Right, Melksham Town Council are due a massive cunting.
To give you the gist, a former mayor of the town, who has done more for it than pretty much anyone else, defected from the Lib Dems to become an independent over concerns about the council leader and her lackeys centralising power. A few months later, six other councillors defected as well after coming round to his point of view, to the point where the ruling Lib Dems are in a precarious position. So, do they call an election, as they should do – Covid or no Covid – in response to such a situation? Do they fuck! Instead they are putting party politics above solving the town’s myriad of problems by attempting to cling onto power, which has created a huge rift where chaos and inaction reigns and nothing is getting done.aside from petty squabbles and internal bickering. I have lived here since I was a toddler and in all that time I have never, ever seen such a farce.
Nominated by: General Tso’s Chiggun
All councils are cunts.
Pushing at the trough, gimlet eyed, round bellies, talons on moneys, cunts.
Mix the Lib dems in its a recipe for a shit show.
Round heres got quite a few lib dummy supporters, some old cunt looks like Jeremy Corbyn keeps putting leaflets through our door.
First time I shouted him back told him politely I didnt want it, second time I reminded him AGAIN I didnt want it,
3rd time I was much more blunt with colourful language.
Cunt does it again he can discuss it with the dog the simple twat.
Local councils are spawning grounds for unprecedented cuntitude, often overlooked because few take regional government seriously. Take a look at the sums involved in running multi tier local government.
My long term local councillors got the ultimate wake up call at the last local election-every single seat taken by newly elected local residents.
There really shouldn’t be political parties at this level. But those who are elected in a party should not defect, if they do they are total cunts. Still you have to be a cunt to vote for the illiberal doomocrats. Cunts.
The former mayor who originally defected certainly didn’t take the decision lightly and did so because he was concerned about the party becoming undemocratic at that level. But the ones who have defected since quite probably have done so for more ignoble reasons.
Update: the remaining Lib Dems have themselves all defected to become independent. After criticising others for becoming independent. It’s independentception.
Felksham. Titter ye not.
Where the hell is Melksham, a liberal council, deserves everything it gets ?
Small town in Wiltshire. You’re far from the only one never to have heard of it. We’re often overshadowed by neighbouring Trowbridge (which is a fucking shithole) because they used to be the headquarters of a semi-well known meat manufacturer called Bowyers. Shame really as it is actually really nice living here despite the shambolic cuntcil.
Thank you for the location, yes I have heard of Trowbridge and Bowyers
Tbh before moving to Melksham my parents moved with me to Calne then Chorley (during which time my sister was born incidentally). Calne isn’t that far from Melksham yet even then my parents hadn’t actually heard of it when they lived down there. It’s a really, really obscure place.
Not that far from Bristol is it General?
It famous for anything?
Cider or cheese or something?
If you’re familiar with MMA we have a relatively well known lad in that sport called Brad Scott. The children’s author Diana Ross used to live in Shaw (a village which falls under the jurisdiction of Melksham) as well.
Sounds like a bit of a shit shower.
That’s putting it mildly Ron. Can’t wait for the next local elections – been toying with the idea of standing myself actually as recent resignations mean there are vacancies available.
If you do decide to stand put it on here and I will come down and help canvas and leaflet for you.
Councils can be cunts. Where I live N Lincs council seem ok. No glaringly obvious troughing or cuntitude.
However, things could be far worse with an even bigger council of cunts as the next level – The devolved parish councils of Wales and Scotland. Heavy duty cuntishness.
Stands to reason, if the elite in Westminster are a bunch of cunts, the average councillor will be an even cuntier moron.
You should stand for Office yourself.General….it’s about time that “…isaCunt” had representation. I’m even prepared to come and do a bit of “doorstepping” potential voters for you…that should help sway any floating voters.
Take Vernon with you Dick, he could learn them some choke holds while they make their minds up.
but what if he turned up on his pushbike,Miserable ? No fucking way that I’m being transported through the streets sitting in a wicker basket on his handlebars..it just wouldn’t be dignified.
ET was a Cunt.
Hahaha, hes got a tandem I think for weddings and some cash in hand taxi work.
He was the original Hovis lad pushing his bike up that hill but got replaced when he kept forgetting his lines and panted out, “Fuck that hills a cunt”.
If you fancied coming along we could always get in touch with The Goodies ( hopefully at least one of them isn’t either mental or dead) and find out what they did with their three-seater.
You,Big Vern and myself pedalling through the streets of Melksham yelling at people to vote for General Tso’s Chiggun Party.
Best get the beers in,General…we’ll be ready for refuelling by the time we’re done.
Hehee sure all sleepy wiltshire hamlets would enjoy 3 northern bruisers pissed up and aggressive weaving through the streets on a Goodies bike!!
Hey Dick, the General reckons Diana Ross lives there!
We could be the Supremes!
Have a sing song in the boozer before the coppers come!?
I don’t do p*ki weddings anymore MNC – the last one I went to there was an enormous bucket of shit at the door – I said “oh dear – someone feeling unwell”?
“No Sir – it’s to keep the flies off the bride”! ?
In deference to your impeccable breeding I will bring the vintage Silver Ghost Sir Fiddler! ??
“who ya votin’ for”?
Not you Mr Fox – you’re a nutcase with anger management issues and that despicable Sir Fiddler keeps shooting at us when we Go rambling”
“Mr Fox”?
“On it Sir Fiddler”!
“Aargh, ???? oof, oww, boo hoo” ?
“Now can we count on your vote”?
“Of course but please ring DCI Gene Cunt – I don’t feel very well”!
Politics! ??
I suspect being in the wicker basket of a bicycle would be far from the most embarrassing situation you have found yourself in.
Round here the local councils are riddle with greasy carpet kissers and fat old windbags.
All should be replaced with military tribunals.
Fuck off.
My local Council regularly get voted the worst in England.
With very good reason – incompetent thick bone idle crooks (I use that strong word advisedly as it’s true).
consistency my noble friend
up here in the North east we have some of the most scrupulously clean , free from corruption councils.
And if you believe that shit you can take a knee
local councils are the enemy of the people – where i am they have reduced all town centre speed limits to 20 mph across the whole county with no debate under the emergency laws brought in by CuntBoris – apparently it’s for the safety of pedestrians and cyclist during the non-pandemic – welcome to the dictatorship
Theres a ex councillor near me, the cheeky cunt has planted flowers on a green that backs onto his garden and the council maintain it for him!
My dog was sniffing on the green, hedgehog or something, an he came out
Councillor “can you get that dog off my garden”
MNC “what? This is public space mate!
Councillor “if it leaves a mess ill report you”
MNC-“and ill report you for stealing public land now fuck off”.
See you have to engage them in reasoned political debate.
We had a man child who was deputy leader of a large, very corrupt, affluent, Council. He “studied” politics at the local university and became a Councillor when he was still a student. He has never had a job, but managed to line his pockets to bursting point. The CUNT was an arrogant, know it all, self important prick, and a William Haig wannabe (what an utterly shit aspiration) who was shocked when he lost his seat to a local independent candidate. He has disappeared from the radar, but no doubt one of the local corrupt worthies who helped to line his pockets will have subsidised him whilst being unemployable. Unfortunately, some day, the CUNT will re-emerge in The House of CUNTS to blight the life of millions and become the most hated Politicians in the U.K. despite stiff competition from numerous other CUNTS. Civil Servants are professional liars, politicians are amateur liars, but this CUNT could outshine them all.
Melksham is a cunt full stop.
Calne is full of junkies and I would prefer to live in the North West where my family come from. The South West has become a playground for the well off who moved up from Surrey etc and the rest of it is just the tracksuit bottoms brigade taking drugs and stealing stuff.
Same happening in Enfield, North London. All the non Turkish Labour councillors defecting because of the nepotism and corruption