Priti Patel (2)

(No doubt this glam-pic will give Cuntstable Cuntbubble the horn! – admin)

Priti Patel is a cunt.

Does her bullshit and do her false promises never end? The latest one being that a ‘furious’ Patel is thinking about calling in the Royal Navy to halt the tide of illegal immigrants arriving as the Covid crisis still rages.

Now, any fool knows that is exactly what Her Majesty’s Navy should be doing. Protecting Britain and its people from both the savage and the invader. But there’s the rub. Patel is only ‘thinking’ about it and that is all she will do, because that is all she ever does and all she ever will do.

Good at acting tough and gobbing off, but the truth is she is fucking useless, just like the rest of them. Patel is all talk and no action. And if she deploys the RN and serious action is taken against these human filth and the boats they arrive in, then I will show my arse in Albert Square. The real one in Manchester, mind. Not the NeverEnders shithole off the telly.

Nominated by: Norman

….and seconded by: Ron Knee

Ah, the delights of high summer. Temperatures soar, and so do the number of ‘refugees’ (as ‘The Groaniad’ terms them) punting it out into the Channel in dinghies, inflatable paddling pools, surfboards and what have you.

More often than not, this traffic is facilitated by our good friends and allies across the water, who seem happy to turn a blind eye when it suits them. According to reports, more than 350 illegals arrived on UK shores on 6th and 7th August alone, crossing through a number of ‘safe’ countries to get to soft touch Britain.

Get here, and it’s nailed on they’ll get to stay. The more that get to stay, the more it serves to encourage others to arrive and exercise their command of English; ‘gimme room, gimme health care, gimme food and clothes, gimme money’. And guess who’s paying for all of this…

I see that our illustrious Home Secretary Pretty Priti is ‘thinking’ of deploying the Royal Navy to try and stem the gimmegrant hoards. A bit late if you ask me; ‘horse bolted’ and ‘stable door’ comes to mind. I don’t know about you lot out in IsACland, but I for one am fucking sick of being taken for a ride on this. Charity fucking well begins at home.

.…and a late entry from Vernon Fox (clearly she’s on a lot of people’s shitlist!)

Priti Patel – the Woman who makes Boris look competent!

A much deserved cunting for the brown battleship herself – Priti Patel. Priti talks tough on immigration and does NOTHING. Every day hordes of immigrant rats (call them what they are) invade our Country in direct contravention of international law and Priti thunderbutt does the precise sum of fuck all except get more bloated – cut down on the taxpayer funded luxury food Priti – they will soon have to load you into the House of Commons in a JCB bucket.

Thick, bone idle and the epitome of dishonest incompetence, who, just like a certain Ms Chakrabarti has made a fortune and a career whilst being utterly useless – Patel has been an abject failure in every position she has been given (with the possible position she took up on all fours in front of Boris the jellyfish to get the job), a proven liar and bullshitter but completely unsackable because she is a Woman and BAME.
Priti – for the good of Great Britain and my sanity FOR GODS SAKE JUST GO!

74 thoughts on “Priti Patel (2)

    • TT MP@ – Dunkirk – heroes coming home to escape an enemy.
      Gimmegrant boats – shit leaving their Country to become our enemy.

      • I was running low on fuel and ammo after strafing Biggin Hill Captain!
        And some of those RAF types are simply rude! ?

    • Shes a massive useless cunt. Just like the fucking rest of them. Who’s surprised?
      May as well voted for comrade Corbyn and his merry fucking men women and Trannies.
      Thos country is well and truly fucked. Fucking Tories fuck them all. CUNTS

  1. They always say never give a boy a mans job, I would say this is even more true of wimmin. All mouth and trousers, Priti, Sugartits Cooper, Jess Bulldyke, Harriet Harmon – all of them full of piss an wind. Mind you, most male politicians are like old wimmin as well, Duckie Dominic Grieve, Hilary Benn and Nancy Russell-Moyle spring to mind

  2. I do like a fat arse on a lass.
    However that is not enough in this case not to recommend the oven for this shite rolling up in their rubber boats.
    PP goes in with the fuckers.
    The whole thing is a disgrace and has been for quarter of a century.
    They will just keep coming forever.
    Soft touch UK.
    Fuck all those cunts.

  3. Bin her off she’s shot beyond words.Send all the Carpet riders to Unkle Terry’s oven please for 6 hours.For the love of God Fatty Patel resign

  4. I seem to remember a previous Home Secretary……who later developed into ……….The Hunchback!!! ???
    Fucking hell, we can’t go through that again! Resign now for fucks sake!

  5. Another reason for Brexit. Whilst we were in the EU, it was always one rule for Britain and disregard it for the Continent. And, in this case, the rules are clear – the vermin should claim asylum in the first country of entry (unfortunately for Greece and Italy). But, no, they get through to the promised land where the indigenous people work for your benefit. Who are the slaves now???

    We are now a sovereign nation, so we should bloody act like one. Bye bye doushkas – your leave to remain is revoked. Bye bye ragheads – you score zero in our points-based immigration system.

    One can dream…..

  6. Jury is out on this one. I heard yesterday that the French will regard using the navy to return migrants to France as violation of their waters, piracy, and an unacceptable act of aggression.

    Good. It’s the only way these cunts will get the message.

    Agincourt, Crecy, Poitier, Trafalgar, Waterloo. We’ve been fighting the fuckers for years and bailed them out from their German ‘friends’ in two world wars. It’s time the fuckers were put back in their place again.

    Garlic munching surrender monkeys. Let’s see if the violation of waters applies in reverse when we tell them to get the fuck of our fishing waters. Cheeky hypocritical bastards.

    And Macron is a cunt too…

    • Your a fickle bunch on here, I remember when Priti was the ISAC pin up girl!!
      Just because she the shelf life of a yoghurt left in the sun, and she’s added 15stone hasnt bothered to wash for 2weeks, and is about as useful as a needle in a johnny factory,
      Your all sticking the boot in!!

  7. You’ll never stop them while they have the collusion of the french and,more importantly, a system over here that pretty much guarantees they will be allowed to stay should they once make landfall. They should be interned and told that their illegal entry means that they are common criminals who will be treated as such and deported.
    We should have a system where genuine refugees who apply in the proper way know that they have a far higher chance of being accepted than the law-breakers.

    Priti Patel is no better or worse than the rest of the incompetents who are currently (not) ruling the Country.

    • Quite right. Its almost like the powers that be want to cause a shit storm. We need some big signs in the channel that read “UK this way” and point them round the southcoast and on across the atlantic.

  8. This woman confuses me, Tiny head massive body but yet small over all.

  9. Naively I thought that with an 80 seat majority Boris would have the balls to fuck all these libtards off. No, we got a libtard government wearing blue hoodies, scared of their own shadows. We need representation not this bunch of fucking frauds.

    • I think the truth Freddie is that Steptoe losing the election has meant that Boris with Starmer “in charge” of the poofters and SJWs of Labour has made him frightened. Why anyone should be scared of that pompous bustling, verbose old fool, I don’t know (I can always picture Kweer wearing Mrs. Slocombe’s Union Jack Bloomers – and we are unanimous in that!).

      Boris is scared of upsetting the Guardian reaing snowflakes, takes Twitter morons too seriously, frightend of upsetting BAMEs and the nancy boys – he is almost getting scared of his own shadow.

      With an 80 seat majority he should do as Mrs T would have done and laugh in the face of the old queen and tell him to shut the fuck up, Give us the tools to finish the job – well, we gave him 80 tools, so get on with it.

  10. Whilst I agree Patel is shit and should go, she wont because whilst we have a Hamilton (as in Hamilton Accies – I know she’s not but you get my drift) as Home Secretary, the Gubnint cant be accused of racism. Kinda clever if it worked properly.

  11. Putting an end to this shit is simple. End free movement tomorrow and then treat everyone floating across the channel as French people without documentation and deport to France. Simple.

  12. I’m open to conspiracy theories, but this whole ‘annus horribilus’ stinks of governments standing back and watching whilst chaos and anarchy reign. Everyone who can’t do anything about it would do something about it, and those in so called power are standing by and doing absolutely nothing. WHO IS RUNNING THIS SHOW ?

  13. Deeply disappointing that even with an 80 seat majority it’s still nu labours laws that will be forever set in stone.
    The Royal Navy will only make us more efficient at picking up these ‘refugees’ who are escaping war torn France, and bring them back to blighty where they will forever remain.

    • With the liberal, pro immigration Boris Johnson in charge, I would expect no less.

  14. Considering we’re not alone in being forced to take in brown rats (Germany Sweden, Denmark, etc), it would appear that there is indeed a plan to flood certain countries with sponging 3rd world shitcunts.

    • There can’t be many brown rats left in Europe. They’re all over here now.

  15. Considering we’re not alone in being forced to take in brown rats (Germany Sweden, Denmark, etc), it would appear that there is indeed a plan to flood certain countries with sponging 3rd world shitcunts.

    • It would appear so TTCE, but where can the brown rats be kept together so that they end up eating eachother ? In the animal kingdom this would be the case but I suppose when they get a shiny new cage and hamster wheel, plus endless grub then it’s just a dream. These rats are going to breed and in 50 years time the indigenous species of these shores will be extinct.

  16. If Boris had a pair this is what he should do…….
    (1) cancel HS2
    (2) sack Patel
    (3) sack the Strap-on
    (4) privatise the BBC
    (5) dump all those dinghy cunts on a beach in Frogland
    (6) tell the Dutch, Frogs and Spanish they ain’t taking a single fish out of our waters.
    (7) send all the Eurotrash, especially the Romas back where they came from.
    (8) send the pikies back to Ireland
    (9) tell any libtard cunt who doesn’t like this country to fuck off somewhere else.
    (10) loads of other shit I can’t think of at the moment.
    He would make himself wildly popular overnight. Oh…..and sack C*mmings and give me the job. Bunch of cunts.

    • I don’t think there is anything to add, maybe an all white (no poofters or libtards) government, why the fuck should minorities have representation, they need to do whatever the majority say (if they aren’t happy they can fuck off somewhere else).

  17. Wow what advances we have made, we should be proud of our achievements. In the horror of WW2 a refugee packed what he/she could and set off away from the fighting/ genocide/mayhem. Often strafed by aircraft,bombed/run over by tanks, the poor bastards trudged to a place where the fighting wasn’t slept in ditches and feasted royally on whatever they could scavenge I struggle to imagine what these poor sods went through. Forward to the second decade of the 21st century, travel across perfectly safe countries in contravention of international law never claim asylum in the first safe country no must be U.K. Spend a bit of time playing hide in the truck, car whatever if not successful then of to the boatyard and a fast inflatable. How do these poor downtrodden get the money to buy a seat on the flexi ferry? Off they go escorted by the French coast guard who obviously supplies them with any requirement rumour has it that the French are designing an aircraft style trolley that can be safely used on a flexi, saves the passengers having to move around when the freebies are handed out, just like the one Border farce have been using for last two years. Somewhere in the Channel the task of escorting the refugees becomes the task of our very own Border Farce. Once in the safe hands of the U.K. government a collective sigh of relief must emanate from the collective throats of the travellers. Soon food clothes luxury coach to a half decent hotel in some unsuspecting part of the country and the start of an amazing new life courtesy of the U.K. taxpayer. Unlimited booze, drugs underage girls, cars to drive no need license, insurance fuck that police a joke so woke all you get is a slapped wrist if they even charge you. Free legal advice and representation when you eventually come a cropper with your tv license.
    Surely refugees are women, kids, young and old not men between 16 40 and maybe a token women with child to ensure prompt assistance if the flexi starts to lose air. Some of the “kids” look older than me for fucks sake. No wonder the bastards are all smiles when the sail onto the beach. We are being taken for twats by the fucking people we elected to look after us and our interests, something is rotten in this little isle, really stinking. When will we get someone who does what we have elected them for.

  18. All the navy would do is convince the Immos that more people are there to help them get over once escorted by the french to the halfway line.
    Let them fend for themselves.
    The problem is no one in power is willing to say what the majority is saying. YOU TAKE THE RISK OF GETTING HERE.
    When they realise there is a good chance of drowning they will think twice of making the trip but because Bojo is basically in a popularity contest he can’t say it in fear of the twitterati and the leftists screaming rascist and murderer.
    The answer is a harsh one but I fear is the only one. Even Farage on TalkRadio the other day couldn’t say it. Hardly-Brewer tried to bait him but he chickened out
    Until someone with a pair of balls says enough it will never end.
    All Boris wants to do is get Brexit over the line so he can be remembered as the PM who got Britain out of the EU. After that he won’t give a shit.

    • How about naval manoeuvres involving the few warships we have going full tilt up and down the channel at full speed creating huge waves. The exercise should be done 100 yards outside French waters. If any rubber boats are swamped the French can pick them up- fraternity, equality and all that guff.

    • That says it all, the frogs want to allow as many cunts to float across, they could easily stop them from ever getting off the beach but they aren’t interested.

      • Sad but true, but why should the French give a flying fuck?

        What they’re doing is the equivalent of fly-tipping their trash on the UK. As per any cunt that fly tips (and I think all fly tippers are cunts), as long as they can get away with it, they will.

        The problem is for the UK to solve, the French will continue as they are for as long as they can.

  19. If you’re a refugee from a “war torn” country you don’t leg it and leave your family behind. Sorry Mum and Dad, bother and sister you’re on your own, fuck you. You are happy to arrive in a safe country, you don’t traipse across Europe and risk your life in a rubber boat to get your arse into a notoriously raaaay-sist country like this one.
    These cunts are criminals, pure and simple, looking for the world’s easiest ride. No doubt some of them are Jihadis, willing to be sleepers until they get their instructions.
    We are being mugged off every day of the fucking week. The libtards may be able to stay away from them at the moment but even they will pay the price eventually.

    • Oh, I should have mentioned the three libtard benders who got stabbed to fuck by a “refugee” in that park in Reading. I forgot about it because the media swept it under the carpet as quickly as possible and have never mentioned it since. I fear my wait for the Panorama special on the incident may be quite extensive.

    • The terror attacks will come, nothing is more certain…..but lessons will be learned… Again!

  20. I’d love to know what the purpose of the only visible response to the upsurge in Channel crossings is. This consists of once or twice a day asking a random RAF plane to fly in circles for a couple of hours over Dover at 16-18000 feet and then fuck off back to its distant base. There is also a coastguard helicopter which appears briefly over the Kent coast at intervals of several hours. This is hired from Bristow because private enterprise / market forces / austerity… delete as applicable.

    Is telepathy involved – psychic instructions to the gimmigrants to go back to France?

    Inquiring minds would like to know.

    • I’ve been at the coast and have seen the lonely, orange helicopter fly past (one way; it never seems to return). I’ve never seen or heard the RAF plane which is ludicrously futile. The Navy is what’s properly required, even at this late stage when most invaders have arrived.

      • A US Osprey crossed the Straits yesterday. Thought maybe our allies had deployed it in order to blow the fuckers back to Calais with its mighty rotors, but no…a Poseidon did a bit of circling and returned to Kinloss (sic- Lossie runway’s closed)m too.

      • I think a B350 (electronics platform) may arrive within the next half hour or so. If the sky’s clear you should see him about three miles up.

      • Intercept. Tow to France (the enemy – ask Ambassador MNC!). Cast off. Done. Any lip from the garlic munchers gets the barrel of a Royal Navy gunboat pointed at the fuckers – we all know they are bullies who talk the talk then run a Mile when it kicks off – and I stand ready with my stout vessel The Black Pig” (renamed by some wags “the Diane Abbott”).
        And not a word about Saudi Arabia funding the muslim people trafficking racket – something a certain Mr Khashoggi was rumoured to be investigating and exposing to embarrass the Saudi Royals.
        And how many of these vile rats have the muslim Countries taken?
        Don’t want them, don’t need them, shouldn’t have them.
        Islamic “refugees” ?? should be given asylum in islamic countries, and barrage balloon Patel should resign and take piss useless clowns Rishi “four homes” Sunak and Boris the bastard with her.
        She is a cunt, but if cunts were apples The Palace of Westminster would be an orchard – I have never known such an appalling bunch in my life.

      • Don’t worry Mr Fox, this country is becoming muslim in leaps and bounds. Before I die I fully expect to see Sharia law replacing English for vast areas in the country.

      • I do worry Moggie – for the libtards and invaders when we have finally had enough and the Country lights up. (Actually I don’t, they will get what they deserve).
        Right, back to polishing my Iron Cross and jackboots ready for my portrait! ?

  21. Talks the talk but can’t walk the walk (not in heels anyway) fact the day after her high profile media visit this has got to stop bollocks at least another ten boats of countless future problems for the country were escorted in by the fucking border force and continue to do so fucking hopeless

  22. Apart from being a very decent prospective shag, and with a magnificent rack this imported variety of vacant space is a complete and utter failure.! In Law, ( and I include the EU agreements ) illegal entry from a “safe country” ( France ) negates any rights to make claim for asylum. Schengen, was to assist the free movement of Citizens of the EU between member states. Schengen was not intended to extend those rights to persons ( undocumented ) to wander eternally like the locusts they truly are throughout the member states. Now that said…Patel should be well aware of these facts in Law ( and if she doesn’t needs to fuck off back to school ) and should nbe returning to France every single sandled cunt and his camel arriving on our shores. To add insult to injury, the feckless cow offers the hospitality of our 4 star Hotels for the comfort and security of the imported variety of itinerent sandwags, their baggage and future arrival of their next of kin ( all 6 million of the inbred cunts ( This following the local story ( which I commented on a few months ago ) regarding the two former members of the East Anglia Reg.t homeless, and refused help over sweet fuck all. Corporal M has since taken his own life.
    Now. You fucking tell me what part of giving sandwags unlimited cash, homes mobiles, food and the occasional whitey to either rape or rob, is a social and humanitarian priority , when our Armed Forces are dumped in the gutter to fend for themselves when THEY ( rarely ) ask for help ?
    Pritti Patel may well (Like Rizzi’s Ice Creamcunt ) be the darling of the Conservative Party, but to me she is simply yet another useless inefective slimeball piece of turkey whinnit who needs to fuck right off the planet and go work in a Somalian Brothel for a few years.

  23. Well this is what happens when you bullshit. Fact is the only way to stop them is the french. They want rid of them….. you are not telling me their police and army cannot disrupt the smuggling gangs
    Still most probably getting backhanders.
    And you cannot send them back if the french do not want them. So cunters it carries on.

    • Many of the smuggling gangs are funded by the House of Saud in a deliberate policy to invade and islamify the UK – the Government know this full well but the MSM won’t report it and the Government are too afraid of compromising their lucrative arms deals with Saudi Arabia.
      Should change UK law to prevent any muslims claiming alleged asylum from doing it in any non muslim Country – watch the numbers drop then.

  24. For fucks sake.

    The reasons are simple: we have put foxes in charge of the hen house. At every level of British society, the true indigenous population has slowly been replaced, re-peopled by those who aspire to tear down the old and build up a new culture.

    Use your votes wisely.

  25. Get rid of the slag and make Nigel Farage special immigration tsar. The frogs would love that.

    • All the Brexit Party need to do is widen their voter appeal from a single issue party, get themselves organised and they will win a landslide at the next election.
      Thinking of standing – and Uncle Nigel seems quite keen – he considers me to have the right stuff! (I am in regular contact with The Brexit Party to deliver my “wisdom”!).
      Vote Fox! ??

  26. I’m probably going to ruffle a few feathers on here with this but let’s go. I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for anyone who was stupid enough to vote for Boris Johnson. He is, and always had been, a pro mass immigration liberal, and has been calling for an amnesty for all illegal immigrants in this country for years. But once again, the gullible British public were duped by a campaign of bullshit, this time around him being some kind of modern day Winston Churchill. Over the last 5 years I’ve heard a lot of people repeatedly saying, “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.” At first I thought it was patronising but maybe they have a point afterall. Just remember this is the same electorate who were stupid enough to vote for Tony Blair, not once, not twice but three times, even after his lies about the invasion of Iraq were exposed. The only time the UK electorate have shown any common sense in the last 30 years was by voting to get out of that shit-show known as the EU. There’s no point in voting for any of the mainstream parties anymore because they’re all working for the same globalist elite paymasters.

    • My feathers remain unruffled, and I’m thinking, is it really a good idea to have the daughter of immigrants in charge of dealing with illegal immigrants? Isn’t she going to have a certain amount of sympathy for them? And if that’s not the case, how come more of them are managing to arrive every day? I thought we weren’t in the EU any more. That gives us the right to decide who comes here, right? And we have a Conservative government in power. I’m obviously missing something somewhere.

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