The Young and the Stupid

(Okay, the pic isn’t exactly relevant, but gotta love the inappropriate ad – Admin)

A well deserved cunting for the young and stupid, let me explain, i have just read the news about some young and stupid retard who has been airlifted from the bottom of a 20 meter high waterfall in Neath with spinal and pelvic injuries after tombstoning ,that means jumping off.

This cunt required a helicopter, 4 rescue vehicles and 15 blokes to get the stupid fucker to hospital, fortunately natural selection didn’t get to sort this fuckmonkey out this time, but I’m sure he will be back there next summer trying it again, or being pushed off in his wheelchair.

Then there was 3 teenagers manages to crash a quad bike with no other traffic involved, they were probably taking a selfie at the time, come on natural selection surely its time for a cull to weed out the young and stupid fuckers all they do is waste resources and oxygen the cunts….

His parents should have to pay all the costs when its this stupid

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

41 thoughts on “The Young and the Stupid

  1. Take a risk young people! You can get through life without the 4 A* you thought you were entitled to. Or jump off a cliff….

    • Good Morning,

      Listening to Any Questions on Saturday a crying, self-entitled, whinging, girl saying to the school’s minister “you have ruined my life” . The little shit was having the appeals system explained to her and no-one seemed to care that she could take the actual exams in November.
      I would have added sel-entitled to the heading. Many of us on here I suspect are not in the first flush of youth but we were never that.

      • The majority of the whinging I’ve heard is from the tutors.
        Unable to falsify the results, they hate being exposed as people who couldn’t teach anyone how to tie their shoelaces.
        One sensible university spokesperson on TV stated, “They will not be reassessing altered exam results, as they have already given places to the pupils who achieved the necessary grades off their own bat”.
        No-one ever said results would be downgraded.

        So tough luck stupid. You thought you could use the Covid pandemic to your advantage instead of working hard. Now if you want to earn money you really will have to work hard.
        If you can.

      • The commie teachers and lecturers exposed for what they are – a pile of shit who do not educate, they brainwash, manipulate and indoctrinate.
        They tried to pull a con trick where their lousy “teaching” could be covered up by fabricating grades and wrongfully giving morons top marks.
        How would an employer feel giving a soyboy a job on the basis of “estimated grades” (AKA – lies) to find out they have hired a fuckwit ?
        And these whining milk wet spoilt little baby brats have been spoon fed one narrative from birth – you are special, you deserve everything and if you don’t get it you shout and scweam as loud as you can at the howwid old gwown ups who are ruining your life – it’s all everyone else’s fault and responsibility you see.
        Indulgent parenting and a marxist education system whose primary aim is to produce more of this whiny shit.
        Retake the exams, get the correct grades for your ability and stop blaming the rest of the World for your childish needy failings.
        Then, a McCarthy style witch hunt – we need to start clearing out the poison of communism and I volunteer to be in charge of “re-education” ☠
        A quick addendum if there is any ambiguity – I FUCKING HATE TEENAGERS!
        And commies.

  2. I’m from Neath and unfortunately, thick as shit lemmings like this character are all over the shop. It’s a shame the daft cunt didn’t land on his head, he’d have been doing his family gene puddle a big favour.

    I imagine he’ll have ample time to contemplate on what a silly idea it was to jump off a waterfall to look cool in front of your cerebrally challenged friends as he creaks about the place in a wheelchair. Wont look so cool then will you sunshine!

    • When falling from a great height , the first thing that happens is that , on impact , the enter rectum and colon will be blasted out of the subject’s sphincter under extreme momentary pressure.

  3. Young men have always done stupid and risky things. Queuing up to join the Army in 1914 was a pretty stupid and risky thing to do I would say.
    Carry on being stupid I say……what is their future anyway…..being a poof, a trannie or licking the feet of peacefuls? Fuck that…..if I were them i’d jump off a fucking cliff and take my chances.

  4. I myself am disappointed that Darwinism isn’t as effective as it was years ago, with improved medical treatment and vehicle safety even the most cretinous yob can survive to breed more such cunts, the thing is the stupid quite often are not exactly young (over 25s), the young are cunts anyway, sjamboking is what they need, especially the lefty ones, utter cunts!

  5. Young men will always do stupid things. Sieze the day, I say. However, look before you leap. Just wish those twats on quad bikes could find a fucking cliff edge.

  6. My favourite stupid cunt story is the group of Chavs who went on holiday to Spain. Naturally they spent the first night getting rat arsed. When they got back to the hotel one of them decided to dive off the balcony into the swimming pool below.
    Unfortunately while they were out the pool had been drained to be cleaned the next day. There was some extra work for the dagoes cleaning up the blood and picking up bits of skull. Ouch! That must have fucking hurt. ?

  7. I’m on thin ice on this one, as I used to jump of the same 35 foot high waterfall myself back in my youth. The first time I went in sideways which wasn’t the softest of landings. Then again, I did plenty of stupid things as a youngster, but probably the most reckless thing I’ve ever done is have unprotected sex with my lying cheating ex wife.

    • Me too. And I wasn’t a stupid youngster, I was a stupid thirty-two year old. Fortunately she didn’t want to marry me any more than I wanted to marry her, and persuaded some other bloke to carry the can. I think I used up my whole life’s allocation of luck right there.

  8. I thought all present day young uns would get their kicks like they do when they ‘play’ football etc. with a fifa computer game.
    Surely they can get a tombstoneing app and get their kicks in the bedroom or basement just like all their other thrills.

    • Doing daft shit is part of growing up for young lads.
      I ended up in a Anglesey hospital after falling through a roof.
      Its how you test your capabilities and prove youve bottle to your mates.
      Was a bloke growing up who had jumped from a multistory highrise flate,
      Depressed, suicidal.
      He jumped from dunno maybe 5th or 6th floor but landed in the grass verge, breaking bones but surviving.
      His nickname from then on was “skydiver”
      Kids, old ladies, girl behind the bar in pub, everyone,
      “Morning Skydiver”??

      • Yoof male – stupidity and danger guaranteed, I did some insanely dangerous things as a kid – mostly because I had a death wish and no regard whatsoever for my own life.
        I survived, by fortunate accident.
        I see the World we have and wonder if it would have been better if I had not, because I want no part of what we have become.

      • Now then Foxy, we’ll have less of that!!
        We sir are Englishmen!
        We are gods chosen people, the pinnacle of mankind.
        We slaughtered half the world and made it our Empire!!
        We would of done the other half but got distracted playing cricket and inventing shite.
        Stiff upper lip laddy buck
        Or youll cause doubt in the ranks and mr fiddler will reprimand you with a cattle prod!!
        The world is a better place with you in it Foxy never doubt that.????

  9. To be fair most of us would wince if we remembered some of the daft stunts we got dragged into by peer pressure in our youth.

    For example standing round in a circle while someone tosses up a banger. First to move was chicken.

    Never felt the impulse to jump off a cliff though.

    • My mind was boggling there, Lord. For a minute I thought you were referring either to a Wanking Circle ⭕️ with your mates or maybe ‘catch the hot sausage from the BBQ’.

      Clearly I was overthinking it! ?

      • “Soggy biscuit” – that scares a Para even more than “a chat with the Corporal”!
        Pants down, crack on, don’t be last to finish!
        Reckless youth provides endless fodder for our armed forces.

    • In 1972 , 5 of us bought a fuck-off £5 rocket from the newsagent’s glass display cabinet. It was not the biggest , but was still massive.
      We broke the stick off it , and took it into the toilet block behind the row of shops.
      We let that cunt off in a tiled , enclosed space of no more than 15ft by 12ft!!
      First one to pull the door and run gets a kicking.

  10. Reminds me of some daft bint who decided to stick her head out of a window on a moving train, and ended up almost beheaded by an oncoming train!

    It was a reckless thing to do, and yet after the investigation was completed she wasn’t at fault, but the train operator was for not securing the windows well enough, and for not putting up enough warnings.

    So if someone jumps off a cliff for a bit of tombstoning fun, and ultimately ends up with his very own personal tombstone, no doubt the parents won’t blame their idiot offspring, but the owners of the cliff for not making it secure!

    Darwin 101 (although one suspects Darwin himself will be airbrushed from history for being racist etc.)

    • Spot on observation Techno.

      Time and again the numpties who are the ‘victims’ of their own stupidity are found to be innocent and the poor old land-property owner found guilty of gross negligence.

      The stupidity of people – including gullible/soft judges- beggars belief

      • Bought a fish from the supermarket recently. It was a whole rainbow trout ie complete with head, fins and tail. There was a label on it saying “this product contains fish” Quite sad that they have to cover themselves this way in case some moron tries to claim against them for having an allergic reaction to it.

    • I tried to saw my head off with a chainsaw – and nowhere next to the sign that said “Stihl” (I sat like a statue for hours..) was there another sign that said “Ickle wickle cwy cwy – be careful kiddies – this chainsaw’s sharp” ??
      Boo hoo – going for a soy latte now.
      “MUM! MUM! Give me ten Pounds and take me to Costas – NOW”!

    • Thats the ISAC ghost “headless Bethan” your referring too Techno.
      Theres also ‘scouse Dek’
      The ghost of Derek Acorah who wanders the back halls scaring admins!
      Dey doo doe dont dey doe!

  11. At the age of 13 or 14 our fav pastime was sugar and weed killer. How we all kept our fingers and eyes is a miracle. The IRA put an end to this rather dangerous pastime. What a bunch of cunts we were.

  12. I put in a nom for that girl who fell off a cliff a few months back while trying to take a selfie but it never got published for some reason. She ignored signs saying don’t climb over railing but still did. I probably put something in the nomination that flagged up a no-no.
    Anyways she was a stupid cunt, I’ve done some daft things but jumping off a waterfall my self preservation kicks in.

  13. I still shudder and wonder how we got away with it … Small village, ten or so kids of a similar age … On a local farm, one particular year, as the small square type hay bales were packed in to an old stone barn, this meant we could clamber up the bales to rafter height. There we were presented with an empty 240v light bulb holder. In order to ‘join the gang’, you would stick a finger in against the contacts and somebody down below would flick the switch … You would get a rattle from it, but not the wallop that should have blown your finger off. Must have been either the insulation from the bales, or a piss poor electrical supply … whatever, I think if one of us had copped our lot, we’d have stopped doing it.

  14. Just like those cunts who climb up the sides of skyscrapers in order to take a selfie of themselves from its highest point!

    They might look cool, but when it all goes Pete Tong and the parents have a good old moan as well as pointing a few fingers at everyone and everything other than the dumb cunt of a son.

  15. We’ve all done stupid things in our past but Instagram and other social media sites are encouraging these twats to take it to a new level. I regularly see images of some wanker.hanging by his finger tips off a skyscraper. Some bellend tried that off a crane near Stratford station last year and the video I saw showed his grip gave out half way along. Fuck did he bounce. Never saw that on the news!

  16. I’m fully behind this cunting. Tombstoning, where Darwin and Newton both win, or should.

    I think we should bribe DCI Gene Cunt and his colleagues to not attend such rescues. Let them sleep with the fishes and save taxpayers the cash for that rescue and future fuck-ups.

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