Desperate Remainer MPs

Yes it’s the same old EU whores chorus back again – old has-beens and never weres like Caroline Lucas, Bendover Bradshaw and Chris Bryant (Captain Underpants himself) , are now threatening Boris with legal action ver alleged “Russian interference” in the 2016 Brexit vote:

That silly old cow Lucas worries about “democracy” when she and the pansies have been fighting the result of a democratic ballot for 4 years. If Democracy was in any danger there is no way that flannel-bloomered old hag and her party of one would keep winnng their sole seat. I am sure also 17 million of us, of whom I was one was influenced any more by Putin than we were by Blair and his arselickers. I loathe Vladimir as equally as I do Anthony.

These gutless motherfuckers don’t give a fuck bout democracy. If they had any decency they would find a gutter and go and lie in it

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

51 thoughts on “Desperate Remainer MPs

  1. Forget Putins interference, a thorough investigation of financial incentives and ties to the EU and European businesses from these bastards is needed.
    Never gonna happen though-because most in Westminster have “a little something going on” with big business.
    All cunts in there, these ones are like Thrush?

  2. Are politicians of any stripe able to get exiting the 4th Reich done?
    Have they got the guts?
    The backbone?
    Personally I think they are just greedy self serving cunts and contemptible bullshitters.
    A fine nom.

  3. If the Brighton Strangler was suffocating Caroline Lucas with an eco friendly recyclable plastic bag, he’d be doing the enviroment a huge service by removing this rat faced carbon thief from the equation.

    This Putin stuff is the most desperate nonsense i have ever heard. No one ever details how these Russians had anything to do with the Brexit result. Only droolers and window lickers who think computer hacking works like it does in Hollywood movies put stock in this absurd cack.

  4. Eh? Lucarse and Co. are threatening to sue Boris? Sue for what, exactly? Personal financial loss?

    If this collective of political nutters feel there is credibility in their claim then surely criminal proceedings should take place, not a civil claim.

    I wouldn’t trust Lucarse and Bumshaw etc al. to wipe their own arseholes without the aid of a sat nav. Cunts.

  5. The new definition of democracy as accepted by libtards, remoaners and other assorted cunts is “When you get the result you want”

    • This lot are like a fucking stuck record and as annoying as that Disney Frozen song…..”Let it go!”

  6. You mean Vlad The Insaner didn’t ‘phone you and persuade you to vote ‘Leave’?

    Me neither.

    You show me one of these so-called ‘Liberals’ and I’ll show you an intolerant, bigoted cunt.

  7. Check this out on YouTube:

    European Referendum | Kenneth Williams | Daytime | 1985

    Times may change, cunts remain the same.

  8. thanks to the illegitimate cabal running the uk at the moment we do not and look like we will ever have democracy ever again – these remainers are just pointless tribalists without a home

  9. So it must have been Vlad that stopped the remoaner politicians from giving us the information we didn’t get because if I remember rightly wasn’t the charge that we didn’t know what we were voting for.

    Oh and I assume then he supplied the bus with the numbers on for extra NHS spending which I believe have been surpassed.

    Genuinely this is a desperate as it gets.

    The sheer brass neck of these shit cunts is astounding.

    Fuck them all with Stuart Lubbock’s brush handles.

  10. I reckon there will be some flowery language from Boris which boils down to “we’ve changed our minds and we’re staying in”.

    • That’s what the corona scamdemic is probably an excuse for, for them to pull some “global crisis, stronger together” bullshit.

      • I agree with you there.
        Nigel Farage “The people voted for Brexit.”
        Boris Johnson “Fuck ’em. Make them all wear masks and fine them £100 if they don’t!”

  11. Whatever Ivan’s “influence” may have been in the superior minds of these remoaner cunts I can’t see how it could compare with the glossy £9 and a half million pamphlet that popped through every door in the country. Paid for by us not Comrade Putin I believe.

  12. If only we had a caning room. I can just see Grieve, Benn, Sturgeon, Lucas, the Labour poofters including Adonis and Mandy, Ken Clarke and BBC comedians shitting themselves as they lined up for a bare arse caning.

    Given they are piss and wind cowards, I can see them changing their minds about the EU to save themselves a good thrashing. Discipline and correction is what they need.

  13. Surely these cunts will use the deadly virus as an excuse to try keeping us in the EU. They’ve tried everything else.

    • They are trying that right now – Sturgeon is using it as a dual excuse to stay in and at the same time get “Independence” from Britain – so she still likes the idea of imprisonment. Or does she? – the silly fucker is too thick to work out what she does want.

  14. I think Lucas and Krankie would make an a lovely couple. They could sit at home and talk bollocks for the rest of their miserable lives. Cunts.

    • There would be non stop arguments Harry – who would wear the strap-on and who would do the riding?

  15. Who remembers the Lucas bitch’s “cabinet of national unity?” All women, all white, all middle class and all remoaners. In other words, a bunch of cunts just like her.
    The rest of us trash just need to do as we are told.

    • Indeed Freddie yes she did let her Dr Spock mask slip on that occasion.

      Wasn’t she forced into some embarrassing grovelling apology.

      I think even the Sisters attacked her.

      I’m fairly sure Guido Fawkes exposed her Carbon Footprint and it was about 4 times that of the normal person but it was ok because she was going to see her son (on holiday) who lives in America.

      But it’s not alright for you, or I to go to Lanzarote once a year (on holiday).

      Anyway she can wallow in her deluded fantasies, she’s no nearer to power than anyone on this site and only propped up by a bunch of mincing teapots.

  16. I voted to leave. So did a majority in a democratic referendum. When do I get the chance to sue and then imprison the elected officials who have spent four Years trying everything they they can to illegally stop the democratic process and the will of the people.
    Or am I just a thick, white, undereducated middle aged working class gammon who did not understand the subtle nuances of “Do you want to stay in the EU or leave the EU”?
    Glad we have loyal politicians helping with that one, every political wretch who opposed BRINO should have been immediately sacked and not allowed to work in politics again.

    • Good point Mister Fox, that was the question in the referendum, In or Out, none of this Deal or No Deal, a simple In or Out but somehow it was changed to Leave the EU with a Deal or Stay in the EU, that’s not what I voted for in the referendum, I voted out, leave the EU and everything involved with it. Thank fuck Treason May’s deal ended up down the shitter!

  17. Euro Queen Lucas is a clown. Brighton is a shit hole. You can’t park anywhere (naturally as she hates cars) and the place is a dirty dump. The town’s recycling record is appalling and about as green as a red tomato. The homeless sleep outside the overpriced hotels. They have a nude beach favoured by gays and exhibitionists. A fecking den of eniquity.

  18. Ben Bradshaw who actually votes for this wanker? If so are they all clinically brain dead?
    17.4 million voted to leave We have left move on the boats sailed Not happy then go and live in the EU ??

  19. I remember the allegedly illegal mailing from the government at the start of the campaign telling everyone we should stay in the EU
    At a cost of £9,000,000 and it didn’t persuade the British public to remain so I am sure Mr Putins efforts, if they existed at all, didn’t make the slightest difference.

  20. Lucas is as mad as a box of frogs. And a right odd looking cunt with it. This lot can’t get it through their tiny heads that they’re on board The Titanic as it’s slowly sinking.

  21. Is there any chance of starting a crowdfund and suing them for messing with democratic votes. Come on, let’s play them at their own games.

  22. I’m wondering how many EU cunts will be able to hide their revulsion for an independent UK and their pain at not living in the wonderful Union of Perpetually Conflicting Interests, in order to remain here legally after we go. About 20,000 in the Brighton area alone, I believe.

    Mind you, when Brussels is on your side, the world’s your, er, cod. Currently the French and Spanish each take more fish in our territorial waters than we do. The intention is for this to continue.

    • We’ll need to increase the size of our navy. Luckily there are plenty of dinghies that they can use once the invaders have made it to the south coast

  23. Thank you Mr Blog Host for the heading picture.
    I suddenly realised that the blessed Bercow should be elevated to the highest position in the Palace of Westminster.
    As a gargoyle . Maybe for the overflow of the House of Lords toilet.
    No change there do I hear you say. The output of his mouth always was scatalogical.

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