Had the misfortune to hear her on radio four this morning, as they gleefully reported her latest anti Trump monologue, basically saying that if bimblefuck Joe Biden doesn’t win the election to become president, America is finished. She doesn’t give a fuck about old children sniffer Biden, she is keeping her profile high, probably with a nod to running for President herself in 2024. Sad thing is, she could win. It was bad enough with her husband Barry looking down his nose at us, can you imagine how much of a friend to the U.K. she would be?
Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye
Michael Obama, cock-wielding murderer of Joan Rivers:
Check it out – cunty 🙂
So if Biden doesn’t win and Mr Orange gets a second term, and therefore the country “is finished” in her words, does that mean she & hubby will pack their bags and fuck off somewhere that isn’t “finished”? Africa perhaps?
No. Thought not!
Just like the Hollyweird celeb cunts back in 2016 crying that Trump had won and they were going to ship off to Canada in protest. I can count on one finger how many of these cunts actually did the walk after the talk!
Fuck All!
Recently she was complaining of being depressed because of the situation in America. If so, perhaps the old grunt could relax in one of her mansions being comforted, not by an invited in immigrant or homeless tramp, but by her husband who bombed five countries and dropped 100,000 bombs in eight years. She and other loudmouth turds like Oprah tucking Winfrey all sounded off about going head to head with Trump though have quietly and cowardly crept away knowing they’d be humiliated, the political marshmallows.
No one hates Donald like the obarmpots.
Big butch Michelle and her husband Bollock loath him,
He fumigated after they left the White House and hes never doffed the cap to them.
I honestly cant tell mrs Obama and Oprah apart?
Both are cunts and think theyre special, both have too many teeth,
Both are whining lefties
And both are impossible to wank over.
Afternoon MNC.
I can’t tell “Mrs” Obama and King Kong apart…
She’s a whining, smiling, lefty butch with a hefty whiff of camp femininity. A bit like Will Smith playing Mohammad Ali.
One of them has a penis TtCE..
Shes a impossible woman Thomas.
She wasnt like that years ago when she was the cleaner at Fiddler Towers.
Yes Big Shelly we called her then, full of laughter and fun, lazy fat cunt obviously but good for a laugh!
Dick had no choice to fire her,
Know he didnt want to but stealing from the fruitbowl is still stealing.
Hee hee you have a funny way with building a story ? I do like it
MNC lol “impossible to wank over” fucking fabulous!
Michelle Obama. Known only for being married to her more famous old man.
Michelle Obama: the black Yoko Fucking Bastard Cunting Sea Hag Ono.
There’s nothing more obnoxious ‘big I am’ and flash bastard than the ‘Black Royalty’ in the USA. Cunts like Beyonce and Jay Z,. Kanye, Oprah, and the fucking Obamas. The French once had a revolution to get rid of cunts like them.
Viva Big Don!
Didn’t this goofy cunt invent Blek Lies Mither?
Anyhow just more histrionics from a woke bullshitter.
I hope a Terminator from 2167 turns up on election night disguised as Donald and does her unlubed up the tailpipe.
Fuck Off.
Go Don go!!! Then send the 101 in and clear the streets of cunts, large proportion of which are rich white trash.
Everyone in wokedom has slagged off Donald Trump calling him racist war monger anti immigration, i dont hear the wokedom criticism of Obama, he deported more immigrants and more black Americans died from so called police brutality…hmmm..something stinks fishier that Michelle Obama pussy after a secret service gang bang in the oval office..fuck her
The flyblown old cunt is America’s answer to Cherie Blair. Just because Cherie was married to an old queen who probably sniffed round Mandy’s arse more than he did hers, she felt she had the right to keep her mouth moving for the media every day, so now does this old hag. This seeme to be her latest whinge:
Invisible to white people? If only….
“The flyblown old cunt is America’s answer to Cherie Blair”
I disagree, W.C. She’s more like a Laura Ashley-shopping Flabbotasaurus Rex with a personal trainer and a Maths GCSE.
I read the article down to the bit where she states …..I worked really hard for this country for eight years.
Look love, no fucker asked you to do whatever you did so just fuck off you sanctimonious entitled cunt.
…..and yes we all know you were born with a twig and berries between your legs.
If it wasn’t for the Covid shit the Donald would have been the big favourite, if he looses it won’t be because Biden is a winner.
BLM, take the knee ….. fuck off.
Obama (Mrs) is a cunt.
Got to laugh at all the ‘slebs’ and ‘personalities’ who keep coming out (the States and here) claiming that ‘the country’s finished’ because an election didn’t go the way they wanted.
Why the fuck should anybody listen to this woman anyway? What’s she ever done besides being married to a former big cheese? As far as I know, nobody’s ever voted for her in anything. It’s a bit like Bojo’s partner gobbing off and expecting us to listen.
Fuck BoJo’s parner, where the fuck is Boris the fucking cheese eating, fat fuck part time son of a bitch prime wanker?
Although I voted for him and his shower, I fucking loath the sight of any one of them while our country slides ever further towards the slime pit of oblivion.
The shiftless gormless albino cunt was last seen on holiday in Yorkshire dales.
No, go on Boris enjoy yourself, countries fine,
Doing a grand job!
Feckless pale twat.
Cunters of the jury, Is she a he?
Mort how dare you. She’s all woman, just like Laura Hubbard and Nícola Sturgeon.
Rumours that she played Bill Clinton to Barack’s Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office are totally unfounded, a Republican slur or “Fake nooos” as Trump might put it.
The ex First Lady is definitely a man. Photos of her in a pleated skirt show she has a cock. Barrack has no bollocks..
Michelle has her evil little eye on the election after this one.
America burns as the Democ rats arrange and fund the anarchy, destruction and murder.
If Trump is not re-elected America will descend into bloody chaos.
Not helped by this gobby GGD cunt.
Shut up and fuck off Commybama.
Yet another entitled champagne lefty in a sea of the fuckers.
Anyone not voting for her in 2024 will be called out for being obvious raaayciiists.
Check out this piece of gushy gobshite from Harper´s Bazaar magazine. It´s from an interview with a bluestocking called Clemency Burton-Hill who is described as a “writer, broadcaster and violinist who read English at Cambridge and went on to become a distinctive voice of BBC Radio 3.” (No, I did not invent the name or CV.)
In 10 years´ time I´d like to be … “Living in a greener, more merciful world than this one. Preferably under President Michelle Obama.”
I´m looking forward to the day that …”Britain rejoins the European Union.”
A gadget you´d love to invent… “A piece of technology that transmits a love-pulse to someone wherever they are to let them know you´re thinking about them.”
The accompanying photo shows a pasty-faced, tranny-like creature with a stiff, strawy Wurzel Gummidge wig that no sane person would ever want to send a love pulse to.
Donkey punch it.
Love pulse? sounds like a pink torpedo, or a junket- pump.
we love our non pc comedy here. So enjoy
Andrew Lawrence
Michelle Obama in 2020 : “Joe Biden is a profoundly decent man guided by faith.”
Michelle Obama in 2013 : “Harvey Weinstein is a wonderful human being and a good friend.”
Michelle Obama = TT ( Trailer Trash )
Testing, testing, 123, etc….
(Yes, we’re back up! Apparently Night Admin wandered in a tad pissed and pressed the “shut down” button on the server while ogling Mrs Obama! – Day Admin)
What’s all this then? I wasn’t even in the building at the time. Day Admin’s been at the glue again – Night Admin.
@Day Admin
Give Night Admin a break. If I came into ISAC Headquarters at night (feeling no pain) and was confronted with the image of Moochele Obama, I’d probably soil my jodpurs!
Glad it wasn’t just me who couldn’t log in. I got really paranoid and started I started looking around for that shadowy figure we discussed in a previous thread.
That ?chaser is a menace to decent law abiding Generals and ex MI6 operatives the world over! And a filthy degenerate to boot!
Well done with the emogi.
I thought you worked for NATO?
Was strictly an MI5/MI6 man me, General. Though some of my work inevitably involved a fair amount of collusion with NATO.
My ISAC Ap has disappeared. Thank fuck for Google to confirm all is well!
Michael Obama, that’s who you meant?
It is impossible for me to convey the utter contempt I have for this Cuntpanzie or Cuntrilla or whatever lower form of primate life she is.
Suffice (it) to say that Moochelle is the kind of cunt that makes other cunts look bad.
BTW fellow cunters fear not…I promise you Moochie will NEVER run for President.
Joan Rivers was right! https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b0/cd/cc/b0cdcc9b92cf135770af0fd8602efceb.jpg
Good set of shoulders on her!!
Good for pulling a plough or carrying sacks of cotton!!
Few whip scars shed look just like her grandad!
John Coffey from The Green Mile, wearing a frock.
She’s power mad
The evidence is overwhelming and suggests ‘Michelle’ is packing a trouser trout that John Holmes would have been jealous of.
‘She’ also has a habit of fiddling with it in public; a very masculine trait.
What have Michelle Obama and Wolverine got in common?
They are both X (Ex) Men.
Why can’t he just fuck off. He’s neither funny nor inspiring. Still, he makes me marginally less sick to see and hear him on screen than scrawny, desicated ‘husband’ OBASTURD himself.
Michele O’Cunt is a cunt