Charlie Stayt

Exactly who is this shit-faced cunt? There’s not a lot of internet detail about him probably because he’s not worth it!
Stayt started his career on a commercial radio station in his home town of Gloucester. Before moving into television he worked on radio in London, hosting Capital Radio’s news programme ‘The Way It Is’, and also reporting for LBC and BBC Radio 5 Live. He’s been a media man through and through, so much so that he doesn’t know anything else about the planet. He is a prime cunt.
Today he was claiming that the government should lock up people who are not doing as the govt tells them about covid19 – yes, he’s that arrogant – other comments by people about him include:
“He’s thick as shit”
“Charlie Stayt rudely interrupting, I want to hear the reply even if Mr Stayt doesn’t.”
“honestly your presenter has no clue. Matt Hancock was clear and your presenter was being ridiculously ignorant.”
“Charlie not listening once again… “
It’s about time this bloke was given a public outing.
(what sort of outing would that be then? – admin)

Nominated by: Lana Del Cunt

74 thoughts on “Charlie Stayt

    • Naga the Cunt of Cunts, Jumped up should of been a HR manger or Doctors secretary cunt. Stupid Lego hair, wingnut ears. Dreadful sounding voice, Condescending, sarcastic, spiteful attitude of a Queen bitch.

  1. Hey wait a minute…. I’ve seen this cunt before somewhere…. Oh yeah, he’s that smooth talking fucker who’s bin presenting BBC Breakfast for the last 14 years.

    Only ever caught him when channel hopping, so sadly not in a position to comment further.

    Is he a mini-me Piers Morgan or summat?

    • I couldn’t think who he was either. I stopped watching Breakfast at the beginning of the pandemic when they decided to stop the local news every 30 minutes, which was the only reason I watched it.

  2. His hair, Munch-chapatti’s ears, Morgan’s chins. It it a pre-requisite to have a comical facial feature to work as a breakfasts telly host?
    Vacuous cunts hosting vacuous shows.
    Bring back the 80’s-Selina (Princess Di wannabe Scott), Anne (rough) Diamond, Wincey Willis, and for the degenerates in the board, everyone’s favourite Tom & Jerry’a maid: Rusty (Mhaa mhaa mhaa darlin’) Lee.
    Time for a new feature-breakfast with Unkle Terry?

  3. The cunts didn’t even arrest those soapdodging vermin who went on the rampage with their statue wrecking.The BLM and Antifa excrement were also ‘exempt’ from arrest. Lawyers will have a field day if anybody is nicked. People are just going to laugh in their faces. The law is a laughing stock.

    As for Breakfast telly? Haven’t seen it in years. Always fancied giving that Selina Scott a good going over back in the day.

    • Look at that hair!!
      Blow wave & streaks!
      You auditioning for Duran Duran Charlie?
      Where you shop for clothes? A ‘mens boutique’?
      Your a disgrace.
      Ive seen you, sat next to that paki lad on telly,
      Right pair of bumboys an no mistake.
      Your dad raised a sissy Charlie, you need a good hiding and a haircut son.

  4. Lock people up?! Can they hear themselves at all?

    Off topic but I wrote to Boris and my MP today to tell them no to a full second lockdown and gave a myriad of reasons. I also told Boris that it is absolutely ludicrous that 7 children can’t go out to feed the birds but 30 men can go out and shoot them.

  5. Actually, given the talent of you cunts on here, we should start a “pirate” Breakfast Television programme:
    Good Morning Britain’s Cunts

    For diversity B&W Cunt and Sni.ggers can share the studio with Ruff Tuff and Vernon.
    Sir Fiddler as rural correspondent-think John Craven with Tourette’s ?
    Miserable NC as a weatherman-like Fred, this time a floating map on the Manchester ship canal.
    Norman as the sports Anchor-cunting the knee takers and showing classic re-runs of Division 1 games?
    Children’s section hosted by Bertie and Percy parrot.
    Mid morning cookery with Unkle Terry.
    Thought for the day with Dioclese.

    It “cunt” fail?

    • I’ll do a medical section.

      ‘Take a paracetamol, you whinging cunt and don’t you fucking DARE call 999 with that shite’

      being the main answer to problems.

      • Excellent Gene, although I suspect B&W will be pushing to be a “Dr Hillary Jones” type, as long as the job is hands on, females under 40 with “wimminz” issues?

      • Surely you meant take four packets of paracetamol, washed down with some spar vodka? A more long term solution to the malingering hypochondriac cunts.

  6. I picked my nose on the way home from the shops this afternoon. Probably got Coronavirus now. Serves me right for disobeying the rules.

    • Don’t worry ,should you croak there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth on this hallowed site.

      • Picking your nose is great isnt it Ruff?
        That and itching your arse.
        Feels glorious
        What I imagine a orgasm feels like for a lady.
        (I imagine, never seen one!??)

      • Katie Price picks her nose, and a poor choice she made of it, just like those bloated tits.

  7. He’s a communist.
    He’s an outright cunt.
    He’s been brought to the very front of my lengthy oven queue.
    The disgusting fancy haired rat.

  8. He may be a cunt that takes a fucking age to ask a simple question but he still has my sympathy for having to share a studio with that horrendous co presenter Naga Munchtwat who he obviously dislikes.

    • He could give her one on the sofa, that would increase his popularity. Fuck me who would want to share a sofa with that thing? Charlie abuse I call it.
      Might cheer the cunt Minge Biter up.
      Fucking hate the bitch.

  9. Cunt looks like Jon Pertwee, circa 1970, as Dr Who.

    But all the charisma of a Dalek with the raging arsehole.

  10. If he made Naga take a knee, then administered a B6 facial on live tv, then I feel he would partially redeem himself.
    Hair needs bucking off-grade 1.

    • I was director general of the BBC id sack him for his wannabe Bryan Ferry hair soon as look at him.
      And take that paki lad with him.
      Put some working class people on instead.
      White obviously.
      Id like some swearing an jokes too!
      Not to blue it is breakfast but a bit saucy.
      Maybe some decent music.
      Motorhead or the pistols.

      • MNC, if the news was read by northerners, how would soft, southern shandy-quaffing p00fs (who speak proper english) be able to understand them?

      • Itd be subtitled Thomas.
        And one of those deaf n dumbers doing sign language.
        Be great!?
        Fiddler “aye reet canny like today’s weather be champion!”
        “Positively lovely today it will be awfully nice!”

      • Those sign language people are hilarious…they constantly look like they’re having a benny.

      • What a horrible thing to say about our deaf members-but fucking hilarious.
        Well cunted that fellow???

  11. I have some advice for him……

    “Charlie. Stayt home”

    I’d get me cost but someone nicked it in March”

  12. He is probably one of least cuntish twats on the BBC, which doesn’t say much for the rest, BBC breakfast is just a constant drip, drip, drip of woke shite interspersed with a the odd bit of news.
    Trying to think of the most annoying cunt on the BBC news teams and it’s hard to pick one who stands out, I would say that collectively the newsnight presenters are the leading Contenders for the team cup.

    Today there was Fergus Walsh explaining what the chief medical officer and scientific officer had told us because obviously unless it’s explained by the BBC us poor plebs are too stupid to understand it.


    • Definitely Maitlis is up there Sick and that bell end Dan Walker who wont work on Sundays because he is a Christian which considering he is a straight white male who is also a Christian and working for the BBC, that’s some fucking feat.

      • Agree that Maitlis is top contender, after the interview with airmiles Andy she seemed to be getting a bit to big for her stilettos

  13. Hope everyone has been watching the events unfold at both the Penally and Folkstone barracks. Locals are fighting back and refusing to allow the illegal immigrants entry with the police pulling out the usual traitorous bully tactics.

    Keep an eye on the events about to transpire at Dover tomorrow/later too, there’s something pretty big about to go down there and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s ends up being the flashpoint we all know is coming.

  14. Talking from my experience after years of searching i have found a woman who is great, she does have her moments but then so does everyone, as for most other wimmin everything above is true, lying,conning,scamming,using the law to have you falsely arrested so she can get a leg up in the divorce, pretending she,s homeless so she can fast track a council house, not giving a fuck about her kids [just uses them as pawns to get what she wants], lying, scheming whore who due to coming from a family of gold digging whores knows how to screw the system, this slapper still thinks its ok to be friends[what a cunt she is] the saving grace now is the kids are grown and hate her, she has had to get a job as the benefits finally gave the cunt the fuck off tablet and now she moans when she isnt on the sick that is, what a waste of oxygen this cunt is.
    Anyway thats just one of many bitches i have known and thats before you see mates wives being cunts to them, honestly if you can live without poontang lifes great, whack one out now and then and avoid the cunts forever

  15. Sky News are as bad as Al Beeb now. The worst being that excuse for a journalist, Kay Cuntley.

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