The Taliban

This story is about a week old now (it’s Tuesday 4th August as I type), but I think it worth doing.

The Taliban are a bunch of cunts. Two of these shit wipes walked into a village in Afghanistan and demanded that the village chief assist them with some nefarious bullshit. The chief refused, so the Two Taliban shit weasels dragged him and wife outside and shot them dead.

Their daughter, who was described in the paper as being between 14-16 years old (that’s not uncommon over there, because only Kabul and big towns keep records), grabbed her dad’s AK and came running out blasting away and killed the two pricks who had just murdered her parents.

The story doesn’t end there though. When the other Taliban found out, they went back to the village mob handed, with the intention of causing much death. Except the Taliban are pretty predictable and the girl along with a number of other villagers, were waiting for them. In the ensuing firefight, several Taliban were wounded, and this prompted to make a hasty retreat (so much for them all being ready for martyrdom).

The girl and her brother have now been moved to a safe location, but there was a photo of her in the paper. It’s pretty clear that either her dad or someone else had taught her the correct way to use a firearm because she had something that a lot of people who own a firearm do not, trigger discipline. Her trigger finger was lying flush against the weapon, above the trigger. Few things anger me more than seeing some fucking cumper holding a rifle or a pistol with their finger on the trigger.

Incidentally, it get worse for the two dead Taliban. According to the followers of Allan’s Snackbar, you don’t get into heaven if you’re killed by a female. So at this very moment, those two are taking it in turns to be ass fucked by Satan and his fiery dong. So there is some good news to come out of this story.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

30 thoughts on “The Taliban

  1. The Taliban are still around? How retro! And shot up by a little girl. You can almost hear the Benny Hill theme playing during the incident. Shame you don’t go to heaven if killed by a female as that’s the way I want to go.

  2. What a girl pulling the trigger on her fathers AK47 and taking down two of these glorified goat shaggers. In my neighbourhood the only thing the 14 year girls can pull is the local kebab workers cock.

  3. Nice to have sort of good news now and again. If only all the villages did that.

  4. Taliban sam, taliban sam
    Your my main man….

    I heard of the taliban before 9/11, news reports about them enforcing mad laws in Afghanistan, almost laughing at their medieval attitudes, but the laughter stopped.
    They are barbaric cowards and alien to a western mind.
    Its not our problem
    Its a muslim problem
    Leave them to it
    Maybe nuke them?

    • Close the borders. It will never change or improve until these savage fuckers (muslims of all types) are wiped from the face of the earth.
      Too much of our blood spilt to protect heroin poppy fields for western pharma companies. (a friends Son got killed by these bastards in Gan, it has destroyed her – just for that I hate them).
      Islam should stay in islamic lands.
      And what kind of monsters would stop people watching neighbours?
      Fkin Tellyban – they seem just mean!

      • Closing the borders now is way too late ; I am sure that there are plenty of the murderous cunts ensconced here just waiting to be given the order. Why have successive U.K. governments failed to recognise that their number one priority is to protect U.K. citizens?

      • They are more than prepared to protect UK citizens – themselves. The rest of us can fuck off.

    • Nah we’ll invite them to take a dinghy over to Dover to protect them from the horror of wartorn Afganistan and the terror of being attacked by 14 year old girls.

  5. Unfortunately the Americans didn’t exterminate these cunts.
    A matter of regret.
    The filthy fucking vermin.

  6. “The girl and her brother have now been moved to a safe location”… the “safe location” Birmingham?

  7. Any country ending in ‘stan’ needs to be nuked

    I don’t understand why the west keep trying to enforce democracy on these countries, either they have a Sadman type who rules with a iron hand or there are regional tribal groups who are mentally unstable

    The Taliban are one step behind IS, fuck them and all who live in the shit hole.

    PS, Iran and Iraq included in the nuke list!

  8. The Russians couldn’t do it, the Americans couldn’t do it, leave it to a 14 year old girl.

    Underlines why Afghanistan isn’t a peaceful country and can’t be subdued by invading forces. Fair play to her.

  9. I’m surprised at 14 they didn’t want to fiddle with her before they shot the parents. Or was she too old at 14?

  10. Nice one, QDM. There’s not many heart warming stories to come out of Afghanistan, especially those concerning the treatment of women. But this is one good news story that made me smile (I prefer to forget that stone age shithole).

    You never hear or see the real stories of the Taliban and Islamic State in the MSM. That would spoil the woke agenda that the world is a happy place where everybody gets their dreams delivered by JustEat with Ben & Jerry’s for pudding.

  11. Just heard on the news that Priti Patel has outraged woke libtard sensibilities again, by suggesting that Britain is NOT a racist country.

    Cue much screaming at the sky! ?

      • Now I wonder if a black Labour MP will get stopped in their car this afternoon by police in London, just to back up this theory?

        “Why is there a small white child eating a banana stuck on the bonnet of your Audi Mr Lammy?”

      • Slightly off nom but there is a petition on to get Dawn Butler removed as an MP.

  12. Fucking excellent cunting, these Taly cockwombles are just cunts with guns bullying soft targets, it nice to see some karma, all the twats who went over thier to help the stinky fucks_ ie Shammyshitta all deservecthe AK47 treatment as well….
    Nice to read…..

  13. I bet that Jemima Baghead they desperately back in the U.K. is quite handy with an AK too.

    • It warms the cockles of the heart. We’ll never see the back of these fuckers tho. If WWIII ever arrives, the only thing to survive will be these cockroaches, and cockroaches.

  14. Don’t these people understand about the importance of diversity in the world? We should send some important experts out there to instruct them. I’m sure a few weeks of Lammy, Flabbott, the Sparkletits, Stormzy etc would sort out their problems. Perhaps the BBC could film it all for the benefit of our woke education?

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