An unusual cunting here, but not too unusual in today’s “woke” society.
An advert (Jo Malone Fragrances), starring that great actor John (“Star Wars”) Boyega (never heard of the cunt myself) has been pulled in China, where Mr Boyega’s televisual feast has been rejected and replaced by a Chinese actor. Now the “Wokes” are squealing like stuck pigs about not having any blacks in the Chinese version of the advert.
Well you “slaves of wokedem”, the Chinks don’t like the following people;
Carpet riders
White people
Half castes
So as you can see they fit their adverts to suit their consumers. Maybe they should try it in this country. I’m sure it would be popular, and Jo Malone, you’re utter cunts for apologising!!!
Nominated by:Captain Ian Douglas Van Der Byl Quimson
‘Is he not fragrant?’
Chinnesery person: ‘No. Fuck, no!”
What a laugh!
Coming to America starring Eddie Murphy?
Oh no its the token black Stormtrooper from the new woke Star wars.
The Chinks have quite rightly binned this moaning cunt.
Wish we’d do the same and replace him in the adverts.
The slants probably think the adverts for a cooking sauce to accompany umbongo bushmeat.
He looked like a glittered Nenge Mboko, from Cameroon.
I reckon he loves a bit of beef jerky.
Boo bwele boo bwele boo bwele ah ha! Boo bwele boo bwele boo bwele ah ha!
The Yellow Peril really do not like those of the Dark Continent.
They simply won’t have them advertising fuck all.
I do wish the woke Twatter rats would fuck off to Beijing to protest.
The ensuing footage would be lovely.
The dumb cunts.
Well, you learn something new every day. I always thought China was mindful of it’s worldwide image regarding human rights and so on. Or do we turn a blind eye because we like their cheap goods. Let the woke cunts throw away all their possessions that are made in China. All they’ll be left to wear is Jo Malone fragrance.
On a separate note we can’t be that racist here as we’re on the verge of allowing two bud bud dings buy Asda.
Looking at the top 10 richest people in the UK most are fucking foreign so we can’t all be cunty racists here!
“Bud bud ding”? Waaaahahahahahahahahahaha loving this thread boys 🙂
The Chinese only like things they can cook and eat…….. which is just about anything other than people.
They’ll eat anything on 4 legs except a table and anything that flies except an aeroplane.
A shitty nappie if you pour soy sauce on it.
Excellent cunting
I don’t much care for the Chinese or trump for that matter but sometimes they just do things that make me smile , the Chinese sacking off this second rate ( activist) actor and his woke arsemuncher mates is fucking gold and the louder they bleat the better as the Chinese couldn’t give a flying fuck.
Imagine if old tango man gets a second term? The tsunami of bellyaching and tears will be heard across the world …..
Deep fucking Joy
What the fuck is he wearing? Its fucking sillier than anything he would have worn in that star wars shite.
Is there anything or anyone the Chinese do like? Round eyes’ money obviously, but what else? Nothing in the animal kingdom is safe from the cunts, because if they aren’t torturing it to death for dinner, they’ll kill it for one toenail to put in their stupid hokum medicine. Nature is fighting back by trying to kill the cunts off with viruses, which unfortunately they are quite happy to export quicker than the tat they polute the planet with.
You’ve gotta laugh.
For once the Yellow Peril get something right. Boyega is a right cunt.
He looks like a Christmas biscuit selection in that get up. What a fucking bellend.
Aaaaaahaahahahaaha! I did enjoy your comment 🙂
Seems Jo Whatshisface have backtracked and apologised for dropping the cunt!
I look forward to seeing lots of companies, most of which I probably don’t know, going bust. They seem happy to apologise to a bunch of noisy, opinionated woke cunts, who don’t use their products anyway, and alienate 1000’s of customers. You’d think they’d have more business acumen or at least some fucking common sense.
Bogeya has shamelessy fraternised with known BLM ‘activists’ and thugs and condoned all sorts of nastiness. He makes me laugh. Spouts BLM crap, yet he signs big money contracts with the ruthless corporate monster that is Disney. Who themselves have form for racism. He’s like that other double standards thicko cunt, Lewis Hamilton. Gives it right on shite, yet takes millions off those ex-Nazi cunts, Mercedes Benz. Typical cake and eat it celebrity bellends. Hypocritical avaricious turds.
If you want to sell shit then know your target audience, the chinks are more likely to buy some crap fragrance if advertised by a Chinese actor that an angry ape ( BLM protest, what a cunt)
I just Goggled this cunt because I haven’t seen any of the “new” Star Wars film and I know nothing about Mr. John Adedayo Bamidele Adegboyega, but it would appear that he is a bit of a gobby cunt!
The chinks reduced the prominence of Boyega’s image on the latest Star Wars promo posters in China.
The don’t like bliks-just like raping all the natural resources from the dark continent.
Boyega has pissed on his chips. Same as the other prominent “so-called” British citizens who could not wait to display their “Negracity” wth Black Panther fuckwittery:
Harvey “Gello you white cunt” Price. Ok, I made that one up?
The British public will not forget their antics.
And the cunts wetting their keks because Rashford scored recently?
Getting praised for doing what he’s fucking paid to do? Well, the cunt doesn’t do it anywhere near enough. The Black Birtles.
Agreed Norm. Most overrated premier league player-certainly overpaid ?
The acclaim Rashford gets is astonishing. He isn’t even half as good as previous young United strikers like Andy Ritchie, Norman Whiteside or Mark Robins. Even Alan Brazil had a better strike rate at Old Trafford than Rashford.
And he is nowhere near the standard of Mark Hughes, Eric Cantona, Ole Solskjaer, Ruud Van Nistelrooy or Robin Van Persie.
Can you imagine being a white manager in a team rich in black players-you wouldn’t dare criticise them or drop them.
Go for Jimanez from Wolves or break the bank for Kane.
The rinkydinks also reduced the size of the uppity fuzzywuzzy’s face on the star wars movie poster.
I’m not surprised, considering he was only the death star toilet attendant and the whole film would have done absolutely fine without him in it.
Que faux outrage by the wokerati and the three braincells that make up the BLM arsehole contingent.
All of whom have been invited to Chy-na to voice their anger in front of a parade of main battle tanks.
The only people on earth who don’t display strong in group preference (aka racism) are western european liberals (aka cunts) heavily assisted by those inimically inclined to our best interests. No wonder M’tebe screams like a little bitch, reality has left the building. Fuck Off.
Well i do.?
Do black lives matter ? Not in Chicago or Los Angeles or every other city ruled for 50 years by corrupt one party state Dem black mayors and politicians. They dont matter in London with the stabby fuckers.Black lives didnt matter when Africans shipped fellow Africans over the the Atlantic from west Africa or up the eastern trade route into the middle east. Where is that diaspora?. Black or white lives dont matter. Not to marxists, BLM , Labour party, extinction “rebellion” cunt wads with all ideas that murdered at least a hundred million humans in the last century. They can all kiss my white bottom.
I’ve been told his perfume smells exactly the same as Umbongo which is very popular in the Congo apparently. Sales of this delicious fruity drink never took off in China.
Good cunting Captain.
I agree the Chinese probably want Chinese people in their adverts, however I am sure if they saw me and my dashing looks, unmistakable style and charm the Chinese would make an exception.
Unfortunately for them I am not an actor so they can go fuck themselves.
Go fuck yourselves.
Don’t go to China!
They’ll mistake your dashing looks for something they think is edible.
If you get some rinkydink girl tounging your arsehole, she is just checking to see if you would go better with sweet and sour, or satay sauce.
Your right OB…?
My muscular frame stir fried with 5 spice and soy sauce would probably feed a load of the cunts for a few days.
I’ll go to Japan instead… always wanted to go there.
From what I understand, the young ladies in the numerous Xhamster documentaries that I have observed over the past few years love to have a tongue inserted into their arsehole.
I foresee a beautiful symbiotic relationship deveoping.
You should apply for the job of cultural attaché to Japan. ?
Documentaries. Classily put. I’ve been a member for many years and never heard them called that. I should upload again under said title. Watch this space.
Careful B&W: the Chinese are by far THE most openly racist race on earth. Seriously.
They fear the “white Devils”-refer to us as Gwai Lo or White Ghosts. They think we are a savage breed.
They place the black man below us.
If aaaaaht an abaaaaaht in China, a baseball cap, gull face mask and sunglasses needed.
Japan for you, my boy-some truly tasty minge there???
Agreed CG, if I explained to them that I’m half whitey as well they may hate me more. ?
Japan is the place to go, something abaaaaaht Japanese women I find sexy, I rented a flat to one a while ago and I was hoping she might offer to pay some of the rent with sexual activities…never happened though.
I’ve never heard of the Cunt.
Definitely a Sooty…probably one of The Gays…..our paths are unlikely to cross.
Can’t fucking stand Boyega. I was pissed off when his mug turned up in Woke Wars. What cemented my onion of him was during the BLM shit in London, he gave interviews saying “I’ll probably never get anymore work because of this”. The fucking cunt knew full well that he’d get more offers from the hideously woke entertainment business purely because of being there. The crafty black twat.
Oh, no doubt about it. Bogo-eya is cashing in on the wokefest and blowing his black arse up the virtue siganlling ladder. The conniving coolie.
The difference between Boyega and some other black actors I could mention, is he is not very good. Not very good at all.
“Wee no likey Meessa Flay-glant…Flaaaaaaaaay-glant. He no praying in Staowel Waoewls. Wee makey go bye bye.”
Nice trick but the fact remains…if you replace a groid with a chink “starring” in a Stars Wars movie (Yeah! I said movie!) it’s still a cunt wrapped in a turd.
Kind of a rose by any other name thing if I may paraphrase Shakespeole…Weirriam Shakespeole
We can always get cheryl cole , she would do only two things to this spook, either fuck him or beat him up in a night club, I would rather she found a tall tree and a short rope..btw..fred Perry have now banned sales of polo shirts in America on account of being worn by racist activists? Fuck me sideways…anyone wearing black clothes is anita in my book..get to fuck
Never heard of him
Looks like a faggot to me…
And obviously a cunt
Looks like a cross between tron and Zulu and the sort of cunt who has 20 million dollars who wishes to put it in your bank account, and will give you a fee of 20 % handling fee, just send your banking information..
Fred Perry was a Stockport lad like me.
We wore Fred Perry polos in leuie of school shirts as teenagers, they were fairly cheap.
Now theyre expensive as fuck!
And snotty about the customers who wear their products!
Soft cunts.
I might buy some wholesale an sell them to proud boys in the U.S.?!
Hi mnc, I had fred Perry shirts too at school when in the 1970s living in clapham, not one black kid took offence, some of them too wore them, but it was a different time when no one took offence to anything, fuck the woke spookery..
Fred Perry whining about waaycism because The Proud Boys are wearing them?
Black is the best colour for not showing blood – and The Proud Boys are giving BLM and Antifa a proper hiding in the US – that’s the difference between a whining little bitch who has never heard the word no and a military vet. (They are getting painfully owned wherever they go in the States – I am loving the reports from TR! ??).
Boyega? Seems a wrong ‘un – get the fker to Africa, send a few million with him.
He sez hes got 250,000 ugandan dollars for you hr just needs your details
The cunt was a question on tonights ‘University Challenge’. Pity the question wasn’t:
‘Who’s just fallen under the wheels of a dustcart’?.
Hopefully this snivelling shit weasle will be dropped by more than this 2nd rate perfume company once they realise what a galaxy sized cunt he is.