The New Wonder Woman

(Some info about Gal “Wonder Wench” Gadot – admin)

I (like perhaps more than a few cunters) have fond memories of Lynda Carter playing the amazing amazon in the Seventies, and, whilst I’ve not seen the new films, that Gal Gadot is remarkably easy on the eye.

So why then should Wonder Woman be in need of a re-design? Why should she now be depicted as a thunder-thighed, lard-arsed, mini-titted mong, as indeed she is now displayed on the cover of the comic book adaptation of her latest flick?

Is it because, as a character based on ancient Greek myth, she is not BAMEish enough?

Is it because, typically being of athletic build, she could be sexually attractive to heterosexual males?

Or is it because she has committed the ultimate lefty crime of daring to be portrayed by an actress that is… JEWISH?!?

You be the judge!

Nominated by: Chimp Licker 

61 thoughts on “The New Wonder Woman

  1. Lynda Carter is and always will be an all-time goddess, and is apparently ‘partial to few drinks with the boys’. Attagirl!

    Gal Gadot is a worthy successor, but is cut from the modern day Hollyweird template of needing to spout some utter PC bollockery from time to time to keep her hand in and maintain her right-on profile.

  2. In another attempt to squeeze money out of something that has already been successful, Hollywoke is remaking “Planes, Trains and Automobiles.”
    Yeah, you’ve guessed it the two protagonists are “people of colour.”

    • Not a problem, let’s see how much the blacks put into the coffers by watching it at the pictures. My guess? Not a lot.

      • TT Moggie@ – the new Hollywoke blockbuster – “Stabman” – by day a peaceful refugee sailor, by night a people trafficker and m*rderous r*pist – coming soon to a Town near all of you thanks to head enabler Priti (fucking useless) Patel.
        (They needed an elephant for one scene, Priti slips into her grey outfit..).
        And Wonderwoman best wash her bits before I deign to go near her – all that nasty sweaty material will make it smell like a brawl in a Brazilian prawn factory!

    • That means the modes of transport will never work and the two lead characters will sit smoking weed and eating fried chiggun until a white person arrives to fix them.
      And Wonder Wimminz will do great business at the box office?? – strong powerful wimminz defeats racist whitey man, then flutters her eyelashes coquettishly to get her “Wondermotor” fixed by a racist whitey Man..
      Have to go – need to push out a hollywoke film..

  3. Surely this latest WW is unacceptable to the Wokes?

    Not only is she white, but also a woman, slim and beautiful. Surely any fat-cunt, non-white, non-binaries will be hugely offended!!??

    Perhaps it should be rebranded “Wonder Non-Body-Shaming, Non-Gender-Specific Personage”

  4. Because the world is now run by the likes of bill Gates, unattractive weds with mental issues are rebuilding the world in their image.

    ‘The socially awkward will ride up and lay waste to the natural order.‘

    Sixdog 13:16

  5. Nice Jewish girl, eh? Well, if you’re a goy you can forget that for a start.

    As Ghislaine once told me…

    • I spent four days with a Jewish girl I met randomly in a deserted beach in Thailand a couple of years ago. Stunning and intelligent, best sex I’ve ever had morning noon and night. Spoke five languages (French, English, Hebrew, Russian and Spanish, mother was Mexican and father was a Russian history of science professor). Honestly fell in love with the girl, she invited me over to Tel Aviv and the Red Sea to go diving. Idiot never went! Pretty sure they wouldn’t let me anywhere near Israel anyway. Miss that girl. :/

      • Why wouldn’t they let you anywhere near Israel Insignificunt? Are you a member of Hezbollah or Hamas or one of Corbyn’s cronies?

      • I had a similar experience in India in the late 90s, Insiggie. Met a Jewish princess in Manali in the north and didn’t leave the hotel room for a few days. She was obsessed with the Beatles and would be creaming when I sang Lennon tunes.

        All the Israelis go there after their military service as did she. What a dirty, young lady. She absolutely loved it. Maya, I think she was called. She spoke several languages and was going to be a lawyer.

      • Met a stunner in Thailand, called her my Jewish princess aswell lol.
        One of the most beautiful girls i have ever laid eyes on. Alas she never let me fuck her the cunt.
        Be 30 years ago that and i STILL think of her, soppy twat.

  6. You are missing out our very own “Blunder Woman” the late Bella Emberg.
    Not one of those plastic Hollywood types, when we British do a Super-Heroine we do it right.

  7. Bet Gal wishes she never took part in that stupid “Imagine” singalong. It probably lost her about half her fan base.
    That aside, ex IDF combat instructor and rides a motorbike, which elevates her about plastic constructs like Brie Larsen…

  8. The films are complete shit but she could make me a bacon butty after I’d bummed her.
    No chitchat about The Dykes,The Gays or The Wimminz allowed I must point out.
    Hollywoodland is rammed with cunts.
    Get Fucked.

    • Oh and I hope the new Wonderwoman gets bat flu and dies in an Angolan prison.
      Lasso that you stupid cunt.

  9. She might have been fit in the 70s but now she coddles up to Hilary Clinton, praises Alexandra ‘How y’all doin?’ Cortez, and slags off Trump like a mindless automaton reading from a script.

    Lynda Carter is a cunt.

  10. Ah, you’re talking about Wonder Walrus, that drawing by the bint who has no experience of the comic industry. Claims to draw ‘realistic’ bodies, but if that were case, Wonder Walrus’ chest would be huge.

  11. Ahh Lynda Carter. They way she twirled around into her wonder woman outfit.

    Christopher Reeve did a similar thing.

    Them days costumes were a nice cloth fabric.

    Nowadays the costumes are some sort of hard plastic.

  12. I think some of you fuckers are confusing Wonderwoman with Xena the Princess.

    Xena at least was artistically-supple – Lynda Carter used to twirl like an utter spastic.

      • If you are Xena’s brother, I claim my £5.00. I’m not sure what the Xena equivalent would be.

        5 pieces of silver?
        5 wenches or swains?
        5 legs of lamb stuffed with garlic cloves, roasted and covered in mint jelly?

  13. I have a sister-in-law – an overweight, crop-haired, Doc Martin boot-wearing lesbo – who wrote a university dissertation on Wonder Woman – and got an academic qualification for it. She even once presented her “findings” at a conference in Madrid.

    However, the real idol of this grotesque woman in her mid-50s is Sheena Queen of the Jungle. Fatty often wears an extra-large sized tee shirt showing off Sheena´s terrific body under her skimpy costume as she fends off panthers, lions, gorillas, crocodiles and bad.
    Check her out here

  14. Ive seen the over you’re referring to. She looks like a fat old Karen who lives in a trailer.
    The only thing super about her is the meal size she orders from the drive-thru McDonalds.

    Fat bitch.

  15. What about that English chav from Eastenders-can’t remember her name, she was tall with big titties and the yanks snapped her up for the tv remake some time back.

    • Pat Butcher?
      Yeah. I knocked a few out to her over the years.
      Now , I can’t hear a slow , plodding drum-fill without shooting in my pants.
      Pavlov was right!

      • Pat Butcher used to resemble the World’s Strongest Man with a constipated poodle’s arse as her mouth.

  16. She may be a bit yiddy but I’d definitely bend it over and stick my
    Wonder balls inside it

  17. surely, in these times of great wokeness, wonder woman should be a bloke with one leg, no teeth and wearing a mask?

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