This is the group that marched through Brixton(where else) with other groups , demanding reparations on Afrikan Emancipation Day.
F F Force stands for Forever Family Force. Sounds quite innocent doesn’t it until you realise it doesn’t include honky families like yours or mine bruv.
You’ll get the true picture when you click on the link below. However, be warned, it will superheat your piss in seconds.
These cunts are a paramilitary force, dressed in black t shirts, berets and some wearing stab vests. The photos paint a really sinister picture. Perhaps it’s the replacement Met Police force warming up? Equally fuckin’ threatening is the message some posters give eg. You’re lucky it’s only reparation we’re after and not revenge.
Now if this had been one of the “many” far right groups trying to spread a message of hate, there’s not one Doc Martin would be allowed to touch the street. However, in this present climate, anything BLM is not off limits.
This gutless government and Met Police Force are now reaping what they’ve sown.
This all goes back to the time hate preachers could say what they wanted on London’s streets, followed by Extinction Rebellion forcing London to a standstill.
If you don’t draw a line on these “freedoms” early on then it becomes harder to establish when lines have been crossed.
Fuck the Friggin’ Force.
Nominated by: Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt
and a late late late addition from W. C. Boggs
An I-gets-weary-and-sick-of-tryin’ cunting please for this malodrous little tart (or is it? could it be a tall bloke doing drag in black face?), who with her equally ugly sidekicks prance up and down in paramilitary garb “defending” those poor downtrodden little darkies:
If only that littkle shitstain Sadiq Khan hadn’t sold Boris’s water cannons at a knockdown prize, these arrogant bleeders could have been given their first decent wash since mammy took them home from the maternity unit.
What is even worse is that the FFF group are not only threatening civil unrest, they have two brain cells amongst them – her leader, a confirmed anti-Semite says he has 100 members tooled up with martial arts training who “could replace the police” (what for the whole of London sonny?, your compatriots are everywhere in London in virtually every one of the 32 boroughs). There wouldn’t be enough to have one at every chiggun shop in East London, let alone Brixton.
The biggest laugh of the lot is that this down to earth lassie is the cover girl for the white privleged magazine Vogue. The brainless meet the brain dead – a match made in hell.
Good now Bertie!?
“Mummy when I grow up I want to be a black Panther militant”
Traitors to this country
Open pit, sprinkle with lime, let the international enquiry decide if its a war crime.
(Imagine living next door to those entitled rowdy ungrateful cunts! – day admin)
The day they moved in is the day id finally snap,
A tragic house fire would sweep through in the early hours.
Fuck that!!
Those soft cunts wouldn’t last 5 minutes in Lagos.
Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
These cunts can leave the U.K. any time they like; they will not be missed.
Front and centre was that Sasha bitch who was cunted about a week ago, it’s true that if there were a group of ‘far right’ dressed like this lot with banners saying ‘you’re lucky we only want you to fuck off out of the country’ they would be locked up for hate crime.
If only Nigel was PM.
I do believe that the Britain First woman (Johnson?) was put away for exactly the crime that these cunts were committing. As ever, one rule for whitey and one for the dark keys.
TT Sick@ – In all probability Nigel Farage WILL be the next PM – I am a member of the Brexit party and they have been sending us all questionnaires regarding standing/supporting Brexit at the next electoral shitfest.
Gloves off this time, after giving the Tories an easy guaranteed victory by not standing against them.
“And introducing the Rt Honourable Vernon Enoch Fox as the new Home Secretary”!
“Bring My assistants Sir Fiddler, MNC, JTC and Unkle Terry – we’ve got work to do”..???♂️?????☠
“And whoever owns that parrot for fks sake stop it making racist comments”!
Meet the gang cause the boys are here the boys to entertain you…If you ever see them have that tune in your head. They don’t know their left from right if you view the video. I wonder if they have an intelligence Corp….
Yes they have an intelligence Corp, their leader is Dianne Abbott
“Right lovely boys, lets have a look at you…..disgusting…..never have I seen such a display of blatant poofery… NEVER IN ALL MY LIFE”
Funniest clip on the telly! I have the MP3 of it on my ‘phone.
Special treatment by white phosphorus grenade.
Make the families sweep up the charcoal remains.
Then oven the lot.
5th column CUNTS.
You can’t use the word charcoal…that’s waycccciiiissttt
Black ash……….
Yep my piss is boiling – great noms
This type of action does not bring harmony it will only creates a race War. If there is one and they way we are going it is going to happen, I will have to take my side, no choice. I don’t want this to happen, I don’t think any cunter deep down wants this to happen but I feel I am being backed into a corner by this BS. I am fed up being told of my privilege and how I must pay for the actions of people 200 years ago.
These cunts don’t want any sort of harmony. They want it all but what worries me, rather than work for it, they will blame the system and they will look to take it by force. If 3 million Hong Kong citizens come here then one good thing is, they will come here with skills, values and a hard work ethic and be successful despite all the racism in this country, this lot with their racist divisive attitudes will be proved to be the cunts they are.
Perhaps a persons colour should determine who can come to this country. Now let me see….which colours should be barred ?
Totally agree C1066. If this lot want the Police defunded and replaced with FFF, then good old whities can do the same with a different set of letters, KKK and see how they like that.
Suck Dick Khan has a lot to answer for in allowing this shite to protest. Try getting this fucking genie back in the bottle. It is only going to make more people waissist.
Should be treated as a civilian uprising trying to seize power. Send in the army and shoot the fuckers. Stamp out the shit now.
Thermite bombs dropped by drone into the crowd. Fucking lovely!
Gentlemen….an amazing opportunity has been missed to have the column straffed.
The watching crowd could also have been taken out too.
Fucking disgrace and an insult to the real armed forces, being allowed to parade up and down wearing that shite. I’d like to see them in a scrap with even just a handful of our troops.
I’d give that blondie a once over though, I can’t lie.
Me too, a once over with a Gully !
That ‘blonde’ is guilty of cultural appropriation.
Next march will be on horseback and they’ll be carrying nets and a trumpet.
Its the glorious 12th on Wednesday folks! Sambo time!
Great nom Bertie.
The white West has poured £££ TRILLIONS one way or another into black Africa over the past 60 years to no obvious end, so these racist FFF chancers can fuck right off.
Besides, the cunts in this country who may have had a moral case for reparations have been dead for 200 years plus!
These entitled descendants should think themselves lucky and privilaged to live in a country like the UK that bends over backwards to accommodate their every waking need.
And while we’re at it, where are FFF on the nine million victims of black slavers in Africa today?
Fucking nowhere, that’s where. These FFF cunts don’t know they’re born.
Nice rant RTC.
Cheers Asim. ?
Yes my piss has turned to steam and once again the met stand by and watch these cunts marching ( i use the term fucking loosely looks like a failed jackson 5 dance routine) even tho they contravene the 1936 Public orderAct to prohibit the wearing of uniforms in connection with political objects and the maintenance by private persons of associations of military or similar character; and to make further provision for the preservation of public order on the occasion of public processions and meetings and in public places. followed by the Public Order act 1986 if white folk did that we’d be baton charged and hung out to dry ( the marching would be better tho) if you thought everyones equal think again proper cunts fucking dick and khan are cunts
Just look at the photo at the top, ones a pygmy!!
Put the cunts in chains and drop them in the sea.
A waste of chains..
They can fuck right off, some of these incoming dinghies could be recycled and launched out to sea with these cunts clinging to them.
Great idea 6, how about we build a massive catapult on top of the white cliffs of Dover and launch the fuckers back in the direction of France, that would make the cunts think twice
They want reparations do they?
Well I have a better idea. Repatriation.
They hate us, we don’t want them here, so fuck off you black bastards.
Yes, the ban on wearing paramilitary uniforms was designed to fuck Moseley’s Blackshirts and, as far as I know, has never been used since.
This fucking mob look like a poor man’s Nation of Islam from 60s America, complete with the standard rabid anti semitism.
I wouldn’t worry too much about them, just kids playing at revolutionaries. There’s nothing any soft as shit government is going to do about it that’s for sure.
Please see above – they used it on the Britain First woman to get her put away.
Remember fellow cunters I lived amongst these savages and by the end it was about 150 blacks to every white, didn’t stand a fucking chance, obviously Apartheid doesn’t seem to bad now, even for Britain!
Apparently, the black population of England is 3%, Scotland 0.6% and Wales 0.7% (although looking at the TV adverts you’d think it was more like 95%). Parts of England have significantly less than this. All that will happen, as it has in the USA, is that the intelligent white folks will move to predominantly white areas and leave the blacks to themselves, which is what they want. See how well the majority black areas of the USA are doing.
By the way, just back from a tour of Northumberland. Ne’er a dark key spied, apart from Newcastle.
Fuck Me….Northumberland seems to be a popular part of the World with “…is a Cunt”ers at the moment..Dio,Mr.Knee and now yourself…..I shall have to be on guard for any contributor who feels the need to get right in my face and scream ” You’re a CUNT !!”
I’ll be at Morpeth Gay Pride next month. See you there.
I’ll be the one in the timber-wagon barrelling down the street at 70 mph…. I’ll give you a wave and an ” Oooh,get her,Ducky” as your float accelerates from 10mph to 70mph in 2 seconds flat…hold on to yer powdered wig,Cuntstable…I’m coming for you.
I had a friend at school from Rhodesia…often wonder what became of him and his family…suppose they’ll have been forced out too.
Has anyone read the comments of Jonathan Bartley from the Green Party? He’s accusing Nigel Farage of peddling hate! Unbe-fucking-lievable!!
Unkle Terry is going to need a bigger oven, shall we have a whip round?
Bartley has been pushing that hate line about Nigel for years, ever since Leave won the referendum. Same as O’Shithead.
Only surprise is that Bartley hasn’t yet been cunted here! I started writing one once but within seconds my piss was boiling dangerously so I had to stop on doctor’s orders.
Just run them all over with armoured cars.
A lot.
Well I once let a B+W Cunt into the house to make tea for the lads when I got the house reroofed so nobody can say that I’m racist ( the hounds and I watched his every move and cleaned a shotgun at the kitchen table the whole time he was in…just in case he got ant funny ideas) but I’m sick of hearing about how badly treated so many people in this Country claim to be. It’s not just the Sooties… sexual-perverts, Sand-n@ggers, indigenous “neither work-nor-want” filth…all whinging about how hard they have it..Fuck them. They have no idea just how lucky they are to live in a Country that puts whinging,ungrateful minorities’ “rights” above the rights of the Majority. They live in a County prepared to subsidise Cunts who do nothing but moan and contribute nothing themselves… hopefully one of the results of our impending national bankruptcy will be less support for those who wouldn’t be happy even if their arses were decked with diamonds at the taxpayers expense.
Must admit that I’m starting to get less and less bothered by groups such as this…as far as I’m concerned the lunatics are already running the asylum and it’s just a matter of time until the whole thing goes tits up.
Let them have their Promised Land…and everything that comes with it.
Well said Dick!?
Troubles coming and those that wanted this madness are in for a rude awakening.
As for these cunts in the nom hope the corpses are stacked 10 deep.
Wont be long in coming.
I’m in London you can see the change in their attitude. Thank feck I live in an area that has very few of them. If you see one it’s usually a Palace player.
Forever Family Force – they couldn’t sound more like a deranged cult if they tried.
On a similar note, there’s now UTCAI (Unite to Change and Inspire) – set up by Patrick Hutchinson, the big fucker photographed “lifting a counter-protester to safety” in London in June.
The vain bastard has even used the image of him with that white fella on his shoulders as the organisation’s logo.
I’m sure they’ll be given a cunting in due course.
F-F-F….. Fuck Off!
‘Hope I die before I get old’
But…but diversity is our strength. Every fule knows that.
From the Urban dictionary
‘ The belief that people with different identities, cultures, beliefs and outlooks on the world will get along better and co-operate to built stronger nations than people who share the same identity, culture, beliefs and outlooks on the world, despite history showing that every multi-ethnic nation state in history has proceeded to fracture along ethnic lines. It is only pushed for in already-developed white countries and as a result, white people are becoming minorities in the countries their ancestors built.
Does not refer to diversity of thoughts, opinions and debatable ideas to solve problems.’
Funny how the same people that champion that mantra are also so against the diversification of Africa. Almost as if they are hypocritical and have an agenda or something.
That this shit has been allowed to happen, even encouraged by some, will make it far more difficult to deal with when it inevitably escalates. Which, thanks to the media, both social and corporate, will not be long coming.
It’s premise is also bollocks, and instead of being shut down at the start, it’s ideals are allowed to germinate, and anybody who challenges it will be smeared as racist. The cunts want reparations for slavery, yet none of them, or anyone else alive has had anything to do with it. In fact, the descendants of the enslaved have without doubt had a far better life than the one they would have had if they had been born in the countries of their forefathers. Not one of those cunts would go to live in Africa, especially now as it is run by its indigenous peoples, where murder, rape, robbery and corruption are just part of the daily grind.
(It would be interesting if the real hardcore Far Right groups teamed up together and marched through London giving it large! No doubt these FFFs would be wailing that the police weren’t doing enough to protect them, and Far Right groups should be banned etc. Same old hypocrisy – Day Admin)
No doubt Dame Kweer and his right hand man Lammy will soon be inviting them round for tea and sandwiches to discuss affairs of state with them.
Here’s an idea guys; lets get dressed up in some black gear and march through London with our right arms extended. The meeja and the SJWs will larrrve us…
I’m sitting here fantasising about a real paramilitary force armed with AK47s and Uzis just blowing these fuckers away. It’s a very satisfying image in my mind I can tell you.
By the way what’s happened to the English Defence League etc these days? You’d think they might be out to give these cunts something to think about.
I would like to see them march past the spanners stadium at a Millwall home game.
Remember what the Israelis did to Amin’s lot at Entebbe? Fucking beautiful.
Landmines were invented for this exact sort of occurrence. A column of gormless noob recruits all marching in a tight formation, eyes locked ahead.
A few bouncing betty’s would take care of things.