Inefficient Air Travel

In this world where we are being convinced we need to consume new electric vehicles to save mankind, I want to cunt air travel. Air travel is mainly used for peoples pleasure, some business etc.

An 150-seat A320 burns 11,608 kg (25,591 lb) of jet fuel over 3,984 km

That is enough fuel to run my my car for 151,000 miles.

Now I know its a fairly efficient way of getting people from A to B but its mostly for pleasure.

Just the fact this happens still makes it a huge problem. Its like saying big ships are efficient. Correct, but the fact we are shipping shite around the world is still fucking ourselves hugely. I believe 16 of the biggest ships cause more pollution than everything else.

Now me getting to work is a necessity, not just for me but for all the free riding cunt curling the spine out of me too.

Why the fuck do I pay for this when I have no interest in it. The fact is the shit that goes on flies in the face of the environmental wokeness we are overwhelmed by.

I say fuck flying, mostly, I would rather earn a crust than visit some shit hole that my country is fast becoming.

Procession into sausage etc.

Nominated by: One hundred percent pure sausage 

43 thoughts on “Inefficient Air Travel

  1. Nice pic Admin.

    “That’s the last time we send you out to buy a dinghy, Abdulla you twat”.

  2. Cunts should have to travel by ship, if it’s good enough for Cape apples it’s good enough for the hoity toites and chavs!

  3. Chair, connected to electrical supply.
    Only stop after smoke is seen and smell of burnt flesh.

  4. The nominator (100%PS) alludes to just how much political bollocks there is at play here. Tarquin and Harriet have been brainwashed into spunking £70K on a new Tesla with the panel and build quality of a Lotus Esprit, whilst they will happily fly around the world on their ‘holibobs’ burning several hundred kilos of aviation fuel for a family of four.

    I just wish some people in this country would extract their heads from their anal cavities and see how they are being played for fools.

  5. How is that staircase in the nomination picture not falling over?

    Paul, I forking hate that word holibobs or vacay.

    • It hasn’t worked out for Harry McGuire on his ‘holibobs’ Spoons. I bet he wishes he had holibobbed in Blighty.

    • That pretentious and verbose gaywad, James Obrien, coined the term hollibobs I believe.

      Therefore it’s annoying by default.

      • Indeed, the Tarquins and Harriets of the country love ‘holibobs’ along with advocados, overpriced coffee, Pret A Manger, James O’ Brien, BLM and lycra cycling suits. Cunts.

      • I’m afraid you may be mistaken. I first heard this criminal coinage in around 1995, and O’Brien would then have been unknown. Originally a Hooray/aspirant Hooray expression, I believe, which filtered down through the ranks to mere twats over time.

        See also “strawbobs” for “strawberries”. Ugh.

  6. Problem is, domestic flying is cheaper than train travel. Problem is, I’ve given up on train travel because of chavs and their phones.

    • I can see why youd want to leave these shores if going to war or a crusade or something, but thats it.
      And this would be my least form of favourite travel next to the pogo stick.
      Crammed in, ears popping, other people, some gay nazi air steward, forget it.
      I’ll get out and walk.
      Loved it when no planes in the sky at start of lockdown, only time id get on a Plane now is a bombing mission to Calais.

  7. There’s Breast, Anus, and Minge in France. Not too far away so not that bad for the environment.

    I still want to visit Clitoris in the Philippines. I know it would harm the environment going there by aeroplane. If there was another way to get there I would.

    • Tshirt “ive been to Minge”
      And “I love clitoris”
      Available at

      • I suppose she would be classed as a ‘Karen’.

        I will give you a tenner if you walk down Canal Street with a ‘I love Anus’ t-shirt, Miserable.

      • Anal street?
        Ask me when in drink and id probably do it for a laugh LL.
        I dare you to come with me holding my hand wearing a tshirt saying “I like it 2!!” Sucking a dummy.?

      • Hee hee why not? I’ve got a giant nappy and a baby bonnet from a stag do a few years back.

      • Spoons how about
        “Id like to see clitoris”
        “Thinking of minge”
        “I can smell anus and I want some!”☺

      • *Bloooooooarrrgggh!*

        If you read it aloud, MNC, and other esteemed members of this here fine website, that is the sound of me bringing up sister Dolly’s lemon drizzle cake.

  8. I like flying, and I like driving. And riding my motorbike. Also, I have no dependants, and if me doing the things I like makes the planet a worse place to live for the following generations, then fuck them, the softarse entitled little shits. I do feel sorry for the animal kingdom, but I fear the Chinese will wipe them out anyway, for tortured food and nonsense medicine.
    The most ecologically sound thing a person can do is to not breed. Fact. I did my bit.

  9. If rich Hollyweird libtard woke celeb cunts had their way they would ban airflight to anyone with less than £10m in the bank!

    They would bang on about climate change and air pollution etc, but would make sure they travelled the world in their private jets just to prove the point, rather than simply using video conferencing.

    Shame St Greta of Cuntbergs doesn’t point her bony little fingers at these rich cunts rather than us plebs. But then again she wouldn’t get the same kind of adulation and invites to TV talk shows, one suspects.

    • Good for you Edward!?
      Nice to see someone with their feet firmly planted on the ground.
      Ive flown a few times and its fucking rubbish.
      If you go abroad I suggest a long boat crewed by BLM.
      Dont spare the lash.

  10. I will fly where I like, when I like to where I like and I will fly for fun, too, when I can afford it. Fuck off you sanctimonious, finger-wagging cunts like Thunderpants that try to tell me otherwise. I enjoy my time away in this Sceptred Isle but I enjoy my holidays abroad, too. I work with the public – (have you MET them?) – and I need that time away.

    • Fuckin spot in DCI .I try my best for the environment, I drive a hybrid mercedes and recycle all my scrumpy jack cans but ill be fucked if I’m gonna walk to lanzarote in October.

    • I would fly a Vulcan bomber in a big turning circle just to buy some bread and milk at Gatwick if i had the means and a private airstrip, just to annoy the eco-twats.
      London will drown long before my gaff is close to becoming beachfront property.

  11. My Lancaster the “Sir Arthur Harris” runs on woke tears, Brian Blessed squeezes them into the fuel tank.
    Never see foreign shores without a pith helmet and a Lee Enfield!
    Now, back to making my “Boot and squeak” George Floyd rugby balls – me & MNC will make a fortune! ??

  12. Scrapping business and first class would save money and fuel, it would also make the rich and famous feel better because they would be ‘just like everyone else’


    • I flew both ways with them on a trip to Dublin once. Would sooner be waterboarded than have to endure that misery again.

  13. <strong&Super try again

    DesignADutchP on at said:
    Back briefly and perforce drily, to the “meat-and-two-potatoes” of the nomination, but sorry 100% pure ?: air travel isn’t inefficient. ¹

    [In invoking Wikipedia there I know I am again risking the wrath of the ever-entertaining but ever-so-slightly hypocritical Kimono. Last time I heard from the school monitor, he was dimly recalling his “O”-level Chemistry and getting it embarrassingly wrong.] ²

    Back, indeed, to the nom. The efficiency of air travel – Concorde, English Electric Lightning etc excepted – always been an order of magnitude more efficient than popping down to ASDA in your Fiesta to do the shopping. What the rather poor Wiki article doesn’t tell you is that in the last ten-fifteen years, whilst then average mpg of a PLG vehicle has climbed to a heady 45-50mpg, commercial aircraft are now routinely achieving 300mpg / pax and often way more. You’d need a couple of hostages in the boot of your Fiesta to even approach that efficiency – and drive it like there was an eggshell on the accelerator pedal.

    Sorry, but the nom is badly at variance with the truth.


  14. And I would lock and chain up all playground swings on a Sunday.
    And then forget to unlock them.
    Nobody should have fun.
    Sometimes I feel really guilty about being pleased about stopping people having fun.
    But then I realise that my guilt stops me enjoying it.
    Don’t like these face masks though. I suspect that some people are smiling behind them. Grrr.

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