Michael Holding

It’s with a heavy heart that I make this nomination. I’ve always liked his commentary on the cricket. He hates T20 and just seems to like test cricket. A bit like myself. He’s always seemed a nice bloke and he’s very knowledgeable on the sport and his commentary is right up there with the best.

Why cunt him?

Well, he’s been close to getting one in recent times due to his constant support of BLM. He recently said during commentary something about not returning to a golf course he liked because he found out that Trump owned it. Of course, his female co commentator lapped it up.

He should be sticking to commentary not using his platform to criticize the POTUS. He kept refering to Chicken George Floyd as ‘ that poor gentleman’, and that he was murdered. FFS. Gentleman? Murdered? Fuck the trial then, eh?

But that’s not all. He’s now whinging that the cricketers have stopped taking the knee. The ECB are saying they’re going to support all groups and not just one to help stop racism. I think they know there’s a backlash now towards BLM due to some of their openly racist tweets and demands. They want to help stop racism but, quite rightly, don’t see BLM as a good group to support.

But old Mike isn’t happy. He wants the knee taking and fist salutes to go on. Forever, it seems. He’s saying it’s ‘not good enough’.

No Mike. What’s not good enough is you not listening or caring about facts.

The fact is that recently, BLM leaders have tweeted things about looking forward to enslaving all white people and not being happy until there are many more white people being murdered. That they want a Marxist takeover. That they want transsexuals put in charge of government. All MPs to be black.

Is that what’s not good enough? It seems you want this too; just spit it out. Now once the dust settles over all this, we can look forward to not accepting anti white racists like yourself on our screens.

Fuck off!

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

48 thoughts on “Michael Holding

  1. I think there is a backlash against both Extinction Rebellion and BLM and about bloody time. The fact that, on the whole, we have had a lot of sunshine this summer and people have been fed up being cooped up probably has more to do with all the protests than anything political.
    Poor old Michael Holding, one of the greats of all time in the cricketing world but you can’t help thinking that his recent pronouncements may have been caused by being hit on the head by a cricket ball, but it would have been a brave fucker who did that.

  2. Jumping on the woke bandwagon, just like so many other old cunts with nothing better to do.

    Only wants to read, watch or listen the best bits about BLM activities; but blatantly ignores the more graphic realities.

    Of course he was quite happy to earn big “White Man’s” money from broadcasting/commentating, along with other endorsements/sponsors. A bit like Lewis Hamilton – full of bullshit contradictions and hyperbole.

    No doubt he’ll come out with some bogus allegations about racism in the commentary box, and all the usual “I won’t say anything until its convenient” bollocks.

    • Fuck him the old cunt.
      Had a cushy job indoors doing something he likes,
      Still fuckin moaning.
      To be honest I thought he was Kenny Lynch.
      Empty your desk and fuck off you mardarse.

  3. The backlash cannot come soon enough.
    It is only the Covid project fear that has given the authorities an excuse to quash anti blm protests.
    The main stream media, the woke brigade and B will learn the fucking hard way and it will serve them right.

    This Kunta Kinte should stick to cricket, chicken, rice n peas and hitting dat whitey ball with da golf bats.

  4. Unkle Terrys recipes #01) The bowler’s Willie.

    Stuff the cunt with thermite, marinade in napalm for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight in the fridge). Sprinkle generously with white phosphorous before oven (max setting minimum safe distance etc). Serve with some acid-cuntflux tablets and a nice green salad.

    • And a thunderous round of applause when the concoction is finally presented and explodes at once.
      Live on SKY.
      what a nest of cunts.

  5. I hate cricket.
    I hate the BLM gorillas
    I hate hooligans
    Guess what? I hate this bending of the knee in whatever it is. Any celebrity who endorses it is automatically a cunt and their name should be remembered in a big book and that includes any dark ones like this old Jamaican muff.

  6. Cricket gets a cunting full stop as far as I’m concerned. Boring as hell. How can a game take four days?

    • Because it’s very slow. How can anyone take a game seriously when they have positions called Silly Mid On and Silly Mid Off? Utter wank.

      • Very similar, LL. Like cricket, a long time can go by where nothing much happens, then suddenly there’s a flurry of activity and something amazing, skillful or clever happens very quickly. Then it’s back to another 45 minutes of boredom.

        Baseball is a very social thing over here. It’s as much about being out with your fellow man, inhaling hotdogs, candy floss and beer than it is about the game.

      • Baseball used to be “the National Pastime.” But like everything else it has changed as society has changed. It used to be about seeing a good game…great teams and great players. Now it’s about the “experience.”

        Sabermetrics and analytics have also changed the way the game is played…for the worse.

      • Hi General –
        Good points from someone more knowledgeable than I. Always appreciated.

        I do find some of the rules in baseball to be anti-sport though. The intentional walk is bullshit. For people not familiar with this, when your team has a really good batter come up in the rotation, if the pitching team don’t want to risk him hitting a pitch (perhaps for a home run), they’ll basically pass and allow the hitter to go directly to first base without him doing anything. Utter shit rule.

        I also don’t like the rule where if a hitter hits the ball way up high so it’s in the air for a long time, nobody can run until the ball is fielded. Why not let them run and try to get on base before the fielder has a chance to catch or retrieve the ball? Pure bollocks!

        All that said, if you understand a little about what is going on and see a professional team execute a double or even a triple play, you have to marvel at the speed, accuracy and skill involved. It is really something to see when it happens.

  7. Another cunt eulogising Saint Chiggun Floyd George. Patron Saint of BLM and cunts who point loaded guns at pregnant women.

    Fur-Loyd was a known criminal, a dangerous man and a piece of shit. Has it occurred to these BLM fucks that the community and law enforcement were at the end of their tethers where Saint Chiggun and his ‘associates’ were concerned? Who knows what else he and his mates got up to? What makes me sick is these twats want this bloke’s crimes and antics ‘wiped’or ‘overlooked’. Yet some daft cunt tells a joke on social media and the cozzers come knocking at the door and a plane banner with no abusive or offensive words on it gets ‘investigated’. It also makes me sick that this cunt – a total no mark – has got more tributes and salutes than Lady Di, JFK, the 9/11 victims and Hillsborough combined. Talk about the scum rising to the top.

  8. This cunt has an absolute nerve talking about “privilege.”
    He’s one of the most privileged people, black or white that you could meet.
    As well as earning a fortune as a crap cricket commentator, he then follows the sport of kings at the end of the season, idling his time away by watching horse racing along with all the other celeb wasters. He then retires to warmer climes to spend the Winter in one of his other Caribbean residences.
    Don’t you fuckin’ lecture me on “privilege” Mikey boy.
    Good cunting Cuntyb.
    This cunt has been travelling under the radar for a long time and needed outing.

  9. The only way to get these cunts out of sport and TV programmes is to protest and boycott.
    Apparently sport viewing is dropping big time in the US because of the BLM shite and we need to do this here. 25,500 complaining to Ofcom was a start about Britians Got No Talent.

      • Good i hope that show fucks right off virtue signalling bollocks and the only good thing simon cowell ever did in his whole was discover a fat blimp can sing(although somrwhat debateable)

  10. Whys he crying in the photo?
    What’s his fuckin issue that day?
    Got the wrong sandwich?
    No sugar in his tea?
    Holding strikes me as the sort whos always crying.
    Doesn’t go his way the dummies out, the tears flow, the bottom lip trembles.
    I worked with him id constantly tell him sad stuff, see how many times a day I could have him scriking his eyes out.
    Bet he wets the bed too.

  11. The ECB did everything to pander to the West Indies in gratitude for their turning up here to play.
    But I was amused that the moment they went home and we played the Aussies, both sides agreed all the knee bending and BLM cuntery could – and should- cease (hence Holding’s strop).
    Let’s see what happens in India and Sri Lanka. My money is there will be a resumption of this nonsense.
    Hats off to Joffra Archer for taking Holding to task too.

  12. I assume he was talking about not going to the golf course owned by Trump as a caddie, I can’t believe a Trump golf course would allow any dark skinned members.
    Women commenting on Cricket, the world has gone mad, it’s like a bloke commentating on Rounders, a nice gentle game for the lady folk

    BLM can fuck off, #whitelivesmatter

  13. Another example of some cunt good at one thing , cricket in this case, believing that they have an important opinion on something they know nowt about and it’s fine to fester it on Joe public. Fuck off Holding great cricketer but cunt on wider social issues. Go on now stop lingering fuck off go on right now you cunt.

  14. Surely cricket is an English whitey game spread to certain parts of the world through colonialism. Any self respecting BLM cunt would have nothing to do with it. Stop pandering to white supremacy, Holding, you fucking sell out. You should be burning Lords to the ground you bandwagon jumping rich cunt.

  15. He’s not crying in that photo, he’s grinning. Someone just told him they’ve opened a KFC branch at the Oval.

  16. I’ve never made a decision about a person based on the colour of their skin, probably the reason why so many of my patients died from jaundice….

  17. I find cricket deathly dull.
    I find Michael Holding a cunt.
    Same as the rest – if you find MY Country so racist feel free to fuck off to any third world shithole you want – and take a few million with you, ungrateful virtue signalling prick.

    • Well couldnt have put that any better and if thats what the leaders of blm are all about then they fuck right off to.I suggest a mode of transport to namely being a plane and its undercarraiage and no seat belt like that nigerian chocolate drop tryed and dropped 30.000 ft to his HILARIAOUS DEATH THE CUNT

  18. Who cares what he thinks of Trump. He’s going to be back in in November and prepare for Libtard meltdown mk2. Except, I suspect Trump may come down hard on the cunts.

  19. BLM want more whiteys murdered, way the cunts are a stabbin in Londonistan aint gonna be many BLM twats left. Why not start a civil war now? bollocks spouting cunts or why not fuck off to some other countries that embrace the black, why stay here and prove what a useless load of cunts you are. I have worked with and served with people of all colours ,belief systems etc. never once had a problem with my colour or theirs even when their colour outnumbered mine. How long will it take before people realise that BLM are a bunch of cunts, puppets in the hands of some wanky commie groups. I say lets sort this shite out once and for all I judge people by their actions. The cunts are storming the castle the time is very close

  20. I’m surprised anyone watching cricket was awake enough to listen to the drivel coming out of this guys’ trap. Fuck him.

  21. Michael Holding has been lucky enough to never do a days work in his life, probably never seen the temperature go below 15 degrees and lives the life of riley. Yet a white bloke who’s struggling to pay a mortgage and might not have a job next year is privileged?
    Great cricketer but he’s talking utter bollocks, now fuck off Mikey!

  22. Holding just another bandwagon jumping cunt. He should take a leaf out of Les Ferdinands book who has come out in support of QPR for not taking the knee.
    Simply said it’s all fucking bollocks and shouldn’t be anywhere near sport
    I have hurled some fucking abuse at you from the terracing over the years Les, but you are spot on with this one.
    QPR are still cunts though.

  23. He looks upset because someones just come on to the cricket pitch dropped their trousers and took a big fat shit on the pitch

  24. I like cricket.

    What I don’t like is all these bleck people from whatever walk of life suddenly telling us they were sucking up to us but crossing their bleck fingers behind their backs all the time and now telling us, we didn’t mean any of it, we hated you!

    Huh. Bastardwank cunts.

  25. I wouldn’t take to the Knee if my life depended on it, bowing down for some thick criminal Ch!mp Who couldn’t conduct himself in a civilised manner, I regard this kneeling act as the ultimate insult for a person who is not black, would they kneel down if the roles were reversed.?

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