The Rugby not-so-Super League

SUPER LEAGUE Rugby League I would like to give a monumental cunting to Super League What is a predominantly white northern sport mainly played and watched by white northerners, with the resumption of super league a couple of weeks ago i finally watched my first game last weekend Leeds Rhinos v St Helens and low and behold just before kick off i was shocked to see every player on the pitch getting down on their knee to pay tribute to the dead cunt of cunts Chiggun George even though there was only 2 or 3 blue gums on either side, that meant there was about 10 white northerners on each side getting on their knees. What the fuck is happening to our once great country sucking up to the cunting left and snowflake brigade it makes me fucking sick. I immediately switched the game off and will never watch another Super League match ever again i’ve been to numerous Grand Finals and also a World Cup Final but never again, I can’t watch the England Cricket team ever again also because of the same thing, Sadly there aren’t many more sports i can watch although thankfully my home football team is managed by Joey Barton so there is more chance of Global Warming happening than the Fleetwood team getting on their knees as the team is full of white blokes anyway not a single Umbongo in sight. Anyway thats the end of my rantThe world is full of Cuntstain Cunts.

Nominated by Codhead Cunt

52 thoughts on “The Rugby not-so-Super League

  1. They’ll soon fucking stop when the crowds come back. Maybe not at Arsenal though as their crowd is about 70% dark key nowadays.

    Can you imagine the crowd at Millwall being quiet if their players took a knee? They’d get booed to fuck.

    Has really pissed me off too. Have these bellends ever read or listened to what BLM want? They are full on anti-white Marxists. I’d rather stick my nob in a mangle than take a knee to these cunts. What pisses me off is cunts like that Burnley captain or the media in general saying we are the ones who need educating.

    No, that would be you, you thick cunts!

    And George Floyd was a cunt anyway. You’re welcome.

    • No sir – Arsenal is (was) mostly chinks and dirty arabs. Not many dark keys – nearly all white middle class w@nkers (and I am a season ticket holder, but probably won’t be renewing (if it ever happens) due to the chiggun kneeling bollocks.

      • You are correct. I included the arabs/Somalis as dark keys. Although there are quite a lot of proper dark keys though. Look at Arsenal Fan TV (or as I call it, Arsenal Black TV). Even the few honkies they allow on think they is black innit?

  2. Israel Folau (Catalan) is not bending to the fuckers. In Union Sale’s Saffa players have told them to fuck off as well.
    The posh boys at Harlequins are going to bend the knee in support of Marxism and anti-semitism. Thick cunts.

  3. Rugby League is shite…no class.
    Rugby Union is the better of the two…I used to play second row, I once punched a opponent in the scrum and I’m sure our teacher who was refereeing the game saw and said nothing.

    You better show me some respect…
    Go fuck yourselves. ?

  4. That’s the code where they do get down on one knee and pass the ball back. Maybe they ought to introduce a new move with it-the black panther salute.

  5. I suspect all these cunts are being told to do this by the suits and as soon as a crowd turns up it will stop, for obvious reasons.
    Next week England play an international in Iceland. I’m assuming there won’t be a crowd but I will be interested to see if they take the knee during the national anthem.
    Berlin 1938…… the England team were instructed to give the Nazi salute before the game, which they did. A lot of fucking good that did eh? Appeasing your enemies is asking for trouble.

    • Really ought to wait for the Noms on this but fuck it. The truth is the Last Night has been shit for years. The whole thing is literally a joke. The ‘star’ turns up in a kind of fancy dress costume of Britannia and with everyone laughing. Foreign flags, EU flags everywhere.There is no sense of celebrating England at all. Really it is just mocking, ridiculing England.

      • Me and Laurence Fox have been demanding this on twatter – Lozza is winding up the wokeflakes to the verge of tears!
        (And twatter is great for putting the boot into Boris the narcoleptic traitor!) ??

  6. All these teams won’t bend the knee when the fans start coming back that’s for sure as they know what the reaction will be like.
    I got priced out of seeing any footie games in the early 2000’s being a gooner and up till this BLM bollocks sort of kept an eye on the season. But not any more. Can take a flying leap off of the nearest cliff for all I care. Even gone as far as to sell my only remaining home shirt on eBay.
    Football can go fuck itself in my eyes.

    • They can’t of been real northerners,
      Maybe they were french on a exchange program?
      I take the knee for the missus and thats it!
      Everyone else can fuck right off!
      Kneeling is for submissive types who hang around in toilet cubicles.

      • Oh they’re real Nothereners Miserable. Enslaved to ‘BETFRED’.
        See that is the problem. This ‘decision’ was not made by the players but by the corporate sponsors. Imagine if there were no corporate sponsors would they have to do it? I doubt it.
        Betfred has one concern not to be blackballed in this frenetic climate. That’s why they have to kneel down. They’re really kneeling to BETFRED.

      • They should be stripped of their flatcaps, whippets, and sent south never to set foot in the north again on pain of death Miles.
        Although im a bit of a liberal and others may have harsher penalties for these ‘knee takers’.

      • TT MNC@ – this is a fkin outrage – it wouldn’t happen in Castleford!
        I believe it may have been foreign visitors, I have set a trap –
        “Half price tofu and quinoa at waitrose” and an arrow – to Unkle Terrys oven!
        The only time a real Yorkshireman takes a knee is when his chips and gravy fall to the floor!

      • Foxy@
        As self employed small businessmen and northern naughty types,
        Wanna go into partnership on my new venture?
        Cracking idea…footballs an rugby balls with st George floyds face on them!
        A good kick it say “I cant breathe!”
        Kids will love em!
        If you really fuckin boot it it screams!!
        ~£20 each all made in Uk!
        This time next year Rodders, we’ll be millionaires!???

      • I was thinking that not something real northerners do the sport must have been infested with foreign types

      • Codhead@
        Probably just actors, no one worth their tripe would kneel!

        Id have a uncontrollable urge to either
        1) moon the cameras
        2) get my dick out.
        But always feel like that at any function, weddings, funerals etc

  7. Fuck me have they been told they’ll have their wages docked if they don’t grovel?
    I might be a cunt but I’d be a beggar before I did any of that blek shit.
    Fuck Off.

  8. Yeah once crowds are back in it will be funny to see if the players get down on one knee the sound of the boos will echo throughout the land the players will have pints of beer thrown at them and within 5 minutes of kickoff the grounds would be empty with everyone walking out i can’t wait to hear what sky sports say about that.
    The cunts

  9. Apparently , there were arrest warrants out for the chap who was shot in Wisconsin including ones for sexual assault. Not saying that he deserved to be shot but his character does not appear to be whiter than white.

    • Wrong pal. He was a saint just like St Floyd. Why else would there be looting and rioting? Completely out of character in the ‘community’.

      • He was just reaching into his car glove box to get the policeman his thankyou gift.


      • The BBC made me laugh out loud when they said they ‘had reports’ that George Floyd was trying to turn his life around and be a good boy.

        What a load of horse shit!

        Same with this cunt. They’ll be saying he was looking at becoming an astronaut next and not some career criminal and sex pest. People are not buying this crap anymore, but they’re too scared to speak out as it could mean their job etc.

  10. I wonder if its Sky and/or sponsors, Betfred waving the BLM stick at RL?

    Both of them are throwing a ton of cash at Super League and have done for years, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re telling the clubs to get down on one knee and comply – allegedly!

    • My Sister in law is the PA to the owner of Leeds Rhinos Techno – and you got it in one – no allegedly about it, much pressure being applied.
      The team are “not happy”, and season ticket applications are down by 80%.

  11. Many women have taken the knee for me…
    before sucking me off…as have I for many women before giving them a good tonguing.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • B&W
      With regret. Due to your depravity I will not be assisting you with the county lines project. I will stick to arresting people of a braaahn disposition.
      Whereabouts are you again?

  12. It must be difficult not to take a knee, the flak and intimidation you’d face.

    No excuse though, I’ll not take a knee to support a Marxist revolutionary movement and neither should any player of any sport no matter their colour.

    Unless of course they happen to be revolutionary Marxists.

  13. The nearest league club to me is 30 odd miles away north of me in Workington. And from the general consensus gleaned from friends up there the only bending of limbs the club & fans will endure is that of two fingers waved majestically at whomever tells them to conform!

  14. Another ex(?)-crim* shot in Wisconsin. Just like the Floyd cunt he moved there to make a fresh start. Just like the Floyd cunt the sun shines out of his arsehole, and why the police were taking an interest in him doesn’t matter at all. The flakes will have to take both knees now.

    (I don’t like the Ngo cunt but I like this BLM hysteria much less, so let’s get it out there).

    • Komodo,

      You’re a bit hard on Mr. Ngo. I’ve been following his reporting here in the states and he’s been sounding the alarm bells on the Antifa, BLM, BAM types for a while now,

      He went straight into “the belly of the beast” while covering one of their “peaceful protests” and they beat the shit out of him. They beat him and stomped him when he was down. When he got up and tried to walk away they pelted him bottles and covered him in garbage, They cracked his fucking skull! Despite the horrid beating he took he will not be silenced and he will not back down.

      While I never served in Viet Nam, I am of that era and generation. I am strongly predisposed to an intense dislike of those slanty eyed, slope headed dog eating little cunts.

      But my hat goes of to Mr. Ngo. He may be a cunt…but he’s got balls!

      • I make you right General, Ngo was lucky to escape with just a beating that time. He gets the footage the MSM won’t show and has made a big name for himself. There are plenty of commies who would happily see him dead.

      • I accept your informed opinion, and don’t deny he has balls. However to ascribe political coherence to violent looters and rioters by describing them as communists is an easy trope too far for me. Rather like calling white patriots “far right” as most of our despicable media do.

      • Point taken.

        The press should accurately describe the events rather than “vilify” (for lack of a better word) the participants with dogmatic political labels.

      • Hey Ruff,

        My Android powered Chromebook won’t support the emogi link you sent me.

        It’s Ngo good.

      • Evening General.

        It’s a conspiracy! Maybe you should change your ID to:

        General Cuntster’s Emojis (Deceased) ?

      • I came back from the dead but the emogis didn’t come with me.

        Still trying though.

      • Actually…

        As I was leading my emogi army back across the River Styx, I noticed a shadowy figure trailing us. As we approached the land of ISAC, I could just make out a cape, a cloak and a broad brimmed hat pulled low over his face.

        While I couldn’t make out much more I was conscious of the fact that he bore a striking resemblance to Vincent Price.

        Shortly after that my emogis disappeared.

        It does make one wonder…

      • I don’t think General Custer would have made such a General Cluster (fuck) of policing recently General Cuntster. What do you think?
        We had a Nom recently cunting Chauvin the premise of it being that he had set back race relations decades with his actions. Not only over there but everywhere
        It is coincidence I believe. I don’t believe the police are on the whole racists. But it certainly seems they are fucking things up on a regular basis. What do you think?
        I have not really researched it but this latest one ‘looks bad’ again.

      • Miles,

        Without commenting on my illustrious namesake’s ability to fuck things up…I do agree that the police (at least in the USA) are not truly racists but that they do have a remarkable ability to fuck things up.

        In point of fact many of us with libertarian leanings have been hearing the ringing and indeed vigorously the clanging the warning bells of police misconduct for some time now.

        Police misconduct is a complicated subject with many and varied causes. And to be sure, real instances of misconduct should not be used to indict the entirety of the the Law Enforcement community. I believe the majority of cops are well intentioned if sometimes a bit misguided in pursuit of their duties.

        Professional standards, thorough training and “blue” culture are the real problems and the root causes of most misconduct issues here in the states. And the least of those issues is “systemic racism.”

        It’s a complicated subject and there isn’t enough time or space for it here. But in short…I don’t disagree with you.

  15. 2020. First clapping at the sky on Thursdays.
    Then kneeling down for criminals.
    Ahh dear old Blighty.

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