Oh dear, how sad. It looks as though journalist and ‘commentator’ little Benjamin Butterworth has wet his bed again.
So who’s upset the wee leftie lamb this time? Why it’s poor old JK Rowling, who’s had the unbelievable temerity to include a character in her new ‘Strike’ novel who assumes the persona of a woman in order to commit murder.
Appearing on ‘Good Morning Britain’, the whey-faced wanker bleated ‘a lot of people, myself included, are incredibly worried about how this smears transexual people’. When host Susanna Reid pointed out to Blabbermouth (who, naturally, hadn’t read the book) that the character in question isn’t actually transexual, he mithered on about how there could be ‘confusion in people’s minds’, and how this will still be seen ‘as a way to debase (transexuals)’.
Christ on a bike, you little prick. Anyone would think that such a plot device has never been used in fiction before. Have you never seen ‘Psycho’? Or perhaps you think that the mere idea is bigoted, on the grounds that a transexual couldn’t possibly also be a criminal?
Anyway, the notion that this could somehow be used a means to ‘debase’ transexuals is really stretching things to the extreme; it’s yet more ‘woke’ whining by a paid-up member of the perpetually offended brigade. The reality is likely to be that the vast majority of people, if they even bother to consider the matter, simply won’t give a flying fuck.
You’re as limp as a week old lettuce. Stop simpering and let people enjoy a good read without getting on their case. And get a fucking life while you’re about it, you twat.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Just arrived in Londonistan to see friends.Wonder if the protest is still going on.
Which one? There’s always some cunt moaning about something there!
Hey Shaun,
Take down as many protester names as you can for your Deadpool Noms…PLEASE
Seems like a bad day’s cunting for Rowling – two on the bounce. What would Harry Potter say?
As for Butterworth? Never heard of him, but he looks like your default sniveling little cunt who was bullied at school for pissing in his short trousers, and being a know-it-all-swatty-cunt!
Another nonentity desperate to appear politically correct and part of the perceived new normal. This country is woefully short of people with the determination to think for themselves.
He us a snivelling little cunt. He seems to be always on Talk Radio spouting utter bollocks.
Looks like Softy Walter from the Beano.
Is not us. Fucking sausage fingers
Jumping butterballs Techno!
Not heard of little Benjy? Check the woke nutjob out below:
PS: The tranny (the only one talking sense) gives me the horn.
“Debase transsexuals”?
Surely they couldn’t go further down…they’re already lower than Barrymore’s fist in a drowning young man’s bottom.
They do look hilarious though, like Fanny Craddock on a bad hair day.
I have never heard of this chap; my ignorance of him must hurt him as he demands to be noticed.
Well, sorry mate any one of my four cats is more deserving of oxygen.
..yeah, yeah, Benjy, I see where you’re coming from.
Speaking as a gigantic insect I can truly say I have experienced the same treatment meted out to the transgenders since Jo ‘the terf’ Rowling wrote this book.
The bastard that is Franz Kafka has made my life a complete misery since the publication of The Metamorphosis in the early 20th century.
If you want to grab some beans and discuss this some more then dm me.
How about a novel about a man who transitions (lol), to ‘Woman’ , sorry I mean self identifies as a woman, to be successful in a particular sport.
Maybe Benjamin Bumboy would approve of that.
How about a novel where he wins Miss Universe?
I generally find truth offends more than fiction, so if young Benjamin thinks that these “debased transsexuals” are going to be future serial killers we better be fucking worried about the deviant and provocative cunts!!!
Benjamin Butterworth? Hehe, sounds like a Dickens character!
Looks like Will from the Inbetweeners.
Why is he a expert on trannies anyway?
Or is he just a shit shirrer?
Anyway Your names in the book under ‘sympathiser’ youll be going for a shower with your friends I get my way!
Here you go, Miserable.
Thats his great grandad Benny Butters the first.
He was ok.
Was cursed when he got a monkey paw that set forth a series of ill fortunes that resulted in BB the fourth.
The curse can only be broke by the line ending on a altar stone at Avebury.
Miserable, please tell me you have tried the sideburn/moustache combo as worn by Great-grandad Butterworth. It just screams “Get back to pickin that cotton boy!”
Sadly no.
More the old testament mad prophet or stranded on a island look for me LL.
Although my horse dealing father inlaw does!!??
He looks like that sargeant from Zulu!!?
Lemmy rocked that look too.
Its definitely old school Miserable, I suppose only certain types can pull it off, retired army Majors, empire builders and rich 19th century mill owners.
Used to be a old school hardman look up north of handlebar moustaches!!??
The gays kicked that into touch!!
My grandfather and his 2 brothers gew up in Stockport workhouse, proper hard men but not big trashes anywhere to be seen. My dad always had a tash an he’s from Stoke also proper hard man.
I had to grow up mostly down south and its shite.
Jusy saying.
I work in Stoke a fair bit Sharkunt, and my auntie and cousins moved there circa 76.
I used to go visit for a week in the school holidays. Hanley.
Was nice then but a right shithole nowadays.
The funniest part about all of this is that Rowling has so much dosh and so much fame that she’s untouchable by jumped up little cunts like this. Fucking hell, he hadn’t even read the book, and it had to pointed out that the character in question actually ISN’T a tranny.
Never mind tho; apparantly the great reading public might be ‘confused’ by this, and trannies could end up being ‘debased’.
Jesus what a fucking little prig.
Needless to say the book-buying public couldn’t give a fuck for his opinion, and the new ‘Strike’ novel has rocketed to the top of the best-selling lists on release. Glad to see it, because (a) the series is a stonking good read and (b) it’s a good two fingers up to whining little pricks like Butterworth.
oh and (c) I wouldn’t mind oiling these up
I still keep in touch with quite a friends when I used to live in Brum, and some of them were various Alphabet members.
In all the conversations I ever had with them (and still do in some cases), they do think all this “Speak out for trannies” is all rather embarrassing, especially when the person who is doing all the yapping isn’t a transsexual him/herself
Moreover, up until Woke became a thing back in 2017, the annual Gay Pride festival that went through the streets of central Birmingham, was really quite spectacular, very friendly and very apolitical. And people of all “genders” just got on with it and had fun and a good old laugh.
Fast Forward a couple of years, and everything has gone to shit thanks to a small minority of busy-body woke twats like Butterballs who have done more harm to the cause of gender rights than good.
Hopefully his worries about this vital matter will get too much for him and he will throw himself off a cliff.
Wearing a dress.
The fucking pathetic cunt.
Never heard of this cunt, sounds like he needs a necklace, and not a pearl one. The fucking media I’d swamped with bitter, twisted non people.
He’s another Guardianista type that the meeja goes to when it wants a ‘woke’ view on anything.
A whining little twat.
Owen Jones with specs.
Give him to some cannibals (that aren’t fussy)
That’s a great summing up of the twat BB.
Posh little shirtlifting Owen Jones wannabe. I can see this cunt getting an imaginary slap from some imaginary “extreme right wingers” outside a pub where he wouldn’t get served anyway because he doesn’t look old enough. Cunt.
I think that he’s got a point. Whereas The Gays are merely mental,The Trannies (a subsect of The Gays) are psychopaths more than capable of murder.
Mr Butterworth is doing a service by warning the public-toilet using male population that while The Gay will forcibly bum them (and steal their underwear),The Tranny will bum them while strangling them to death with their own y-fronts (and steal the underwear as a trophy)
Bravo Benjamin.
Remember Cunters… ” Poofs’ll bott ya… but Trannies’ll garrotte ya” ( New slogan from the Office of Dominic Cummings)
Dennis Nilsen was never a tranny!
No..but he was heavily infected with The Gayness….and Scottish….a lethal combination, I’m sure you agree.
As you know I always in my posts try to find something nice to say about everyone…in Nilson’s case I will add that at least he got more homeless dossers off the streets than Haringey Council ever managed.
My thoughts entirely.
Why is it so often left to ordinary, upstanding members of the public like Dennis Nilsen, Jack the Ripper (aka Prince Eddy) and Peter Sutcliffe to do the decent thing?
He would have got rid of s lot more if he hadnt got caught
I’d say Norman Bates was just pretending to be his overbearing dead mum because he missed her, the crazy fucker.
Now Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs was a proper tranny.
I’ve noticed a few killers/alleged killers have been trannies in real life. BTK and Robert Durst off the top of my head.Just Google ‘transvestite serial killer’ and you get fucking loads of hits.
Would like to know the percentage of trannies that commit murder. I bet it’s fucking way over the average.
“It puts the lotion in the basket…” (shudder)
I have never heard of this creature either – I assume he is Owen Jones younger sister?
How ironic: Benjamin Butterworth, I doubt you could come up with a name more appropriate for one of JK’s wizard books.
She should right a new Harry Potter book-Hogworts goes woke:
Chapter 1
Ron, Hermoine and Harry are murdered by transsexuals in the pay of the evil Voldemort.
Chapter 2
Owen Jones and Benjamin Butterworth get murdered by transsexuals on the Hogworts Express on the way to the first day of term.
Chapter 3
All the other characters get mutdered by transsexuals.
Chapter 4
All the transsexuals commit suicide.
Chapter 5
All the muggles rejoice
The End
Never heard of the cunt but he typifies them. They know fuck all. He wouldnt be aware of Psycho, No way to treat a lady (Rod Steiger) , Buffalo Bill or any past films where a bit of cross dressing was used.
It’s nailed on that he wont know any history either.
His musical tastes unlikely to go further than whatever bland shite is about now and perhaps some Judy Garland.
Not woke. Comatose.
I’ve seen a couple of YouTube videos of interviews by Piers Morgan (an utter prize cunt himself) with this Benjamin character.
Benjamin is the single most tiresome and objectionable piece of shit I have had the misfortune to come across in some time.
Utterly deluded in every way. The YouTube interviews are worth checking out. One of them, he has a trans woman sat next to him and even SHE as much as calls him a fucking cunt to his face, demanding that he is in no way representative of her or her thoughts.
He’s an absolute, utter fucking cunt who is simply fuelling anti feelings about people who are in genuine straits regarding their identities; lumping the fringe loonies, Leftwaffe, freaks and brain-damaged-by-the-zeitgeist CUNTS in with them.
It’s not the genuine trans or homo or whateverthefucks we should be railing against. It’s supercilious, dillusional excremental detritus like Benjamin who need a regular battering (in private please, so we don’t have to see his perfectly formed “punch me” smug face.
For fuck’s sake! He’s such a cunt, I even found myself agreeing with Piers Morgan.
Too right. I was agreeing with Piers Morgan and George Galloway. Never thought I’d write that.
I’m quite warming to Galloway. He’s got a vote of no confidence in Wee Jimmy Krankie petition going. Worth signing up for; only takes a min!
Evening Ron.
Just signed it, although I live in Surrey!
Hur! Hur!
Fuck off Bendover Buttocksurf you cunt.
Spot on cunting Ron.
I cannot abide this little fucking Nancy Soy Boy.
Perpetually Offended and always looking for an angle to screech and clutch his pearls in disgust at anyone who had the temerity to disagree with him.
Of course they are all racists and bigots.
The thing is though he creates headlines and that’s what the press are looking for.
How can anyone, so young too, be so consumed with so much outrage.
Shut the fuck up you fucking pansy.
He needs a good Lubbocking.
Who is this cunt looking cunt? Is he a trannie? Is he banging a trannie? Is he related to a trannie? Is he planning on being a trannie? If the answer to those questions is no, why is this turd speaking out about it? He’s achieved nothing except show his ignorance for the subject of his complaint,and his capacity for being a cunt. The cunt.
Beta male fucktard twat that wouldn’t be able to defend his life, his mums,sisters,daughters,neighbours lives if his miserable life depended on it. lets have a one in one out system as regards to the invasion currently underway.
Where were the condoms when the cunt that sired this cunt had a shag? Shoot it and put it out of our misery if Unkle Terrys oven is full.
Benjamin Butterworth?
More like Benjamin I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Worthless.
Typical woke, lefty, trannie, fucking bandwagon jumping cunt. Learn to read you twat. If you are going to cunt something then at least read it. Try reading the gender recognition act that got put in front of parliment the other day.
oven, oven. oven
I think it’s safe to say this bloke is a cunt.