ISaC – and the Futility of it all

ISaC, that’s right I would like to cunt the is a cunt site and all of the contributors and readers!

I am going to guess here that a majority of readers and contributors are like myself a certain age, were born between the mid 1950’s to the mid 1970’s. That we have recently retired or are thinking about doing so.

We have seen the world, (Britain in particular) change dramatically and not for the better. Our Government here and elsewhere in the west have increased their countries populations through mass immigration legal and illegal from a plethora of 3rd world shit holes. These immigrants have not assimilated into our culture but kept their own which by and large made their own countries fucking shit holes and now Britain is much worse as a result. We have seen lefties do gooders etc for many years positively encourage the idea that we should change to accommodate these fuckers.

During our years on this planet we, fellow cunters, have seen the youth scream about their rights yet never bother about their fucking responsibilities, the police have become a joke because of a total lack of backing from their social justice degree holding Chief Constables and wet fucking politicians again they bang on about the rights of a criminal but never about his/her responsibility to society.

The BBC has changed over my life time from a bastion and supporter of “British” values to a lefty down with the yoof magazine forum that supports ideologies that are quite frankly dangerous. The peaceful brigade one obvious one. Trannies for Kids another And it robs pensioners to pay for all this shite.

I could go on making a list of many many things that have change for the worse over the years, but it is 8.05 am and I need to take a shit.

So why cunt this site and it’s readers and contributors? Well I come on here to read comments left by folks that appear to share my point of view on the world. I occasionally comment and nominate someone or thing to be cunted. I find this helps me to vent my very vexed feelings on what is going on in the news it could be said that I find it cathartic.

However, I/we still can’t change anything no matter what is written here therefore sadly this site is a cunt and all readers and writers likewise. Thank you must go the shit is really bubbling now..

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt 

123 thoughts on “ISaC – and the Futility of it all

    • Really? Those dopey cunts actually voted for Magic Grandpa? After having had enough of Bojo, I’ve finally had to admit to my 70 year old Dad that the best PM we never had was Ian Duncan Smith.

      He may not be liked among lefties and dole-waller scroungers because he tried to undo 15 years of New Labour prolifigacy but he was mostly competant at his job and, unlike Bojo, he tried to do what was fiscally responsible, not what would make him popular and liked.

      • BoJo popular and liked? In what dimension? The guy is a useless, incompetent pile of shit who’ll be lucky to see the year out as PM.

      • I wasn’t making a statement of fact…….. merely a statement about how Bojo thinks he will appear if he tries to please everyone. Sorry, I probably should have made that more clear.

      • IDS would have been really tough, not just pretend tough. The fact that the Labourites in his own constituency have had so many hissy fits against him and tried hard to get him slung out is proof of that (they do with every Tory seat but they flung even more money at this project).

        The pub lic always seem to immediately regret NOT voting for somebody than actually doing it, and then big them up to ludicrous proportions. They think pompous duckie David Miliband would have been a better leader, than Ed, but both are self important ineffective wankers, who spend too much time up their own arses – as soon as they voted in Harold Wilson they immediately regretted not getting piss artist George Brown.

        I suppose the best you can say about Corbyn is that he wouldn’t have pissed all our money out any quicker than Boris and Mr Sunak has

  1. “However, I/we still can’t change anything no matter what is written here therefore sadly this site is a cunt and all readers and writers likewise. Thank you must go the shit is really bubbling now..”

    You surrender if you want, don’t wave the white flag on my behalf though.

    • ISAC passes on a lot of information the mainstream media tends to suppress.
      Petitions get signed,
      Ideas spread etc.
      Not sure I agree everyone and everything is a cunt?
      Worlds a lot shitter than it used to be but it gives me something to moan about,
      No Surrender I say!
      Only good commie is a dead one!

      And for those easily offended?
      SEIG HEIL!!✋

      • Agree Miserable, I have channelled this sites cuntishness into starting my ‘grumpy old cunt’ phase about thirty years early.

      • Between here and a couple of you tube hacks I get a lot of real info about what’s going on as MSM is shite. I regularly put links on Facebook from Mike’s Place website which normally gets my leftie cousin calling me a white supremacist.
        It may feel like we are pissing into a hurricane but I’m slowly getting believers seeing our way of thinking.

      • The other day a friend blocked my emails… i was sending him items that contradict his worldview that we should be locked down for our own good and the government knows what it’s doing etc.
        So he’s quarantining himself from different opinion as well, which may be a broader theme. This is in Melbourne where the population apparently likes their repression delivered unlubricated up the Khyber

      • I was hoping you were going to say you were from the UK and a Brexiteer and your mate a remoaner who all of a sudden trusts the Tories. I love a good story about lefty hypocracy.

  2. Can’t overestimate the value of a good 08:05hrs shit … or earlier preferably.

  3. By any means possible fight back against the globalist cunts.
    If this site helps to move the thinking of people away from all this globalist bollocks then it’s been worth it.
    You only need to change the opinion of one person by 1% to start with.

    Here endeth the lesson.

    • That’s all the bods who can’t admit to the people around them that they have shufty at this website and agree with the sentiments expressed.

      Come and join us.

  4. Once upon a time i was in Belfast, when a well known Reverend yelled “No Surrender!” in my ear. After my signaller, Ginge, told him “Fuck off, Vicar”, he grunted and indeed pissed off.

    To be fair to the big man, he never complained – but I have to admit, he had a point.

    It should be the IsaCunt motto as well.

    Fuck all the cunts – they just keep coming

    Afternoon Cunters

    Big Al

  5. Agree with the general thrust of this cunting. But I don’t know, and neither, presumably, does the cunter, what measures in addition to posting here are taken by ISACers. The majority of people I speak to agree that the cuntry’s gone to hell. This isn’t a minority view by any means, and predates Covid and Brexit. The problem is getting it through to the smug, venal, dogmatic and loaded cunts in government, and ISAC probably doesn’t get a huge readership there. So far, so true, then.

    My town council is looking for councillors. I’ve done this before, it’s a supremely uninteresting job, and no-one in their right minds would sacrifice time watching paint dry for participation. Nevertheless, it is a way of making contacts, some of whom will share your views, and at least it gets you on the lowest rung of the democracy ladder. I am contemplating this as a way of making a difference. A tiny difference, but a bigger one than posting in an echo chamber. Which, sorry to say, I have just this minute done again.

    • Go for it Komodo. If you think you can make a positive difference then you should do it.

  6. I don’t come on here with the intention of changing anything….I come on here to write naughty words.

    • “Ill fuck your fuckin fanny off you fucking twat!”
      Simon talking dirty.

    • Aah Sir Dick, thank the Gods for honest Englishmen.?

      You will be delighted to learn that my earlier mistake of rising at 5.00 For work, only to realise it was a bank holiday 10 miles from home, I have not wasted my bonus day off.
      Not just first’s, second helpings from a willing bedfellow.
      Harvesting nature’s bounty from my vegetable garden, relaxing afternoon watching classic movies, whilst keeping an eye on ISAC.
      Just enjoyed a large dish of home made Chinese chicken and noodles, now watching Witchfinder General with a glass of single malt.

      That’s the secret with all the cuntishness around us, you need to zone it out where possible and make your own pleasures?

      This site bring one of those pleasures??

      • You’re right,General.
        You’ve got to take your pleasures where you can. It would all be just too depressing if you didn’t.

  7. Sorry-whilst I share the noms frustrations, I disagree that this site is a cunt, is a cunt!

    This site makes me feel part of a fraternal brotherhood, an order of order and common sense, makes me realise that many others share my world views???
    Long live ISAC and all who sail in her?

    • I second that. Cunters are not necessarily cunts. And I don’t agree that 8.05am is the optimum time for visiting the bog. I went at 11am this morning and it was the best shit I’ve had in ages.

      • I’m very regular. Always have a shit at 7.30am. trouble is, I don’t get up til 8.

      • Dont worry Sir Mali. There are people who will pay you to sit on their face while you sleep………. so a friend tells me.

    • Strange how anonymous website brings together people of like minds, yet there are people here of very dubious character, myself included.

  8. Who knows whether ISAC can change anything or not?

    Butterflies flapping their wings and all that.

    Anyway, as Dick says, I didn’t come here to change anything.

    If the nominator wants to cunt himself that’s his business. But cunting fellow cunters? I thought that was against the rules…

    • Thats why I stamp on butterflies, they cause hurricanes.
      Natures most dangerous animal.

      • If a butterfly flaps its wings in Khartoum, Sudan, three months later Dover will receive several dozen Africunts in an overloaded dinghy.

      • More like “If a white, middle-class, lefty, student tart flaps her flaps in Brighton whilst dildoing herself thinking about being “consensually” gang-raped by a gaggle of Somali vikings, did she really make a sound?”

      • Be advised that while you are preventing air flows that lead to hurricanes, the act of stamping causes ground vibrations that result in earthquakes in turkey (good) or Iran (great!).

  9. If you go with the flow you will be swept away. I use ISaC because it is the only site in the UK apart from Parler which allows free speech. (And the contributors have intelligence and life experience).
    And I use the information on here to cause no end of trouble for cuntish public figures – me and naughty Lozza Fox put the boot in most acceptably on Twatter and Parler – and the more these fuckwits respond the more grief they get back from the online population.
    Because if they never leave the safety of their gated communities in London they will never realise how much the public at large fucking hate them!

  10. At risk of sounding like Cathy Newman “So what you’re saying is”…… your nomination is about futility (not ISAC). Righto, understood.

  11. Well now, you’ve correctly identified me as a cunt, Everyonesacunt.

    Congratulations but frankly you’re about 50 years behind the rest of the world, who spotted I was a right cunt shortly after my birth.

    IsAC can’t change owt but it’s the only place I can find something that makes me laugh out loud* on a daily basis, thanks to the likes of DF, JRC, CC, TtCE and others.

    *Try finding anything on telly, that’s billed as “comedy” and actually makes you even crack a smile…

    Site rules and basic decorum forbid me from calling you a cunt but to be honest, as you pointed out, we’re all cunts on here, ergo that includes you, Sir.

    • You sound that you may be a Yorkshire man Seymour? I originate from there myself, living in exile now in Lincolnshire Sadly we can’t change “owt” (clue) .. I laugh out loud on here at times and there is almost no comedy out there tv radio that is remotely funny. Just a bunch of middle class lefty cunts swearing and taking poor old Trumpy out of context. About as funny as shitting yourself at the checkout. Note shitting yourself. Now seeing someone else shit themselves at the checkout now that would be funny ..

  12. I sort of understand the thinking behind this nom, but, don’t agree with the sentiment. Short of taking direct action or building barricades at the end of the street what can we as a like minded group actually accomplish. Simple answer, not a lot, but as some posters have already mentioned. We can share the truth, facts and information that is supressed on MSM.
    We can monitor the way the wind blows and alert the group to any and all potential cunts of which they are legion.
    And as a bonus we can call people who lack our insight… fuckity fuck fuckers or similar.
    Thank you.

  13. Everyonesacunt,

    The cunters are now the cunted.

    I understand what you’re saying but I have issues with it. But first props to you. It takes testicular fortitude of the highest order to cunt the cunters on their own cunting website.

    The issue for me isn’t what we say but what we do. In my life I try to treat everyone with courtesy and respect until they prove to me they don’t deserve it. Then the gloves come off and no holds are barred.

    Once they cross the Rubicunt, it’s on! No political correctness, no wokest platitudes, no snowflake sensitivities. Whatever rude, offensive and politically incorrect language I can use to get under their thin skin or into their tiny mind I will use. You think I was a racist, elitist, privileged melanin deprived cunt before? Well how the fuck do you like me now?

    The fight has been on for years. Those Leftist cunts have waged a culture war against us. They’ve used propaganda and big lies. They’ve called us racists and Nazis. They degrade our morals and values. They distort our history and heritage. They ridicule and insult us. They say we are responsible for all the evils of the world. They say we must give up our privilege, our rights and our way of life so as to kow tow to their cuntish ideals.

    And I say…fuck those cunts. We’re fighting back.

    Someone much smarter than me once said the pen is mightier than the sword. Well in this day and age the keyboard is mightier than the gun…and I have both! And I’m not going away.

    And by the way…you leftist cunts can have them both when you’re able to pry them both from my cold dead hands!

    • General Cunster, a point I am trying to make along with the point of it all being a times futile is that we are all in some way or another a little cuntish. Sometimes I am a daft cunt, stupid cunt (there is a difference),nice cunt, real nice cunt, evil cunt, silly cunt, nasty cunt, smart cunt, likeable cunt, horrible cunt desperate cunt and more than I’d probably admit a happy cunt. But we have to recognise these traits in ourselves so we can truly out the really awful humourless dangerous people ideologies and institutions that need to be cunted for the benefit to humanity.

  14. I’ve been on ISAC for 3/4 years and I wasn’t aware it was a forum to help facilitate change in Government policy or society in general.

    I found it by typing ‘Tony Blair is a cunt’ into google and the journey began.

    All that said forums such as ISAC make you realise that there are many people who feel the same / similar to yourself and that the bullshit peddled by the MSM is just that.

    People Power comes as a result of like minded people gathering, sharing their views and finding common ground.

    ISAC for me isn’t a forum for change merely a place to vent your spleen and read some hilarious posts.

    So whilst ISAC isn’t a forum to force change in itself it is a place where like minded people gather and can gain the confidence (maybe) to realise that you’re not alone in your views.

    We now live in a society where any view you may hold that isn’t mainstream gets you demonised and branded something ending in ‘ist’.

    Political Correctness reigns and how many times have you said or heard said ‘can I say that?’

    Jesus fucking Christ on a totem pole, yes you can say it, don’t be cowed by the fucking left that want to control your speech and thought.

    Come on ISAC and you’ll realise you’re not alone.

    Funnily enough that’s one of the ways People Power gains momentum.

    Fuck me what a ridiculous cunting, that said you’re entitled to your opinion.

    • Hey Cunty,

      I found ISAC by typing Michelle Obama is a cunt. Great minds think alike. ?

      BTW…you made some great points.

      • I found it on ‘Most Wanted’

        Not really my favourite cunt got me here….. clue

        ‘Boris Johnson refers to people like me as Bum Boys’

        No prizes, it’s way too easy ?

      • And the funny thing is I knew that somewhere in the interwebs someone else has recorded the same thing (so and so is a cunt) and i wanted to see what they had said.

        Perhaps you all share the same joy when I found there is a whole site that thinks like this

    • I came on ISAC because GCHQ told me to.
      Since then ive felt lonely and bitter.
      The sooner they lock you people up the better.

      • For me it was typing Mark Carney Is a cunt and someone had already posted that he was and therefore is. Apart from a touch on the old razzle dazzle sites iSAC is my go to site many times a day.

        Thank you to all the cunters who have made a miserable day into a great day.

      • Not me! Even though I am an evil degenerate I am far too cute for prison – they will pass me round like the last roll up! ?

      • You would be surprised how far the Trump machine digs.
        Wait while I get elected – I am being measured up for my uniform and big hat as we speak! ??

      • Hey Foxy,
        I wrote to Donald!
        And Macron, Boris, Rishi. Among others.
        But the one to Donald I told him I thought he was the best President the states had ever had, and that his likeness should be added to mr Rushmore!?
        Last week, online news-
        No truth to rumours Donald Trump will include his face to mt Rushmore!!
        So maybe someone read it and didnt see I was being mischievous?

      • Back before the 2016 US presidential election, I sent Donald Trump an email telling him I wanted to fuck his daughter……….. the next week, he said he wanted fuck his daughter. Coincidence? I think not!

  15. We have had immigrants (lots) since the end of the Second World War and naively the British governments thought they would ‘fit in’ and embrace the British way of life…. sadly this didn’t happen, however they (the immigrants) cannot be blamed for the rise of the fucking WOKE.

    Therefore the cunting is correct, even if we didn’t have the useless immigrants the Woke will never go away, our efforts are like pissing in the wind ?

    One can only hope that some catastrophic event will bring about a rebalancing of the force! (P*ki and Dark flu, coupled with Marshall law rounding up the Woke and making them disappear)

    • Some of the inability/unwillingness to assimilate is most certainly due to racism/bigotry (black people in the 50’s/60’s for instance were treated terribly) but some just haven’t assimilated due to their unwillingness to culturally assimilate on account of their supremecist ideology – Jizzjam for example (the sole example really).

      However, the Indian Hindus, Sikhs, Sri Lankans, the Nepali, the Hong Kong Chinese, Kenyans etc have been here for just as long (if not longer) and they seem to fit in just fine ……… although admittedly the Chinese seem to view British cats and dogs in the same way that Parking-Stanley men seem to view white girls so I can’t really complain.

  16. I love the bit at the end with the gun/keyboard reference. BEST QUOTE EVER (to reference and undermine a previous cunting).

    I assume General that you live in the US of A? If so, I am insanely jealous. There are very few ways to get citizenship in the US now due in part to the Donald (best prez since Reagan if you ask me).

    So I have to ask…….. do you want/need a toyboy husband? If not, I’ll be happy to wear a wig, a dress and tuck it twixt the legs during the ceremony.

    • I was there for a year and a bit and I started using ‘American’ , it’s catching, when I came back it took a long time to stop saying ‘Your Welcome’ after a Thank You ?

      • Nice one Sick! Your welcome instead of you’re welcome.

        Someone learn’t you to talk ‘mercan real good.


        Yo! I didin’ no u be speakin’ ebonics bro.

      • Just crap typing and using my finger (just the one) and not my brain ?

        The place I worked had a fair number of Columbian people…. Que Pasa was the usual greeting.

      • Nada, y usted?

        I worked with a lot of Mexicans and learned what I call Spanglish. Regardless of that , I’m a cono in any language.

        (No accent marks on my English keyboard.)

    • @2

      In the immortal words of Sgt. Bill Guarnere , formally of the US Army’s 101st Airborne:

      “I don’t know whether to slap you, kiss you or salute you.”

      Allow me to present a more palatable (to both of us) solution; I have a sister…

      • I have 2 types of 2 – 2 in the stink and 2 questions….

        1: is she young? (for me meaning under 50)
        2: is she fuckable according to your childhood best mates?

      • 2 X 2.

        1. No. But she has a home with no mortgage and a bad heart.

        2. According to my childhood mates; abso-fucking-lutely. But that was 40 years ago.

      • Tragic but then again…………. beggars can’t be choosers.

        So about the wedding; christian, 4×2-ish, muzrat, hindu, sikh, zoroastrian, secular, hippy (AKA buddhist), vegan? (you get the idea).

      • 2 X ?,

        Tragic? I need to explain my American joke. We have different inheritance laws here in the states. Upon marriage (without a pre-nup) everything becomes community property and upon death (even with a will) it (usually) all goes to the surviving spouse.

        The old Gigolo line is; “I don’t care as long as she’s over 50 with lots of money and a bad heart.”

        i.e In your case…a free home is the benefit.

        I don’t think she cares about the ceremony as long as it’s not Catholic. Is that an issue for you Quasimodo?

        (I have no emogis suitable for this post.)

      • General – please read my post again. I mentioned nothing about inheritance, only about marriage.

        Sorry, I should have mentioned a desire for a green card (although I thought that was obvious by my reference to the difficulty in obtaining US citizenship followed by the marriage thing).

        My joke about religion was a sly poke about religion and not about my being some kind of vulture – “atheist I am” (as atheist Yoda would say).

      • Easy, my 4 fingered colleague in cunting.

        It’s all good. (As the millennials say [full stop].)

        We’re just a couple of cunts seperated by a common language trying to have some fun.


        (Speaking strictly for myself…cunt I am. ?)

  17. Hey Cunty,

    I found ISAC by typing Michelle Obama is a cunt. Great minds think alike. ?

    BTW…you made some great points.

  18. Forthright non woke opinion is being silenced by the hard left.
    I like popping in here as it’s informative and the perfect place to record my utter distaste for many many things.
    Plus it allows me to daydream about what might have been.
    And shoving cunts at the point if a bayonet into the oven.
    The fucking RATS.

  19. Oh and the fellow cunters are a right treat.
    Have brightened many a Monday morning.
    Good health!?

  20. I fuckin LOVE isac…..
    Been on here for 3 or 4 years and I never had any thought about changing things. Do the news, sorry, HACK, rags really change anything?
    Course not.
    Isac has been a great pressure valve in my life, a way to moan about all the shits in the world without bottling it all up or taking up some revolutionary cause…..
    It’s good to know that others feel the same, and by all accounts most people in Europe and America are against all the crazy leftist nonsense.
    I’ve recommended this site to many a customer on my travels….
    The political pendulum will swing back this way in time….
    And when it does, a whole new plefora (help me, there’s a word I’m looking for) of cunts will rise into the spotlight and be immediately exposed and cunted accordingly.
    We’re not political activists, we’re just normal people, needing to vent our frustration at the absolute cuntitude of the world as we see it.
    This site is a cunt.
    All of us cunters are cunts.
    But nowhere near as cuntish as the cunts that get cunted …..
    I miss writing cuntings so fucking much. I’d love to get time but i hope to start a family with my lass soon…. much work to be done.
    This site is my therapy……
    Thank you isac, and thanks to those that keep this great site running.
    And thanks to the cunters…. love you guys. You are all cunts though, just like me.

    • Mestatastasis, there’s a collective noun for woke cunts, with extra info on the nature and desirability of their spread.

      And what to do about them, cut it out and poison any remnants

  21. I’m early thirties, everyonesacunt. There’s a few of us younger folk here!

    How can you prevent change? In that respect it is futile – all is change. The only permanence of any civilization are the structures made of stone.

    There is no point lamenting the inevitable changing tides of life. Our world is a madhouse, no one knows why we are here or where we came from.

    Worrying about our nation or society is a fucking waste of energy. Coming here to cunt it, poke fun, and say atrocious or socially unacceptable things is catharsis, medicine, freedom!

    The only thing worth saving is yourself. Find what is truely permanent ?

  22. ” I/we still can’t change anything no matter what is written here…”

    Whilst I get the gist of what’s being said here, and in low times it certainly does feel hopeless, I cannot agree with this sentence. I enjoyed a very successful get together with many people at the weekend and saw the optimism and talent of people – we cannot, must not give up any hope of changing things for the better – irrespective of age – FFS, our lived experience is more than enough to challenge regime narratives and show people alternatives – we ought to be proud of who we are and what we can still contribute – maybe the body’s not willing, but surely we cannot give up – to give up is to fail – not a great motto – fight, fight FIGHT – all cunts togevver

  23. As always three things 1) cui bono; 2) follow the money; and of course 3) just fuck off.
    (c. 1984)

    Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O,
    And on his farm he had a cunt, E-I-E-I-O,
    With a cunt-cunt here and a cunt-cunt there,
    Here a cunt,
    Is a cunt,
    everywhere a cunt-cunt,
    Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

  24. No….you cannot cunt this site…it is the last bastion of free speech, I love this site and all the posters on it, we should be grateful we have this outlet, dont criticise it or slag it off, is a cunt …
    this site is not….go fuck right off if you think otherwise

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