A garlic infested cunting please for this frog lardarse, an overweight old harridan who happens to be the Mayor of Calais. The complacent old trout has advised Boris to “calm” down in his desire to see the rubber boat fuckers removed from the English channel:
The idea of using our Navy to deter these parasites she regards as provocative. How typical of the piss and wind French. We have to solve our own problems because it is quite clear old cunts like this old bag will do nothing to help.
Nominated by: W.C.Boggs
They can all go and stay at hers then can’t they?
See if she likes sharing her Brie with a ferry full of Fuzzy Wuzzies and Carpet Riders.
France is a cunt, it’s residents are so bad that refugees from Syria would rather risk drowning in the channel than stay in France. I’d bet money some Syrians have got to France and thought “fuck me, I’d rather take my chances at home”
Fuck France and the bottom feeders that dwell there.
No point in blaming the Frenchies, they’re just getting rid of their shit and we’re paying them millions to do it. The responsibility lies with the British government who either want these bastards here or haven’t got the bollocks to do anything about it. Why is Boris so scared of the BBC and the SJW Twitterati? We gave him an 80 seat majority to tell those cunts to fuck off. Do your job cunt, this is an island for fucks sake, how hard can it be?
Good points, seems our Boris has forgotten what he was elected for. Big majority so tell the SJW blm and all the other fucking traitors to fuck off. If the current path of government remains the same we may as well have voted in comrade Corbyn, at least he was upfront with his planned fuckwittery made no secrets of his vision for England.
Haven’t you got the message yet Freddie. . . . …
“We are not an island.”
Well, according to HSBC anyway.
Any more dinghies and we won’t be an island for much longer.
Place ‘em all side by side and the cunts will soon be able to walk across.
The problem is that Boris is very pro immigration. He even wants to give existing illegals amnesty (though he’s gone a bit quiet about that recently).
Except they should be stopping the cunts at the land borders they use to enter France or they should be kicking them back home if they refuse to claim asylum in France.
The french avoid looking like the bad guys by doing neither.
Frog cunts
Give the froggie bint a broadside from HMS Victory (before Boris the quisling has it scuttled to keep BLM happy)
If Boris could channel the Ghost of Thatcher and put up a naval blockade, which according to the Independent 70% of Brits support, then support for the pale mong (@MNC Aug 2020) will rise like a phoenix from the ashes of his disastrous watch during Covid.
The honeymoon is long over Boris. Hurry up and be a leader for once.
I don’t think that he has or ever has had any leadership qualities.
Wonder what she means by provocative – is she suggesting the frogs might have to kick off with us ?
It’s about time we had a scrap with the horse-eaters again. Mind you, it won’t affect Calais that much. It looks like the EastEnd of London after the war although London’s EastEnd now has just as many Africans.
Said it before and I’ll say it again so long as I’ve got a hole in my arse. The D-Day landings should have been at Rotterdam. Fucking cunts.
Always have been and always will be useless cowardly cunts. It took Adolf’s boys only six weeks -six fucking weeks – to take the whole of garlicland. The Krauts never had is so good or so easy. The French are shite.
Yeah she can calm down the “refugees” are all coming to Blighty. Another couple of months Calais will be a ghost town. Now that our government have hired the local lifeboats as water taxis and the border farce water bus service is running really well once the navy gets involved we should be able to bring the lot over in a couple of days. Always good to know our leaders have got both hands on the problem.
There can’t be many left over there surely. Everybody who was at the Calais Jungle is now entrenched in four-star hotels ordering room service caviar, laughing at stupid tax-payers and a listless, lethargic government who, even after the failure to hush this all up, do absolutely nothing since it became known. By the time they finally introduce the Navy half of Kurdisthan will be here.
Why do all these froggy cunts have scarves or cravats around their necks? Is it to filter the stale piss, snail and garlic odours wafting from their rotten-toothed Brie-holes?
The French are cunts, simple. If this lazy, frog cunt won’t do anything her end then she should shut the fuck up and let the UK deal with the problem in teh best way possible.
Viva les cunt. D’accord, Bouchard est une merde énorme.
Well of course this frog bitch wants to tell Boris to calm down.
Anything we do to prevent the scum from getting to Britain means the garlic munchers will have to keep the shit in Calais.
Much of this is Camoron’s fault. The giant-moobed pigfucker was warned by Gadaffi that if he were to be removed, there would be nothing to prevent all the Africunt shit crossing Libya into Europe and thence to the UK.
How fucking right he was.
Belusconi used to chuck Kaddafi some under-the-table folding stuff to prevent the boats leaving and it worked. When the comedy Italian was toppled and given ‘sweeping-up’ duties in prison, the boats started coming em masse.
Why the fuck is no one in power telling these mouthy garlic stinking French cunts to fuck off? I’m getting sick and tired of the continual insults coming from across the Channel whilst our weak as piss government bend over and take it up the arse. For fucks sake, somebody grow a pair.
How dare you!!
How dare you tell a Englishman what to do!
You no-neck malignant little dwarf french twat!
We are sick of these parasites paddling here while you turn a blind eye.
If people like me had any say theyd be returned with 2hrs in body bags.
You Vichy little midget fucker, we dont answer to you, and as soon as we get someone with a spine incharge rather than some whitehall invertebrate we’ll show you tough negotiations!
And I personally will show you the back of my hand!!
Cheeky little slugeating twat.
Haha, the french certainly know how to trigger MNC.☺
Trouble is , no bugger in government is prepared to be anything but a mealy mouthed cunt.
Exactly Boris needs to grow a pair.Instead of running up to Scotland on his jollies.Stuff France the shit hole
She looks like she could win a game of dutch ovens using only her morning breath.
Let Peter Sutcliffe smash her cunt in with a big hammer.
We have a proud history of disciplining uppity french birds, just ask Joan of arc.
The french are bastards, in my eyes only one notch up from the mouse limbs.
Don’t you mean Saint Caroline the Untouchable Was Never A Cunt Flack Of Arc?
I remember when Calais was the bit of France that we went to on school trips. A nice inoffensive little place.
Now it’s a slum and a shitheap. Full of human filth and gimme gimme Third World muck.
So, nuke Calais. Nuke it, I say.
Sangatte was lovely before the gimmegrant camps arrived.
We used to load up in Carrefore and have a picnic on the beach there.
Pretty little town that was over run and subjected to all manner of crime in the space of a few months.
The crimewave lasted years.
Why do you think les frogs want rid of them?
Gas all rapeugees.
No more filth!
Up till now, 99% of the mixed-race couples we saw were on tv. Now we realize what the government were preparing us for, as their agreement with the Frogs has seen the floodgates open. Don’t tell me they couldn’t stop the flood of illegal immigrants if they really wanted to. The dinghies just keep on coming and we even send boats out to pick up the ones in difficulty. The British and French governments are the real people smuggler gangs.
“The English, as a race, do not deserve to survive…”
Said that nice man Jack “don’t give money to homeless people” Straw.
Stick him in the oven with his mate Tony…
i always remember that piece of shit, Straw letting convicted rapist, Mike Tyson into Britain. So all those savages in Brixton could worship the cunt like a god.
Oi! Natacha!
That should cover it.
I blame the Met Office for this complete fuck up. They keep telling these cunts about favourable weather conditions. Keep these storms quiet that are coming up in the next few weeks. Some cunts should be selling ‘em shovels at Calais to speed them on their way.
David Attenborough warned us that the oceans would be ruined with shore, filth and detritus .
I very much doubt the MSM will ever report this https://twitter.com/billygerent/status/1297949342867681280
Talking of garlic munchers, those old Renault car ads (‘Nicole!’ ‘Papa!).
I’d have shagged the arse off Nicole….
She must be wearing that scarf to remain inconspicuous as there is reportedly a sinister individual lurking about looking to do a bit of granny fiddling.
Refugee filth you say? No, this miscreant is of French stock. Witnesses who have spotted this sly character as it was primed to sink it’s garlic stained claws into yet another geriatric victim, claim it stands about 5’6 in heeled shoes, takes 3 hour lunchbreaks, comes over and humps your leg if you speak German and flees from yellow clothing.