Boris Johnson [9]

Boris Johnson is deserving of a nomination. Today, (Tuesday 22nd September) Johnson has announced yet more restrictions on our freedom, based on advice from the Waldorf and Statler of science, Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, which itself has no credible scientific basis. In case you don’t know, the new restrictions are:

•Work from home if you can
•From Thursday pubs, clubs, bars, and restaurants will have close from 10pm each day, with last orders coming in earlier.
•They will also have to abide by table service only.
•Face masks will be compulsory in every entertainment venue for staff and clientele
•Face masks will be compulsory in restaurants and bars when customers are not sat down
•Face masks will also be compulsory in taxis
•Rule of Six to apply to indoor team sports
•Maximum wedding size reduced from 30 to 15 people from Monday
•No extra shielding for people who were shielding, other than in local lockdown areas

New fines will support the measures, including:
•£10,000 fine if a venue breaches regulations
•Potential closure for venues that breach regulations
•£200 fine for breaking the Rule of Six
•£200 fine for not wearing a face mask on the first offence
•Potential involvement of the military to support the police in enforcement

Despite the fact I doubt the Flu Manchu is anywhere near as bad as Waldorf and Statler say it is, I’ve obeyed the mask and social distancing rules. But now I’m done. As far as I’m concerned, Boris can shove his new rules right up his fat arse. Since the day this bullshit started at the end of March, the government has acted incompetently. Since his own brush with it, Boris has acted not in a calm, measured and rational manner, but with outright panic. He has allowed his fear of an illness to influence his decisions, and all it’s doing is causing harm now. We’re already seeing morons starting to panic buy again. Morrisons isn’t doing anything to calm the situation, by becoming the ONLY supermarket so far to put barriers and staff back outside their stores.

And as far as I’m concerned, I’m not playing anymore. Especially since the ignorant fat prick has said they could last as long six months. Well you can shove that up your arse too Boris. I’m sure there will be a large number of brain dead cretins who will obey these rules, purely because they are little more than sheep. But I’m not one of them. When Boris and his government start listening to experts who aren’t lying, panic mongering cunts, and behaving in a more sensible manner, I’ll start listening to them. Until then, they can all suck a donkey’s cock!

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

144 thoughts on “Boris Johnson [9]

  1. The Covid positive figures are rocketing after the fresher weeks at university.
    Are these really the brightest kids we can come up with in this country? If so, we are well and truly fucked. Liverpool university has had 87 new cases and this is before any teaching begins! Close the fuckin’ lot of them down and conduct study online.
    Even though I was a student myself, admittedly last century, I had nothing in common with these cockwombles.

    • Not surprised are you Bertie? The majority of these students are products of our lefty woke education system. ?

      • Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.

        DH Lawrence.
        I bet Miles knew that already.

      • There’s some truth to that Cskin. I’ll be keeping my eye on my kids to try and stop that happening.

  2. I have a suspicion there are a number of sections in our society who are pushing hard for a 2nd, 3rd and even a 4th lockdown!

    They purposely want to do the opposite to the rules and regulations in order to make the perceived contagion last for months or even years

    They enjoy the chaos, the panic, the uncertainty, the economic devastation, the mass restlessness, the growing impatience and bare incompetence of this government as it fails to control not only the dink virus but the street riots from BLM, XR, and Brexit and the Dinghy Riders!

    These Marxist cunts/anarchists want this country to fall into the abyss, and they won’t give a fuck who gets hurt on the way.

  3. We all know (or should know, unless you are fucking retarded) that the death rate figures are bogus. During the peak, fear was instilled into the easily led, by always ascertaining that the figures are probably higher. Now, even the revised down figure is way over estimated, yet we are still forced to behave like Ebola is going to wipe us out.
    Why next door neighbour works in a supermarket, all through lockdown, hasn’t missed a day. How many hundreds of thousands of visits they have had fuck knows, but how many of the staff have been off, with Covid, or suspected Covid? Not one. I still don’t know seven months on anyone who has had it. I know people who have lost their jobs though. For the greater good? Get fucked.
    I’ve worked right through too, which has helped me keep some perspective, instead of hiding in the house, shitting my pants.
    You can stick all those projected figures and graphs up your arse.

  4. The one thing I don’t understand is why Bozo decided he was going to shake the hands of ‘ultra contagious and deadly’ virus casualties in the first place. Is he really that thick enough to be reliant on advisors or is he really that thick to decide for himself it was a jolly good jape?
    I’m not even convinced he ever had it, would he have gone ahead with Ebola or Leprosy victims?
    Fucking useless stumbling, fumbling toff cunt. Can of petrol, comfy armchair, cigar and tumbler of whisky, a nonchalant flick of the lit match and watch the danse macabre.
    With turtle head* Twitty as kindling.
    More obfuscation bollocks from Bozo, son of Coco ?.

    *courtesy of MNC.

  5. I have to admit theres no way of summing this one up.
    The only logical way would be to crack down on all the fuckers who are passing it on illegals/rave partys etc.
    Theres just no physical possibility left all that will happen is it will delay the whole drama.Complete and utter incompetance from day one /couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery this current goverment/as states the only one with any brains is rishi sunak
    Although many names wont be on peoples minds after all this drama

    • Is that why you don’t vote for anyone Jon — you don’t want to be upset?
      Could you open up and really tell us about your anarchic beliefs?

      • It doesnt make me laugh Jon.
        This isnt a game.
        This is peoples lives.
        Real people.
        Men struggling to put food on the table, pay the mortgage, buy shoes for the kids.
        We are at the mercy of political idiots.
        I laugh at most things, dont take much serious, happy go lucky type me.
        But fail to see the humour in decent people suffering at the bad decisions of public school knobneads.

      • I cannot be sure, but I suspect that exactly that was JonDoe’s point, Mis. To Bertie: perhaps JonDoe sensibly spoiled his ballot paper in December, as RTC keeps urging. I certainly did.

        I don’t share Yank-Anon’s (any relation to Alcoholics Anonymous?) schadenfreude and think it’s all rather upsetting; but when Burnley returns a Tory MP for the first time in 110years, you must admit that the temptation to titter exists in spades.

  6. Our wannabe mini-me Churchill is on TV right now, insulting the intelligence of a grateful nation.

      • The Monster Raving Loonies weren’t standing in our constituency, Moggie. I’d have happily voted for them if they had been.

      • Four years is a very long time in politics Bertie. I spoiled my ballot paper at the last election (though wouldn’t have if I’d thought the Labour candidate could have got in). Hopefully I won’t feel compelled to spoil it in 2024…

      • I will Ruff.
        Ive only voted tory once, never again.
        Ill never vote for any current political party again.

        In the words of the Velvet underground
        “Im waiting for my man.”

      • I live in a marginal, it’s between labour and conservative, I couldn’t afford to risk spoiling the ballot paper, I look at it as no matter what a fuck up the conservatives make labour would be worse.

  7. It’s all part of the test, fuck knows what’s coming next, global reset , anarchy, dictatorship, I predict a riot,

    Bring on the revolution

  8. How about Boris and his ilk making a visit to Hospital morgues in about six months time to look at the bodies of young suicide victims, young cancer patients and other unnecessary dead due to his ‘protection’ of us. Is the life of a 98 year old dementia patient now more important than a young man or woman starting out in life with a job/mortgage? I never used to think like this but due to the fuckwits we have in charge, is there any surprise? I’m one of the millions who may be losing their job, thanks Boris, so long as you and your silver spoon fed multi millionaires are ok in your chateaus. Just fuck off you incompetent fool.

  9. The management at Lidl have announced that because of the likelihood of a second surge in panic buying they are going to introduce drastic new measures throughout all their UK stores.
    They’re going to open a second till….

  10. This pandemic is the cancel culture of all cancel cultures – cancel the whole fucking planet and start again!

    St Greta would approve.

  11. So, why didn’t these ‘rules’ apply to BLM, Antifa, and those statue wrecking savages at the height of the original ‘lockdown’? These cunts were allowed to run riot, while the ordinary joe (dog walkers, gardeners, shoppers etc) got treated like criminals and idiots. This government and the law are a fucking mockery. But the stupidity of people hasn’t helped either. When the country was supposed to be more vigilant there were scores of knobheads more interested in taking the knee for some armed criminal sack of shit from the USA. People will deny it, but there is no doubt that Saint Chicken Floyd George and that BLM crap was more important than Covid 19, the dying and the dead. And that includes mainstream media like The BBC, The Grauniad,and Sky. Covid or no, this country is now shit. Fucking shit.

    • David Moyes has tested positive for bat flu. How could they tell he looked sick? He has always looked like a dug up corpse.

  12. Well no matter what Boris and his fellow inmates at Arkham asylum say, do, impose, ill carry on working.
    I stopped for a couple of weeks at the start(only playing on here kept me sane) the goverment grants balanced that out but fuck stopping again dont care what level they say we are in, I need to keep working.
    I’ll get Dominic Cummings to do the long distance runs.

    • Just stick a BLM sticker on your windshield Miserable and you’ll be fine. In fact the coppers and Boris’s Covid grassers will bend the knee as you pass in solidarity.

      • Good man! Cover all the woke bases. Bertie was on earlier rallying a pensioner army! I think he was after Boris but could pitch up at Gary Lineker’s over his salary and and the license fee.

        “We march at dawn to the one they call Lineker, he of shit goatee and jug of ear”.

      • Theres to much sugar in werthers originals LL.
        Bertie, Dick Dribbler and the angry pensioner brigade slowly marching on Downing street, having to constantly stop for a slash and take their pills?
        Be outside number 10 around early February..

      • Some of those thermos flasks would make good missiles. WW2 spirit but less D-Day more Pee-Day.

  13. I look forward to the Queen’s speech on Christmas Day:-

    “I am so happy about Fuckwit Harry and Sparkletits fucking me and the Crown by pissing off to LA to become greedy grasping woke cunts!”

    “I am delighted that the BLM people have trashed so many cultural monuments in my country. And I privileged to be privileged. Oh and I am part black don’t you know!”

    “I was heartened to see the thousands upon thousands of little rubber dinghies reaching our shores, and the 350,000 desperate migrants wanting to live here and share the wealth of our nation for so little effort. It kind of resonates with my own family of entitled, feckless lazy cunts!”

    “And last but not least, my thanks to China for unleashing this awful virus, which has killed so many undesirables, made lots of people unemployed, poor and homeless, as well as bringing down my government when the former PM, Mr Jellyfish Johnson passed away due to being so full of shit!”

    “But at least the rich and powerful had a rather splendid 2020. And I hope the same again for 2021 when hopefully there will be few thousand more dead plebs to worry about.”

    “May I wish you a merry Christmas”

    • Followed by a special BAME edition of “Strictly Cunts Dancing” hosted by Alex Scott, who practically lives at Jimmy Savile House. The winner, of course, will be a peaceful trannie, being at the top of the intersectionality Premier League.
      Seasons greetings!

      • Some good news Freddie. Alex would not be hosting it. She will be locked in my basement unable to talk as the ball gag would be fixed or her throat preoccupied.

  14. Yet another rousing speech i see from our supreme commander in cheif(bojo)definetley a bit more hitler esque on this one waving his arms about and slamming of the desk/half expected to see a nazi flag unfurl itself in the background and drop to the floor/if we have ledt the eu it must be in name only it seems more like the fourth reich/police state now than ever before

    • Blowjob Johnson talks about “difficult times ahead!” But for whom exactly? Certainly not for him, and his government, the entire House of Commons, House of Lords, the Civil Service and the Establishment!

      And no doubt come the New Year’s Honours List we’ll get to hear that some of these useless advisors will get some top gongs for services for being useless cunts, especially Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber (Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance)

      Same shit different day

  15. One more cunting for Boris and the blithering, mutton-headed, feather-duster haired, nincompoop of a cunt will be on the wall.

    Next nom, anyone?

    • Just looked on the noms page and read a rather splendid late Boris cunting by Sir Limply Stoke.

      Now make way for Boris on the wall all you other cunts on there!

      • Harold Steptoe submitted a cracking Boris nom about 3 months back, but admin unaccountably junked it.

      • That’s a pity. I am hoping and praying that those nice chaps in Adminland choose Boris’ wall pic to be the one where the great fat cunt is on a zipwire, sporting a light blue helmet and grasping a Union Jack in each of his flabby paws.

        The cunt looks a complete joke. Only the fucking joke is on us now.

      • Fortunately I retained a copy of Harold’s nom which will be included in my forthcoming Christmas bestselling blockbuster: The Bumper Fun Book Of ISAC Cuntings & Comments For Boys & Girls (But Not Gender Neutrals).

      • Ruffers, that book really needs to be published and let loose amongst an unknowing public.

        But you know it could never happen. The fuzz would be swarming all over Waterstones with suspicions of Hate Crime.

      • Haha I remember doing that.?
        It was more of a spur of the moment rant about the daft twat.

        I still maintain he’s Colonel K from Danger Mouse the gibbering, bumbling fuckwit.

      • Can’t remember what it was that day but I’d had a shit day and I’d read something about him and he’d pissed me off .

  16. Just seen one of my neighbours for the first time in months and he was covered from head to toe in electricians tape.
    He’s self insulating….

  17. Johnson. the cunt of all cunts with a cabal full of cunts – Whitty and Vallance the chuckle brother cunts of all cunts, Hancock & Starmer other cunts too – this site nw represents the vanguard against these cunts – time to fight back – the virus is Johnson and Co.

      • Why would the Chinks want to wave goodbye to their most lucrative consumer demographic? Not very good business acumen. And why isn’t the West fighting back?

        That said, Boris is known to be a massive sinophile, so maybe he’s part of it….

  18. I would urge everyone on here to write to Boris and their MP, regularly, and tell them no to second lockdown, they are not earning their pay and this has been noted and you will not be voting for them again unless they change tack. Tell them to widen their expert advice from the likes of Prof Cahill, Ennos and Heneghan or any of the scientists who just sent the open letter. There is another way forward and it isn’t this.

    We must keep telling them, its the only way to make a difference.

    • Hmmm. Mybe the government needs to be advised by Chinese restaurant staff? Big pharma lab staff?

      The woke academics in universities are all in arts departments. The science sector is much less political, and is mainly concerned with meeting its quota of published papers and keeping up with the flood of new boxes cunt management requires it to fill.

      The fact that they fight like bagged cats is proof of considerable dissent within their ranks. Fine, The issues need debating.

      • It was just a hunch and I think they should publicly declare their politic leanings. Wasn’t so long ago that the govt refused to say who was on the SAGE committee!

        Yes, that’s true about them arguing. Apparent unreliable data, especially on R rating. If so unreliable, how do they reach any decision?!

      • Search me, but at least the options are probably aired rather than being decided at random by Cummings. The opinions conflict because, as usual, not enough data, or not rigorous enough data. And they also conflict with what BJ wants in order to get re-elected, what business wants in order to make money and what the poor bloody plebs want….death to the over-70’s and free booze on demand.

        Glad I have no say in the matter, in fact, because whatever anyone says is wrong on some level.

  19. Before deciding to ignore the rules, you need to ask yourself two simple questions…

    1. Do I want to die?
    2. Do I want to kill other people?

    If the answer to either of these is ‘yes’ then you’re on the right site because you’re a cunt…

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