Donald Trump will never be the President of the USA!

Oh yeah? Check out this video of the smug, smart fartholes´ predictions before the last election.

Nancy Pelosi: “Donald Trump will not become President of the United States. I guarantee it”;

George Clooney: “There´s not going to be a President Donald Trump”;

Bernie Saunders: “Donald Trump will NOT become President”;

Tom Hanks: “I think that man will become President when space ships come down from outer space filled with dinosaurs and red capes”;

Elizabeth – “I´m a Native American” (oops sorry I`m not but I wasn´t trying to mislead anyone. I honestly thought I was)” – Warren: “He will never be President of the United States”;

John Snigger Oliver: “Do it. I will personally write you a campaign cheque now. On behalf of this country which does not want to be president but badly wants you to run”.

Best of all was bad loser Harridan Hillary – “This is not the outcome we wanted”.

Yes but it´s what the US wanted. Him, not you, you phony hypocrite married to a pal of Jeffrey Epstein whose idea of mentoring an intern was to jerk off onto her dress.

I particularly loved watching Pelosi´s botoxed miserable face behind Trump when he took the oath of office. Barack and Michelle also in the crowd look a bit bilious too. Melania, with those hooded eyes and repressed snarling lips, who I am sure would go crazy if she ever had the fortune to meet me, looked great.

I want to be the President of the US and have her as my first lady.

Nominated by: Mr Polly

59 thoughts on “Donald Trump will never be the President of the USA!

  1. Pelosi is a ghastly out trout – the American version of Sugartits Cooper. She is one of the big mouths threatening the US/UK trade deal, fuck the old cunt. I hope Trump wins again, because the only alternative is that shitstain Biden who you can just imagine dribbling his way through speeches, pro Eu and anti UK.

    It is the lesser of two evils here as well – that self-mythologising bastard kweer Charmer yesterday going on about when Boris was writing articles about bent bananas (I would have thought the more bent the better for Starmer’s shadow cabinet) he was “busy defending victims and prosecuting the wrongdoers” – though this didn’t apply to Jimmy Savile or expense swindling MPs, of course.

    The point is America would be better off with Trump and given the alternative we are better off with Boris

    • In one week we’ve had PeJoe Biden waving to an empty field for the cameras, Pelosi-bot literally rebooting herself half way through an interview, and then Jerry Nadler shitting his kecks on stage and waddling off like a penguin trying to contain the brown-out.

      They say everything comes in threes. Following the passing to Hell of Ruth Bader-Meinhof, who spent most of the 70s openly campaigning for the age of consent to be lowered to 12, I’d be happy with Sauron, sorry Soros second, and one of the above third. Maybe not Uncle Joe, since that would enable them to install Michael Obama as presidential candidate, which they are fervently working on.


  2. Good nom. He’s a buffoon, but he’s a buffoon who really hasn’t done much harm to the USA. He hasn’t started a war, done much to achieve peace in the Middle East (MSM don’t say much about this) and strengthened the American economy. So why do the Dumbocrats hate him? – because he allows the ordinary people independent thought and the ability to achieve the American Dream (whatever that is).

    The row over the Supreme Court vacancy is another example of Dumbocrat hypocrisy. What would a Dumbocrat president do? – appointment a new judge of course. The MSM showing bias here – not explaining fully how the Supreme Court works.

    Dumbocrat jurisdictions are allowing dar quays to run riot whilst talking of defunding the police. Thankfully the American Constitution (as interpreted by the Supreme Court) allows people to carry weapons and lawfully defend themselves. The American people aren’t fooled by the Dumbocrats. Those high-profile individuals who voice support for the Dumbocrats are your typical lefties – wealthy and removed from the reality of life that faces the ordinary voter.

    • I’m afraid I must rake exception to part of your analysis Sgt. Major.

      Trump is no buffoon. And he’s not only not done harm to the economy he’s turned it around.

      Unemployment was down and real wages were up. Taxes were cut for working people. Real judges replaced liberal activists. Illegal immigration down and the wall is going up. Troops are being brought home from endless wars. We went for importing energy to energy independence. Isis defeated and Iran thwarted. Peace in the Middle East.

      The remainder of your post is spot on however, and indeed shows clear insight.

      Obama was a buffoon. Boris is a buffoon. Junior was a buffoon.
      Theresa May was a buffoonette. Blair was a buffoon. Macron is a buffoon. The list is endless.

      But it doesn’t include Trump.

      • A but like when we all laughed at Regan and now he is seen as a great President. Maybe it will be the same with Trump.

      • Yes , Reagan was mocked, Spitting Image had ‘ The President’s Brain is Missing’ which had a young Ian Hislop as a writer.
        Reagan was an effective president; he has a Nimitz class aircraft carrier named after him. Can any of us imagine a USS Obama? I thought not.

      • Regan was the bloke in The Sweeney, Miles. I think you must be referring to Ronnie Raygun, he of Strategic Defense Initiative aka Star Wars fame.

        Top of the morning to you.

      • The Met could do with a few D.I. Regans now. He would be great at the diversity seminars.
        BTW, the MP for Mansfield told the organisers of some inclusion event he was summoned to attend to basically fuck off. He has gone up in the eyes of the voters in the area. The gnashing of gums of the lefties was music to my ears.

      • That would have made for a cracking Sweeney episode.
        Running over ER protesters in a mk1 Granada while shouting “shut it you slaaags!” ?

      • R Hon Ben Bradley MP (Con) ??
        We don’t take any shit from anyone up in Notts least of all in Mansfield my home town ??

      • 100% what you said General. I wish Trump was our PM in Blighty. “Its not always the most popular guy who gets the job done.” – sure Trump has some “interesting” traits of personality but he is doing an excellent job as POTUS and you American boys and gals are lucky to have him leading you and not some dickhead like we always seem to end up with in the UK.

      • Totally agree General Cunster. The Donald is a businessman at the end of the day and knows what the average working class guy in America wants, a steady job with a half decent wage. So wish we’d got somebody like him here. He’s got balls and puts his nation first. The clown we’ve got in charge here would sell out his own Grandma.

  3. For any colonials who tune in:
    Vote Donald.
    It’s just better that way.
    And it makes the woke cry.
    The cunts.

    • It’s worth repeating that the 2016 election was most fun to watch.
      The sour faced back stabbing rats.

      • US Election Day 2016 I was on a long drive and listening to the count on the radio, as things went from borderline to disastrous for the dickrats I got happier and happier. He did it he fucking did it! Oh how sweet were the tears and howls of the snowflakes. To turnaround 2020 let’s have another trump win!

  4. I want him to win for the same reasons I voted to leave the EU – just to gloat at the hand-wringing, mealy-mouthed, hypocrtical media and right-on, intolerant, finger-wagging lefties! It’s beautiful to see them, hopefully, implode when things don’t go the way they want. Trump is a clown, of that there is no doubt, but, at least he’s not Saint Barack or Shrillary.

  5. Trump, like Brexit, was the disaster that was never supposed to happen. From day one the libtards have been trying to get rid of the cunt, using every trick in the book, just like they have done with Brexit. They’re not so cocky this time and the hatred and blatant lies of the Yank media have to be seen to be believed. If Tangoman loses the repercussions will be felt all around the world. Be assured it’s very much a case of us against them and history shows the lefties don’t take prisoners.

  6. Time for some brutal honesty.

    During the 2016 Republican Primary election I didn’t see Donald Trump as a serious candidate. He was a casino owner, a reality TV star and a Wrestling promoter. He had gone bankrupt a couple of times with “shady” real estate deals. And worse that that he was a former Democrat. So, I voted for Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

    However, when the General Election rolled around my hatred and contempt for Hillary Clinton, her husband Bill and the Democrats in general, along with my intense desire to reverse the tide of Obamunism left me no other alternative. So, in what I was sure would be an exercise in futility, I marched into the polling place, held my nose and voted for Trump.

    Watching the returns that night and watching the Media melt down when Trump was declared the winner was a feeling I’ll never forget.

    Before Covid there was no way anyone was going to beat him. But now, here we are in the fight of our lives. Our way of life and all we hold dear rests on the victory of the man I think has broken the American politician mold.

    Whatever happens this November the fight will not be over. This transformational figure, with all his faults, foibles, and failings has stuck his thumb in the eyes of the “ruling class.” And against an onslaught of lies, dirty trucks, and pure outright fuckery he has fought the evil leftist scum to a standstill.

    Impeachment didn’t work. And open revolution hasn’t produced the desired results. So now they’re trying to rig the election and failing that they are preparing to challenge the results on legal grounds. If none of that works the violence will turn into outright Civil War.

    All of this would have broken and demoralized a lesser man. But he is still strong and has a real chance of being re-elected. If he is, he will undoubtedly go down as one of our greatest Presidents.

    Fuck all those Cunts! We didn’t give in then and we ain’t giving in now.

    • Excellent rant General.
      We are always seeing how virtuous the left are especially when the media is dominated by Lefties. That in itself would make you think that the population would be manipulated into voting democrat but like the Brexit vote here in Blighty their is a big silent majority that loathe the self righteous bastards in the media and as long as we have some sort of democracy common sense will prevail. Well it should prevail but I’m not so sure after Boris Johnson’s incompetent shit show.

  7. I think it’s sad that the choice is between the lesser of two evils. It’s 2016 all over again, and I think it will be worse if Slow Joe gets in. He’ll be a puppet of the woke/blm mob and has promised “an unrelenting stream of immigration” to induce demographic replacement. He’ll allow and probably encourage the cultural revolution in the US that will see more monuments torn down, more book burning, more cancel culture, and generally make life worse for ordinary people, including minorities who they just use and really don’t give a shit about. Even Bernie Sanders had more conviction than Biden does. Things will get a whole lot worse if he gets in.
    Also one of Biden’s own secret service detail tried to punch him because he cracked onto his wife. Others said he used to walk around naked and no one wanted to be be near him because he made them so uncomfortable. And let’s not forget his stroking, sniffing and inappropriate touching of young girls. If that was Donald Trump, he’d never hear the end of it. But, of course, the MSM won’t talk about it…
    Finally, that shit he came out with about “you ain’t black” was so dumb! And racist!

  8. Watching the link posted on the nom, it is so satisfying to listen to and observe the plethora of arrogant, leftie shitehawks and their unwavering belief that The Don never would become POTUS.

    It is a measure of their arrogance that so many people out of touch with the public put themselves and their opinions forward as a mirror-image representation of the public.

    Hanks and Clooney are a gigantic pair of cunts and should stick to acting and, in Clooney’s case, making coffee adverts, as this is the limit of his capabilities.

    Pelosi is a haggard old hag who looks like she bathes in formaldehyde.

    I hope Donald clinches it again.

    • His tweet about Nancy’s teeth falling out wasn’t very Presidential. That’s why she ripped up the state of the union speech.

  9. Grab em’ by the cunt, Donald!

    Can’t wait for him to win in November. It’s going to be fucking hilarious, again, watching all the meltdowns.

    USA! USA! USA!

  10. Im a fan.
    Hope he wins, I’ll look forward to seeing the tears and the rioting.
    Not a lot of praise his way for the middle east peace deal was there?
    That would of been Obama?
    The media would of gushed with praise!!
    Good luck mr President
    Get them rats drowned!????

  11. Donald Trump will never be President. A bit like all those people who said they would leave when he got in-Whoopie Goldberg, Samuel L Jackson, de Niro… not one left.

    • They were all going to go and live in “liberal” Canada.
      Until they checked the income tax rates, probably…

  12. Hillary ‘ Not the outcome we wanted.’ I wonder how much time they have spent why the Donald got the job? I suspect that the arrogance of the lefties is such that their answer is that the voters are thick. Well, until they realise that is not the case, elections will produce the same outcome.

    • It was exactly the same with the Brexit vote, those at the top are so far out of touch with the electorate it’s scary.

  13. “Take it to the bank” Trump is going to win by a landslide in November. The reason is the same as the last election here. Most people are not insane. The left and the msm both sides of the pond are utter evil cunts that have no clue how to build anything. They have no answers just bullshit and lies . Cunts.

  14. He is the only so called world leader to hold China to account. Biden and his so called progressive Democrats, communists will suck up to the cunts. Fuck we are all in the shit……

  15. I thought he was deliberately divisive for electoral purposes. And indeed he is. But he sees things clearly- who the real enemy is – the radical Left. And calls them out. That is so refreshing.

  16. I supose it’s unsurprising, if you believe half the US population are cunts, that Trump is still, in an off-the-wall sense, credible. He lies like a N. Korean wristwatch, and has reduced the standard of political debate in his country to that of a primary school playground. Putin plays him to the extent that he appears to believe Russia is friendly, he knows fuck-all about the rest of the world, and the results of “his” (actually Kushner’s, with heavy involvement of Blair) much-touted stitch-up of the Middle East, presented as a peace initiative, have yet to be seen, although it’s a given that sales of F-35s to the newly united (lol) Sunnis and Jews will boom. Badlly needed since the aviation industry is otherwise in meltdown; a partial solution at best.

    The dumb, meddling bastard, and his arselicking court of yes-men continue to attract support. But not enough, it seems.

    Once again the cunt ( and he is) sounded off before checking his position and then had to, er, clarify.

    Engage brain before operating tweet, cunt. It would be a start.

  17. The election of Donald and Brexit are two things that gave me genuine hope. The leftist, liberal agenda relentlessly rammed down our throats across all platforms of media was making me doubt my own existence. I thought that I was in a tiny minority that thought the way I did. The smug arrogance of the lefties was at a stratospheric level. Sneering down at the likes of me. Just an idiot , a little Englander, a racist and a fool.
    I wondered why I hardly knew anyone that felt differently to me.
    Well now we know. It’s because the majority do think the same as I do . The silent majority that sit there while the self righteous scream from the rooftops and declare their virtue.
    One U.S election and one referendum later and I can now sit and point at the TV and the media and shout at the top of my voice. FUCK YOU! You don’t represent myself or the majority.
    You’ve been found out .
    My faith in normal people is finally restored .

  18. The Don’s got balls. More than any of our lot, they’re a set of spineless cunts. Great big balls and loves his country. Wish he was in charge here.

    • He sends the commies hysterical, they hate him see him as a monster,
      But he enjoys winding them up!?
      Come on yanks!!
      Get Donalds image carved into mount Rushmore.

  19. The Donald is never afraid of a fight and will bait the lefties with childish tweets etc and they always take the bait.
    You got to hand it to the bloke, he must have the skin of a Rhino to put up with constant Democrat skull duggery.
    Talking of skulls, that Nancy Pelosi is a dead ringer for Skeletor.

  20. It’s been a said by a few of you but this is like our Brexit vote. People were fed up with being told what to think and also being totally ignored.
    Like him or loathe him, he has the backing of the people and has changed the US economy for the better. Some states in the rust belt were absolute third world shit holes and he has pumped some hope and cash into those areas.
    He is also patriotic unlike the loony left.
    We could do with a PM with half of his balls and drive for change unlike jelly Johnson.

  21. He may not always be on the ball with facts but he keeps everything simple unlike career politicians who talk bollocks all of the time.

    I quite like his style but he would be better if he had a better handle on facts rather than fiction.

  22. I really hope he wins a second term, for no other reason than to watch leftards crying into their soy lattes.

    Hilary Clinton calling half the elctorate a basket of deplorables really sealed the deal for a lot of Americans last time round.

    I wonder what the Demonrats will come up with to alienate your average Yank this time?

    “Vote Demonrat, or your a bunch of retarded, racist rednecks who shouldn’t be allowed to breed” has a nice ring to it and will ensure a second term for Donnie Tango.

  23. The problem with all these Democrats is they all think that they have the divine right to rule the USA anyone else doesn’t ??
    Smug Obama ( The President who talked a lot but didn’t deliver a lot) Robert De Niro and his band of brothers and sisters of Hollywood who were all leaving the USA if President Trump was ever voted into office last time I looked are all still living in the United States??
    Nancy Pelosi the stupid old bag gave Obama a hard time while He was in office and President Donald J Trump an even harder time It’s time She was put out to grass Hopefully Joe Biden will lose in November then the Democrats can Blame everyone except themselves ??

  24. in spite of his shortcomings, Trump remains the only block to democrats, remainers, climate changers, the eu and the rest of the woke fraternity – he will remain president despite them all – and when he wins in november maybe some of the shit that currently exists will go away ….

  25. I wonder if Trump could get those vehicles with the water pistols for us so can squirt rioters in UK with it.

  26. If the Clinton witch had won, America would probably have been fighting two new wars, Iran and North Korea, and we would most likely be involved by default, so hats off to the fat orange oaf.
    And, no matter how sanctimonious, how nasty, how superior the woke cunts think they are about him, it must rip them apart inside for him to be president. And that is priceless.

  27. Love him or hate him Trump is the only hope for America – the democ rats are so filled with insane hatred they will destroy America to get their party of freaks and communists into power, the US MSM punt out the kind of lies and falsehoods that make the BBC look impartial.
    I am on Parler and it’s a very good barometer of the “Man in the street” and what they are thinking – they know Biden would be a US hating disaster and puppet for marxists determined to bring America down and bring in marxist rule.
    In four years Trump has reinvigorated the economy, took China to task over their constant espionage and theft, called them out over covid (Chinavirus CHY na virus – classic!), created record employment, huge amounts of employment and opportunity for the black people he allegedly hates, financed the rust belts with nothing, paid the poorest of the Country who felt the economic effects of covid the worst, kept North Korea and Iran in line, mede NATO members pay their fair share, called out the WHO, the UN and the EU, withdrawn from the treaty with Iran, got rid of the bulls*it climate change nonsense that puppet Obama brought in and has pulled off a very clever trick by surrounding Iran with enemies and massively restricted their evil influence in the middle east.
    As well as being nominated for two Noble Peace Prizes for something more than being mixed race – whatever anyone thinks of the Man America would be insane to vote for anyone else. And when he gets a second term, which I hope and believe he will, he will be going to town on the rats of BLM and Antifa.
    So, I have to say it – VOTE TRUMP!

  28. Trump isn’t perfect. No president is. But Biden is a senile old cunt with ‘form’ and Kilary is married to a known creep and she also defended a known rapist in court.

    I just want to see all the Hollyweird slags and Meghan Markle Fucking Ono’s walnut sized brains explode when the Don gets back in again. And I hope BLM and Antifa are hunted down.

    Viva Big Don!

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