Guy Verhofstadt is due another nomination.
Yesterday (Tuesday 4th August) Verhofstadt announced his desire for an EU army. Again. His comments give rise to the lie by the likes Nick Clegg and other remainers during the campaigning for the referendum that the EU was NOT planning to create its own army. He’s also been whingeing that that nasty orange man, Trump is trying to bullying them by withdrawing about 12,000 US troops from Germany and deploying them elsewhere in Europe. This is a blatant lie. Trump isn’t bullying them at all. He’s sick of tired of the US being the biggest financial contributor to NATO, while most EU countries enjoy the freedom and security that the US is providing them. Most EU countries don’t even pay their share. In fact, Greece is the only EU member to pay the full amount it’s supposed to pay. The UK is the second largest contributor.
The other EU countries, especially Germany, flat out refuse to fully pay their dues, presumably because they believe that the EU army will give them an equally powerful alternative. It won’t. In my opinion, Trump is doing exactly the right thing by moving those troops out of Germany, because the Krauts want to have the security of having the world’s most powerful military stationed within its borders, without any obligation to help pay for them. Trump is not bullying them, he’s simply sick of the US funding the protection for EU states that don’t want to contribute. Guy knows that, but as usual, he’s lying through his ugly teeth. He’s a cunt.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
Farken ‘ell, Tin Tin didn’t age well at all.
Hiya handsome!
Last time a quasimodo type led a army was Richard the third.
You look like your assembled from different bits lying round a lab.
We arent fuckin interested,
Who’ve you got?
France? Hands in the air first loud bang.
Luxembourg? Gay bloke an his poodle
Belgium? What bore your enemy to death.
You havent got shit without us!!
So get back to bellringing or bodysnatching or whatever it is you europuffs do.
Or vernon will widen that gap in your teeth you creepy henchman cunt.
He’s a minger alright Miserable, you would think with his generous EU salary he would get those teeth fixed.
Yeah hes a ‘lonely hearts ad’ if ever I saw one.
Bet his dad edits him off family photos??
Love to see what he looked like as a kid!!
Fuck me.
Robert Redford! Hahaha
Poor cunts cursed by god.
Was he mentioned on the ‘Creepy looking cunts’ nom? He would have been a poster boy for a P.T Barnum freakshow, “Recoil at the horror of this Belgian freak of nature”. He must have spent most of his school days with his head down the khazi.
He looks like Tony wilson if Tony Wilson had survived a car crash?
Proper little oddbod.
If he went into films the only line hed have is
“Yes master”
Or “the villagers are at the gates master”
I can fix those teeth..with my iron bar and knuckle duster
I can fix those teeth..with my iron bar and knuckle duster
My dental kit is ready! ?
And if the European army is led by France that will be great – nip over on The Black Pig, declare France ours, shove all the whining Frenchies on dinghies and point them to Syria – let some smelly cowardly shit land on their shores for once – see how they like it.
Dig a new Channel between our new land (yet to be named but I think “Foxland – home of roast beef and beer” has a charming ring to it..) – we need to be separated by sea from those foreign bleeders – and then spend sunny halcyon days shouting “pay for your own army you smelly fuckers”!
Trump did exactly the right thing – we are about the only EU Country that pulls its weight in terms of military payments and the rest have been taking the flying piss for far too long.
Good nom Q! ?
And close that tunnel fore we all get bleedin rabies!
Verhofstadt could always get a job as a human cable stripper. Those teeth could strip insulation off a 16mm2 twin and earth with little effort.
Easier than that Vern,
Purely for the purpose of counting our fighting age “Britons”, conscript them. The boats heading for Dover would be ram jam full of so called “British muslims” , the flotsam and jetsam plus the human detritus hanging around with British passports going the other way. 15 to a dinghy just about afloat incoming would be 50 plus the cunts hanging off the sides escaping back to the sands and jungles from whence they came. They dont hang around their own shitholes to unseat the barbarian filth that wage war on their own. Its far too easy to head for the land of milk and honey where 4 star “holding areas”, £30 a week pocket money and the services of pro bono immigration libtard lawyers queue to get them a council house and the Holy Grail – a British Passport. Looking at our immigration policy (if such a thing exists) from a mud hut in some African shithole, described by a 23rd cousin twice removed telling Umbongo to make for the nearest coast and join the queue for the next dinghy out would be an irresistible attraction as he looks at his wife and 10 kids in his cramped mud hut and thinks fuck that for a game of soldiers. I am a much persecuted person in my homeland bwana so a nice little pad in Londonistan and an interpreter plus a lawyer specialising in benefits would be just fine. Once the “guests” of the whole of the European continent realise what a bunch of soft cunts our governments are, the “Rise of the planet of the Apes” movie will look like a handbook on how to invade a country without a shot fired. Anyone thinking thats a bit far fetched should take a look at Rhodesia and South Africa.
No need to go that far, take a look at Bradford, Leicester and others.
I’ve got a dental kit for Guy. Just give me a minute to lace them up .
How about the dentist in marathon man? And get the fucker to suck on a hand grenade
You beat me to it, Sid.
Jeez, he really is a funny looking cunt. Rodent-like, with those dodgy gnashers. Looks like he’s just been up Uncle Elsan’s exhaust pipe. Undoubtedly the best offer he’s had for a very long time.
I reckon he still has gas lights in his house, and decomposing corpses shoved in the wall cavities.
Not forgetting Italy MNC. Fastest reversing tanks in the world.
Oh well Italy will change everything ,
Surrender 15 mins later than the french.
Vlad could take europe with ten men and a large dog.
We’ve got our own problems in the UK trying to stem the tide of foreign invaders coming across the channel.
I don’t see anyone, especially France, doing a fat lot to protect our shores. So fuck off and form your own army if you want. Leave us out of it. I wouldn’t want our boys to fight on behalf of the likes of France or the Eastern troublemakers anyhow.
I can understand the Belgian twat’s concern though. What the fuck are they any use at? Apart from their monks who make delicious and strong beer.
Crikey this cunt should be on today’s first cunting too. What a freak! I’d be very surprised if he’s not a kiddie-diddler!
Money – getting ugly Men laid since the invention of gold diggers!
Back to searching Mordor for the one ring Guy!
I’m right behind Trump on this one. If Greece can pay it’s full whack in the financial shit they are in then the fucking Krauts and Frogs can certainly cough up.
If we pulled out of Nato along with the Yanks then I’m sure the EU would really start to collapse. The cracks are already starting to show since Brexit.
Come on lads, one big push!
Is this cunt still around ? Was he included in the creepy looking cunt thread? He should be.
Just noticed Liberal Liquidator asked the same question. Great minds……
Teeth like a row of bombed out houses.
Rillington Place springs to mind.
“Just sneef a leetle gaz, mam’zelle, evvathing will be KO”…
Now, I’m only making an observation. But why does this cunt look like the local creep/barmpot/not-right/weirdo that used to hang about the school gates in the 1970s?
In that photo he looks like Jurgen Klopp’s brother, the one they keep in the attic and feed fish heads to, only letting him out on full moons.
I’m going off you LL – You potato pickin’ varmint!
Heehee Bertie, I forgot you were a Red.
FYI JK does not have a brother. He has two sisters but admittedly they both wear beards!
What did you make of last nights performance Norm?
Verhofstadt might be the biggest shitstain on the underpants of the EU but the whole organisation stinks. They are now trying to hold up financial arrangements for banks and companies after January 1st 2021. You can be sure they are doing this to try to coerce us into paying for their bloody Covid expenses. They are a bunch of money grubbing mistrustful greedy bleeders. We ought to tell them to fuck off now. Don’t ait till December because they will never come to an agreement.
He looks like the bastard offspring of Alfred E Neumann and Phyllis Diller.
He’ll be popular with voters, looking for yet more cash for the bottomless pit that is the EU. An EU army is just another of his means to create a federal superstate.
A bastard of the first calibre.
If I were a Mad lawyer, I’d sue for that Alfred E Neumann comment.
Evening squire.
“What! me worry”
Holy Pæd-ö! Look at this horrorshow. He looks like the sort of creep who wants to bring back Jim’ll Fix It or fox-hunting. He probably hangs around infant schools jostling with brown taxi-drivers for sneaky photos through the school gates.
We could stick cardboard cut outs of the anti-British arsewipe along the Kent coastline to deter dinghy invaders and future terrorísts. They’d be paddling back like frantic, white-water rafters and praying to Alläh, Christ, Shiva, Mormon, Ganesh, any Monkey-god available.
What a grotesque, gap-toothed freak. He may be excessively, obsessively pro-Europe but he’ll surely retire to Vietnam. That’s if the gawky, self-satisfied cunt is allowed off the aeroplane. If he ismt he could use his front grinders as a can-opener.
One of many EU cuntS….we have said goodbye to these twats, just need to sort out the Channel and they can fuck off and have their one nation Europe, I am sure Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria will love it and the Dutch may decide enough is enough.
And in the Breaking news (well expected news) a U turn on A levels, just wait until next year and the real exams will be pitiful, bound to be a backlash, little Mohammed was predicted 3 A’s but he only go C’s in his exam, if it was last year he would have got his A’s sitting on his arse!
Wait until Vlad’s Armata tanks are roaring across the North German Plain. Guy and his Euro Army will be burning chaff, in the wind.
France of course, will declare Paris an open city, and will willingly collaborate with the Russian conquerors.
‘ Allo ‘ Allo ?
Fuck off, Fuck off.
“Bonjour comrades!!”
Russia recently bought a load of WW2 era T34s, and I mean a load, it was at least twenty. They said they were for ceremonial duties, and for use in the awful films they make about ‘the great patriotic war’ (check them out, they are fucking dreadful. In one, a broken Russian tank manages to take on seven panzer iv and wins, makes Fury look like a documentary), however I think they bought them as back up, as the much vaunted Armata tanks aren’t much cop. There was only two at last years victory parade, and one was towing the other. Perhaps they could only afford juice for one of them…
Guy looks like the type who masturbates furiously, whilst watching
‘ My Little Pony ‘
Most unsavoury.
Good evening.
Did somebody mention My Little Pony?
He’s an ugly son of a bitch
I dont know , in a certain light he might just pass as a gargoyle?
Anyway don’t be cruel.
Hey kiddies, never ever get into a car with a man like this offering you sweeties.
They say that politically powerful men can be a big sexual attraction to women.
I’d bet it’s not the case with this ugly cunt.
I nearly got into a car with Ted Bundy once, while he was serving on the Nelson Rockefeller presidential campaign in 1968, but the front passenger seat was missing so I decided to decline his kind offer of a lift.
Your Debbie Harry and I claim my £5.
Good try Miserable. ‘Tis true both me and Debbie suffer from tinnitus, but that’s about all we have in common.
Can’t decide if he looks like the Bastard love-child if Mr Logic or David Mellor’s aborted bastard!?
It looks like some ivory poachers have made a start while he was having a kip.
Check out his full name…his mother obviously wanted a girl….
Makes David “Chelsea FC” Mellor look normal.
Harry, am I right in recalling that about a year or so ago you were set up to leaving these shores The? Presumably Covid got in the way?
Apologies if I got all this wrong.
Fuck it, delete “The”.
Admin, we need an edit facility on the site so errors can be corrected.
That was the other Harry who seems to have disappeared! Perhaps he as gone??
Haven’t seen a centre parting like that since Roy of the Rovers
He looks like Elton John
The sooner Vlad turns Europe into his personal car park the better
Old gap toothed Verhostwatdt, He will be laughing at us through those fuckin tombstones in a month or two, after Boris DePieffel Bluster and Bafoomery Marxist cunt Johnsons sells us out and betrays the millions in this country, going back with his promise to get Brexit done.
We gave him an 80 seat majority and got the weakest Govenrment ever.
This once great country having to listen and take orders from that Mong in the picture. FFS.
Many in my circle are genuinely worried that when we do finally get out of the eu the deal brokered by our negotiators will be the equivalent in status and benefits to a building site porta loo that’s been used by customers of dirty Abduls express kebab emporium (named meat extra). We will still be shafted up the arse but without condoms and lube. We all know that the only aim of the eu is the abolition of nation states so they can be in total control of everything. This total take over is their reason for being. The master of wankery cunted in this cunting is well aware of the aims of the eu and is obviously drooling at the thought of screwing us when we have no recourse. I hope this bat lurgy is not used as an excuse for us to end up with twice times fuck all squared. Read an article that stated that the U.K. team had to date achieved 60% of what they were asking for let us hope that 60% includes total control of our waters as regards fishing, the ability to deport any eu citizen if they step out of line etc. Going by the past examples we expect that the vaunted 60% concerns packaging for lemon sherbets, the loudness of Morris dancers bells, extra seats for transgender persons on the circle line. We really could be fucked over if we are not very careful
Did the Nazi’s really lose the war?
Back in Blighty now.
The answer to is what?
Tbh, I’m surprised JR didn’t nail this around 60 years ago. It’s from Bob Monk house’s private collection….
No one knows the names of the smallest pub?? Time for a new handle!
Pop pip
The Thalidomide Arms…?
He looks like David Mellor’s idiot brother.
The French fought every other Wednesday from 1pm till 3:30pm in World War 2. As for the Dutch, they must have fighting with tulips. I bet the Waffen SS were shitting themselves.
Cunt looks like worzel gummidge..!
Not even aunt sally would nosh on that
Put it in a pit and forget about it.
A character whose political career emerged from his television success as Danger Mouse.
Cunt looks like Frankenstein’s ugly brother that was made entirely out of dead dicks
He certainly is a living example of cousins fucking