Boris Johnson is deserving of a nomination. Today, (Tuesday 22nd September) Johnson has announced yet more restrictions on our freedom, based on advice from the Waldorf and Statler of science, Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, which itself has no credible scientific basis. In case you don’t know, the new restrictions are:
•Work from home if you can
•From Thursday pubs, clubs, bars, and restaurants will have close from 10pm each day, with last orders coming in earlier.
•They will also have to abide by table service only.
•Face masks will be compulsory in every entertainment venue for staff and clientele
•Face masks will be compulsory in restaurants and bars when customers are not sat down
•Face masks will also be compulsory in taxis
•Rule of Six to apply to indoor team sports
•Maximum wedding size reduced from 30 to 15 people from Monday
•No extra shielding for people who were shielding, other than in local lockdown areas
New fines will support the measures, including:
•£10,000 fine if a venue breaches regulations
•Potential closure for venues that breach regulations
•£200 fine for breaking the Rule of Six
•£200 fine for not wearing a face mask on the first offence
•Potential involvement of the military to support the police in enforcement
Despite the fact I doubt the Flu Manchu is anywhere near as bad as Waldorf and Statler say it is, I’ve obeyed the mask and social distancing rules. But now I’m done. As far as I’m concerned, Boris can shove his new rules right up his fat arse. Since the day this bullshit started at the end of March, the government has acted incompetently. Since his own brush with it, Boris has acted not in a calm, measured and rational manner, but with outright panic. He has allowed his fear of an illness to influence his decisions, and all it’s doing is causing harm now. We’re already seeing morons starting to panic buy again. Morrisons isn’t doing anything to calm the situation, by becoming the ONLY supermarket so far to put barriers and staff back outside their stores.
And as far as I’m concerned, I’m not playing anymore. Especially since the ignorant fat prick has said they could last as long six months. Well you can shove that up your arse too Boris. I’m sure there will be a large number of brain dead cretins who will obey these rules, purely because they are little more than sheep. But I’m not one of them. When Boris and his government start listening to experts who aren’t lying, panic mongering cunts, and behaving in a more sensible manner, I’ll start listening to them. Until then, they can all suck a donkey’s cock!
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
He wont see a second term in office.
This is bad enough but when the recession/depression bites hard he’ll be lucky not to get lynched.
He won’t see out his first term. Staggering levels of incompetence and inactivity. The ‘pandemic’ was unfortunate but he appears to be unable to distinguish between the truth and his advisors. He has more than proved me right about what I thought of his ability.
Interesting thing on Sky News last night. So the prediction from Vallance 50,000 cases a day by mid October. Very steep rise on the graph. Almost vertical. But Conway put up two more graphs. The first one from the Gov’s. own statistics of where the R number is now Sharp reduction. Then the graph of where we are in relation to Spain and France.(which we followed almost exactly in the first wave) (weeks later but it was exactly the same trajectory) Once again a sharp decline.. Or not a sharp rise. Fear mongering? I don’t kniow but maybe a bit of sharp practice to push their point.
I saw a sky news thing about 10 mins after their confernce, completely disproved Waldorf’s figures.
It wasn’t a prediction
So, not all bad then ?
I don’t really care if the pubs shut at 10, don’t mind wearing a mask, I don’t want to visit any cunt (Except pop over and see the grand children) and I don’t work.
Agree Boris is a cunt, should have cracked fucking heads on BLM and Extinction shit, too soft with the EU.
Stop fucking foreign cunts coming in, especially channel surfer boys and let’s see the truth about northern towns and places like Leicester, can’t be a coincidence they have large south Asian populations and high Covid cases.
All this could of been avoided.
When it first started we said on here, lock down our borders!
None in.
None out.
Any cunt floating in the channel, warning shot if down fuck off shoot the cunts as a national threat.
We wouldnt have had a single case.
But no, they had unscreened flights coming in from China!!!
If a poorly educated cunt like me sees this surely our leaders could?
Loads we arent being told here, see the conspiracy theory nom!!
And of the Cheltenham Festival was allowed to take place@! Were they trying to give Chinky Flu a head start?
There was a big problem back then, lots of Brits coming home for god knows where but should have at least put a block on China.
And don’t forget we still had cross channel and international trade going on.
The fucking head-case should resign and hand the reins over to someone with a set of balls…and Cummings can Fuck Off too.
Agree Dick, but who?
Theyre all like this!
Not a ounce of commonsense, set of bollocks or a backbone in any of them.?
Who ?…..I’d settle for anyone who wasn’t this pathetic bag of piss and wind.
The Cunt.
Give it to Nigel. I’m sure he would do a much better job than these cockwombles.
Boris was a good London Mayor but he is as useful as a dinghy full of migrants at the moment. Utter useless cunt!
Afternoon cunters, true Miserable, there is usually someone in the wings but we’ll probably get the same shit with that boggle eyed foetus Gove or the Malteser headed peaceful, Sajid Javid.
so he is on the brink of introducing martial law against his own people. And yet he didn’t have the balls to introduce the military when the blm and extension rebellion was wrecking the streets of our big cities.
The man is completely lost in space and I hope he gets ousted
Boris brings these measures in but places of worship stay open (appeasment of the muslims)
Schools open, any of us with kids know kids are proper little typhoid Marys, one kid gets ill at school the whole class does.
Hes a right fuckin mr Bean and a right shitehouse!
Hes not fit for office
None of them are.
Keeping the mosques open may mean we can reduce the Muslim population so not all bad
Fucking Kweer in his speech this morning had to stick in a few lines about BLM disproportionately effected and Doreen fucking Lawrence, so we know which side his bread Is buttered.
If we think Bojo is shit, fucking Kweer would be shit on toast
For every one that does of bat flu, 50 more arrive on a dinghy.
Dies, not fucking does. Bastard tablet.
Nothing will change after these new announcements today. This government only preaches to the converted.
Those cunts who’ve ignored every instruction from the start will continue to do so
and those fine upstanding citizens like myself who have complied with everything so far will be the ones who are fucked up the most.
Not one single person will be fined £1k for sure.
However, try making me and many others cancel Christmas by not seeing their families and they’ll have fuckin’ riots on their hands.
Rise up pensioners everywhere, out time has come.
(Bertie Blunt revolting cunt!)
‘The Grey Army’ is on the march Bertie, (after we have taken our warfarin and had a piss, and then another one)
Too true LL.
? First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin. ?
Forget Londonistan. That’s already a lost cause.
As far as I’m concerned, Bojo’s got two things going for him at the moment;
1. It looks as though he’s not going to cave in to Brussels (not if he wants to avoid a lynching anyway)
2. He’s not Kweer Smarmer or Ed ‘Ravy’ Davey.
Got to count for something?
Not cave in to Brussels ?,,,,,,you honestly believe that?
Don’t see that Starmer or Davey could have been any more disastrous,tbh.
Afternoon Ron.
Afternoon Dick.
Careful choice of words; ‘looks as though’… he must know if he does cave in to Brussels, he’s toast.
As for Smarmer and Davey, well, that would mean Labour or the Limp Dicks, a fucking disaster.
So if it’s a choice between cunts, I’ll go with Boris.
Afternoon Dick.
Careful choice of words; ‘looks as though’… he’s fucking toast if he fucks up Brexit.
Smarmer and Davey would mean Labour or the Lib Dems… to horrible to contemplate.
So if it comes down to a choice between cunts, I’ll go for Boris.
It’s nailed on that the next PM will be Rishi.
He’s slowly distancing himself from the normal Boris imbeciles. This guy is very bright. If he can’t pull the UK out of its malaise, nobody can.
Rishi was very active on TV and radio during the 2019 campaign, played an important role, often filling in for Boris when he declined to be scrutinised.
Clearly the only man with any brains in the current cabinet.
I’m not sure about Rishi.
He seems decent enough, but being the Chancellor is a poisoned chalice, especially the way the economy is rapidly going south and everyone other than the rich and the feckless will be suffering for a very long time because of it.
Sunak is an unmitigated snake bastard.
This rat has not paid three million sole traders and startup businesses whilst handing over a fortune to filth like Branson and Sunaks Father in Law.
3.5 billion either stolen, fraudulently obtained or wrongly paid and Rishi the rat is doing nothing about it!
This little fucker needs to be swinging from a lamppost, not to be made Prime Minister.
He ain’t called Jellyfish Johnson for nothing. Even Mr Blobby could do a better job. Glad Corbyn didn’t get in but I’m very, very disappointed in Boris.
Johnson is yank slang for a knob and now I know why.
That’s funny, over here it’s slang for cunt.
Perhaps I’m missing a trick here, but have been watching the Jellyfish make his announcements in the HoC this afternoon, and the TV camera panned around the place showing several ministers, MPs and other cunts sitting or standing around, some of whom were not social distancing and/or wearing masks.
And what about the Rule of Six for these bastards?
Yeah I counted at least 25 sex offenders there.
Leaving aside Charlie Chan’s Revenge, Boris has made 3 major fuck ups :
(1) not cancelling HS2
(2) not sacking the Strap on and allowing hippies and commies to do what they like on the streets. Now he’s going to put soldiers out to make you wear a mask. Fuck off
(3) doing absolutely fuck all about the dinghy Armada
I expect the useless cunt to make a fuck up of brexit to top it all off. He’s got enough lefty remoaners who hate his guts and always have, he should understand who voted for him and why. Cunt.
If these fuckers hiding behind sofas for fear of the Covid getting them, haven’t no idea what’s coming with people dieing of suicides, cancer and many other conditions will put the Covid death rate to shame.
But nothing but the Covid matters does it.
Agree with part of your argument but if Covid ran out of control people would be dying on the streets (literally), rioting and no food in the shops (possibly) and pretty much no hospital treatment for anything at all.
…but would they really, I’m certainly not convinced based on the evidence to date? Remember, it isn’t that long ago we we’re being told by the ‘scientists’ that half a million people would die from it in the UK alone.
So they tell you. I do not believe a word of the plandemic project fear anymore.
We are being prepared for state control.
I’ve followed rules but can fuck it now, I’m sick of this shit, we are in same position as 6months ago, just delaying it might as well get done with at once.
Boris is 2020 answer to Neville Chamberlain, ineffectual and blustering cunt who folds like a cheap suit, I hope he will do an Ian Smith and walks away from the EU, but fear he’ll give the British people the Harvey Smith instead, truly disappointed by this cunt!!!!!
I hope he does a. Geoffrey Epstein and uses his old school tie from the fuckin rafters.
That fat bastard would need some industrial strength steel cable.
Porky Johnson is on my list.
Mine too Foxy.
Hes destroying this country, not through a conscious effort like Jeremy Corbyn would of but through sheer incompetence and weakness.
Bertie reckons your best mate Rishi Suntan will replace Boris.
And I think hes right.
Theres the northern vote they got down the pan.
Chamberlain has been treated unfairly by History. At the time of Munich he was far from well and the delay to rearming made sure that that the RAF did not enter WW2 with obsolete equipment. Additionally, no one to my knowledge has described Chamberlain as a treacherous, back stabbing, lying adulterer.
Neville Chamberlain was dying of bowel cancer, the Man had morals.
But strength wins against the brutal.
Johnson the Turkish American born snake?
I have no comment. Just rope.
Neville Chamberlain was a highly effective mayor of Birmingham, Minister of Health and Chancellor of the Exchequer. After Munich, he instituted rearmament in depth not building obsolete models like certain people advocated.
He may or may not have behaved foolishly at Munich and almost certainly betrayed the Czechoslovakians. But very few wanted war in Europe in 1938 – and that includes most ordinary Germans. Hitler was outraged by the lack of war spirit and by the joy that greeted theMunich Agreement.
To sum up, Johnson is a nobhead.
The Conservatives are failing. Labour are already finished. Come on Nigel.
Fuck me with a swordfish. You know what is going to happen again? Panic buying. Prepare to watch the shelves be stripped of chuff-wipe, bread, milk and tins of beans.
Don’t forget that Whitty and Vallance (AKA Waldorf and Statler/Laurel and Hardy/Abbott and Costello) were the same cunts who previously advised the government and public that the effectiveness of face-masks was not proven and the benefits of wearing them were doubted. Now the cunts are making them compulsory. What next, impenetrable jock-straps unless the virus gets in via your bellend?
These daft cunts needs to lockdown on the arrogant wankers not observing social distancing and the moose limb bretheren all huddled together whilst kissing the Axminster.
Boris is a corpulent, muttering, shaggy-haired fucking arsehole who will do fuck all other than hand the reins of power to Dame Kweer.
“Fuck me with a swordfish” – OMG Paul, too funny. Still laughing about that 10 minutes later. Cheers mate.
Great nom. 100% how I feel too. Him and his government are cunts and they can go fuck themselves. I fucking hope there is a 1990 poll tax style riot. This is fucking unreal. We will soon follow Scotland and we can’t even go in someone’s house. Fucking hell how many 70 years plus people will see no one for months.
No happy ending either
From my limited stateside perspective:
Bojo is a Mofo
He ain’t Trump, put it that way
Yes he is.
Minus the testicles.
He’s Theresa in trousers
Died with bat flu.
Died of bat flu.
Does any country use the same yardstick to measure bat flu mortality?
Why are medical professionals being pressured to include bat flu on death certs?
Work at home.
Go to the office.
Wear a mask in the supermarket.
Don’t wear one in the office.
This is the greatest sack of shit since Chamberlain gave us “peace in our time”.
Evil is abroad and the country is riddled with foreign filth and traitors.
More than ever, the 1922 Committee really need to man-up and kick this cunt in the cunt (he has no balls!), and fuck him off down the road. And he can take those other stupid cunts he placed so much faith in as well.
If he is really suggesting this could last another 6 months, there will be no fucking country left to govern! The economy is already in the shitpan, but this latest announcement will hit most sectors, especially leisure, hospitality and retail, fairly and squarely in the balls to the point of no recovery.
The rich, of course, will barely notice. The restrictions won’t matter to them because they’ll choose to ignore them (“Don’t you know who I am?”). But for the Plebs, and those trying to earn a fucking crust, well you may as well jack it all in, become a criminal and spend the next 10 years in the nick, because that’s the only place in this fucked up country where you’ll be guaranteed 3 meals a day, and a roof over your head.
Well done. Boris. You really have well and truly fucked the county, fucked the economy and fucked the people who voted for you!
Well guess what
Yep MNC should have locked down the borders, I wrote to Matt Warman MP and cunt in March and said same. Pubs should have never opened maybe outside service only. Beer gardens? I like a bevy more than most but come on wear a mask in a shop but go to a pub get blitzed without one. Pathetic.
I live near a holiday destination and crowds of drunken revellers every weekend for the last couple of months looked like a bank holiday weekend every weekend.
Even though I am high risk ( ongoing lung disease ) I am pig sick of all the chopping and changing. Absolutely gob smackingly pointless. Like a football manager chopping and changing his team every week. It’s clear Boris the buffoon hasn’t a clue what to do or the best course of action. Clueless Cunt of some magnitude.
All the other politicians are clueless and most of the fucking scientific experts too. Chop and change opinions on a whim.
Shoot the fucking lot of the cunts, and the cunts that think they are impervious to catching/spreading the disease and the fucking bulk buying cunts and the fucking illegals and any cunt that in fact pisses me off.,.
Boris bog off you cunt and take all the afore mentioned cunts with you or surrender to my firing squad, or guillotine or terry’s oven Fucking Clueless Fat Cunt
Been on the piss in the sun this afternoon sorry for typos and errors fuck it no I not cunts.
Boris is the Watford FC of politics – constantly changing things at the first sign of adversity.
He maybe floundering about and appearing slightly cuntish, but what would be the alternative, kier screamer the x head of the cps famous for the not enough evidence to bust nonce Savile quote. Followed by a horde of cunts most of whom would have been shot for treason or imprisoned for sedition 60 years ago. Lib Dem’s in charge?they are assuming a myth like quality akin to cockatrice and other weird shit cos they don’t really exist. Green Party and others of the we care fraternity, bollocks, mainly useless whiny bastards who scrounge off their parents til late 30’s. BLM that would be fun one ilegal “grime party” numbers reduced by at least 50 % cos of the interval stabathon numbers to few to do anything but reduce the stabby total in Londonistan.
There is no alternative just hope Boris is the lesser evil.
The Tories will want to keep Johnson in situ until they can gauge how big a disaster or otherwise Brexit turns out to be when we leave proper at the end of the year.
Whatever happens, no way will they want to go into the 2024 election with Boris at the helm.
If by some miracle Brexit goes well, they’ll probably let him stay for another year or two. But if it goes badly, as many fear it will, they’ll get rid of him sharpish and place the entire blame for the debacle at his door.
Then, a new leader*, untarnished by the May /Johnson administration, will be appointed to clear up the mess and lead the Tories into the 2024 election with the slogan: “Under New Management”. ?
* Tom Hunt, MP for Ipswich, seems like a nice boy.
All words, dear boy, just words.
Nothing would change if Mr Hunt was catapulted into Fatty patel’s job tomorrow. The whole fucking system at Westminster is just a fucking taxpayer funded jolly of cheese, fine wine, wind and wankery.
Evening Paul.
? It’s only words, and words are all he has, to take your heart away…. ?
‘Twas ever thus. Either way, if Johnson’s still PM by 2022 I’ll dig up Pâddy Ashdown’s rotting corpse and….. you know the rest.
Agree with you 100 per cent,RTC.
Much appreciated Dick. ?
Everybody knows the areas of high infection are where there are high concentrations of peacefuls. They are an occupying army and they aren’t going to obey the rules. Whatever happens it’s Allah’s will, the cunts. Can you see a copper nicking a mask less peaceful? Can you see them breaking up some big gathering of the cunts? They are like a big teeming pack of rats ? ?? ??♂️??♂️ spreading disease wherever they go. The politicians and the rich cunts don’t have to go anywhere near them, they just love them from afar.
Sadly that’s what’s happened on Melbourne and the entire city went into martial law. Wait till Borrie declares 8pm curfew in the house, masks on everywhere all the time and no straying further than 5km from home. With this rule set those turbine helicopters constantly howling overhead take on a more sinister tone.
Twat.Twat.Twat.Grow a pair Bozo and tell Bert and Ernie they are not fit for purpose.A major reshuffle to clear out all the dead wood.Sheer contempt for ordinary working class people.To them we are the serfs.Oven please
Boris’ new slogan, drink earlier, drink stronger, drink faster.
To gauge how labour would react just look at wee jimmy, she is banning people meeting at all in private houses and if she had control of the cash box she would shut everything down again.
The media is a cunt, all they do is cause confusion, speculating and treating us like idiots, just watched the BBC news, Fergus fucking Walsh explaining what R means, I hate the little weasel faced cunt!
How many a hospitalised/ dying that are not asian i wonder?
Whoever we vote for we get a lily livered lefty. Boris has been a letdown and so i’ll be voting for the Farage party or as near to it next time out.
They get tough with us who voted them in but the dinghy armada, not a chance.
Boris is a fat sickly cunt who sucks BAME cock…just saying.
Oh and what exactly is their long term plan. Is it loosen restrictions in 6 months time, then when the inevitable spike comes after allowing us out, to lock us down again ad infinitum?
Fuckwittery supreme.
Some Covid patients suffer from ‘brain fog’ – cognitive impairment – for a long time after they have otherwise recovered. Looks like Boris is one of them, and his generally low acuity beforehand must make this an almost crippling condition. Fatherhood, without the possibility of escape, can’t have helped either.
Not seeing anything resembling a useful replacement in the pipeline, for sure. Gove? Fox? Hilarious.
Whaddya mean? Laurence Fox would make a great PM!
And Johnson has always been a hopeless chancer. Brain fogs are nothing new to that cunt.
Liam (Where’s Werritty?) Fox, not Laurence.
Still on his shady self-aggrandisement kick, may become head of WTO rather than the favourite, Mbongo Nbango (or something)
Nige is going to fuck the Tory party. We’ve been conned again.