A “Tonight Matthew, I’m going to be a Poundshop Rod Stewart Tribute Act” cunting please for Charlie Mullins – he of Pimlico Plumbers fame. Although he lives in Marbella and has done for at least a decade.
Looks like a Madam Tussaud’s waxwork – if the person who made it was blind drunk by 1.00pm on a Friday and wanted to piss of home early.
Says people who work from home are “selfish” and don’t care about the economy.
Well you feather cut hairstyle cunt many people didn’t have a choice but to work from home, because its what their employers have made them do.
Yes of course some of the people working from home have taken the piss. Unfortunately at work there’s always some that do as little a possible and take the piss anyway they can. In the words of James Hetfield “sad but true”.
Funny that you didn’t give a fuck about the economy when you fired 30 of your staff and furloughed them all, in spite of having a net worth of £70 million
Bit of research reveals that this nobber’s business fared well in part due to a successful PR campaign, run by a certain Max Clifford.
Shifty, slippery, house of wax faced, luvvvly jubbly, knees up mavver braaaaan caaaant!
Nominated by: Harold Steptoe
As they say in Guatemala “if it looks and acts like a cunt……”.
I think it’s Guatemala? Meh!
Some people working from home have taken the piss.
MPs for instance…
And the motherfuckers got a ten fucking grand ‘bonus’ for doing so.
Has he still got that puerile “Bollocks to Brexit” banner up at Vauxhall?
It’s a bit hard for a plumber to work from home though isn’t it?
Bollocks to Pimlicker Plums too, with knobs on.
I bet he talks about the blitz , jellied eels and how he loves his old mum.
Never trust a Cockney, there like scousers with more bling.
Whats wrong with his face?
The Pimlico bummer?
Drive a stake through its chest and bury it at a crossroads.
As a Scouser I think that remark is insulting fuck off
Ain’t scousers offended buy everything?
Buy everything?? Scousers buy fuck all, they nick it!! And then it’s never their fault.
As a cockney i found it quite hilarious. lighten up or fuck off!
I was only joking guys.
I’m from Brighton and always being called a Nancy boy and a lot worse. Water off a ducks arse .
Eh? Eh? Calm down, calm down, la…
Fucking remoaner cunt. The only reason he loves the EU is because it supplies him with cheap Polish plumbers which, in turn, enables the wanker to live in a villa in Marbella. Gives money to the Lib Dumbs because they are a bunch of traitors like him. Didn’t he get taken to court by one of his employees for some scam he was pulling to avoid giving paid holidays and paying Nat Ins or something like that? Nasty little rat faced, money grabbing traitor bastard.
Yes he was taken to a tribunal regarding how he treated his workers. I can’t remember the details but remember thinking at the time that he is a nasty piece of work. Mind you ‘nasty piece of work ‘ describes Libdumbs perfectly.
He can fuck off round his own s bend the fucking Remoaner belling.
Bellend, fucking predictive text
Dear Predictive Text,
It’s never duck….
It is a pity we can’t flush this annoying turd away. Epic Motherfucker.
As part of my job I have the task of auditing plumbers’ work so they can stay on a professional scheme that gives them a competitive edge. Some of the shit I see has me in fucking stitches and I love tearing the cunts a new one when I fail their work which is frequently. Some twat recently went into temporary amnesia when I failed his shit work claiming that he ‘forgot and he didn’t really plumb this house in and would I like to see his dad’s house cos he definitely plumbed that one in’. I shit ye not! All plumbers and their £60 an hour are cunts, stat!
Well he is always welcome to sell his business and start a new one in Spain if he loves the EU so much!
Always amuses me with these hardcore Remoaners whinging about how shit this country will be when Brexit finally kicks in (or rather “Brexit Lite” as I prefer to call it now). And yet they still choose to live and work here!
I voted to stay in the EU, even though I hate the EU as a political/federal entity. But I accepted the result with good grace. However, there seems to be so many bitter Remoaner individuals who like to talk about it how bad things could be, but never take it any further by fucking off elsewhere!
This cunt was very quick to put his plumbers on furlough as he thought it would save him money. Then he realised he was short staffed and tried to get to come back in.
Can you really blame a plumber for being on furlough. Imagine driving about London unblocking peaceful toilets?
This was the same shit stain who blamed people for dossing about on the beach while on furlough.
Someone needs to grab this cunt by his worzel gummage hair do and ram his head down a toilet of fresh diarrhea.
Mmmmmmmm a proper plastic faced knees up cockney wanker??
These ex pats always make me laugh they don’t t want to live here or contribute anything but want to vote on everything political. 90 day rule not in Blighty you don’t get to vote on anything so fuck off and eat your all day breakfasts ??
I bet he insists on being served chips “with English gravy”
I use the ‘English gravy ‘ line almost every day but I have to admit I nicked it from a Biffa Bacon story sometime in the late 80s.
Chim chim a ney fuck off.
A bit like Sean Conner and his calls for Scottish independence.
Two proper cunts together Connery looks like an old tramp or bag lady Hurry up and die ??
What a thick ugly attention seeking cunt who likes like he uses his hair for a bog brush. How fucking stupid can you be to moan about people not putting money into the UK economy from your villa in Spain? Flush this turd away.
‘looks’ like you stupid fucking cunt
Water board the cunt with his own plumbing.
Then have it silenced by way of exile.
To a prison in Mali.
The smarmy little pipe fitting CUNT.
That’s what I love about you, Terry – always the soft-give-em-a-chance option, first! The mark of The English Gent.
Thank you DCI..I am a forgiving sort for those that transgress.
Once they are safely deceased.
The fucking rats.
Just kidding.
Fuck Them All.
Here’s a thing, ordinary person who’s pro EU is enlightened and intelligent, ordinary person who’s pro Brexit is a thick Nazi.
All a bit moot now we’ve signed a trade deal with Africa that allows free movement.
Unless you had your face burnt off in a burning spitfire, there is no need for a man to have plastic surgery. The women who do it end up looking like 70s blow up dolls, and about half as attractive as one. There was an old episode of men behaving badly on Gold last night, and Leslie Ash was on, pre donkey kicked in mouth, and she was lovely. Why the fuck do they do it? I’ve seen women shopping that have the dinghy lips look, and they look like they need an epi pen because of some horrific allergic reaction to a thousand bee stings. Stupid cunts.
Plumber-cunt, remoaner-cunt, ex pat-cunt, un gracefully ageing-cunt. A full house cunt. The rain in Spain falls mainly on cunts.
Definitely a mentalist stinknugget in dire need of waterboarding with domestos.
His appearance on the BBC to moan about chinaflu, from his Spanish casa with horrendous decor, was a right pisstake.
A common little Oik….I wouldn’t let the Jimmy Saville look-a-like anywhere near my waterworks…probably spends his leisure time rodding Spanish gentlemens’ septic-pipes.
You ever consider plastic surgery Dick?
Im lucky, born beautiful.
Like something Michelangelo created me.
But if like Charlie the plumber above it must be hard, looking like Freddy kruger?
A paul weller haircut doesnt soften it, whats a boy to do?
Id of gone a proper plastic surgeon though rather than try to do it myself with a iron.
I did consider a penis reduction op..Miserable…but I’m kind of used to just wrapping it twice round my belly and making do.
I considered a trout pout,
Fashionable and handy for sucking pound coins out of shopping trolleys at Aldi.
Maybe a hair transplant, that lad of George Bests has had loads!
They never take!
It rejects him!?
Doomed to spend his days looking like Charlie Brown.
PS…”like something Michelangelo created,me”
I’m guessing that the cock size is probably a tad flattering to be you.
David. With prawn between his legs.
Im a inch short of Dave,
Mr Fiddler, more a clit!??
P.s. like a fuckin shire horse Dick!
My only good feature!!
Cockney wanker Mullins (even the name “Charlie Mullins” sounds like a Carry On character) is a cross between George Cole and Arfur Smiff. What would I do with him? send him to the fucking caning room for a bare arsed thrashing. Cunt
Charlie Muggins was Charles Hawtrey’s character in Carry on Camping?
Well cunted?
I didn’t know that! ooh, matron! as Dame Kweer would say.
Who? Soap opera character? Real person? Naaa, sorry, dunno. But he loathes cyclists, so not all cunt then.
Mr Mullins:
You have been brought before the ISAC court today, charged with crimes of-
Impersonating the abominable Dr Phibes
Stealing Ms Tina Turner’s wig from her Private Dancer Tour
Being a hypocritical cunt with regard to employment rights
Overcharging metropolitan twats for sub standard plumbing
Refusing to accept the democratic will of the people
For these crimes, you will be taken from this court to a place of colonic irrigation, where all the bullshit shall be flushed from your system.
Then ovened. Your plastic parts shall be recycled to make colostomy bags.
Unkle Terry, take him down.
CG, I admire Tina Turner. I would share a slice of sister Dolly’s homemade cakes and a pot of tea with her.
Spoonington make sure it’s vegan friendly-Tina “digs” Buddha too, so one of sister Dolly’s sesame seed cakes with added “nom yom yom nom yom” should do the trick?
I’ll make sure Dolly knows about vegan friendly cakes, and to make sure she doesn’t boil the kettle too hot or else there’d be #Steamy Windows# 😀
Cheers, CG. 🙂
Spoony you and B&WC are two of my favourites on here.