First Day – Transsexual TV for Kids

This disturbing pile of dog shit seems to have slipped under the radar.

It’s an Australian children’s TV currently been shown on CBBC (where else.) Now before anyone sends the rozzers round I do not make a habit of watching kiddie’s TV, I had the extreme misfortune to catch a glimpse of this bollocks whilst channel hopping in a state of an intensely bored stupor last night.

There were three diversely different girls (one white one, one black one, and one with a bit of shite on) and they were talking about going swimming when they asked the white one what swimsuit she was going to wear as she is……..transsexual.

Yep, that’s right a twelve year old girl who thinks she is boy in a programme being broadcast to the nation’s youth. If this isn’t indoctrination I don’t know what is and fuck the BBC for showing it. And Layla Lalaland Moron wants these fuckers to have the vote when they can’t even work out what sex they are.

Here’s what a couple of other people think about it one of which is actually written by a trannie.

Nominated by: Cupid Stunt The First 

90 thoughts on “First Day – Transsexual TV for Kids

  1. Expect appropriate reboots from classic kids programmes from days of yore:-

    Pink Peter
    Hong Kong Fudger
    Mr Bender
    The Twinkbles
    Wank With Mother
    The Clitstones

    .. just a matter of time ffs!

  2. Terrible.
    As a wee lad I was a big fan of John Noakes and his border collie Shep .
    Nowadays theyd be a married couple.
    John would be wearing the dog collar.
    Theyre targeting our children and grandchildren.
    White, black, whatever country you hail from its your duty to stop this pee do shite, anyone espousing support for this should be taken from the room and then dealt with.
    And no right minded person would be a witness.

    • Lord knows what they are making today on Blue Peter, not Tracey Island I’ll bet.

      “And here’s one we made earlier, a gender neutral toilet block with glory hole.

      • Dont get a Blue Peter badge LL, its a butt plug nowadays.
        Fred the weatherman, Jonathan king, Rolf Harris as presenters,
        Very Blue Peeder

      • I’m glad I am not growing up in todays climate Miserable, between the government, BBC, N*nceflix and Paki taxi predators all doing their bit to corrupt innocent kids.

      • Same LL, I had a great childhood but would hate to be a kid now.
        Also glad my kids gave grown up wouldnt be happy them been told this shite.

    • Catch them and educate them.
      Not the kids, the media sickos allowinging this.
      And introduce them to Bat Man..

    • The 3 little schoolgirls at the top, is one of them the tranny?
      Be the thai looking kid!
      Her dads probably one too.
      Maybe the white lass, an her dad was Foo Foo Lamar.

      • Next week the one in the middle is identifying as a kangaroo.

        Alf: Wot’s thet Skippy? There’s a wooftah trapped daahn the mineshaaaft and you want me to doo something abaat it? Aww, fuck yehh. Let’s close the facking entrance, it’ll be grouse.

  3. I bet Jimmy Saville is kicking himself (spiritually at least).

    All he had to do was keep quiet for a few years, stay in good health, and today he would have been as happy as a pig in pig shit with all this unmitigated kiddie “sexual discovery” crap about to be unleashed by his former employer!

      • There was a radio programme (not BBC) on this very subject a few months ago and it turned out that it’s the parents of the children currently undergoing “treatment” who are most convinced that their brats were born into the wrong body (along with the brats themselves of course), insisting on them being given these puberty blockers, etc. In a rational world their children would be taken into care, not indulged by this madness.

      • This is child abuse.
        You need a licence to ride a moped, you do not need a licence to have kids.
        Tells you a lot about our value system.

      • @Ruff;

        Right on as usual brother.


        Two our of 3 ain’t bad. (1) It is child abuse. (2) The government has no right to license procreation. (3) The notion that it does have that right tells you a lot about our values.

  4. This sort of stuff tries the normalise something which is far from normal, the BBC are a disgrace, I wonder how many complaints they have had from parents, hopefully 1000’s


    • It floats with the BBC top brass as bet most of them are a bit Ian Huntley.
      Dirty fuckers, they can push this all they want itll be their undoing!
      People are protective of their kids and sick shit like this will cause even the mildest to lose their rag.

    • On another note telly is getting to full on /what with all the paedos and nonces you would have thought they’d ban the latest advert for nappies .

  5. My granddaughter was watching CBBC recently so I thought that was ok, then I came into the room to find THIS on.
    Fire the BBCunts into a fucking black hole. They’re total wankstains.

  6. How about “Bill and Ben, the Kid Fucking Men” with old BBC favourites Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall?

  7. Curious to find out who came up with this sh*t so had a rummage on the net. Looks like it’s an Australian called Julie Kalceff. Identifies as a member of the LBGTQI community which explains why it would appear the programme is a recruitment exercise for certain types.
    Check out her mugshot in the attachment. Who would never have imagined it was a běån-flîckër? Why do they all have a Créssidâ Dîck type look about them?
    ABC = down unders version of our BBC and seemingly run by the same kind of běll ênds.

    Admin – apologies if the link name puts this in the queue for moderation

    • Jesus, Dribbler!
      Shes all piss and vinegar isnt she?
      Mouth like a cats arse.
      “Mate! Oi mate! Gizza smile!?”
      They love that, fish suppers.

      • She (?) looks like that weedy choirmaster Gareth Malone who teaches cunts to sing on al-Beeb 2.

      • Why is it that if they’re queer, they only ever write about queer stuff? There are other aspects to someone’s personality than their sexuality. And is that actress really a trans? If not she’s preventing a real trans from working. It’s a disgrace.

    • Having re-read the wording of my post I’d like to clarify (in case any lawyers are around) I’m not saying it is actually a recruitment exercise. It just that to me, a prejudiced, old, hetero, northern pale male who was brought up in a traditional two parent, dirt poor, working class left-footer family, it’s what I’d imagine one would look like were such an exercise ever to be carried out.
      Probably just dug the hole I was already in 2 feet deeper but never mind. Any court papers to go to my solicitors Sodoff & Dye.

      • Anyone thinking of legal action over anything ive posted, ..Dribbler made me say it!

      • #mefkintoo!
        Think that covers all the legal bases MNC – we can rest easy now!
        On other news, Saint Gary of the Linecunt is getting battered on Twitter after some impertinant rotter asked if he would support the planning application for a 400 bed migrant hostel next to his mansion (no idea who that could have been..) – poor Gary! ????

      • If the worst comes to the worst and we end up sharing the same Strangeways (or Broadmoor) cell I’m having the top bunk (seniority counts as Norman Stanley Fletcher told young Lennie Godber).
        Don’t let my snoring worry you. It’s the earsplitting cyanide strength flatulence and incontinence you need to watch out for?.

    • I will always maintain the eyes truly are the windows to the soul-check out her eyes: empty, soul-less, like Venebles who killed young Jamie.
      Proof positive that lesbians are fucking evil☹️☹️☹️

  8. It really is pushed at 100 mph.


    That’s just the start, so many degenerates on a mission to corrupt our children, re-shape our society and demolish our traditions.
    It’s time to stamp this filth out???

  9. It’s quite simply the case that the persons in any way involved in making this shitshow are mentally ill deviants.
    Cure them all in the Oven.

    • You’re spot on, it is a mental illness. These trans people often decide to switch back again in later life and later on end with suicide. There has been some success in curing this illness but of course this was mostly stopped. Im afraid your oven is the only option left.

  10. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

    I have no words for this one

    Other than, this would never have happened on Byker Grove.

    Spuggie may have looked like she had a cock but I believe she was a girl.

    • She was. I banged a school friend of hers. She had the biggest tits I have ever had my hands, mouth and other bodily parts on.(Her mate Lisa, not her!)
      True story.
      Happy, happy days???

  11. Why don’t you
    Just cut off me nob
    Turn it inside out
    And make a fake shit stinking
    Fanny instead?

    Sittin’ at home
    Wanna be TV
    Cut off me dong
    It’s no good to me

  12. All this shite would be more palatable if they fucking told the truth to kids.

    Most Aids victims are gay men despite them being about 5% of the population at most. Gay men get more STDs as they are more likely to have ‘open relationships’ and getting shit on your nob or in your mouth isn’t good for your health. Trannies are more likely to commit suicide. Hormone therapy can be irreversible if a kid changes their mind when they grow up.

    Obviously, all that is ignored, the fucking cunts.

    Not overly religious but this looks more like end times with each passing day.

    • We all feel more comfortable in a leather mini skirt, smeared lipstick, glitter eyeshadow and a blonde beehive wig dont we?
      Know I do.
      But it shouldnt be forced on kids!
      If I caught my lad nicking and wearing my bras?
      Id scratch his eyes out.

      • If I pinched my good ladys (as it now appears to be) bra I could use the fker as a parachute!
        But none of her dresses fit me ?
        I imagine.

      • Fnar wor ahnly five year awl me mam caught me trying on her bras
        Said she’d send me to schqueel in the big tatty one
        Give me a flea in the ear about turnin’ into a reet big Jessie
        Made me the hermaphrodite I am today

  13. Remember when we all used to laugh at Mary Whitehouse, that starchy knickered, bible bashing old crone?
    I’m beginning to think she may have had a point.

    • Yeah, all I wanted was more swearing and a bit of tit after the watershed, I didn’t think it would end up with this sick shit.

      • You remember that, CG?!!! The stupid red triangle, promising untold sexual delights.

        Me too.

        Like many an under sexed over enthusiastic teen, I tuned in hoping for some top shelf filth. We were badly let down were we not?

      • Indeed-but as a precocious twat it didn’t take much to “pull the trigger”.

        Happy days???

  14. It’s the same as mass immigration and multiculturalism. They do what they want, no consultation with the population and tell us it’s good and right. They teach the next generations that’s how it’s is and that’s how it always has been.

    The BBC now adding black characters into historical eras when there were no non white immigrants to speak of. Romans with black slaves? Nope the romans took white Europeans as slaves.

    In the space of a generation any dissent or even knowledge that we were once a white sovereign nation is gone with a false history backing up the narrative.

    Within years transsexuals will be implanted into history and historical characters will suddenly trans, Winston Churchill, was really Ethel Braithwaite, actor Oliver Reed, Olive Smith, you get the idea.

    They’ve made it difficult to stand up and point out the problems or disagree with the insanity.

    For anyone to stand up and publicly declare that there are two genders is to risk your career and a shitstorm of hate and death threats.

    It’s a long game they play, they rewrite history and censor free speech, they have control of the narrative and the only way it could have been prevented required the masses to reject the social engineering from the start. There won’t be many left in just a few decades who remember a pre mass immigration UK or when there were only two genders.

    Behind trans rights the rights of the minor attracted is following hard, at first an ugly whisper but already gaining some main stream support and snippets in the mass media.

    This is our fault, we’ve stood by and let the tide of wokeness wash away our heritage and now we are watching the last of our morality ebb away.

    We allowed this.

    • Too true. Try telling just about anybody that people are not born gay, that’s a social construct we’ve come to accept because it’s been repeated unchallenged for years. Even people who hate poofs believe it.
      We all know the NHS would collapse without mass immigration. How do we know this? Repetition, repetition, repetition.

      • The International HS is fked BECAUSE of immigrants and health tourism. (Despite what the politicians keep telling us).
        Any foreign national wanting treatment should be required by law to have health insurance bought from a UK Company BEFORE they arrive, show proof at point of entry of fk off back where you came from.

      • I was born heterosexual. My next door neighbour was born gay. I couldn’t wish for a better neighbour. Our respective sexual preferences are not an issue.

      • Freddie-I recently spent an hour patiently deconstructing this acceptance by many, of the NHS lie, to a group of septuagenarian people who I respect greatly.
        You have hit the bullseye.

      • Speaking of lies… cunts conflating gayness with paèdôphilia is at best ignorant and at worst downright evil. Proportionately, paèdôphilia is far more prevalent in the heterosexual population than that of the gay.

      • “Proportionately, paèdôphilia is far more prevalent in the heterosexual population than that of the gay”….perhaps that is because proportionately heterosexuals are more likely to have children and therefore easy access to children than Gays?

        I do agree with your point but think that you’re stretching it a bit to try and say that Gays are more trustworthy around children than heterosexuals.

        i’d imagine that both communities have the same proportion given equal opportunity.

      • I wonder to myself
        Could life ever be sane again?

        Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! ?

      • Evening Ruff!?
        Agree with you above,
        Im sexist, racist, a terrible little nazi,
        But nowt against gays.
        Have against pee dos!
        But plenty of them arent gay.
        You well?

      • Evening Miserable.

        I’m not bad thanks, but getting more and more anxious about the state of the country and where all this over reaction to Covid and our shite government is taking us or not taking us. Worse still, it’s not as if there were a viable alternative government waiting in the wings.

        So lucky to have been born in the early ’50s.

        Keep up the good work mate, your posts always cheer me up. Well maybe not always, but most of the time….

      • I sympathise Ruff.
        But its wasted energy, no point worrying, Im serene as Buddha at the moment, which is strange because normally in a state of frothy mouthed anger!?

      • ..cause the music they play
        Means nothing to me and my life.

        Fucking hell ruff-I had you down as a Rick Astley smoothie ?

      • I did.
        Think between us we’ve found most of them.
        Although admin fixed a few including cucumber?
        Dw@rf still gets people though!

      • I noticed you were careful not to use the word excéedîngly when talking about Rudyard Kipling the other day. ?

  15. I’m getting sick to death of all the gays, trannies and mixed race couples being forced down your throat in adverts and TV shows. Fuck me, they even have some lesbians advertising Renault cars. Bring back the 70’s when you used to have some sexy babe in a bikini laying across the bonnet.

  16. And yet people continue to HAVE tv. Folks, it’s ALL poison. ALL of it. Get rid, unsubscribe, cancel direct debits, whatever. TV is totally controlled by the Marxist Globalist agenda and there is not one thing it pumps out, on any platform, that isn’t slanted that way in some shape or form.

    Or would you rather want to be able to watch the crotch-shots and butt-zooms in ‘Cuties’??

    The TV is the number one weapon of the crazy commies currently trying to enslave the entire world.

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