, Laurence is calling it Foxy.
Apparently for mentioning it I get a box of Fox biscuits at Christmas?
Plant lovely trees. ?
Afternoon, MNC
Afternoon Jack!
And a nice one at that!
Throw your masks off lads, go outside, its too nice for lessons indoors.
Crisp air, sunshine, and positive outlook can cure corona.
Trust me im a politician.
I’d love to say he’s an irrelavent cunt, but with Boris flailing like a gypsy in a bathtub, I can see this “down with the working class” cunt walking into the treasury and spending taxpayers money on the Idle, feckless and the gimmergrants, of course he probably hates British people too, especially the white ones, utter cunt!!!!!
I’d quickly promote that cunt.
To Ashes.
Five star cunting, WC. But does the cunt really merit such loving attention?
Hmmm. Yes. He not only did PPE at Oxford. as all true champions of the working class must; he bloody taught it. I think we have the devil incarnate here. Never mind talking to Tony, Gordon, Lord Peter and any other on-the-take globalist able to answer a phone, he is undoubtedly linked via a medium to the Euro-unifiers of the Holy Roman Empire.
It would be wise not to underestimate this monumental pile of crap. Consider it cunted.
Im working class and I did PE as well, nowt special.
Bet I could still do a star jump but id struggle to get up the rope.
PPE = Political PE, Mis. You have Tony doing pressups on you and you can’t complain. Tough stuff.
Off topic I see Bertie’s parrot rehoming project didn’t work…
Teaching each other to swear!!
Mocking people walking past!
All sat on a branch effing and blinding!!?
That’s a bit like this website ?
I like to think of them all sat in the tree and a bloke walks past,
Parrot shouts
“Fuckin bumboy!”
To howls of parrot laughter.???
Just another vacuous Liebour identikit career politician lawyer CUNT from planet Zog.
Since Blair and Brown are two cheeks of the same backside this gimp can lick both at once.
Where is Dame Kweer finding all these total non-entities? At least the Blair-Brown government had some characters (like them or not) such as Robin Cook, Mo Molam and Two Jags Prescott.
This current lot wouldn’t qualify as household names in their own households.
after only 4 days i’ve been banned from twitter for calling handycock a cunt – so i’m pleased to be able to say that this double barrelled non-entity is also a cunt
I called him a vacuus little bully and a clown unfit for office on twatter.
Applies equally to the other 649.
Lying BBC fabricating shit about Trump as we speak – I am going to dance in the street when these bastards are defunded.
it’ll be the biggest house party on the planet hopefully – their subversion is there in plain sight
I understand from an insider that this champion of freedom has to stick Tampax up his arse because of a prolapsed sphinkter. The same insider tells me he always walks around with wet wipes to clean Mandy’s shit off his nose. The fucking Tories are kissing Blair’s bollocks every day also.
I heard he used a babies dummy but as his harris lost it shape hes now using one of those big red ones made from Blackpool rock?
Why always flies and wasps around him in summer.
Nick Thomas-Symonds MP? Dementia you say?
I saw him one day in my high street. We stopped for a chat and just before he walked off he said.
“When I stopped to talk to you, was I walking up the street, or down?”
I said “Down.”
He said “ Oh good, that means I have had my lunch.”
If he’s Labour, he’s a cunt.