I know there are a few who have watched too many episodes of Casualty and think they are Doctor Kildare who will shout me down BUT I have to say some of the new terms that our spineless government want to catch on are truly infuriating.
First we had horrible terms like Shielding, New Normal, Covidiot and Super Spreaders but now the useless Boris and his five house owning reptiles have come out with a new one to beat them all….Circuit Breaker Lockdown.
I mean really, who comes up with this rubbish and how much are they shovelling into their bank accounts for the pleasure of doing it?
It’s plain to me and anyone who can function on a day to day basis that all this garbage is doing far more harm than it is good. Lockdown for two weeks and then when that’s over, back to square one and we have to think up another horrible phrase to keep the proles down. They are going to to need more than a few old cunts conking out when the real misery of unemployment and house repossession kick in next year.
If you’re fat, unhealthy or are close to meeting the reaper then stay the fuck indoors and let the rest of us get on with it, that way Boris the Jellyfish will hopefully stop coming up with these horrible slogans.
Remember the Spanky slogan……Be a Cunt, a total cunt and fuck you and your ugly bitch.
Nominated by: Spanky Mc Spank
Strange times: the behaviour of certain elements of society causes me just as much concern as the virus.
Ethnics continually fucking up the lock downs with their refusal to acquiesce.
Lefty Marxist twats continuously trying to spin the narrative.
Ministers continuously contradicting themselves.
Heinous falsification of death certificates.
Police officers behaving like judge Dredd.
One obvious fact though-those that rule are fucking spineless cunts.
Words that should be used in association with the Covid pandemics are:
Selfish chav cunts.
Selfish p@kki cunts.
Selfish millenial cunts.
The word “professor” is an overused word.
Not if you’re “professing” to be a cunt making up shit as you go along.
Agree /we are guided by the science /sick of hearing that /the blind leading the blind would me more appropiate/heres a thought to bojo fuck the barmy catchphrases and think about hiring some real scientists with bona fide credentials as oppossed to jeckyl&hyde preferbaly those who dont own shares in certain pharmaceutical companys/enough bullshit already and follow the anne frank slogan if in doubt keep out!
Give that incompetent fool in No.10 much longer and we’ll all be using the phrase “Got any spare change,Guv?”….still,at least we’ll all be “safe” …. unless you’re one of the most vulnerable and were shovelled out to infect the local OAP home.
Remember Cunters…” The economy counts for nought compared to giving terminally ill,104 year old Doris/Bert another couple of weeks”.
Do as you’re told…accept the edicts from from The Boris Bunker without question, ignore your own health issues,hide away like a frightened rabbit, let the Country go bankrupt…..and why not? everyone has had a wonderful 6 month paid holiday..it’ll be good practice for the next 10 years of unemployment before you croak because the NHS had to be abolished to pay one of Johnson’s chums for a magic cure that just never quite materialises.
Utter fucking madness.
PS…the Govt.’s latest ploy of trying to blame young people is nothing more than a ploy to cover up their own criminal incompetence.
….neither is it solely down to immigrants. It is down to a Govt. that wanted to go for “herd immunity”, lost it’s nerve and is now over-reacting while trying to hide it’s incompetence.
Got herd stupidity instead
Rest assured when its all over and the shit hits the fan bigtime where will boris be?hiding in a giant fridge of course
The cunt
Nailed it again, Fiddler. You’re a canny old cunt (a compliment).
I would readily comply with government diktats if they (a) had clear and rational objectives; (b) were internally consistent and didn’t contradict or obscure each other; and (c) weren’t constantly changing.
If you want to protect the vulnerable groups, quantify the risk (not done even yet) and FFS protect them. It’s in their immediate interest to comply, which is not the case for the young and well. And it keeps the pressure off the NHS. Assume there’s no vaccine coming, that immunity even if it does come is limited and that testing continues to be a spectacular failure. That is the present state of affairs: making policy on the assumption that anything will change is unrealistic. If the plague is that fucking bad, assuming the worst is all you can ethically do.
If that means I have to self isolate until the disease has run its course, that’s fucking inconvenient, but inconvenient is preferable to dead IMHO.
A fine cunting.
Turn your idiot lantern off.
Avoid the (so called) news in its various guises.
Step outside your front door and go for a walk.
For anyone who is rational and not shit scared of their own shadow (which can come with age and too much Piers Morgan) the only tangible pandemic is one of a recklessly trashed economy, boarded up former business premises, zero trust and a face nappy zombie apocalypse (young children included in some instances due to cunt parents)
This farce and the utter utter cunts behind it are in the crimes against humanity category.
You would like me to appreciate your point of view, and at least to some extent I do. The economy and your liberties are being (un)systematically trashed. I understand that, and I deplore it. I think it’s avoidable. And I’d like you to see my POV, as a fair exchange.
I’m in the ‘moderately vulnerable’ band by virtue of my age – I’m otherwise fit enough. I don’t base my attitude on Piers Morgan – ever! I base it on the very real odds against surviving a bad attack of Covid.
Quite apart from simply but unpleasantly snuffing it, (stats suggest 5-10% of over 75’s do; it’s not trivial) there’s growing evidence that the disease often fucks up your life for a long time thereafter. Again, this is age-related. Strangely, I’d rather not go there. My shadow doesn’t come into it.
saw a woman forcing her kid to wear one in Tesco the other day. Guess the kid was about 6. Fucking idiots.
Yes Piers Gobby Morgan says lockdown, but not him and isolate but not him. Forget holidays but not him as he was off to his villa in the south of France.
The msm has half the population scared witless and all we can hope is it comes back to bite them on their arse.
These fucking idiot politicians. They can’t restrict the flow of illegal immigrants but they can restrict the movement of their own citizens. Fucking idiotic cunts!
Assuming that Boris die spinne can read…send him this article about Florida Governor Ron De Santis lifting Covid restrictions and reopening his state:
And with regard to adopting a new super-charged phrase allow me to suggest; Herd Immunity.
I have (unwillingly) endured all the restrictions to my life, damage to my income, removal of my personal freedoms and being lied to every day by an elected Government run by Dominic Cummings who act more like the third reich.
I have watched in fury as our Police – with the remit to protect and serve – have violently assaulted people of the wrong colour and thinking and done nothing but take a knee and run away from BLM and Antifa.
I have watched our Country being flooded with r*pists, p*edophiles and t*rrorists as the Hog Secretary talks shit and does nothing.
I have listened to the MSM telling me how many people have died “with Covid” which we all know is just an excuse to lie and ramp up the fear.
I have had no response from the slobbering slug when I asked why we have nazi Germany rules and diktats when we did not have any for SARS, MERS, Swine flu or Bird flu – all more deadly than Covid.
We are being lied to, conned, played and treated like fucking idiots who are acting like Stalin – and I have had enough.
Fuck this – protect the vulnerable and get back to life – and if Jumbo Johnson doesn’t like it just remind the fat parasite that politicians work for the people, not the other way round.
Good post,Vernon.
Thanks DF – when the silent majority have had enough and rise it won’t be pretty.
Hear Hear Vernon
Good morning Mr Fox.
Spot on. Especially the point about Cűmmings. I think he is at the centre of all this shite.
Incedently as advised by Sir Nigel, I contacted my MP – D.Rab about the so called circuit break and lack of scrutinity, as yet no reply.
Me too. Got some trite reply from her secretary. Mind you, our MP is Eleanor Laing and doesn’t vote as she is deputy speaker. So, we really have no representation. However, Nigel DID reply to me.
At least you had a courtesy of a reply your Lordship.
I think Nigel will be our only hope before long. ??
well said Vernon.
Excellent Vernon
It’s all a fucking power “high” for these cunts, do as your told, if you see your neighbour making contact with anyone, report them to the STASI, oh sorry I mean “Covid Marshall”, it’s the tip toe towards the new world order, snuffing out the last dregs of relative freedom we currently enjoy, all for the benefit of fat cunts and old biddies apparently, the utter cunts!!!!
I havent been paying attention, the everchanging rules, my lack of respect for this goverment, my notoriously short attention span etc.
One thing I do know.
Im going to make a killing putting companies into storage, clearing out businesses, downsizing those who are struggling to pay mortgages.
Ker ching!?
This isnt the worst of it
The financial depression thats coming is.
If anyone thinks this coronavirus is under control or will be wiped out your at best naive.
Its here for good.
Wont be a magic cure
And a untrialled vaccine?
Fucked if Im having it!
Test it on chinks .
“Im going to make a killing putting companies into storage, clearing out businesses, downsizing those who are struggling to pay mortgages.”…..best make sure that you get paid upfront.
Morning ,
Morning Dick,
The Boom years are coming if your a storage facility, undertaker, bailiffs, pawnbroker, (oi vey!)
The economy is being trashed only words im hearing is “bring out your dead”.
Foxies pawn shop! A topping business wheeze!
“Morning fatty, you can hardly get your sweaty lard through the door – now what can I do for you”?
“Brrh, brrh, talk some Latin, tell some lies – er, anyway – what will you give me for my reputation and credibility”?
“Sorry Boris – they are both worthless”.
Morning Foxy.
Its bleak isnt it?
What were they thinking?
Already ive cleared out a large office, the bosses have sussed to the fact they can run it from home, and the staff?
Well, after enjoying furlough theyre going to be spending a lot more time at home than they thought.?
My ‘Business’ is seeing no signs of slowing down…
I wonder if these plastic officials will have the balls to “have a word” when they come across unauthorised street-parties celebrating foreign religious cultures or independence days of former commonwealth shitholes.
No doubt they’ll come down hard on Christians trying to celebrate Christmas in 12 weeks time,, but they’ll probably just turn a blind eye when its some Mudslime gig kicking off in the streets of darkest Bradford!
If I want to celebrate the birth of santa by getting pissed I will!
And it would be whimsical to see a Covid marshall/failed traffic warden effecting an almost angelic flight over the nearest building on the end of my boot.
Nasty curtain twitching hi viz wearing speed checking cunts.
I feel sorry for you tbh – you come from SA to escape tyranny only to find more tyranny.
My personal favourite is Covid Secure.
Essentially this means someone wipes the door handles with an enchanted dirty rag and thus a 7 floor building becomes Covid Secure.
We are being taken for cunts by cunts.
The one that actually scares me is contact tracer. That is just way too Big Brother for me.
In states like New York if you don’t co-operate and list all the people you’ve had contact with, they will forcibly quarantine you.
BLM mobs can rampage at will but you want to know where I’ve been? FUCK YOU!
Let’s face it, the government have fucked up big time!
BlowJob Boris protects himself with all these “advisors” and “experts”, who quite frankly wouldn’t know how to wipe their own arses without the help of a flashy PowerPoint Presentation and a YouTube link called “How to wipe your own arse!”
But to justify their existence (and massive salaries.commissions), they spout the big-word bollocks just to make it look more serious and/or scientific than it really is. But they just want to confuse the public into think that by using all the jargon under the sun the public will be reassured safe in the knowledge that “well they’re the experts after all!”
But after 6 months of this shite, people can finally see through all the bullshit, and is it no surprise they’re rebelling against the stern measures BJ pulls out of his fat arse week-in, week-out!
His latest threat is to call in the Army – which is just a stroke away from martial law. But if thinks this will do anything to assuage an angry public he’s in for a big fucking surprise when civil war finally happens in the metro cities of this country. It’s only a matter of time, and yet like Nero, Boris just sucks the dicks of his “advisors” while his country sinks ever deeper down the shitter!
You give the ‘expert’s too much credit. It’s being treated like an unwanted caller at your front door. They’re saying hide behind the sofa and the caller will go away. Yeah, the caller might, the virus will no doubt still be waiting on your drive in 6 months time.
All well and true but i dont remember seeing any documentation that they they are scientists//ive seen many scientists and i beleive they they dont make the grade as their ideas /graphs/charts/predictions are ridiculed by someone with more expertise on the matter/it has just become tge mantra one saft sentence or phrase after another/
If you dare challenge the narrative, there are no end of cunts saying ‘what do you know, are you an epidemiologist?’
My answer is, ‘no, I’m not a prostitute either, but I know I’m being fucked’.
Prof. Gupta at Oxford is a world leading epidemiologist. She is sidelined, probably an Asian women wouldn’t fit the narrative. Still I like social distancing, it keeps most of the locust cunts away, but some still get through, ignorant wankers they are.
This is my point exactly why arent more effective scientists who we are at least assured of(see the female in question you mentioned)why arent there more involved regardless of race/why do we have to endure the playskool version explained to us as if we are to fucking dumb/there should me more A)active participation of scientists /not goverment advisers /oh and a better phrasing would be the latest scientific evidence indicates x y or z /not we are guided by the science/like bloody sesame street for thick bastards the way its put across.
Stop press news – Margaret Thatcher, Elvis and everyone killed in an RTA in the last twenty years has officially “died with Covid”.
How stupid do these people think we are?
Anyway, off to build a shed.
As ludicrous as that sounds Vernon.
The face nappy stasi know that it’s true.
My mother-in-law needs a new shed. You couldn’t build her one while you’re at it could you Vern? ?
and me too please, gonna use it to store batteries for the new off grid electric supply …
TT RTC/LDC@ – I’ll nip round when Iv’e finished this one! It’s a random one but I have a mate who stores his golf stuff etc in his shed, which was duff and leaking, I checked it over and thought “if I get the wood I can make a better one myself” – so I did! Now taking orders for “lockdown beer and viz reading sheds for Christmas”!
And to my admitted surprise it was sound, so I build and repair them now, as well as making planters from discarded pallets – 40 quid from Homebase etc, 20 quid from me and they funded me through a very hard summer!
Now I have the random jollity of repairing a Breitling Bentley watch – somewhat intricate shall we say!
They need to sack those 2 clowns Valance and Shitty.
It’s now emerged that this pair of chancers have between 6 & 7 grand in shares of a vaccine they are trying to push through.
if that’s not a conflict of interest then what the fuck is ?
6 & 7 hundred grand i should of said . cunts !!!
Half Whitty is an executive at the W. H. O. now, for a 3 year tenure which is nice for him.
Just saying.
These cunts don’t give a shit what happens with the pandemic – they’ll just walk away with a nice fat cheque in their pockets courtesy of the skint taxpayer.
Same with Boris and his useless bunch of Front Bench cunts – none of them give two shits if the economy goes further down the shitter because they know they’ll get a nice cushy directorship or 10, and/or a seat in the House of Cunts at £300/day whatever happens with the lockdown.
I want to go round and shag a neighbor that’s been giving me the eye.
Will i have to say i’m engaged, married before i enter her house or risk a £10,000 fine ?
If i take her round the back of The park public bogs for a knee trembler would that be ok ?
Please Please cunters i need some clarity ???
You might want to check out consent first Fenton. But if she’s giving you the eye, then I reckon that’s concrete enough. ?
no singing or dancing tho’ – not allowed by the fuckwits
TT FF@ – tell them you were visiting the tourist area in her bedroom to check your eyesight!
And as every gentleman knows, consent is dependant on the speed at which the gal can escape (or not! ?).
On other news I may have bought a pricey but highly fine BTwin mountain bike – just need to avoid Sir Fiddlers pot shots and hounds now! ??
I would deffo go for the knee trembler myself
Register yourself as a carer (easy to do online – Carers UK). Then tell the Stasi you have a duty of care to the poor demented lady – to give her one
Have just read a marvellous article in this morning’s Telegraph (behind a paywall regrettably), regarding the MP for New Forest West, Desmond Swayne, going apeshit at the latest rules laid out by BlowJob Boris.
Quote “None, however, appear to be quite as unhappy as the right honourable member for New Forest West. Today (Monday) in the Commons, Sir Desmond Swayne treated the Government to a dressing-down of eye-popping proportions. He didn’t just rant and rave. He erupted like a human Krakatoa.”
Quote – “For five furious minutes, Sir Desmond whirled and raged, jigged and jabbered, a perpetual frenzy of spluttering combustion.
“Less than a year ago,” he began, “I celebrated what I thought was the election of a Conservative administration! But now I’m left wondering whether the Prime Minister hasn’t been abducted by Dr Strange Glove – and reprogrammed by Sage over to the dark side!””
And one more Quote – “Politicians, bawled Sir Desmond, should stop being “in thrall to science”. As for Professor Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance, their televised statement the previous week “should have been a sacking offence”. In Sir Desmond’s eyes, it had been nothing but scaremongering.
“What was their purpose in presenting that graph [projecting 50,000 cases a day by mid October]?” he jeered. “It was the purpose of the fat boy in Pickwick Papers: ‘I wants to make yer flesh creep!’ It was Project Fear! It was an attempt to terrify the British people! As if they haven’t been terrified enough!”
At last, a genuine old school Tory, sick of all the happy-clappy, tippy-toey bullshit coming out of Boris’ well-lubricated arsehole!
No doubt he’ll be last in line for any promotions come the next reshuffle
brilliant by Swayne, sadly he’s very much on his own despite the ‘noise’ from the 1922 committeeeeee
Sir Desmond Swayne’s speech was one of the greatest ever made. There were about 10 MPs in the chamber, no idea how many online – shame. How much in back handers is The Telegraph to put him down?
I am soon to embark on a weekend trip to Scandinavia to see the fruit of my loins, who I haven’t been able to visit for the last six months.
The fiery hoops I now have to jump through, courtesy of the clueless bunch of cunts in power is an absolute piss take.
In order to get into Daneland, I have to have a worthy purpose now that England is on the blacklist (so is Denmark).
I need to bring a copy of my kid’s birth certificate, christening certificate and his national insurance number, before they will even think of letting me past border control.
The real problems start when I want to return to the country of my birth, the country that I have paid hundreds of thousands in taxes to.
Now I have to fill out a form no longer than 48 hours before my arrival in Blighty stating where I have been, for what reason and every personal detail that you can possibly imagine….Or I may not be allowed back in the country. (Good luck with collecting the taxes at year end then. Fucktards!).
Following my arrival, I will need to go into house arrest for two weeks, with endless threats of fines, more fines and a thinly veiled threat that plod may turn up on my doorstep and haul me away for no reason whatsoever.
If I feel ill or start showing any symptoms, I will of course self isolate. I’m not a complete cunt. But I will not be threatened by the very people who’s wages I pay.
We are being lied to. We are being controlled.
Stay at home.Don’t stay at home.Work from home if you can.Eat out.Don’t eat.out.Make your mind up you useless shits.Sack them all off.Bojo is finished.Oven please Unkle Terry for them all.
we voted this Government in believing they will act in the good of the economy and Brexit.
Now. I cannot remember a Government so hated than this bunch of incompetent wankers.
It seems to have gone under the radar but Boris has promised 100’s of millions of pounds to the the WHO, the question is why.
After letting the Chinks spread the shit around their only fucking contribution has been ‘test, test, test.
Useless cunts!
I will never catch Covid. As a priest I have always been socially distanced for decades.
What about the 100 choirboys at your esteemed place will they be safe from covid or anything else asking on behalf of nspcc
great nom Spanky – it’s the Behavioural Insights Team/ Biosecurity Agency you have to thank for the language, the misdeeds and arbitrary nature of everything that’s happening. These unelected fuckwits have Johnson over the proverbial barrel – they are unmitigated cunts
Yes their conclusion that some of the public were still not ‘sufficiently frightened’ is utterly awful considering the disease is ranked 24 on the killer list, most people recover etc etc etc. I expect they’re now working on ways to guilt you, embarrass you, incentivise you into taking the vaccine. ‘Protect Love Ones’ will be their favourite.
Hancock is like a kid who’s been put in charge of the teachers. Laughably incompetent but absolutely loving every minute of this self made ‘crisis’.
Hancock? Sulky pouting little bully.
If ever a Man deserved a broken jaw..
The Stasi in charge have no clue – and we are the guinea pigs.
I can just imagine Hancock in an SS officers uniform…the Nazis promoted underqualified and nasty bits of work if you were a big enough cunt.
No, they promoted people who could get the job done.
So hes fuckin no chance!!
They ought to just get on with it and hand out the nametags now /starting with the bohemian corporal himself!
Also adjuctant herr hancock
Ss lieutenant von witty/reich marshall sunak etc
That senile old cunt Van Morrison is now gobbing off about the ‘evils’ of the rules regarding the blue mink bat virus. He could form a conspiracy supergroup with Ian Brown and Right Said Fred.
It’s all bullshit 1 million deaths per 7.594 billion ppl on the planet 0.01 or there about chance of dieing from it, I’ll take my chances,
Now fuck off
Not if diane afflabbopotmyhugearse is doing the statistics /the decimal points will be all over the fucking place!75.94 will just be her start there will be more people have the virus than the buckets of fried chiggun ers ad*1 in 20