A bald headed cunting please for this slaphead windbag of an MP who has been a monumental failure at everything he has ut his grubby hands on. But it seems Grayling could fall down Gaylord Adonis’s shitter and come up smelling like Alan Carr, since he has landed a £100,000 job for 7 hours a week:
Obviously the less time he spends “working” the less damage he can do (in theory) and I don’t have any issue with anybody earning (provided they REALLY “earn” it) whatever they can get, but how can this shit be worth that much money?. It’s not what you know, but who you know……
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
A solid cunting WCB and I agree that Grayling is as useful as Anne Frank’s drumkit. However, this dumb shit keeps landing plush jobs and so begs this question…… HOW THE FUCK IS THIS POSSIBLE? to be rewarded for abstract failure each time he fucks up “confuses me”. Still, I wish I knew his secret the cunt 🙂
Secret of his success you ask?
His old school tie.
Hardly. Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe. Nobody who is anybody went there and it’s now a state school.
Crawling cunt with good nose for opportunities using contacts gained in government to land sinecure (possibly as reward for services rendered, like lobbying)
General-issue pol cunt securing its afterlife. Tax-avoidable; he’s ‘working’ for a BVA-registered company.
Damn. Plain and simple I guess. Still, he is a cunt no less 🙂
Eh what do you mean about my drum kit?i aint got one but all the same
Underlines the corrupt system doesn’t he?
If we were this inept in our jobs, it would be verbal warning, written warning etc. Why are these cunts exempt? The Donald doesn’t fuck about, not up to the task? Then fuck off.
Yep one of the reasons i like the donald he dont give a fuck!i remember this mp didnt whoever the fuck we had last as a prime minster fuck him off cos he was shit
An inspired appointment!
Whatever Chris advises, the ports only have to do the exact opposite and they’ll be quids in. Genius!
Worked for BBC and Channel 4 news.
Ran his own media company, which failed.
Got into politics with the SDP
Moved to Tories
Got caught trying to remove references to his expenses claims after the scandal
Caused a shitstorm with his stance against gay rights (supporting the rights of Christian hoteliers refusing same sex couples access).
Given various prominent roles is successive governments.
He has led an extremely charmed life.
He has been rewarded with a nice little “pension” job.
Like hundreds of politicians before him.
Prick. Many socialists will be calling for his head, conveniently forgetting what happened to the last labour cunts in government, who all left post to move into plush private sector jobs, well paid quango positions, or the house of lords. As for the real big bucks, look no further than that oily heap of shit Nick Clegg, raking it in advising Facebook. Cunts, no exceptions.
One more turd in an ocean of floaters.
When working class person fails there is no safety net for them. They simply have to pick up the pieces and try to rebuild their lives.
Whereas “top” people can never fall too far. The old boy network will help them find some lucrative post in the city or industry.
But why any self-regarding organisation would want this useless bungling muppet on their letter head is beyond me.
He must have done someone a favour in office, that’s how it works.
According to Wiki –
“On 17 September 2020 it was announced that Grayling was appointed to a £100,000-per-annum 7-hour-per-week job advising the British Virgin Islands domiciled Hutchison Port Holdings Limited “on its environmental strategy and its engagement with local enterprise bodies.”
Pity he couldn’t have been some kind of advisor for some shithole port in deepest Umbongoland!
There should be a ruling that serving MPs and Ministers cannot have 2nd jobs, especially in the private sector whilst still serving as a minister of the Crown.
Grayling, like so many others, is a career politician using his position to leverage nice little deals either for himself or people close to him, while not really giving two bags of shit about the people who voted for the cunt back in 2001.
Hardly a job, 7 hours is more like a evening with a box set ?
He knows where the bodies are buried. He’s got something on Boris and the rest of them and he’s agreeing to keep quiet as long as he’s looked after. You don’t have to go looking at third world countries to find corruption.
How the fuck are we going to get better people into politics. Singapore pays much more money for politicians and also awards bonuses for growth in GDP and pay cuts when it goes down. Our system rewards cunts.
Oddly enough he shares several characteristics with his piscine namesake, namely.
1. The grayling (fish) is prey for larger fish.
2. The grayling (fish) is a protected species.
3. Grayling are none too cautious and will not be put of by a human presence.
Grayling (human variety) should have been hooked out of the HOC at the time of the expenses scandal, gutted, filleted and lovingly laid in Unkle Terry’s hot oven until golden brown.
The cunt.
I like the fish analogy Paul. May I add that, although the grayling is often seen chasing flies, it is predominantly a “bottom feeder.” . . . . .Nuff said!
Isnt it reputed to smell of thyme? This cunt reeks of shit.
Is there a fish called a Purnell?.He js the New Labour alternative to Grayling, now head of “News and Education” at the BBC, at some enormous salary.
I had a fish called laughing gravy.
And theres a fish called wanda if that helps?
In a frantic hour 30 years ago in northern Canada I caught 20 big fat graylings, all of them on dries fished on the surface!
The man may need a bollocking but not necessarily at the expense of the lovely “arctic rainbow sailfin”
The Arctic grayling is not the same species as the European one. The grayling proper is distinguished from the similar Arctic grayling (T. arcticus arcticus) by the presence of 5–8 dorsal and 3–4 anal spines, which are absent in the other species; T. thymallus .
Chrissy boy is most definitely a European grayling!
Regards JR Hartley.
When these useless cunts are eventually ‘sacked’ they usually end up with an even more lucrative job than the one they were kicked out of. It’s just one big backslapping club.
So hopefully next year Laurence Fox starts his new party and Andrew Neil his new news channel.
At least i may keep a slither of sanity.
Off piste, but dear Admin, is Boris going to be joining the Great Wall of Cunts soon?
Chris Grayling and his ever-changing job description.
I wouldnt employ this gormless cunt to sweep up.
Hes all thumbs, anything he touches he drops or breaks,
A complete fuckin mr Bean.
He keeps his job by toadying, grassing on others, knowing where the bodies are buried and the occassional reluctant blowjob.
The ultimate in incompetence.
When fucking blustering idiots like this secure these ropey 2nd jobs their salary should be confiscated to pay for their fuckups whilst in high office.
Then they should be drowned.
Just off Dover is fine.
Drop them from 10,000 feet onto a dinghy.
Rewarded for being incompetent. Hoo-ee.
TWAT.End of.Oven please
What really tickled me is that he has a sinecure ‘advising’ a huge intenational ports company (owns Felixtowe, Harwich and Isle of Grain). This is the man whose expertise in shipping led him to wave millions of taxpayer dosh at Seaborne Freight (RIP), to cover the Ramsgate crossing in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Seaborne had no ships.
Grayling also handed £33M to Eurotunnel….Mr Grayling has previously defended the payment saying it was vital to make sure the UK does not run out of vital medical supplies.
That went well, didn’t it, Chris, you logistics ignoramus? You smug corporate stuffed suit.