Gutless Cowards of France (3)

A massive garlic and cheesy bellend cunting for France.

Simple really, the gallic fuckers are doing a sum total of fuck all to stop the gimmegrants flooding over the channel.

The missus is always banging on about going there, she’s got more chance of me becoming the next President of the USA than me going to that shit hole.

Fuck the snail eating twats.

Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO

118 thoughts on “Gutless Cowards of France (3)

  1. No argument from me BC.
    The Frogs are, and always will be, Les Cunts as far as I’m concerned (well, except for some of their delicious fanny).

  2. I just wonder if there’s a French version of “Is a Cunt” website?

    I bet they’ve got regular cunters on there slagging off the English for being arrogant racist cunts etc. There might even be a frog Ruff Ruff or Dick Fiddler et al!

    Well fuck them and their website, and their chicken-shit government, and wank country!

    • I like to think so Techno, a Chateau Fiddler somewhere rural yet convenient to the ferry port to blockade with burning tyres when the need arises and banned from the ‘other’ village brasserie.

      • To be honest – they are well below being called cunts.

        Sub-human Scum is a step in the right direction.

    • The site is called “Têtes de noeud…”

      And the French for cunt is chatted which literally translates as a female cat – or pussy

    • The French line their roads with trees, so Ze Bosche can march in the shade…

      The Frog cunts…

  3. You can understand the fucking “refugees” wanting to leave the country. I wouldn’t want to live alongside the garlic munching filthy bunch of motherfuckers either.
    Doesn’t mean to say I welcome them here though. I categorise them with the same contempt and loathing as the French, so put them all in the same place….
    And bomb shit out of it.

  4. Used to have foreign language students . There were 2 French birds that stayed a month and didn’t have a single shower the whole time. When they left the dirty stinkers left used jam rags under the bed. I thought someone had died in there . Don’t let anyone tell you there are no such things as Stereotypes because their are especially when it comes to those Filthy French Cunts ??

    • They were probably having scat parties whilst you were asleep.

      One girl I met , that was staying with a friend , was quite fit (and petite). He later discovered why , after the smell from the room began to pervade the landing. She was Bulimia city , and had secretly vomited for 3 months in several single-thickness dustbin liners – and had them lined up in a row against one wall , on the bedroom carpet.
      Each contained probably 5 kilos of old stomach-contents.

      My friend changed the carpet – then the landing carpet – then redecorated the whole house – then finally moved somewhere else to get away from the permanent faint whiff of this bird’s chuck.

      You couldn’t make this stuff up.

  5. The women always look so fucking miserable too-cunts!

    Fenton-did they squat over the drain hole in the shower to defecate? Would not surprise me.
    I know several people (loose aquaintence’s) who are complete Francophile ‘a and are also complete cunts. The two characteristics are not mutually exclusive?

    • No Cuntfinder. But they both put shitty bog paper in the fireplace that was never lit . No matter what I said , they would insist on this disgusting practice.
      Every time I meet a French person now I can’t help but imagine the skid marks in there underpants that go the length of there crack and an inch thick.

  6. A takeover. Organised and funded by, among many others, Saudi Arabia.
    The remit is simple – the sand rats are greedy, stupid and obsessed with flaunting their wealth. Saudi Arabia is on the verge of a huge recession – they have not saved or invested any of the huge oil and gas revenues, preferring instead to buy palaces, Rolls Royces and armaments – hence the sudden and rather desperate rush for business partnerships with the west.
    King m*rderer, or whatever his name is, knows that the less people in Saudi Arabia the more money etc can be distributed to the rich and also knows that within his lifetime the oil they hold us to ransom for will be worthless or gone.
    Hence no bullying, threatening to cut supplies off and no leverage – we will be all electric before long in terms of transport and the arab nations know this.
    So what do they do? They fund people traffickers to the tune of hundreds of millions of Dollars with the one, only and sole intention of invading, breeding and when the numbers are on their side a takeover with violence and islamic rule – and another Country falls.
    They have done this in every Country these foul animals have ever infested and the United Kingdom is the jewel in their crown – they will stop at nothing to take it.
    Be warned, be aware, be vigilant and be very, very afraid – because if you are not the lights will be snuffed out and our great Country is a footnote in islamic history.
    The French need a hard lesson – international law is clear – claim asylum in the FIRST Country you come to, so round them up, take them back to France and unload them – none should be coming here, ever. Any shit gets the barrel of a Royal Navy vessel pointing at them.
    And the vision of Priti Patel hanging from a gibbet on the white cliffs of Dover should make them think twice ??
    It would of course need the Worlds strongest rope – cut down on the pig food Priti – the RAF will mistake you for a barrage balloon and start taking pot shots at you!

    • The indigenous whitey is being replaced – I watched the VJ day celebrations and saw a dark key sailor and and female asian army officer. Compare and contrast to the Russian military which seems designed to fight rather than tick some diversity boxes.

    • Very true, Vern, and a plan likely to be accelerated now that their ridiculous half-trillion dollar ‘Neom’ vanity project is falling through.

  7. Hmm, is all this the fault of Les Grenouilles Cuntes?

    If somebody wants to jump in a dinghy off their coast, is it up to the Frogs to prevent it? Yes, yes, I know we’ve paid them but is it feasible to police the whole coast? It is up to us to protect our coast.

    They were wrong to escort them to the British Taxi service yet perhaps they were complying with Fourth Reich regulations of Health and fucking safety.

    No, I’m not tendentiously defending the Horse-chomping, snail-guzzling mooks but surely we’re blaming the wrong people. It is up to the UK to protect its borders.

    • Fully agree. It’s down to us but have tied ourselves in knots with lefty yuman rites laws. We now not only have to watch them come in but have to give them a taxi service too.
      Brexit will mean taking control of our borders though.
      Yeah, right.

      • We have no effective border control at all.
        When added to the mistakes already made regarding terrorism we are witness to the infiltration and destruction of our own country by its leaders.

  8. Off on another tangent briefly, but I wanted to know the current make-up (diversity) of the BBC Trust (ie. its Board, Executive Committee, Commercial Holdings Board and Senior Staff).

    Surprise surprise, there’s barely a dark-key to be seen, other than a Director of Diversity!

    BBC = Hypocritical, unaccountable cunts!

  9. Fuckin France?
    Hate them, their children, their parents, their dead, living, hate their yet to be born, their ancestors,
    Hate their shitty food,
    Their history, culture,
    Music, film, language,
    Only way id go to France is with a thousand other Englishmen to the shout of “LOOSE!!”
    And the sky turn black with arrows.

    The slimy twats.

    • If I pop over, I’ll bring you back a box of chocolate-covered cockroaches. I’m still waiting for that Begum slut to hand over my duty-free tobacco.

    • Evening Miserable. I take it your not on the Stockport Twinning Association then? Of all the wars we have fought against them over the centuries there must be loads of French with English bloodlines and vice versa from the Norman invasion. Maybe a surly Miserable out there cursing “ze bloody Engleeesh”.

      • The Normans were from viking heritage, land given to them by Charles 3rd of France. Etymology of Normandy meaning “Northmen”

        Fucking cowardly white flag waving French cunts once again.

      • As were the ‘Russ’ people that gave their name to Russia.
        Scandinavian Vikings.

      • Ukraine was originally called Rus, nearly 700 years before Russia even existed as a cuntry.

      • Well I hate that cunt too LL.
        My van broke down earlier, alternator.
        I blame either the french or illegal immigrants, not sure yet, but its left me in right mood!?
        Betting I wont be soft shoe shuffling tomorrow either when I pick it up and get the bill..???

      • Sorry about the alternator.
        I can only hope it didn’t fail whilst being wired-up to the testicles of some French cunt.
        That would be really disappointing.

    • Damn them all to hell and name me one decent French Rock star Miserable ?
      And please dont say Johnny Hallyday ?

  10. We should remind the french tens of thosands of british soldiers died on there soil, defending there freedom.

    • Hundreds of Thousands gave their lives for these smelly gutless traitors.
      I really need to invade.

  11. Now, I’m not going to accuse the French of being cowards.
    However, their battle tanks are fitted with rear view mirrors so they can see the battlefield!

  12. I can’t see what is particularly gutless about assisting a bunch of illegals into a dingy and wishing them bon voyage to Angleterre.

    Who amongst us would not do the same thing if our illegals wanted to go to France?

      • That new term ‘illegal migrants’ What is illegal? The ‘migration’ or the crossing of the border? The crossing of the border used to be the illegal act.

      • Illegal immigrant refers to a person who migrates into a country in violation of the immigration laws of that country, or the continued residence of said person without the legal right to live in that country.

        Therefore ‘illegal migrants’ are people resident in a country without legal sanction. It’s not rocket science. Nor is the term ‘illegal migrants’ a new one.

      • No , it’s not rocket-science.

        But if you were travelling through space , and discovered several ‘peacefuls’ stowing away in the aft airlock – then it would be.

  13. Your not wrong there Ruff Tuff.
    I would insist we requisition every ferry and anything that floats to get the swarthy cunts to France

    • TT FF@ not The Black Pig – it would rebel at the idea of those smelly r*pey fkers climbing aboard, and if they did it would never get out of the harbour before I had weighed down the “poor dear asylum seeker$”) with chains and hoofed them over the side – I would get Piggy Patel to visit as I was doing it – she appears “conveniently”. blind

  14. What a bunch of tossers.Useless tossers.Cheese eating surrender monkeys.They don’t give a shit.Send all the brown rats back to France

  15. A German businessman arrives at the French border and gets questioned by French customs officials;
    “Heinrich Muller”
    “No I’m just visiting”

  16. Who can forget the timeless classic “Joe le taxi”? She was tasty with it though, think Jonny Depp was boning her.

    • Well remembered there Vanessa!

      Of course , we had our own version………..

      “Paki Taxi”. was a huge underground hit in not just Rotherham , but in many parts of the UK.

  17. The froggies are already finished. The church of At Dennis is surrounded by Islam. We”re next up for conquest.

  18. Cowards, haven’t the backbone to stand up to the smelly rabble invading their country, they would sooner have it be our problem, let’s see the return of our entire Navel fleet from around the world to patrol this miserable stretch of water for one year, not letting anything enter out waters, see how quickly the Frogs sort their shit out.!

    • We managed to repel the Spanish Armada, Napoleon and Hitler. But now we can’t even deal with a few boats full of peaceful gimmiegrants. It’s absolutely shameful and it sickens me.
      “Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves”
      Yeah right.

      • I think Britannia is the chain of hotels the sand rats are put up in.
        Cue the rioting – “we want putting up at the Ritz”.
        They need forcibly stopping with arms now.

      • Not yet ready for battle yet though HtB – one of the two rowing boats has lost an oar and Capita have the contract to replace it..
        What the fuck has happened to my Country?

  19. Any intelligent person would want to know why this immigration is happening and why these people are being put up in hotels across the cuntry at OUR expense? We are still in the EU although some may beg to differ – this is okayed by the govermint under laws from the 1950s but is ‘incredible’ during a so called pandemic – what the fuck is the british regime up to – that’s the real question NOT going on about France, FFS

      • Time for a civil war and then a reckoning.
        Saw an interesting film recently called “The Purge” – I need a night like that so much it hurts – and when the dust settled England would be clean.

  20. I don’t think it’s France’s fault or the people but the people higher up dictating to them.
    I’m sure there are French locals that are cheesed right off about the immigration situation.

  21. Let’s not forget, it was the French being a bunch of cunts to the Germans after WW1 that started WW2. Then they came crying to us to save them.

    • Pretty much correct – gutless cowardly shits when the first shots were fired, collaborators and traitors for the duration, then hard as fk when we had won it for them.
      Snakes, enemy.

  22. Until France elects Marine Le Pen in a landslide, it can fuck off an enjoy the multi-culti shit-swamp it has willingly created for itself through the ballot box.

    Fuck the Frog Cunts. They’ve done it to themselves. I will NEVER EVER have an ATOM of respect for people that willingly voted for their own death.

    • That will come – ordinary French people hate Macron and hate the sand rats even more – they have turned the biggest Cities in France into feral filthy savage third World slums.
      Vote Le Pen! ??
      I can see it now – Trump in the WHite House, Le Pen in France, President Fox running the UK (Hartley – Brewer and Mordaunt as “assistants”, good form – I’ll give those two a gagging order they won’t forget!) – now there’s triumvirate of evil I could do great things with!

  23. Personally I love La Belle France. A gorgeous place to visit “en vacancies”.

    Just a shame about the fucking cunts who live there. They’ve never forgiven us for kicking their scrawny, clicker-infested arses in every single recorded conflict since 1066 and hauling their bollocks out of the fire in 14-18 and 39-45. Their inherent sense of superiority just can’t accept that we are better than them and that’s it.

    Neither can they accept that l’Anglais is now the universally accepted global language rather than their nasal, phlegm-ridden gibberish.

    Cunts, the fucking lot of em.

  24. France a great country populated by a repulsive population.. Lets invade and let the peaceful s blm lefty cunts stay here and we’ll send the frogs over to join em… We enjoy the extra space better weather and of course speak English in the new Britain..I nearly tripped up there and said new England ( Mrs everyonesacunt is a taff..

      • I’m on it – load The Black Pig with grape, muskets, longbows, dried beef, ale and 4 stout Englishmen – that should do it!
        But I need to be home by teatime or I’m grounded – stupid grown ups and their rules, I’m off home to change my exam results!

    • But that would make it even easier for assorted Eurotrash, Bongo Bongos, Sand Critters, Chinks and Pie-Keys to enter via the land border and infest our new England, hungry for our munificent benefits.

      We royally fuck up keeping the shat out as it is, even being totally surrounded by water!

      • When I was young and a bit Alan Whicker I went to france,
        it was rubbish.
        It rained, but a sort of limpwristed rain not manly rain like you get here.
        Someone tried to speak french at me.
        I ignored them.
        Ill never go again,

      • What Miserable! A bloody foreigner speaking French in France? Well, I hope when they looked blankly at you and gave a shrug of the shoulders when you were speaking English, you just repeated it several times more loudly and slowly each time until old Napoleon got the gist,

      • PM/Cupid – way ahead of you, we dig a new English Channel!
        I was thinking “Foxland” as a name for the new Country..

      • “Miserable Foxland”!
        Done! ??
        And make sure the dog doesn’t eat any of their foul food – you’ll be cleaning up for a week!
        No – we’ll fool the sneaky fish pinching fkers – put a table out with a meat pie and a croissant. anyone touching the croissant – OPEN FIRE SIR FIDDLER!

  25. Fuck that! Sharing a border with Belgium.
    I’d rather kick Jimmy Kranky and her pro Euro chums out, resettlement in Europe for those cunts, then divvy up Scotland.
    It’s my idea so I claim vast tracts of land around Loch Ness, including all the better castles.
    I promise I will make a good Laird and only raid Sir Fidlers grounds if he tries to send heavily suntanned types my way.
    Miserable Northern Cunt can be High Sheriff, a giant Allen Rickman from Robin Hood, who mixes humour with bloodshed?
    Vernon Fox 1st minister of the newly formed ISAC government and RTC minister of re-education.
    No religion allowed, all Marxists to be burnt on “burns” night and
    Hadrians Wall to be reinforced and patrolled to keep ISACland pure?

      • Start Monday Week?
        Two pound an hour, first pick of the spring wenches, as much Aberdeen Angus steak, Single Malt, haggis, neeps and tatties as you can stomach?
        Oh and Glasgow-that’s yours as no one else on ISAC is brave enough to go there after dark, except maybe B&W Cunt.

    • Random one CG – as I own land in Scotland my official title is “Laird”! (Or “Lord” in England).
      True fact!

      • No, unfortunately not CG – Glencoe, they are restoring an ancient castle and some American property developers want to buy up an area of outstanding beauty and scientific interest around it so they are selling plots of land to stop them – a whole square Metre do I own of Glencoe forest!
        Amongst many others, with multiple owners the Yanks won’t be able to buy it – fk off home Brad and Bud!
        MNC is already pencilled in as the castle curator! ??

      • It’s great for getting into the most fashionable restaurants CG!
        I correspond quite a lot with various members of The House of Commons/HOL – it must be amusing for the local Posties delivering letters from the HOC addressed to a Lord! ?

  26. The best thing Eric, or any Frenchie, ever did by a million miles. There’s nothing much worse than a dirty Palace cunt. I fucking hate ‘em.

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