Steve Bray, the anti-Brexit gobshite who spent so long in Parliament Square, disrupting TV interviews and being a general pain the arse, deserves a new nomination.
Go on, admit it, you thought he was gone, didn’t you? Well you were wrong. Did you really this workshy cockwomble would give up and find gainful employment so easily? You were wrong there too. Because Bray is back!
I don’t know what his beef is this time, but apparently he has now taken to either standing at a fake checkpoint or goose stepping around Parliament Square dressed as a Soviet era Red Army officer. (Probably envious of Captain Tom – DA)
For fuck’s sake Bray. You spent four years making a complete twat of yourself, for a cause that you and all the other sad remainers have well and truly lost. Give the fuck up. You were a cunt before this, now you’re a contender for cunt of the year.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
Isn’t the cunt trying to push the line that Putin ‘interfered’ with the refendum? How pathetic and desperate can these cunts get?
I cunted the fucker some time ago when he said he was packing it in outside Parliament as Remoaning was a lost cause, yet he’s still at it. He’s like fucking herpes.
Bray is the poster boy for bed-wetting, EU-apologist, Remainiac fanatics everywhere. The paid-for whore probably has Eurovision parties where they wank themselves dry over the flag.
Afternoon old chap.
I’ve sai it before and I will say it again. To cure this arsewipe he should be taken to Singapore’s Caning Room and given a bare-arsed thrashing – 24 strokes at maximum force would should the motherfucker up, and might even finish the old windbag off.
Who’s funding this cunt?, I have a good idea but can’t prove it, he truly is a massive cunt of the first water, and it’s not the fucking 80s anymore so stop blaming Russia you fucking clown!!!
Bray has multiple sources of funding and a free London flat CQ – he alleges he funds himself by selling his coin collection (from a bedroom at his Mums where he enjoys dungeons and dragons and the single life!) – he is full of shit and consistently denies he is paid by anyone – but he is a lying cunt.
The gentle creak creak, creak of hemp against oak as he swings gently in the wind as he swings from traitors gate will be the first joyful sound heard when I am President of the World (my megalomania knows no bounds) ??
In answer to the question posed on his t-shirt the only answer is time will tell. No doubt both sides will argue the toss for years to come and chuck in the unforseen impact of bat flu as and when it suits just to muddy the waters.
However, whatever the long term economic and political fall out, in the short term the answer is yes, Stevie boy, it is worth it if for no other reason than to see you and your fellow EU bûm kissers cry like babies.
Are the remoaners now trying to annul the referendum on grounds of Ruskie interference? (I’ve lost touch somewhat with the political machinations in recent months ‘cos I gave up on most of the news due to an overdose of Covid & St George of the Floyd – most of what I see or hear now just washes over me). If not, what’s with the hammer & sickle and placard?
Ron, sorry re Russian interference query in my post. You’re clearly a much faster typer than I am.
The cunt should put the hammer and sickle in the middle of the golden sphincter. Still as long as the cunt is where he is, he it not annoying me.
Why do all deluded leftard fuckwits always try and win the election that they just lost?
Steve Bray is what happens when you don’t smack your kids and everyone has to win a prize.
Go home Steve. Your village is missing its idiot.
This cunt “brays” like a fucking clockwork donkey, chasing an EU regulation carrot on a stick.
He requires a proper “braying” from Sir Fiddlers strongest staff, followed by a visit to Unkle Terry’s oven. EU centigrade 220. Preferably running on gas from Uncle Vlad.
Sir Fiddlers staff are already cruelly overworked, underpaid, starved and beaten (excellent work there DF – a Man after my own heart if I had one!) and do not need the extra burden of thrashing the Braying donkey.
Allow me to volunteer my services CG! ????☠
Back of the queue Vern. Back of the queue.
I actually meant the hefty piece of timber that Sir Fiddle keeps for thrashing rambles, cyclists, vegans and dark keys.
However, his massively underpaid workers would probably enjoy some overtime ?
Ah – good form Sir!
Where’s the communist symbol in an accusatory fashion whilst campaigning to remain within an EU heading for out and out communism.
Not a bright cunt.
What a cunt.
Summed it up pretty well there B&WC! ??
I drove past the Houses of Parliament the other day. These losers remind me of the Greenham common women who were still camped out long after the nuclear missiles had left. The cunt has nothing else in his sad life. Sad twat cunt.
Poor old Femi wassisname is the same
It’d be quite amusing if Putin took offence at Bray’s placard and invited the KGB to pop over to London with a present of a can of Novichok for his personal use.
Jesus, imagine if he was family?
Be sooo ashamed wouldnt you?
“Take Chris with you our Miserable.”
“Awww mum do I have too? Hes a right knobhead!”
“Hes your little brother, look after him! Dont call him that!”
He was my brother hed of had a ‘accident’
Drowning, falling off a ledge, jumping infront of a train, something.
Bury the little cunt in his cape and top hat, aww.
“Mum come quick!
Our Chris has stabbed hisself!??
I think it’s time everyone let the king of the Ivans know that some cunt is bad mouthing him.
Talking of booing, weeping cunts that cannot accept democratic choices and wail like an amputeed banshee the day after the nation has voted, I see Lily Allen has married again. That white dress must signify virginity. Presumably all the discharge must have cleared up since those heady days at the Calais Jungle.
Can I presume the groom was a dinghy jumper and the ceremony was held in a toilet?
Why do you take a bucket of shit to Lily Allen’s weddings?
To keep the flies off the bride! ?
Hope she enjoys her new home in the migrant camp, but Swilly Allen is a sore point with me – my contact in the MSM tipped me with some duff info on her recently to wind me up – the rotter!
Not a dinghy jumper, right honourable gentleman Fox but he dies look like one he’s paid a trafficker to drive him through several safe countries in the back of a lorry. A kids TV star so she’ll be after the folding stuff. No doubt she’ll have shat out another ankle-biter within a year. She must have a dinghy-sized vadge by now.
He is one of the stars of Netflix series Stanger Things: how apt?
Cunt can’t even scrawl a coherent poster slogan (essential skill for any proto-commie). “THANKS FOR RUSSIAN BREXIT THROUGH”. WTF? Perhaps a commie stategem to keep the message memorable or perhaps the commie cunt cannot spell.
Send him to the gas chamber.Vile turd
Proper little ponce of the Owen Jones verity ??
Sells his coin collection to keep himself going Yep right and I’ve got some swampland to build houses on ??
A proper gold plated twat ?
This wanker is obviously simple, I would check his laptop for kiddie porn.!
I’ve seen photos of this mental case with his uniform on, complete with shiny boots, strutting around like a cunt. I say leave the cunt there, he stands as a living testimony to the dull stupidity of the remoaners and their refusal to accept democracy. Every time he gets on the telly it’s the same as having has been losers like Blair and Major on there telling us how dumb we are. I’m surprised the BBC hasn’t given him his own show.
Absolute fucking rat.
Bayonet the cunt.
Burn his house down.
Find his hidden puppet master and gas them.
Then go for a nice pint.
The shitting simpleton CUNT.
Fucking child. If I’d have been a mardyarse like these cunts when I was a kid, I’d have got a clip off my Dad and rightly so. Where’s the StormAbteilung when you need them?
I think what’s so deranged about this serial cretin is he obviously thinks he’s going to make a change with all his ranting.
He’s got to be on the spectrum. A bit like the Goblin of Doom St Greta.
Nobody with any genuine self awareness or respect would continue to make such an utter cunt of themselves.
I guess I can understand a child being manipulated to make a cunt of themselves but a bloke in his 50’s on so many occasions and so visible!!!!!
Carry on Steve, now there’s an idea…..
Wonder if uncle Vladimir has anymore novichok? Let’s invite the cunt for tea, and uncle Vladimir will bring the tea and biscuits, cunt of the high order
Novichocolate digestives
From Russia with love!
Been punting out Novichoc desert chokkies from me farm shop ever since the Salisbury show. Vodka fillings from an appropriately dubious source. Also available as a vape flavour.
When he looks back on his life, he will have to concede what an irritating pointless cunt he is. His stupid little protests have achieved nothing other than show complete strangers who would have wished him no ill will what a fucking whiny twat he is. If that was his intention, then mission accomplished Steve. You knob.
He truly is a sad spectacle. He’s become a figure of fun who can’t see what a cunt he’s making of himself. If his old man’s still around I bet he wishes that he’d shot into a sock on the crucial night in question.
I wonder when no ones about if he gets his knob out and puts it through peoples letterboxs! Probally making some strange noises /he does have the look of a fucking mental if ever there was one
I think it’s called care in the community
A grown man… I fucking ask you?
The cunt should be covered in meat paste and thrown in a bear pit. The fucking look at me cunt.
When I was about 11 years old a group of us kids used to cycle down to this deep on the local river that had a tyre on a rope dangling over it. After a while this much older kid ( maybe 18 yrs old) started to appear, especially when we were getting changed.
I swear to Dog that it was this hideous bum creep . The resemblance is uncanny.
PS: when the vile cunt is making a nuisance of himself outside Westminster where does go for a shit? He looks like the type of weirdo who ,rather than bothering to wipe his arse, just stuffs his shirt tails up his arse-crack
As far as I can see it, this attention seeking little cry baby cunt has two choices:
1. Grow up.
or failing that;
2. Fuck off and die.
This cunt popped up on the local news while they were conducting an interview just the other evening. I’d had a good day until that point but the mere sight of his mug popping up again made me go outside and burn an EU flag just to make myself feel better.