Priti Patel (2)

(No doubt this glam-pic will give Cuntstable Cuntbubble the horn! – admin)

Priti Patel is a cunt.

Does her bullshit and do her false promises never end? The latest one being that a ‘furious’ Patel is thinking about calling in the Royal Navy to halt the tide of illegal immigrants arriving as the Covid crisis still rages.

Now, any fool knows that is exactly what Her Majesty’s Navy should be doing. Protecting Britain and its people from both the savage and the invader. But there’s the rub. Patel is only ‘thinking’ about it and that is all she will do, because that is all she ever does and all she ever will do.

Good at acting tough and gobbing off, but the truth is she is fucking useless, just like the rest of them. Patel is all talk and no action. And if she deploys the RN and serious action is taken against these human filth and the boats they arrive in, then I will show my arse in Albert Square. The real one in Manchester, mind. Not the NeverEnders shithole off the telly.

Nominated by: Norman

….and seconded by: Ron Knee

Ah, the delights of high summer. Temperatures soar, and so do the number of ‘refugees’ (as ‘The Groaniad’ terms them) punting it out into the Channel in dinghies, inflatable paddling pools, surfboards and what have you.

More often than not, this traffic is facilitated by our good friends and allies across the water, who seem happy to turn a blind eye when it suits them. According to reports, more than 350 illegals arrived on UK shores on 6th and 7th August alone, crossing through a number of ‘safe’ countries to get to soft touch Britain.

Get here, and it’s nailed on they’ll get to stay. The more that get to stay, the more it serves to encourage others to arrive and exercise their command of English; ‘gimme room, gimme health care, gimme food and clothes, gimme money’. And guess who’s paying for all of this…

I see that our illustrious Home Secretary Pretty Priti is ‘thinking’ of deploying the Royal Navy to try and stem the gimmegrant hoards. A bit late if you ask me; ‘horse bolted’ and ‘stable door’ comes to mind. I don’t know about you lot out in IsACland, but I for one am fucking sick of being taken for a ride on this. Charity fucking well begins at home.

.…and a late entry from Vernon Fox (clearly she’s on a lot of people’s shitlist!)

Priti Patel – the Woman who makes Boris look competent!

A much deserved cunting for the brown battleship herself – Priti Patel. Priti talks tough on immigration and does NOTHING. Every day hordes of immigrant rats (call them what they are) invade our Country in direct contravention of international law and Priti thunderbutt does the precise sum of fuck all except get more bloated – cut down on the taxpayer funded luxury food Priti – they will soon have to load you into the House of Commons in a JCB bucket.

Thick, bone idle and the epitome of dishonest incompetence, who, just like a certain Ms Chakrabarti has made a fortune and a career whilst being utterly useless – Patel has been an abject failure in every position she has been given (with the possible position she took up on all fours in front of Boris the jellyfish to get the job), a proven liar and bullshitter but completely unsackable because she is a Woman and BAME.
Priti – for the good of Great Britain and my sanity FOR GODS SAKE JUST GO!

74 thoughts on “Priti Patel (2)

  1. I didn’t vote – for the first time ever.
    There is no difference – all the main Political parties are idiots and rats.
    Boris just appeared the “best” of a lousy lot, then reverted to type like the snake he is.

  2. Where are all these brown rats staying?Our streets aren’t paved with gold.Spare some change mister?Nope.Gas them all

  3. This plan only needs modifying slightly and it will be right.

    That is , station a few destroyers in the Thames and shell Newham.

  4. She is and always has been an incompetent bullshitting chancer. My memory serves that many people here adore her for her whispy words on immigration. Not to mention her angry stance and promises to those that send the filth running scared. She’s never delivered on nowt. Fucking nothing, apart from getting fatter and more arrogant thanks to Boris’s full support and a seat as solid as the base of K2. Fucking cunt. I for one would like to penalty kick her head straight off into the Thames and let the fuzzies and tobacco leaves see it float past their dinghies en-route.

  5. She is a fucking charlatan, of that there is no doubt.

    But I’ still like to fuck it’s arse just to make her scream and shout,

    Ram it in pull it out wipe it in her hair,

    Turn her round and jizz in her gob the tubby stupid mare,

    And when you’re done and your load is spent,

    Just remind the cunt that taxpayers pay her rent.

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