Pakistan Independence Day

As we’re all told to avoid mass gatherings due to a pandemic, it seems thousands of Pakistanis living in the UK decided to ignore the law and have a big fuck off street party ‘celebrating’ Pakistan’s independence.

Yes, this celebration included mobs of these morons charging the police while shoutung, “Fuck the police!”. Predictably, the brave boys in blue ran away, but I’m sure any copper that tried to apply the law on these idiots, would be deemed Adolf Hitler reincarnated by the media and his spineless bosses. MPs have criticised the rioters, but of course, stopped short of rounding the cunts up and throwing them in cells. It would be nice if these gutless cunts got on the blower to the police chiefs and told them to get tough on these ignorant, ungrateful cunts. But no…careers are at stake, of course.

Yes, Pakistan is independent nowadays. But it seems many of their natives are not. They are dependent on living in the UK.
If any of these idiots complain about ‘racist covid’ again, laugh in the cunts’ faces and remind them of shit like this. And if Pakistan really is the best country on Earth, then it would make me more than happy if these muppets would all fuck off there as soon as possible.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

57 thoughts on “Pakistan Independence Day

  1. Bradford independence day, more being jailed for the usual offences I read and less being done to combat it, same old same old.
    BTW, that screamy bloke in the right hand picture, his fizzog has popped up in many a snap around the web, for a variety of reasons.

  2. If this pile of pig shit likes Pakistani independence so much, then fuck off back there.
    I advocate British independence, then they won’t have a choice.

  3. Could be why bat lurgy does so well in the bame group. Bloody pathetic what is wrong with cs and baton rounds. The sight of one of these bastards hit full in the knackers would gladden the heart of any true Englander. If nothing else their birth rate would go down for a couple of weeks along with the swelling.

    • Is Chínky Bat lurgy Halal? If not, they’ll be demanding their own special Bat lurgy that’s pure and acceptable to Allåh, blessed is the almighty camel-fucker.

      • Oh bollocks, forgot to check if bat lurgy is halal. Would imagine that anything which hinders their efforts at world domination would be haram. Talk about covering all the angles.

      • BB, everything must be checked because these people are so special. The taxi-drivers have to be especially careful what they touch.

      • Your right CM everything must be spot on and double checked. Not always advantageous to them though. If a member of the community was struck by a really bad case of the shits would he still have to perform all the checks and prayers that are required by Islam before one can carry out ones ablutions/or enter a toilet or is that why baggy trousers are so popular. Capn hook Hamza kicked of about being unable to carry out the correct toiliting procedure in Belmarsh did him fuck all good though.

      • I’m sure there was plenty of space for the cunt to stand on the seat and spray his shit all over the place.

  4. Any cunt seen celebrating Pakistan Independence Day should have been put on a plane and dropped off in the country they live so much. Multiculturalism means the English surrounding ourselves with people who hate us.

    Fuck that, enough already

  5. Something abaaaaaht the Pakistani’s that’s similar to Somalians…apart from sharing the same religion a lot are inbred and therefore mental cunts.
    The Indians integrated here, as well as the early West Indians yet the Pakistani’s didnt, and now also the Somalians and other peacefuls.
    There were likely young ones there who’ve never been to Pakistan celebrating it and not recognising the fact that they were born and bred here.
    We have enough unpatriotic cunts here and they should be fuck off of they don’t want to assimilate.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  6. It would have been a good day for Mustard gas, P*ki cunts. Covid 19 ain’t strong enough.

    ‘Diversity is our strength’

  7. The Community that brings benefit-fraud,terrorism,child-grooming,incestuous marriage,crime and lack of personal hygiene to enrich our lives
    Fuck off back to Lahore and you can celebrate your independence as much as you want.

    • You have to admit that is a pretty diverse set of attributes. It’s our strength, you know. Although I don’t know how true the crimes are because the BBC never mention them.

  8. I’m sure these cunts blatantly ignore social distancing so as to prolong the lockdown and hope the government continue giving everyone even more free financial handouts!

    If this carries on into the new year the country will be in financial ruins, with every big metro city turning into the kind of shithole dumps you find in Pakistan. Perhaps that’s another reason why they’re cunts – they want England to look, sound, smell and taste like “home”

  9. C’mon India, you have against Pakistan (a) a grudge, and (b) nukes.
    You know what to do.

    • I much prefer Indians over Pakistanis – far more friendly, hard-working for the most part, proud and honourable.

      They still may have a grudge against the Mother country, but by and large they’re far more sociable than most other foreign cultures that refuse to integrate here.

      Trouble is, if India went large on Pakistan again, you’d get even more boatloads of the filthy cunts coming over here!

  10. That bunch of cunts needed tear gas, rubber bullets, horses, dogs and a good baton charge. We managed it in Northern Ireland, we fucked over the miners but when it comes to foreign cunts who want us all dead we have half a dozen coppers who have to run away. Pathetic, truly pathetic and there’s only one gutless cunt to blame.
    You know all those votes you “borrowed” Boris? You’ve given them all back already you fucking prick. Sir Nigel needs to get in there and give us something to vote for as well as hope for.

    • Dogs. Lots of dogs. The filthy cunts won’t know which way to run. They are shit scared of our four legged compatriots.

      • Fucking right. Go to a football match where they are expecting trouble and there are plenty of dogs and everyone is shit scared of them, trust me. But when lefties or foreign trash turn up for trouble they are nowhere to be seen. A dog is worth 20 coppers and about 500 useless wimminz coppers.

    • Hey Freddie,

      Grease those rubber bullets with lard (pig fat) and replace the baton charge with a bayonet charge and I think you’re on to something.

  11. The dakis are such an angry miserable bunch of inbreds. There really is no point to their existence except infecting others with their bullshit.

    Maybe in 1000 years they’ll be celebrating independence of thought from being a dakistani instead.

  12. Very tiresome.
    Sweep these ungrateful foul vermin up and gas them all.
    Then a new bank holiday to celebrate a great victory against the savage barbarian.

  13. I bet if you threatened deportation to any of these cunts, they’d whip out their British passport faster than you could say Imran Khan (another cunt).

    • You’re right about Khan. Sky were predictably sucking him off recently during their coverage of the Pakistan vs England test series. His interview consisted of calling the English racist for most of the time for calling the Pakistani team at that time a bunch of cheating cunts.

      Which they fucking were by the way, looking at how many of the fuckers got done for match fixing.

  14. “British Go Home” they used to write on the walls. So we did but they didn’t tell us they were going to follow us and then start telling us what to do.
    Gutless, spineless, shithead politicians need to be first up against the wall before we start on the peacefuls.

  15. These curry munchers and the dark keys get on my tits. Always moaning that the government and the NHS don’t do enough to protect them and they then do this type of shit.
    I said it before, put all the fuckers in an empty football stadium and let them party their tits off for a couple of weeks.
    Half will have probably stabbed and arse raped each other and hopefully the rest will have Covid and die. Simples

    • Perfectly logical idea but obviously raaaaay-sist. The lefties want trouble on the streets and the police to take a kicking.
      Just heard on the radio that Boris has said that the UK will “see that justice is done” in the Putin poison case. Shut up cunt, what the fuck do you know? Cunt couldn’t polish his own shoes. Wanker.

  16. Let us hope that out old empire muckers, India do us and the world a favour by nuking the fuck out of the rapist, kiddyfucking and terrorist stronghold shithole that is Parking Stan.

    And believe me when I say that our Indian friends – Sikhs and Hindus both – loathe and despise the peaceful Parking Stan Lees with a passion. Go into most Indian households in Britain and they are immaculate and well kept. A Parking Stan Lee house? Less so.Fucking considerably less so.

    • Once went out with a Sikh girl in my teenage years. Gorgeous girl (and she still is) and I still see her parents. They are top people and for years they warned me about these cunts. The family told me years ago about how horrible and dirty these Parking Stan Lee types were and that they would be a ‘plague’ on Britain.

      Truer words were never spoken.

  17. Best country on earth?!
    Pakistan is the shit and disease encrusted odorous arsehole of the world.

    Only trouble is its flies have now flown here. Taking every liberty and every benefit in the book, like greenbottles around a fresh steaming turd.

  18. Feel free to celebrate Paki p*edo day.
    In Pakistan.
    Throw Pakistan and Bangladesh out of the commonwealth, ship every muslim out to the third World.
    Dirty little fkers.

  19. ….imagine the smell ???.
    I’d rather get shelled with mustard gas than stand in a crowd of Pakistanis….

  20. Mustard gas wont work.
    Its just a condiment to pakis.
    Their foods stronger than that!
    No, big dogs,
    Shit feared of dogs,
    Ive let my akita chase them, and Roma gyppos,
    Works on both types of human cockroaches.
    Get a parade through Bradford,
    Mastiff, ridgeback and akita owners for multiculturalism’
    No woke type can complain at that!!
    500 lads with 500 big dogs☺
    Mad dogs and englishmen, and if the dogs drag some letterbox to the floor and maul her?
    No harm done, cant see your nose is missing under the veil.

  21. ‘The event was brought forth by the Indian Independence Act 1947 under which the British Raj gave independence to the Dominion of Pakistan’

    Shouldn’t all these Pakistanis be running through the streets hugging and kissing us in gratitude for granting them independence….I am sure many on here would reciprocate their gestures with open arms.

  22. If Pakistan is such a wonderful place why are they all living here in Blighty ?

  23. Don’t worry, thanks to their burgeoning population in the U.K., this will be a bank holiday soon.

  24. Inbreeding can cause irrational behaviour in the subsequent offspring.
    Factor in the fact these cunts have been inbreeding for millenia and you end up with Pakistan.

    One thing that is actually more irrational than a parking stanley brain function is actually inviting the cunts to live in the UK en masse.

  25. Pakistan is a shit stain on the arse of humanity. Along with “Palastine” and the “Palestinians”

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