Who? I hear you say. Well she is some daft woke wanker who got offended when she bought a Marks and Spencer brassiere:
The easily offended cunt was upset that the tit wrapper she bought was called “Tobacco”. It was, apparently, “hurtful” to her , but not hurtful enough to buy the fucking thing, but so hurtful she had to go running off to the press about it. “Why couldn’t it had been called chocolate?” the brainless trollop whined, but if it had been that would have been terribly racist as well.
No doubt as M&S is a big company she is after “compensation”, but as they are a tight fisted company, tighter than a gnats arsehole at the best of times, and currently nearing basket case status, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
I am sure Hammy Lammy and Jucuzzi Butler will be available for comment. If these wankers are so easily offended, I suggest we hire some banana boats to take them on a one way trip back to de islands, where all is peaceful and de future is golden innit.
The law of the instrument by Abraham Maslow – “I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”
If the only argument you have is ‘racism’ then everything must be ‘racist.’
Fuck off.
Very good point. I shall be using that one in future.
I can think of something BROWN , which M&S could have used, which would have been far more appropriate. Why the fuck would any one want to sell tit hampers for the darker clientele ?I’d not want them coming into any shop I owned.
I can imagine the marketing meeting……..
Tarquin : “we’ll call this one light brown”
Jacosta : “ I don’t like the word brown. Sounds a bit raaaay-sist.”
Tarquin : “good thinking Jacosta, we’ll call it tobacco, that’s perfectly safe.”
How the fuckity fuck is the word “tobacco” raaaay-sist? Is it because black slaves used to harvest it? If so we’ve got a big problem with the word “cotton.”
If you read the story of her complaint, her racist angle, doesn’t even go near the fact that tobacco used to be harvested by ‘slaves’, it was because tobacco is a nasty product.
Quote her ….”To see that ‘tobacco’ is for their skin tone will make them feel unwanted by society. Tobacco is referred to in society as bad, unhealthy, and highly likely to kill – ‘smoking kills’.
“This is an example of how bias is ingrained into society and only helps fuel racism, be it overt or covert, however in this instance this is a form of covert racism.”
I don’t even think she’d have a fucking clue that coloured’s once harvested tobacco … and for fuck sake don’t tell her, she’ll explode.
Maybe the silly bitch-cunt mole slutbag cumdump would be happier if the colour was named after another plant commonly used as a name for pale brown…”Hemp”
It’s Marks & Spencer’s craven apology that is most offensive.
RTC these apologies need to stop. Seeing as I boycott every cunt that is apologising to every slight whim lately, I fear I will end up starving, naked, homeless or all 3! I also believe that life in ‘The Village’ as a number is preferable to the bollocks going on in real life. Be seeing you.
Indeed, BDCIYS.
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, labelled, numbered or brainwashed into believing the word “tobacco” is raaaaacist!
My life is my own. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha…
Absolutely agree. Why won’t any of these big companies (most of whom are cunts themselves for one reason or another) stand up and tell cunts like this to fuck odd and stop finding offence where none is intended, or even to be reasonably found, even if you go poking around with a fucking forensic team!
That’s fuck “off” of course; not “odd”
Absofuckinglutely RTC. They should be the subject of the cunting in this particular episode.
A tall tree and a short rope will sort out this big lipped spooktress
I think I’m going insane, society seems insane tot me but it can’t be everyone else, so it must be me.
No , you are the sane one; draw your own conclusion.
“Why not call it cocoa, caramel or chocolate – sweet dessert items?” she whines.
Is she not aware of the deadly nature of sugar? Of the obesity epidemic sweeping our once proud nation?
Highly offensive to fat fuckers, if nothing else.
They’ll be saying that black full stops at the end of sentences are racist next
Why not call the white one Whitey, the black one Blacky and the one in the Middle Mohammad?
This kind of shit happens in the US all the fucking time and it infuriates me.
You want offensive? I’ll give you offensive. Let’s call it feces…diarrhea…or shit stain. There! Feel better? Now you can be properly offended. Dumb cunt!
As for the company don’t they know they will never be safe from manufactured leftest rage by giving into the mob? Does the phrase “get woke go broke” mean anything? They should change their name to Marx and Denser? Dumb cunts!
As for little Miss Kusi Kumani, she should be thanking her heathen Gods she lives in the UK where she can even buy…let alone wear a bra. If she lived in Darkest Africa she’d be walking around butt naked, carrying little Mtembe and a hollow gourd to the nearest mud puddle for a few ounces of dirty water and rhino piss (or so the leeches mooching money in television commercials would have us believe). Dumb cunt!
Absolutely-these Tea-swiggers don’t realise that they have never had it so good.
Brassiere probably too complicated for chiggun George to remove anyway, better of with an all in one?
I understand they find machetes handy when removing bras.
Only on the Christian girls.
This stupid tart says “a young girl may come across this and feel bad for the rest of her life”.
Oh yeah? Best she fucking kills herself now, save all that suffering.
Does this airhead not realise that bras are part of the patriarchy, women conforming to the male concept of femininity? She’s not very woke is she?
Maybe she should have a mastectomy then and prevent years of anxiety and underwear PTSD.
The demented blek cunt.
Fuck Off.
I would be more than happy to carry it out for her – free of charge and anaesthetic. Nobody can accuse me of not being a generous cunt.
A mastectomy won’t solve her problems. This dumb cunt needs a lobotomy.
My last comment should be directed to UT. Duh!
The U.K. needs a full blown hysterectomy. Pull all out of the cunt and start again.
All this talk of chocolate has made me hungry.
I’m off for a Milky Bar.
Goodbye for now.
Mind you I was quite offended when I picked up a 5 pack of “Hung like a nigra” Y-fronts in Tesco the other day!
What the fuck is happening in this country.
My guess is this cunt is a more recent Africunt arrival and never had to live through the real racist times in the 70s and 80s in parts of Britain (NF, racist police etc) thankfully I was a young cunt back then so I didn’t really experience it either but this cunt can fuck right off…I seriously hate most people and what this country is becoming.
90% Black’s and Whites can fuck off and ALL looney lefty cunts of all shades can go fuck themselves.
Immigration should have been stopped in 1994 and that’s it, back then you were a whitey, blackie, or Asian, fast forward 2020 and you got assorted Eastern European trash, various Africunt shite and all shades of Muslim shite.
It really has become Great Shitain.
I can see myself fucking off somewhere else in the next 20 years.
What a pile of cunt with a smiling Somalian on top.
Go fuck yourselves.
You b+w? An expat? Well I never?
Everything should be based on the N “Word” colour scale.
So this colour would register N-2.
Is it me or 20 or so years ago there was more unity between British whites, blacks and Asians? Since Twatter and Cuntbook took hold and the emergence of the Woke brigade and BLM there seems to be more division and racism.
I want to kill them all.
B&WC: I am sure this stoking up of descent, encouraged by twats on social media and the flames flamed by the BBC and the Starmer charmer trying to whip up even more discord and resentment is pre-planned, to try to get this country to turn left. The establishment nancy boys have never forgiven us for voting for Brexit.
You are correct B&WC. The Labour Left, BLM, Wokes, are all about division nowadays, and they’re prepared to stoop to any absurdity in order to achieve it.
There was some of it about in the 1980s but nobody really took it seriously so it died out. Now it’s back with a vengeance!
Covid-19 is benign compared to this dangerous woke psychosis.
Spot on Ruff!
I call this woke psychosis AOCD. It’s a Liberal mental disorder defined by the obsessive/compulsive need to say something stupid every time they open their mouth.
It’s because 20/30 years ago people weren’t going out of their way to try to be offended, now it’s an Olympic sport
The left are really trying their best to create some utopia for us to live where any cunt can get in the country.
I cannot understand people who think this is a good idea, have these looney cunts always been abaaaaaht or are they the product of modern times?
Why don’t we hear anything abaaaaaht the rats arriving every day in Kent? This country is going daaahn the shitter…it may be time to
leave a sinking ship. I might go to South Africa…Alrooight mite. ?
Seffrica is also daaaahn the shitter mate. Why I came back.
If they had ignored the bitch she would have disappeared up her own arse. But m&S made an issue out of it by apologising. They are the cunts for backing down. Wankers.
Now she’ll expect everybody to roll over for her for any little thing she complains about. Somebody won’t and then she’ll want a nose job on the NHS.
With a bit of luck the spineless cunts will go bankrupt and this mental whore will be given the gift of AIDS by a Witch Doctor.
Yes, agreed. M&S are just as bad as the kneegroes.
It would appear the cunts running this country have learned nothing from the events leading up to WWII.
It always amazes that blacks, who pride themselves on being ‘tough’, ‘hard’ and ‘gangsta’, seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time whining victimhood and taking offense at every conceivable opportunity, and inventing oppression where none exists.
I am at the point where I’m happy to be prejudiced against the fucking lot of them.
The ever increasing general entitlement of wimmin, the ever increasing entitlement of black privileged whining fuck knuckles, and the ever increasing capitulation by corporations to the aforementioned cunts..
Time to nuke ourselves from orbit and start fresh.
What was the matter with threbs?
Whatever colour the bra was described as, would have offended some cunt somewhere. Maybe leave the colour description off and let people make their own minds up. No one is gonna see it (for most of the time) anyway.
Tobacco, if you don’t like it don’t smoke it ?
Kusi is a cunt, M&S are cunts, when their business is going down the pan they are still pandering to fucking idiots and the press should just tell this silly cunt to stop wasting their time.
I was sorting aaaaht the loft in My Notting Flat, I found a newspaper…I can’t remember what it was but I had a look through hoping to find some 100 year old page 3 woman’s picture only to find an advert for shoes and one was available in nīggèr.
The previous tenants were obviously racists and left it there for me to find.
You’ll be getting Bertie excited B&WC, three inches of bare ankle, a top button undone and he is an animal.
Bertie is still recovering from the bender we went on after the Mighty Liverpool were crowned champions LL…he was knee deep in drugs and dirty women…of course I know naffink abaaaaaht it.
I feel you pain and offense B&W. How about we have a looting spree?
I am shocked a man of the law like yourself would advocate lawless behaviour CC.
I have only recently recovered from the shock of reading that paper and it’s advert and I understand your outrage at what I have described but breaking the law is not the way forward.
Although saying that…me mate Dave has some surplus ‘substances’ going cheap…you interested in setting up a County lines operation daaahn your area? ?
Should do well in Lincolnshire. Scunny just daaahn the road too.
This is what happens when you pander to these permanently offended cunts, it never ends. If cunts like this had just be told to go fuck themselves in the first place we wouldn’t have any of this shite.
They’ll never stop, never be satisfied and every time they get an apology they just get encouraged to go find someone else to tyranise into grovelling to them.
The answer to these cunts complaints should always be “if you don’t like it, fuck off back to Africa you cunt”. ….they’d soon stop. Or fuck of back to Africa. Win win…..
There are more whites involved in pushing this woke nonsense than blacks. What do we do with them?
I’d like to send them to Africa as well, somewhere like Zimbabwe. Give them a taste of what it’s like to live a free, democratic, non racist, prosperous land of opportunity….
Colours are not racist.
This Woman is.
Fuck off and get over your opportunist publicity seeking self lady, ideally to any Country on the African continent so you can see real racism, violence, oppression, corruption and m*rder in action – plenty for you to film on the Iphone there – assuming a 15 Year old “war veteran” on his way back to the derelict farm he now owns for a sleep doesn’t r*pe you then hack you up with a machete and take it of course.
But don’t start demanding help from the British Embassy when it goes native over in shitville – you don’t need anything from those fabric slaving crackers! ?
Only if you’re black though Ruff Tuff, so I’ve leant the hard way!
I’d give the white cucks exactly what they want.
I’d round them up, strip them of all their assets and march them out to the countryside and put them to work on the farms. Give them all a 5 year stretch, then extend it to 10 or 25 years just before it’s over. That’s real communism…..
And as they’re so worried about the poor benevolent black man, I’d hire all the prison guards from ghettos in Africa.
Great stuff Mr Sausage, you’ve clearly given the matter considerable thought.
Nothing much to add, except I would also split their nostrils open with a boat hook.
Have you ever actually tried to split someone’s nostrils open with a boathook? I have, and it doesn’t work for me. A marlinspike is nearer the mark and easier to conceal too.
Concealment wouldn’t be an issue for me, but thanks for the heads-up regarding the means. I’ll give it a whirl.
I must be honest rtc I have given it considerable thought…. probably too much ?
I’ve enjoyed many an evening pondering what I’d do to communists given the chance.
This really is an ironic cunt. I learn from Wikipedia
Marks and Spencer, known colloquially as “Marks and Sparks”,[21] or “M&S”, made its reputation in the early 20th century with a policy of only selling British-made goods (it started to back down from this policy in the 1990s.[22]) It entered into long-term relationships with British manufacturers…
Waycists, they were. To say nothing of far-right populist nationalists.
The original Marks was a Polish immo, btw.
Now it’s Marx and Denser…woke fashions for the modern gimmegrant.
Someone should have explained to this thick as shit retarded fuckwit that the fucking thing is a garment for holding up her funbags and not for setting fire to and smoking. Apparently she doesn’t have a problem wearing a brassiere despite it’s western colonist and white supremacist origins. And what the fuck are M&S doing apologising to the braindead twat is anyone’s guess. They’ve really scored an own goal here as I’m sure they would have gained more public support if they told the fucking witch woman to put her blowpipe away and fuck off. Somebody has to start making a stand soon otherwise it’s going to kick off big time and then we’ll see some real racism unlike the imagined childish bollocks like this. Of course, it will all be the fault of Whitey.
Four horseman have begun their ride.
Oh I sincerely hope so.
“…and behold a white horse and he who sat upon him was named racist.”
Wearing a bra is cultural appropriation anyway…. her tits should be slapping around between her knees like the real non-westernised black women….
I agree – my threbs are free to roam hither, and indeed, thither.
Admin, with these nominations you spoil us!
The nomination about electric cars and milk floats reminded me of Father Ted.
Now this one reminded me of them getting stuck in the lingerie section of a department store.
I mentioned this story in the David Lammy post on the 13th.
Just another bag of soot trying to stir up trouble and make a name for herself.
Fuck Off Cunt!