Forever Family Force

This is the group that marched through Brixton(where else) with other groups , demanding reparations on Afrikan Emancipation Day.

F F Force stands for Forever Family Force. Sounds quite innocent doesn’t it until you realise it doesn’t include honky families like yours or mine bruv.

You’ll get the true picture when you click on the link below. However, be warned, it will superheat your piss in seconds.

These cunts are a paramilitary force, dressed in black t shirts, berets and some wearing stab vests. The photos paint a really sinister picture. Perhaps it’s the replacement Met Police force warming up? Equally fuckin’ threatening is the message some posters give eg. You’re lucky it’s only reparation we’re after and not revenge.

Now if this had been one of the “many” far right groups trying to spread a message of hate, there’s not one Doc Martin would be allowed to touch the street. However, in this present climate, anything BLM is not off limits.

This gutless government and Met Police Force are now reaping what they’ve sown.
This all goes back to the time hate preachers could say what they wanted on London’s streets, followed by Extinction Rebellion forcing London to a standstill.

If you don’t draw a line on these “freedoms” early on then it becomes harder to establish when lines have been crossed.

Fuck the Friggin’ Force.

Nominated by: Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt 


and a late late late addition from W. C. Boggs 


An I-gets-weary-and-sick-of-tryin’ cunting please for this malodrous little tart (or is it? could it be a tall bloke doing drag in black face?), who with her equally ugly sidekicks prance up and down in paramilitary garb “defending” those poor downtrodden little darkies:

If only that littkle shitstain Sadiq Khan hadn’t sold Boris’s water cannons at a knockdown prize, these arrogant bleeders could have been given their first decent wash since mammy took them home from the maternity unit.

What is even worse is that the FFF group are not only threatening civil unrest, they have two brain cells amongst them – her leader, a confirmed anti-Semite says he has 100 members tooled up with martial arts training who “could replace the police” (what for the whole of London sonny?, your compatriots are everywhere in London in virtually every one of the 32 boroughs). There wouldn’t be enough to have one at every chiggun shop in East London, let alone Brixton.

The biggest laugh of the lot is that this down to earth lassie is the cover girl for the white privleged magazine Vogue. The brainless meet the brain dead – a match made in hell.


106 thoughts on “Forever Family Force

    • And therein lies the problem. The blacks demand, and get, everything on their terms whilst at the same time denying that whites should have anything, especially everything they have made possible. Democracy is a right, but only for blacks. Racism is a massive problem except it’s only the whites that are racist, despite decades of contrary evidence. They demand compensation for things they never even had, never mind lost and whitey should pay up without a murmur. Well, fuck off.

  1. F F F For smegs sake chuck them all in Unkle Terry’s oven now.Bunch of halfwits.Not required.Our county is turning to shit.Send in the SAS

  2. Owen Jones was probably jealous he couldn’t be part of it on account of being a privileged honkey. All that tight leather, muscular men and clenched fists sounds right up his street.

  3. Ignore the twats and they may just fade away. You do not want to be messin wid the bros dey got training and stabby vests (which I believe to be part of most inner London schools uniform) no worries there then. Just in case they do not fuck off and fade when the media interest fizzles out I have been carrying out experiments with modified broad head arrows to ascertain what is required to pierce a typical soft stabby vest and to penetrate the underlying clothing, skin etc to a depth of at least two inches when struck square on. Most success has been had by the “bone chisel“ three fluted tip with the penetrating point extended by grinding back into the flutes so having a gradual increase in diameter and no shoulders or edges to snag on the fibres, Teflon coating is being considered. Do any esteemed cunters remember that strange pistol cartridge the Russians came up with some years back? Bottlenecked if I remember, .25? The reason for this little round was to defeat soft body armour, small fast and slippery. Have a very good Sunday and stay safe.

  4. Morning everyone.
    If my Dad had realised that Nazi boots would march on British soil, he would have brought his tank home from North Africa 78 years ago and used it on the cunts.
    This scene was an affront to all the brave UK soldiers past and present who have fought for their country.

    • If my grandad had realised there would be nazi boots on british soil hed of never gone to germany to enlist!!

  5. What a fucking shitload of cretins these arseholes are. Like a tinted version of Wolfie Smith’s Urban Guerillas (or is that Gorillas?).

    They would be ripped shiny, new arseholes if it really did kick off. Dick’s finest dickless cunts would retreat. The army would be the only solution.

    Unkle Terry’s oven eagerly awaits these tosseurs.

    • That’s a thing, they’re all in London and think the whole country is like that. Wait till 300 of them turn up somewhere to find 10000 whites waiting for them. Black power, my arse. As for London, the cunts are welcome to it.

  6. There needs to be an investigation into where these shit weasels got the funding to buy all those matching, emblazoned stab vests.

    If even a penny of it came out of taxpayers’ money then we need a war.

    • It’s the idiots that donate to their organisations on fundraising sites. They have a nice little scam going where they declare they are seeking funding to send X amount to black charities, then any donations they receive that put them above that declared earmarked figure, they then get to keep for themselves and spend as they wish.

  7. I have a dream that all the black folks would get into a transporter (Star Trek) and beam into the middle of the Sahara Desert, people will get what the least expect, the law of unintended consequences. You can only push so far, be prepared for the eruption. I have had enough. Left fuckwits have been ruining this country for over 50 years. I saw a vid on (We have a problem) ,some cops were escorting illegal fucks who were picked up in the channel onto a coach, so they were being filmed, the cop said the cunts who were being chauffeured have done nothing wrong and tried to block filming, in the end arrested the man who was doing the filming. The cop was a nasty cunt. I wish l knew how to give you the link because it evaporated my piss in a moment.

    • Video in question:

      Or the subject video direct from Live Patriots’ channel:

      The WGAP channel is well worth a subscription for anyone that didn’t already though. He is one of the few YT’ers still somehow allowed to speak the truth and does so daily. He is also the one that we should probably thank for getting the grooming gang petition to the number of signatures it received too, regardless of how much good it actually did against those set on suppressing its findings, which I can only assume includes some names and political affiliations that wouldn’t come as a surprise.

  8. This is a very informative article on the cunt that set these people up. As a postscript, I hear this morning that they have 100 ‘members’ trained in martial arts ready to ‘take over from the police’.
    If you’re white, be afraid. If you’re white and jewish be very very afraid…

    Anyone explain to me why this lot are not on the list of proscribed organisations?

    • National Action prescribed for less. These cunts need stamping on in the same manner.

    • Absolutely agree, along with those arse wip extinction rebellion and black lives don’t ffs.

      Any right of centre patriotic British organisation would have the shit beaten out of them and abolished in a NY second.

  9. A Black Nazi Party. Just what this country needs, eh? Fuck me. Naturally Cressida Dyke and her spineless goons will be up FFF’s arse quicker than a ferret down a rabbit hole. All other races and organisations – be they Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu etc -need to join together and stamp these FFF and BLM bastards out. Everything must be done to hinder or stop these cunts. The police, Suckdick Khan and Judas Patel are never going to do it, so somebody else will have to.

    As for our brave (Ha Ha) Boys In Blue? These FFF shite are laughing them. Openly bragging that they will take over from the police and the police just sit back and take it?!
    All the dead and decent coppers who did their job or died on duty must be collectively turning in their graves.

    • Forgot to say this is an all hands to the pumps situation, or at least it should be. Just like everyone (well almost everyone, you Irish and Swedish cunts) teamed up against Hitler. All races and religions should fight these FFF turds. But gays should join in too. Because FFF won’t be too fond of that lot, I think it’s safe to say. Everyone should join forces to take these strutting arrogant black nazi cunts down and out.

      • Just for the record Norman my Grandad was an Irishman who was wounded at Dunkirk, he was in the Sherwood Foresters and he wasn’t a cunt. He was a good bloke, he was wounded saving the life of a young French girl that the Germans were shooting at.

  10. Bottom line is these shitheads are vigilantes. And vigilantes should be outlaws. If they are not then the police are not doing their job, which is protecting the people and Cressida Dildo and whoever else lets these wankers run riot should be loudly and publicly sacked.

    Suckcock Khan, we all know about. And Patel will do fuck all. She is gutless and all mouth. Can you imagine Maggie, Douglas Hurd or James Anderton putting up with this mob of strutting savages? No, me neither.

  11. They can get away with it because… well it’s fucking obvious isnt it?

    Reparations? Get to fuck. Blacks sold more black slaves than the big bad honky man ever did. Slavery still goes on in Africa too.

    Once these cunts have paid their share perhaps we’ll talk. They seem to lose their fucking voices too on the subject of modern slavery and where it happens most.

    Until the cunts address these issues they can fuck off to Africa if they hate the country and non blacks so much.

    And well done Cressida, Sky, BBC et al. This is what appeasing Nazis creates. Yes, Nazis can be non white.

  12. If 3 million Hong Kong citizens come to live in the UK, I suggest putting them all in areas where you get these chippy, racist moaners. Areas in London, Birmingham etc.

    Then, after their kids have gone to the same schools, in the same streets, with the same opportunities, how will they justify the newcomers doing well at school, not joining gangs and generally being good citizens and eventually working their way out of poverty?

    I can tell you one thing, the likes of those in the photo won’t ever look at their own actions.

    • Black Panthers 2020.
      Bring it, leave the soyboys and coppers out of it – see what the terrorists have got.
      Come see me.

    • Sir, I have to take my hat off to you. That is a splendid idea which should shut the cunts up .

    • This is exactly why the majority of Hong Kong citizens are unlikely to take the government up on its offer.
      Would you move here if you thought you could end up with cunts like this for a neighbour?

  13. Reparations for slavery? Get to fuck!

    There isn’t one person in this country not here of their own free will. If you don’t like our racist country then fuck off to somewhere that everyone has the same shit coloured skin that you do. I hear Mogadishu is lovely this time of year.

    Problem solved.

    Perhaps one of the more enlightened members of FFF can tell me which of the slaves was their direct decendent? No? Thought not, none of these cunts know who their own father is, let alone from what tribe they originated. Particularly considering THERE WERE VITUALLY ZERO BLACKS HERE BEFORE 1947!! You fucking muppets!

    By the way, that body armour is a pile of shit and won’t stop a 9mm parabellum.

    Mine will, its covert Israeli military issue and I have the ceramic plates to protect up to 7.62mm rounds.

    I was trained in Krav maga and weapons trained by a captain in Mossad 27 years ago and my Mum’s side of the family are Red sea pedestrians.

    So, FFF fuckwits. Whenever you’re ready to take on a former Jew who knows the business end of a Gallil assult rifle (the sights are on the top, not the side for a reason), please, do come knocking.

    Until that time, take your bootlip baboon platoon and FUCK OFF!

    Reparation through repatriation is all you’re worth. Cunts!

  14. Hee! hee! The BBC is in the dock for allowing the word “nîgger” to be broadcast during a report:

    And there’s some idiot on the radio right now getting upset because he thinks the BBC has made it acceptable for whites everywhere to use “the N word”… whatever the fuck that is. ?

    • Some bloke we’ve never heard of who worked for some BBC radio station none of us have heard of has ‘done the right thing’ big news?

  15. The Forever family force. They must have their work cut out try to find all those absent black fathers. First stop HM Prison then some local white girls flat. Failing that just wait outside KFC (other fried chicken shops are available )

  16. More like Everlasting Family Bucket Force.

    If you want to view paradise/simply look around and view it…

  17. Hang on a mo…
    >Reparations on Afrikan Emancipation Day
    Correct me if I’m incorrect but most of the White Afrikanners were of Dutch ancestry. Why don’t they fuck off and make their demands there?

    Also if they like living in Samb*land why don’t they go back and live off the fat of the land there? Oh they can’t because they don’t do plumbing or dig drains or lay electricity cables or build power stations. If you live in the white man’s country you must play by the white man’s rules. Cunts.

  18. Multi-culturism simply doesn’t work. It was never meant to. It was intended to be divisive as it destroys unity. Governments don’t like unity in the people. It makes them strong. strong enough to kick the arse of Government.

    Thats what this is all about. And. Black lives Matter. Not to me they don’t. Fuck em

  19. Im minded of the scene in “Return to the Planet of the Apes” where Big Ugh is leading his armed patrol of Apes through the ruins of some American City. So like the fucking photo in the press, but in Londonistan.

  20. Let the fff take over the policing role in the areas that fff are active. Why not, save a few quid . They are all trained in social meeja and martial arts. Give the old Bill some time off from the stabathon. Be an interesting experiment well worth a Dooley documentary.

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