Lord Peter Hain

What a cunt this man is!

As most of you know my life story, you’ll understand that to me this fucker is the epitome of everything that is wrong with the world today.

This cunt is the main reason I’m not sat on the farm in Umtali sipping a champagne and cola while listening to the Lyons Maid Top 10 singles.

This Marxist cunt (now just a money grabbing cunt old cunt) started a campaign against me and fellow whites in Africa, mostly out of spite and political greasy pole climbing than actual genuine conviction. He himself being a colonial child should of known the removal of the whites from Africa would be financial and political suicide.

But let’s evaluate the legacy this cunt has achieved: Rhodesia (I refuse to use the khaffar name) is in fucking ruins; the centre of Sailsbury now looks no different from any other African shithole. The white population is a tiny fraction of what it was in 1980 and the blacks can now barely feed themselves.

And South Africa, I fucking weep for their future under “soft communism”, probably within 10 years they’ll be holding the begging bowl out asking for “reparations” (don’t make me fucking laugh) for Apartheid, years ago. I thought Apartheid was a vile, disgusting and morally sickening thing, but now I see what it was, a necessary evil.

So ma’ Lord, are you proud of your achievement of bringing poverty and “white flight” to sub Saharan Africa? Your trying to bring your misery and bluster to the Welsh Valleys now, but thankfully they gave you a pretty rousing fuck off you cunt!

I finish by saying Peter Hain, you are a cunt to man and beast!

Nominated by: Captain Quimson 

(Edited slightly for clarity – admin)

52 thoughts on “Lord Peter Hain

  1. I always thought that Hain was a ghastly fellow; time has proved me to be correct in my thinking.

  2. Black good. White bad. And now the kaffirs have thrown off their chains the continent is basket case of their own design.
    The fuckers talked of ubuntu – humanity. Well not one single African state gives a fuck for the humanity of it’s citizens so it may as well mean savagery and corruption.
    Rhodesia is down the shitter. S Africa is following. I havent been for a couple of years but it gets worse every time.

    • Fucking right.
      Apartheid separated savages from whites , and should still be in full-force world-wide , in that respect.
      Give the munts limited schooling , then they will lack the articulation to do anything about it.
      Without whites the fuckers would still be boiling humans in pots.

      The older I get – the less tolerant I am of these chocolate cunts , and I began with zero-tolerance in the first place. Stinking fuckers.

    • Absolutely correct Cuntstable….Afrika run by B Afrikans = corruption and desperation for those who find themselves at the bottom of the pile.. Question name something of use to humanity to be invented/created by Africans in the last 2000 years ? answers on on post card ..please post to “you’re having a laugh road, fantasy Island just to the left of never ever land..

  3. My local lord. In 2009, he knocked my front door canvassing for the general election. I didn’t answer, as the tirade I would have unleashed on him would most definitely got me on a watch list. I did however pass him on my motorbike as he was out walking with his elderly mother, and chucked nonchalant ‘CUNT!’ over my shoulder. I could just imagine his mother asking ‘another acquaintance of yours?’…..

  4. Umtali! What a name to conjure with. My grandparents spoke of it years ago when I was a child. They’d been there, but returned to the UK in the 50s. I think my grandfather was a coach builder for the railways or something. Nothing high up, just a worker. They came back when the job was done. But, Umtali – takes me back thru the mists of time! Africa sounded a magical place, as things do to a child. Alas, not really the case, then or now.

      • Forgive me, dear boy. I was speaking out of turn. Just taken by the winds of fancy to the land of lost content. Magical only in the imagination.

  5. This subject always put me in mind of Muhammad Ali…must have been ‘the rumble in the junhle’ Zaire was it? Anyway they let him into the cockpit and Muhammad started saying ‘look black people flying planes’.’and such…

    If black people can fly planes why can’t they look after farms?

    Presumably the blacks that worked on these farm must have experience of farm work/management.

    To be clear I agree that it has ‘gone down the shitter’ since the whites left.

    Must be corruption I suppose.

  6. Hain is the epitome of the oleaginous, self-satisfied, wet-behind-the-ears-but-oh-how- knowledgeable-he-thinks-he-is brand of career politician – he is Stephen Fry in a corset, more holy than Justin Welby, and so fucking patronising with it. Mind you, compared to say, that Sultana tart, or Hammy Lammy, Screaming Queen Russell-Moyle or Dame Kweer himself, he seems almost human.

  7. Anybody looking with an objective mind at Rhodesia as was in particular and Africa in general would have to conclude that the natives can not govern themselves. Brutality, corruption, inflation and sheer incompetence is rife throughout that continent.
    The black rulers try to blame the old white colonialists but the obvious truth is that despite all their mineral wealth and the vast swathes of excellent land ideal for growing crops plus the infrastructure we built for them they fail to look after their own kind and prefer to asset strip and rule by dictatorship. They blame the west for everything and expect us to bale them out and when we send ovetseas aid they syphon off the proceeds from that as well.

    Lord Hain is an apologist for them starting off as a radical young liberal and then switching to Blairism.

    He is an oily cunt.

    • If they think white colonialism was bad, wait and it won’t be a very long one, until they are under yellow colonialism. The Ching Chongs are buying everything of value there.

      • I don’t know if there is an edit function on this site but I should have said that Hain has always been an arrogant cunt. I have thought that ever since he dug up the Test pitch at Headingley in the ‘70s.

    • Spot on, its the tribal tradition allied to corruption that ends up making every African country slip down the slippery slope. I remember a lady well connected to Uncle Bob and dripping with money and proudly boasting about the type of Mercs they all had. Every penny in the coffers is creamed off to their clan and screw everyone else, want something done, pay me please, want to enter the country bribe please, and so on, but none of the money finds it way into schooling, infrastructure and hospitals hence the dire outcomes. Unfortunately all were governed well in colonial era and suffer now from the corruption and mismanagement.

  8. The question is are complete cunts attracted to politics or does going into politics turn you into a complete cunt. Not really bothered about the answer, just hang them all.
    Some good news……”tragic migrant” found dead on beach in Calais!

    • ‘Some good news……”tragic migrant” found dead on beach in Calais!’

      A Fuzzy-Wuzzy from Sudan, apparantly.

      • The person who is in charge of stopping the crossings has announced that it is impossible to do and the migrants should be able to claim asylum within the U.K. whilst still in mainland Europe.
        WTF is going on?

      • I am sure in it’s toxic way this French non-cooperation (endorsed covertly by Anthony Blair) is designed to try to stop Brexit from finally happening – it give Boris a get out of jail card free.

      • Why not just send their benefits straight to them , before they leave their home country?
        I’m sure we have cash to spare in these circumstances.
        After all , we should consider always the humanitarian aspect – which for me , means that it’s inhuman living anywhere near these filthy cunts.

  9. It really does look like sub saharan Africans are incapable of forming complicated modern societies . Even farming seems to be beyond them. Is this racist or just the truth? Looks like the yellow man is going to be the black mans new master in Africa. Hain was a virtue signalling mong (digging up Lords) long before the term was even invented.Cunt.

    • “It really does look like sub saharan Africans are incapable of forming complicated modern societies”

      “… Is this racist”
      “…or just the truth?”

      Let Dr. Eugene Valberg take you on a topographical tour of the apefreakan mind… (such as it is) and all will be explained.


  10. This cunt should move back to Nairobi and see how he likes it.
    The pompous fucking bullshitter.
    Blek Africans can’t run a bath.
    Fuck Off.

  11. I’ve completed lost track with all things to do with Africa/South Africa, ever since apartheid ended and Mandela took power back in the early 90s.

    All I do know is that most countries there are run by dictators – most, if not all, of whom are black. But then that’s always been the case, especially with old cunts like Idi Amin, Mugabe, Mobhuto, Neto and Khama. All of them black, and all of them corrupt, sadistic, egotistical sociopaths.

    Yes, there was Ian Smith, de Klerk and Botha – they were white cunts, but also not above the odd bit of empire building, suppression and corruption.

    But these cunts have been brushed aside for a new era since Mandela was released in the early 90s. Blacks wanted blacks in charge, and that’s precisely what they got, and now, some 30 odd years later, most countries in Africa are well and truly fucked up!

    And yet you hear so little of all this strife on the usual media channels! I mean ffs, thousands of black Africans are killed/murdered every year, and yet the BLM movement is strangely reticent to acknowledge this.

    Why are they not demonstrating in Harare, Luanda, Maputo, J’burg or Kinshasa? And where are all the Hollywoke Lefties? Why aren’t they banging the Africa Drum in those countries? Or is it because its too fucking dangerous?

    • We should repatriate our dark keys to these countries for a while so they can see what defunded Police feels like. Bet most would be shit scared within ten minutes and want to come home.

  12. Off subject. See 16 year old drowned trying to cross the channel. Britain’s fault for making it difficult and dangerous. Kahn you are a cunt.

    • Fuck me!
      So now , as well as getting down on one knee – we have to wear an inflatable arm-band out of respect?
      Can someone please tell me what the benefit is , of having so many unskilled , un-cultured migrants – ones that generally lack even basic toilet training , and would rape a toddler without a second thought?

  13. How I remember the brave Rhodesian white farmer who fought for hours with a gun to defend his farm. Unfortunately he was over ran and killed by Mugabe’s boot boys.
    The blacks who wanted the land can’t farm or do little other than hunt for ivory, carjacking or murder those with money black or white it does not matter to them. these non persons don’t care. Africa is fucked and little can be done to improve the situation.

    • Borders patrolled by ex SAS to stop the fuckers leaving would be a good start.
      As are the depleted uranium shells favoured by some young chums of mine – by jingo they do the business!

  14. Hain and Bliar used to be and maybe still are in competition to see who has the most beautiful fake tan.
    Also who could be the slim ball champion of Nu Labour.
    Both nauseous cunts though.

  15. Hain? Got some form with this guy and his monkeyland “business practices”.
    Bastard, needs to be in prison. I could go into detail but it’s legally dodgy.
    Teeth grinding, eyes glinting ?
    Time for a long bike ride.

  16. Blacks in Africa are just like the ones we have here, fucking useless, doesn’t matter where they are…. fucking useless.

    • Oops, forgot the cunting is for Hain, he is and was a useless cunt, not that squeaky clean and what the fuck is with these cunts, white who want to fuck white people over.

      • His parents were activists in S Africa, and were actually outlawed there I belive. Of Course that gave them the opportunity ( havig hated the imperialist English) to flee to England, bringing with them their little Kenyan born sprog twat. He of course continued his white hatred in his host country as a member of the Labour shit Party.

      • As usual the cunting lefty press ignore this shite. The silent majority need to rise the fuck up ?

      • As much as I respect the Farage, that vid looks like it was filmed in Zim, not Kent!

      • I mentioned it a few days ago under one of the noms, punch line, the clean up…. literally shit on the beach.

  17. Fucking wicket digger. Imported piece of fucking shite. Hate that arrogant self serving snot gobbling cunt.

  18. I detest this fucker. He is all that is wrong with the Labour party. I’d love it if his pickaninny mates set up in a house next to him.

  19. Hain was the gobshite’s gobshite about Sithiffrica back in the day, all holier than thou and sanctimonious. The funny thing about this oily cunt is that I don’t ever remember him saying anything about Amin, Mugabe and the rest of those vicious cunts.
    This fucker makes me puke. He is on my ‘fifty faces you’d most like to punch repeatedly’ list. Fucking turd.

  20. Fuck all these cunts off to Jamaica, then nuke it.
    Happy Sunshine Day.
    Get To Fuck.

  21. Spot on. Africa – since the Colonials left, has become a shit hole of shit holes. History will show the truth. BLM or not!

    • Yep funny how BLM has said absolutely fuck all about all the shit being perpetrated in Africa every day…by blacks.

  22. Peter Hain, originally from South Africa, enters politics in the UK and dictates to the British people, especially people living in the Neath area.
    He wasn’t very popular in his Neath constituency when Blair’s New Labour government was dominating the scene.
    Don’t let foreigners come into this country and tell us what to do – if anything, they should do what we say.

  23. The Chinese are supposed to be big players in Rhodesia.Thats after African Hitler signed over a load of things to them in return for aid He in return got a massive Chinese house built as a kickback So where’s the aid been sent ? ??

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