Local Lockdowns

Local lockdowns are cunts, or more specifically the people that cause them.

I live in one of the areas recently highlighted where infection rates are on the rise. It’s no surprise to me that all of these areas have a large proportion of a particular demographic of people living within them. I’m sure you can guess I’m referring to a peaceful community, who delight in regular gatherings with bare feet. Now I’m not about to say this is all their fault, but there’s no coincidence that all the areas affected have higher than average Asian populations.

Just as with most issues; crime, sexual abuse, paedophilia, poverty. These communities don’t believe that it’s their problem, but it fucking well is! These communities need to learn that if they continue to ignore hygiene and social distancing advice, more of them will die. Not only that but they’re putting every other cunt at risk too. I hope the government does undertake an in depth review as to why the virus seems to affect more BAME communities than white. They’ll no doubt obfuscate the real reason though and no doubt blame white people for touching more than one bag of chicken dippers whilst in the supermarket.

Nominated by: elcuntio

40 thoughts on “Local Lockdowns

  1. Greater msnchester under lockdown, funnily highest within Oldham,Rochdale. Bradford, Longsight etc
    All got one thing in common,..infested with pak1s.
    No one in the media, Goverment, or medical experts will say it though.
    When the chinks get bubonic plague here (just shut a village in china after a outbreak) hopefully itll spread through the mosques and thin them out.
    Share it with BLM too.

    • Said it before and will say it again: it really does seem to be killing the right people-feckless supertanned cunts.

      • What, Bournemouth inhabitants?
        I’m all in favour of that as long as it includes Harry Redknapp.

      • Don’t forget the orange missing link cretins of Made in Chelsea, Love Island and TOWIE. I hope they don’t cremate them with all that silicone and Botox .

      • Evening LL. Talking of Chelsea, I’m getting fed up of hearing about that new player of theirs – Pool of sick.
        It just makes me want to throw up.

    • How you immune exactly Paradox, like completely immune?! You got a hazmat suit?

      I like to think I have good immunity I eat plenty of sauerkraut and kefir. Daily vitamins Plenty of fruits and veg

      I’m not a dirty water shy type cunt either I wash my face and hands 2 or 3 times a day but don’t think that magically protects me from the virus just makes me more resistant to it

  2. Book and his cronies keep saying 2nd wave 2nd wave.Chris Shitty wants another lockdown for all the country.Great our economy is destroyed.Pigs in the trough.I’ve had enough.Piss to all of them.Weak spineless cowards.

  3. I think stupid young cunts are just as likely to fan the flames as the Parking Stanleys.

    • Youngsters are the best method on Earth of spreading shit yet kids are exempt from wearing masks in supermarkets. Genius.

      • I think Cuntstable is referring to teenagers who think they’re flameproof.
        They been told to think about how they could spread the disease to Grandma. Percy thought about that but decided it was much easier to drop a bowling ball on Grandma’s head.

      • Glad to hear Percy got through the rehab and racial awareness course Bertie!
        But check him for knives before you let him out! ?

      • He’s still not returned home Vern but he’s threatening to do so before Winter sets in.

    • Would that be Saint Greta’s “guardians of the planet” who accused all us oldies of “stealing their future”? surely not…..

  4. If I get any symptoms I won’t be isolating….I’ll be off on a Dominic Cummings style national tour of Mosques and Asian supermarkets.

  5. Simon Cowell is in hospital after a bike accident, broke his back after driving his new electric bicycle Having back surgery monday This is a sad tragedy for some and a celebration for others…

  6. increase in cases is meaningless
    there’s been no increase in deaths for nearly 2 months
    this is just a continuation of the policy of FEAR
    when is everybody going to wake up to the tyranny – what’s the matter with everyone FFS – what is happening is criminal to say the least – and the more people who go along with it, the longer this will carry on – until we’re locked up for ever

  7. This “pandemic” will end when senile Biden gets enough fraudulent votes via mail in votes ( here in the UK we already know this) to gain power for his vice president.Then as if by magic hydroxychloroquin with zinc etc will be the go to cure. Fuck lockdown and fuck Boris. Pull your finger out Boris you cunt.

  8. Pakdown.
    Dirty inbred cunts to blame, whitey gets the blame.
    Stop living like filthy animals and shagging your kids, stop gathering arse to cheek to celebrate the p*edo sky fairy and stop scooting around everywhere chasing kids and dealing drugs and stolen stuff.
    In fact, just get the fuck out the Country.

  9. Town’s with high populations of peacefuls. 16 in a three bedroom house, next to 20 in a three bedroom house etc. All kissing the same carpet . Add in several generations of marrying cousins causing genetic defects and low immune system.

    Of course it will be whitey’s fault though.

    Can’t tell some home truths and blame the BAME’s as that’s racist.

    • I went to the local Spasda this morning and the only cunts without masks were brown cunts.

  10. It’s a bloody crying shame the minorities are taking a Bat Flu tanning.
    No,wait…it’s fucking brilliant!
    Fuck the filthy cunts.

    • Be a shame if Rishi Suntan got bat lurgy,
      Although it would create a new job vacancy!
      Every cloud…

  11. If this virus is so deadly then why do we need a test to see if we’ve got it?

    • reading that its positively eerie how little information they write abut the attack

      • ……and no comment about black on black stabby crime from BLM / FFF or whatever the cunts are called today.
        As an aside-watching that shuffling bunch of smelly monkird trying to march was hilarious ???
        Rise of the planet of the apes….
        Ugly, ugly fucking cunts.

      • If some white kids had murdered him it would be wall to wall coverage so I’m guessing it was a group of kids coming back from premier league training on their way to architect lessons.

  12. Why should anyone give a fuck about this bollocks? Once the figures are adjusted to make them more realistic than the fucking nonsense that’s been published so far, it will be less than a bad year of the flu. And, if certain sections of society are more vulnerable, I’d say it might have something to do with a shallow gene pool.
    Get a grip for fucks sake. A lot of mask wearers are cunts, I know this because of the amount of masks I see now as litter lining the streets. I hope you all get copd you fucking skum.

  13. I noticed recently that one of the ridiculous social distancing rules, where ‘only two households can meet up’, is for up to 30 people……..

    Now which demographic has households of 15 people? I wonder who that rule was designed with in mind?

    I honestly couldn’t give a fuck any more. Thousands are testing positive every day but only single digit deaths. I think the majority of the deaths in the UK are from care homes where they’ve disguised their shit care for the elderly behind the virus.

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