Lin-Maunal Miranda

Let’s have a joint US/UK, Broadway/West End, award winning cunting for Lin-Maunal Miranda and his theatrical stage production of Hamilton.

It takes a revisionist cunt of monumental idiocy to create, produce, and star in a “…portrayal of historical events (that) resonate with the modern-day discussions about social justice and systemic racism.”

This “sung and rapped through” production takes us on a revised, multicultural, politically correct journey through the founding of the white supremacist, slave owning nation known as The United States. Starring Hispanic actor Lin-Miranda Manual in the lead role of Alexander Hamilton…the crusading, anti slavery immigrant of Scots descent. Also starring Chinese/American Phillipa Soo as his wife, Eliza Hamilton, daughter of Dutch Continental Army General Philip Schuyler.

Co-starring African/American Leslie Odom Jr. as Hamilton’s nemesis Aaron Burr.
Also co-starring African/American Renee Elise Goldsberry as Angelica Schuyler, the sister to his Chinese/American portrayed Dutch wife.

The racially ambiguous Christopher Jackson portrays George Washington.
The mixed race Jewish/African American, Daveed Diggs portrays both the Marquis de Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson.

And rounding out the cast is the token white actor Brian d’Arcy James as the evil tyrant George III.

Yo! We be havin’ a mo-foekin’ rev-lution y’all!

Lin Manual-Miranda; An incomparable fucking cunt!

Nominated by: General Cuntster (Deceased)

60 thoughts on “Lin-Maunal Miranda

  1. Not a clue what Hamilton is but note the english characters the villain.
    Lin miranda as well as collecting womens names has a ponytail a crime that should carry a 10yr prison sentence alone.
    Musicals are shite anyway but a load of ethnic cunts rapping and jazz handing sounds extra nasty id choke myself unconscious just to sit through it.

  2. Sounds like a winner General C-perhaps if it comes to the West End, we could organise an ISAC Londanistab weekend-take in the sites, afternoon tea with Khan the Mayor, admiring the ice cream tit on the fourth plinth, visiting Mr Bray outside parliament all rounded up with the evening performance of this wondrous production.

    Meanwhile on planet cunt:
    What the fuck?
    What are the songs called? Will the Donald be attending??

  3. I seem to remember Hamilton was shot dead by Aaron Burr in a gentleman’s pistol duel. They were bitter political rivals and one of them called the other’s bird a ‘ho’ , or something like that. They should bring that back…..we could have Sir Nigel against Lammy for example. How could he miss the fat colourful cunt?

    • Right you are Freddie. But why let a thing like historical accuracy get in the way of telling the story?

  4. The usual shit from shit?
    When will someone have the balls to stand up and say “we are the first world because we are industrious, tenacious and get things done, everywhere else is the third world because they are bone idle backward inbred m*rderous savages”.
    Pay for yourselves, and if you don’t like it here fuck off to any Country you want, don’t come back and take a few million with you.

      • I am having difficulty tying bananas to bricks MNC! ?
        And I only want a ticket if poor held back discriminated against multi millionaire Lewis takes a knee!
        As he flies over the grandstand with my foot jammed in his whining arse.

      • I see Lewis has caused controversy by wearing s t shirt about police brutality in the US. I really do think its time he left Mercedes and started his own team; ‘The BLM Bandwagon’.

        ‘And its Hamilton in the the BLM Bandwagon overtaking Vettel and now he’s on the straight closing in on the Ferrari.

        And it’s true what they say no need to go into the pits the wheels never come off the BLM Bandwagon

        ‘It can keep going and and going…’

        ‘now he taking the chequered flag…

        ‘How does the ‘wagon keep going like that Lewis!?’
        ‘Its a new fuel..the engine runs on self righteousness’.’.

  5. I am not familair with Lin Manual-Miranda but the picture at the top of the page tells you all you need to know:

    1. Supercillious grin – check.
    2. Badge on the lapel – check.
    3. Ghastly man-bun – check.
    4. Smug demeanour – check.

    When considering the above and examining his crimes against entertainment, the cunt thorougly deserves to be gassed like a badger.

  6. Speaking of diversity I just heard some tart on the radio talking about some Yank wimminz footballer and describing her as a “global superstar”.

    NO. Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar are global superstars. Some bird no cunt has ever heard of is DEFINITELY NOT !!
    Now fuck off with this shit.

    • Don’t recall Messi, Ronaldo etc being beaten by a bunch of under 14s.
      Slutball? This ladyboy in the nom proto probably loves it, when not taking in the latest offering from Shitflix of course.
      Right, back to painting my portrait of Lewis Hamilton!
      (It’s a birthday present for Sir Fiddler but don’t tell him – it’s a surprise!).

      • A portrait of Lewis Hamilton? Make sure you get the colours right………the darker the better.
        Oh, and put a cap on his head so you can’t see his balding bonce.

      • I am trying to get the right shade of red for the broken nose Freddie! ??
        (Not me – Percy had at the bugger before I could (be bothered to) stop him – he’s a brute Sir!

  7. Sounds like a right load of old crap, I have been to few west end shows and the affordable seats are cramped and uncomfortable and I wouldn’t want sit through this bollocks with a sore arse ?
    Every cunt in the world knows about the slave trade, fuck knows why they keep banging on about it…. it’s gone, finished, over (except in the shithole countries, but no fucker mentions that).

    PS, never heard of this cunt.

  8. No accusations of whitewashing, or its opposite like there is when some cunt from a comic book film adaptation ends up being offered to a honky to make the film have box office appeal.
    Suck my farts.

  9. Every time I have seen pictures of the audience, they are 99.9% white and wanking off about watching a play with black people. Perhaps they should move to Hackney or Barking if they feel they are not getting enough black quota. Thought not…

    And another thing – if an American black can say they are “African/American” why can’t I say I am Anglo Saxon English? As Bruno told that intelligent chat show audience, he just came back from Africa which was full of African-Americans!

  10. Anyone remember when you paid an arm and a leg for a seat in a big-city theatre in the expectation of being entertained and a similar sum to the SWP in the expectation of being politically indoctrinated? The two appear to have merged.

    That said, it’s been a while since this came out (as in the sense of shamefacedly admitting to something better concealed) in 2015, and D’arcy James is no longer George III, but a hack called Euan Morton played the king last year. What bitter irony…if the Scots had made a better fist of the ’45, there wouldn’t have been a GeorgeIII.

    • Komodo@
      Last time I went the theatre it was very expensive!
      The play was ‘the paddington Bear story’
      Starring Derek Griffiths.
      As a patron of the arts I was thrilled until when Derek said his line “hello boys & girls!”
      And some little urchin shouted
      “Up yours n*99er”
      And ive never smelt the greasepaint since.

      • I would have thought Rolf Harris playing Widow Twankey at the local theatre in Stockport would have put you off for life Miserable. An invitation to a 6’0 ten year old Miserable to “have a look at his Rolfaroo” in his dressing room was politely declined with a swift kick in the bollocks.

      • LL, theatre folk are funny types, I went to see ‘madam Butterfly’ had that chinese bloke Judi Dench in it.
        I was wandering about in the theatre and saw some ducky type give flowers to Judi, kiss his cheek and say “go out there and break a leg!,”
        What they do,
        Theatre type wish injury on each other for luck.
        So I shouted
        “Hope you break your fuckin neck!”

        Cunt had me chucked out.

      • My last trip to the thee-ay-tre was in around 1969, in York. A now-ex friend, who was even then in the process of becoming an insufferably arty cunt, and his wife, took me. I have forgotten the title, and at no point had I the ghost of an idea as to what it was about. It was perhaps a critique of the zeitgeist or some such bollocks.
        Like you, I have never returned.

      • Know what? Im not taking the word of you lot on here, im going to go see for myself.
        Im going to book for Macbeth, make my own mind up!
        Too be frank a lot of you are quite common,
        No offense, you probably dont understand it.
        Yeah, Macbeth, witches, ghosties and cursed scottish kings, be ace!
        Take some tinnies though not paying the prices they charge!
        Maybe a bag of revels …

      • Shhhhh
        Don’t say the M word Miserable, here in theatre land we refer to it as “The Scottish play”.


      • What motherfuckers?
        Oh you mean the curse!
        Yes, its bad luck.
        Said 3 times, candyman appears or something?
        All mental the ducky darlings, superstitious as they come!


      • Fuck. You said Macbeth, not fucking Hamlet. The jest fails. For ‘Yorick’, read ‘Banquo’s ghost’. Thank you

  11. Never heard of “it”, so can’t be bothered to add anything worth while because “it” ain’t worth a shit!

    I was in a pub beer garden yesterday, but regrettably some young tourists were within earshot, and they were griping about WW2.

    Apparently, according to them it was Britain’s fault that Germany invaded so many countries, due to persecution and bigotry towards Hitler. And as a consequence Adolf suffered some form of mental abuse/breakdown, and went on to do what he did with the Jews and invading Europe as a whole!

    So there you go: it was all our fault, and we have blood on our hands etc etc.

    Expect more revised history books to come out anytime soon!

    • Did you put the straight, techno?
      Or did the sound of you pissing yourself laughing at them send them back indoors?

  12. There is more reality in Dr Who than this pile of shit, acted (supposedly) by wankers and watched by even bigger tossers.!

  13. Cultural appropriation is like racism a white only problem.

    They could of made a show about how we first formed a standing navy to combat slavers taking people from Britain and Ireland to north africa, these were the early pirates. Later the navy was expanded to assist in the abolition of slavery.

    Fuck this shit, we welcome d everyone here and they all now just tell us how shit we are. Fuck off the lot of you. Fucking America , home of the woke and the spineless. Seems the average american is bored with civilisation.

    Mad Max was set in 2021, looks like it’s coming to a city near you just in time.

    • @6dV

      I have to agree with you about my homeland’s wokeness. i just wish we had politicians like Diane Abbot or Sadiq Khan who represented and put forth our traditional values.

      Christ Almighty, I’d be happy if we had a great newspaper like the Guardian that would provide us with objective facts. Or a broadcast network like the BBC that gave us with quality entertainment and didn’t fucking lecture us all the time.

      • American does irony shock horror….

        Yes, given the entirely different structure of US media, you have to wonder how the epdemic of wokeness manages to propagate there. The answer is that the internet has empowered precisely the sort of fecjkless, noisy, entitled cunt rulers and governments have been suppressing since at least the early Egyptians. With very good reason.

      • I thought I did the irony and shock better than the horror. But I’ll settle for 2 out of 3.

      • You’ve got your finger on the button for the UK General!
        Is there anything in particular that might contribute to this! Maybe UK relatives, spending any time over here etc?

      • Hey Bertie,

        Never been to the land of my forefathers…or my foremothers for that matter. I am however, what they used to refer to as an Anglophile.

        Waaaaaaaaaay back in the last century I was a history and political science major in college. I had a particular interest in English history and political philosophy and their impacts on the formation of American republic.

        I’m also an avid reader of history, news and commentary.

        I’ve also been known to associate with a bunch of on line “bullet headed*” (Anglo)Saxon mother’s…cunts as well.


        *Actually, aside from John Lennon’s lyric, I don’t know the origin or true meaning of that phrase. I just like the way it sounds.

  14. I’d rather read my Gas meter than watch
    ” Hamilton the play for Cunts ” ****

  15. Managed to get to sentence two of the nom and had to stop for fear of defenestrating our highly fuckable group PA Emma. Fucking cunt (Lin not Emma)!

  16. Actors = over paid luvvie cunts who pretend to be someone else. Fuck em, get a real job, cunts.

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