… yet a-fucking-gain!
Here’s a recent shreadline: ‘Looted Landmarks. How Notre-Dame, Big Ben and St Mark’s were stolen from the East.’
Turns out a lot of Western gothic architecture was influenced by what the Crusaders saw on their arabian Club 18-30 holidays (so called because they each clubbed to death eighteen to thirty people.)
Well, no shit! As the blokes selling bargain bling on Oxford Street used to say, ‘it’s all nicked!’ Is the Guardian now going to publish an article on how all those Saudi sky-scrapers are rip-offs of the first building of that kind, the Flat Iron building in New York?
Are they fuck!
Are the Bubbles and the Eye-Ties going to kick up a stink about the American Senate with all its columns being so obviously Greco-Roman?
Are they fuck!
I wonder what would actually satisfy the rabidly right-on writer of this article? Converting all three of the named buildings into mosques? Dismantling them stone by stone and shipping them back to their supposed countries of origin?
If you’re all so damn concerned about correct memorialisation, journalists of the Guardian, you’ll be pleased to learn that I plan on carving each and every one of your deranged faces into my own personal Mount Cuntmore!
Nominated by Chimp Licker
I loathe the Guardian. Rich, public school ponces who feel guilty about their immense privilege. Utter, utter scumcunts.
They hate any hint of Western imperialism but kowtow to one of the most brutal and imperialistic ideologies of all time. What about the appropriation of the Hagia Sophia, you ignorant pricks?
Historically illiterate fucks who know nothing about the past except tendentious interpretations of the Crusades, the Atlantic slave trade and the Holocaust. Wankers.
Been writing about Woke cunts again…
The video was hilarious
That’s weird, I never saw a rag ‘ead version of Big Ben during my travels in Arabia.
Cunts like the Guardian, the BBC and the woke brigade fail to realise that they are massively stoking discontent with this rubbish.
Today’s BBC news is a good piss boil. The BBC Last Night of the Proms will not have vocal versions of Land of Hope and Glory, Jerusalem and Rule Britannia. In deference (to what?) there will be orchestral versions. Meanwhile the MOD is considering moth balling tanks because, in this fluffy world, wars don’t happen anymore. Also, the nice black man was “shot in the back” – the BBC being the coroner, of course.
Watch Trump be voted in again. And the woke will cry into their soy lattes. And no wonder.
The Last Night of the Proms in 2001 a few days after 9/11 saw similar action from the cunts at the BBC in that Rule Britannia was dropped from the playlist. I sent an email to register my disgust but answer came there none.
It seems to be the sole ambition of both this poncy rag and the BBC between them to ferment discontent and instill victimhood into every black and Asian in the land. From banning the lyric of Land of Hope & Glory because it might upset the little bleeders, to the numerous documentaries on the poor downtrodden bastards. Yesterday Wireless 4 You & Yours a discussion about pubs in these “challenging times” descended into another why are we treated so bad? heap of shit when the female Asian who owns a micro pub told how people don’t believe her when she says she owns it (perhaps because normally Muslims steer clear of booze?). Tonight a very heavilly trailed (I have heard the intro at least 8 times in the last week) a mouthy black female journalist drears on about “Code Shifting” when de black people try to sound more English, but dat aint de way we speak for real man innit?. Every possible justification for feeling downtrodden gets pulled out of the playbox. Another black violent criminal gets shot in America? – thats a big story.
I can envisage this country in a few years time when Queen Keir is on the throne. Goebells Lammy will be minister for information there will be two newspapers only – the Guardian for the posh wankers and the Mirror for the proles, and there will only be the BBC, to tell us how badly the BAMEs were treated, so we will have to pay for it.
Hopefully I’ll be brown bread by then.
Or more hopefully , Kweer & Co will all be brown bread.
Here are the details of that dlocumentary:
Imight add if this is a bit heavy earlier in the evening Lenny Henry the ageing alleged comic starts a new series in the “comedy” slot, no doubt as funny as a dose of the shits locked in a phone box
“Code-switching” (if that’s what they want to call it) is nothing new, and it’s not confined to one particular race, skin colour or class. Whether consciously or unconsciously, a high proportion of people tweak their accents or change the way they speak depending on who they’re speaking to. My mother, a white woman born and bred in Scunthorpe, acquired a middle class southern accent after she came to live down south, but when she visited up north she would revert to the way they speak up there, took me by surprise first time I heard her do it. Everybody probably “code-switches” to some extent (except MNC of course) so these “young black professional” and the divisive black obsessed ABBC can fuck right off.
We’ll have to see when Miserable picks up his OBE for services to removals and public flashing (hopefully not at the same time)
“Nowt like a fresh breeze down below when ‘umpin furniture around your Maj”.
Absolutely true RTC – Mrs. Boggs for example puts on her Irene Handle being posh voice on the phone (“Yace” for yes). It is just another excuse for the dark keys to resent us.
Agree 100% with this.
On this website I can use the words fuck and cunt and nobody is fussed but at work I have to moderate the swearing a tad.
The biggie with me is having to use the appropriate level of English with the person I am dealing with.
Due to the jobs I’ve had and the places I’ve worked I’ve come into contact with people who know very little English all the way up to a baroness (it’s a long story) and I saw no problem with changing the way I spoke to them.
I’m as Aryan as they come and if I have to moderate my language on a white majority continent then this bint will have to as well.
Scunny eh, RTC? So you have some dubious lineage. I often shout at the fuckers in Scunny precinct.
My accent goes from received pronounciation to Goldie Lookin Chain when I visit my home town. Dont’cha’know.
Yep Cuntstable. My dad took the cunt out of Scunthorpe, as he liked to joke.
This made me laugh, back to the nineties my partners sister had made great efforts to loose he Liverpool accent and had a bog standard Received Pronunciation.
She went for a broadcasting job at channel 4 (I think it was channel 4) anyway she didn’t get it because it was the time when more regional accents were ‘fashionable’ pissed myself!
These swivel eyed Marxists can spout as much shite as they like,virtually no one is paying attention.
Having said that it would be best if they were rounded up and put in the oven.
Bullshitting bedwetting CUNTS.
People who read the Guardian will be the first group to be swinging from the lamp posts when i become Overlord. That article is 95% pseudo historical cack in any case and the man who wrote it looks like the sort of fellow who wanks himself silly to Japanese cartoons. Probably explains his interest in ‘the east’
He seems like most readers of the Guardian, a workshy virgin who got most of his philosophy from episodes of Star Trek and is trying to use this woke tripe as an angle to part the lady curtains and score his first shag. Keep trying lad. Set phasers to fail.
Love the name, ‘Cunthulu’! The sooner you rise from your eons-old slumber to scourge the planet clean of all that man hath wrought, the better!
Code switching eh? Well I don’t know about young black Guardian reading tarts trying to make it in the corporate world. But I do know about ordinary black kids who grow up with Sarf London accents. (northerners would call them fookin’ cockneys) When they get to about 12/13 they start talking like Jamaican yardies, sometimes to the point of incomprehensibility. This is an attempt to intimidate their white mates and increase their status. It’s amusing to see them slip in and out of it. I recently came across a black bank manager in her twenties who just spoke like an ordinary London girl which is exactly what she was. If you feel your foreign accent is some kind of massive disadvantage to you perhaps you’d be happier fucking off back where you came from? Wouldn’t make much of a story for the BBC or the fucking Guardian though.
Virtue signalling wankers, I can’t look at the bbc site anymore for the same reason. This sort of bullshit article is purposefully written to feed their own self loathing.
Any publication employing that persistent terminal wank stain (Owen Jones) is by definition a house of cunts.
Abort the bastards right into a blast furnace.
I’ve at least had a look at almost all the newspapers over the years, even if it was just a couple of minutes whilst sat in a waiting room, on a bus or train but I can honestly say I have never had the urge to even glance at this pile of shit.
You’ll all love this BBC website.
East london news?
Quite possibly!
Fucking hell!! We’re forced to PAY for this?
Editorial meetings at this rag must border on the hysterical as the idiots vy with one another to have their piece of seditious shit included in the next day’s paper.
I would pay good money to witness the hissy fit of Owen Jones as his 1,000 words are passed over in favour of that of a browner contributor.
‘Black Accents’? Just why the fuck do these cunts PUT on that pathetic accent? My mate looks like Bob Marley but talks ‘normally’ so why do these cunts, born and bred in this country, put on this piss-boiling fake accent?
‘For my dawta, innit, bruv’.
I must make a point of asking fucktards that speak like that where they’re from.
Banning the lyrics of ‘Land Of Hope and Glory’? Well, if the fuckers that attend have any gumption, they’ll organise a mass sing-a-long to the music and drown out the orchestra. That’ll send a clear message….
Are they going to stop using Arabic numerals within the confines of their so call paper. Are they fuck.
A British newspaper written for British people that hate/detest British people which consist mainly of white BBC types.
It must be a rotten life for people like Owen Jones and Polly Toynbee to get out of bed every morning and having to spend the day hating all things British. In fact it must be exausting for the miserable cunts.
I bet Polly is quite tolerant towards the British when she is sunning her fat arse in her villa in Tuscany. It’s the prospect of mixing with the filthy working class on the Tube that really pisses her off. All that flying back and forth is destroying the planet of course but those rules only apply to the proles.
I doubt if Owen does much flying, there are a lot of countries where the gay bars are few and far between.
According to that anti-Western shitrag: “The fights against climate chaos, white supremacy and coronavirus are all linked.” How so? Because all the same cunts are whinging about them!
All will be well. Stormzy is headlining next years proms final night. Every one knows that the BBC and the Gruniad are one and the same. Fuck em, fuck em all.
It is also worth remembering that they supported Max Mosley’s proposals for increased restrictions on press freedom.
Should just change its name to ‘The Cuntiad’ and have done with it. An arsewipe comic for self-loathing Metrobubbleheads.
When will the Grauniad own up about its past? The Scott Trust had a murky association with slavery – it’s time little Owen Jones et al terminated themselves.
Utter wank and toss. True, Norman architecture derives from what the Normans found in the Middle East. However, this was not invented by Arabs, but by Greeks, Romans and Persians (who were NOT Arabs, for the benefit of the unknowing, and still mostly aren’t) Some features were ripped off, eg by the Sabaeans, Lyceans etc, for their rock-cut tombs, but they didn’t actually build them out of masonry and face the considerable technical problems involved in that. Any cunt can carve a column if it doesn’t have to carry a load. The traditional mosque form is in essence that of a Greek domed church, and that in its turn goes all the way back to classical Greece. As in Aya Sofia ( Haghia Sophia, for Greek-worshippers), built before Mohammed was a gleam in his daddy’s eye, as a church, and converted into a mosque by simply adding minarets (probably derived from Persian forms).
The Norman arch is in essence a Roman arch, all great art is in essence plagiarism, and the Groaniad is in essence a cunt.
Thank you for the history lesson Komodo. Very interesting.
Seconded! Thanks, Komodo.
Sand. On the beach. Stolen Millenia ago from our more advanced and culturally enriched arab brethren.
I expect to see you all at your nearest beach digging it up to return to the land of the eternal historic victims of colonial burglar whitey, on bended knee with suitable reparations – you brutes you! (will somebody PLEASE go to Calais to apologise on our behalf??).
I will be unable to attend – I am interviewing Guardian staff at a lonely and deserted place, however loud Owen “the n*ggas all look the same to me” Jones shouts nobody can hear him.
Well, back to exercising the dogs.. ???
The guardian – written by cunts, for cunts.
Didn’t Christianity originate in the Middle East and we nicked it off them? Well they can fucking have that back for a start. Send all those bible bashing cunts back where they belong.
Quite so. Britain’s indigenous religion (Paganism) was subverted and replaced by Christianity – a foreign, ruling class serving mumbo-jumbo belief system imported circa 600AD from the Middle East via Rome.
It’s time us Pagans took back control!
So according to the guardian, there are peacefuls wandering the desert giving it “Abdul, I’ll swear there was a Big Ben and a nice crossroads here last time.”
“True Offendi, those evil westerners had it away with them only last week” says his mate, “Baaa, baaa” adds his girlfriend…
This “appropriation” bovine scatology is getting right on my wick!
I am so Angry!
Why read the Guardian when tbe Beano is more realistic and much more fun.