“Finding Freedom” – A Cunt’s Story

A hardback and paperback cunting please for the most annoying book published in recent times – it even makes Anthony Blair’s “Journey” seem like a page-turner.

I refer of course to the Mr & Mrs. Hewitt opus “Finding Freedom” where with the aid of some little journalistic nancy boy they rehearse all their “hurt”, all their “anger”, all their “frustrations” of how badly they were treated by The Queen and all her family. I suppose Megan is just upset that Andrew didn’t want to give her one. How Harry is upset that his legitimate older brother was more “important” than him (which happens in many families anyway), but it doesn’t end there – they have become very touchy – suing newspapers for taking pictures of Archie. complaining about lack of privacy. They complain about everything, as becomes a prissy little up-her-own-arse soap actress (and that’s just Harry).

Harry the air travel fan who lectures everyone on “climate change”, including the companies that facilitate his urge to fly. It is too depressing to cntinue. Clearly they think they are “victims”. It is over every newspaper and website:


Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

75 thoughts on ““Finding Freedom” – A Cunt’s Story

  1. It was obviously dictated by sparkletits, because Omid Scoobydoo wouldn’t have access to most of the information that has been released.

    She must think the rest of the world is as thick and gullible as Henry Hewitt.

    Can’t wait for Ron’s next installment of the Markle story. ?

  2. Boring boring boring, Mr and Mrs Yawn, hopefully no one will buy the stupid book, because no one gives a fuck about the Sparkle family.

  3. Just the story of everyday folk who have taken out a £7 million mortgage on their new US home.

    He should change his name from Windsor to Whinger. Or better still use his real name of Hewitt and end all connection with the royal familty.

    But he won’t because for all his bleating he knows that if he loses the royal tag then he has no marketing kudos. They would merely be a rather boring ordinary pair of chancers in LA.

    This book is pathetic.

    • A “boring ordinary pair of chancers” who live in a millionaire beach house in California continually whining about privacy whilst supplying videos, opinions, books, and endless photos of their dustbin lid.

    • With a combined wealth of just under 50 Million, they get a mortgage. Write this off as a business related expense due to the sham charity they have set up, and they have to pay virtually no tax on their huge incomes by being trustees/executors of said charity. (Said “charity” subject to American fiscal and legislative scrutiny – IE, none).
      Continue to receive a Million a Year of taxpayers money for security they use for coffee and McDonalds runs.
      Whine about how hard they have it as they sit in their mansion with their servants cleaning up their wickle tears.
      Stab the Queen in the back just like Megain did with her Family and claim non existent waaycism.
      Get chucked half a Million quid a time to talk about your needy press manipulating attention slut of a Mother and what a difficult time Saint Diana of Essex had married to a Prince and fucking half the England rugby team and every piece of cock that can fit in a polo outfit or a mosque. Think that covers it.
      Failing that – try 6 Months living on a Yorkshire housing estate, you pair of whining ungrateful needy self pitying narcissist CUNTS!
      Think that covers it – America can keep Shedward and Megain Wallace – we sure as fuck don’t want these sickening parasites back.

      • I would like to see them participate in that tellybox show where rich folk go to live in a poor family’s house for a week. Megain surely couldn’t keep up that grinning charade for an entire week, having to do her entire shop at Lidl and clean up after herself and Harry and the Damian, I mean Archie. A council estate would be perfect, with plenty of unhinged yoof and care in the community types to scare the shit out of them. No doubt she would still be spinning her feminist empowerment bollox.

      • Excellent summation of Diana, Princess of PR though at least the big-nosed slapper occasionally did something even if it was to create a bun-fight for the paparazzi (“Oh hi yar, Daily Mail? I’ll be doing a Midnight dash to Great Ormond Street to hug a few AIDS kids. Ward 6.”). This vacuous Black Hole of attention doesn’t even pretend it’s not all about her. Markle makes thickie Spencer look assiduous.

      • Well stated mr Fox.
        Nothing more to add.
        Except this: My cock is darker than Me-again (and has more integrity), the whining yank cunt. Young Hewitt has the IQ of a jar of peanut butter.
        Unkle Terry, time for a royal BBQ.

  4. They fucked off but failed to understand when you fuck off you’re gone, you’ve left us behind and we’re over you (most of us didn’t care to begin with, we have all the problems you’ve no idea about)

    HRH cunts

  5. Harry Halfwit is a painfully thick,entitled Cunt. He whines on about “equality” while being one of the most privileged Fuckers on the planet. He has done nothing in his life to deserve his privilege apart from drop out of the well-worn fanny of some vacuous tart. He lectures the “common” people even though he would struggle to beat Harvey “Hello,you Cunts” Price in a battle of wits.

    I’m glad that he married Megan…she has exposed Harry’s “People’s Prince” act as the total load of shite that I always believed it to be. Hopefully the hard-boiled old slapper will leave the Cunt penniless and exiled….there must be no way for the moron to return to sucking on the taxpayer’s teat.

    Get rid of the rest of the sponging inbreds too….I certainly won’t mourn their passing.

    PS….Surely Harry must have earned his place on The Wall of Cunts by now ?

    • Be the only fucking thing the twat has earned in his life.

      I was hungover as fuck this morning after our session in the union bar. Thought you were a tad harsh on those jolly fellows from the LGBT Society.

      • Fiddler should have made it clear that the wet t-shirt competition was for attractive women under 35 only and not ‘The Gays’, ugly lesbians or men pretending to be women.

      • Morning Mike.

        You’ll be pleased to hear that I’ve awarded every Cunt who took an exam a “Fail” grade…sent the Cunts packing with a flea in their ears about “too much fucking book-learning”….nasty feeling that the Um’Bongo students are going to refuse to leave their accommodation in Grenfell Halls of Residence…might have to smoke the buggers out with a diesel and old tractor tyres fire set away in the stairwell. As for the Chinky ones in the Pol Pot annexe…well,I’d send the hounds in but I’m frightened that feeding the slitty-eyed buggers will only encourage them to sit tight. Luckily the arse-bandits in The Michael Barrymore Dormitories seem to gathering up their wigs,make-up, high heels and guinea-pigs which is some comfort.
        Honestly if it wasn’t for the grant-money that I get, I’d close the whole rat’s nest of depravity and debauchery down….which reminds me….when are you leaving?

    • I think the fact that Halfwit has appeared under a number of different nom. headings may have confounded the count. Both of these twats should be up there.

  6. Don’t you just wish that it was these current princes that disappeared, rather than the the two from long ago.

  7. A good idea for Christmas presents for friends or relatives you can’t stand?. Easy, wait till November, go into your local Poundland store and they will be selling it off in the 50p section, complete with the Cliff Richard Pin-Up Calendar in sepia.

    Have just seen the photo of Princess Anne to celebrate her 70th birthday. Ghastly. The epitome of mutton dressed up as lamb – she looks like Margaret Beckett’s twin sister.

  8. There was supposed to be two minutes silence at 11am, which I duly observed.

    But what happened? The Establishment cunts supposedly organising it started eight minutes late!

    This country is fucked.

    • I thought it wouldn’t be long after the last veteran dies that the current world would forget about them, but I was wrong, because there are still a few around, and they are less interesting to today’s cunts than the fucking nobody cunts who do I’m a celebrity.
      We are truly fucked.

      • I turned on the TV News channel at 11am to view the expecting silence, and was immediately confronted by a fat buck nîg-nôg in a garish dress yapping! I quickly turned the sound off but noticed he was followed by some white bint reading something from a sheet of paper.


        At 11:02 I turned the sound back on. But it wasn’t until 11:08 that those cunts, including Prince Jug Ears, shutted the fuck up for two minutes.

      • Maybe they were busy taking a knee for the German and Japanese victims of our brutality.

      • Were you watching on terrestrial TV or an online player, Ruff Tuff? (As you probably know, there is, in practice at least, inevitably a delay in producing an Internet “feed” – usually a minute or two I think between iPlayer™ and Freeview™.)

        Even DAB radio is subject to some seconds’ “time-shifting”. TOP TIPS: – don’t set your Bulova Accutron™ to DAB pips – and preferably eschew it altogether, as it is pretty lofi. FM radio is fine, and for maximum time signal accuracy Radio Bore at 198kHz on Long Wave is theoretically the sender of choice due to admittedly minuscule relay delays.

        Plainly none of the foregoing seems to me a plausible explanation of an 8 minute delay to the observance “on the ground”, if that’s what happened. AFAIK ’twas scheduled for 11 am in the normal way.

        I recall when living in China that the feed for BBC World (and Prime) was intentionally time-shifted to allow the natives to “pull the plug” whenever things “got iffy” (eg when Hong Kong or the Dalai Lama were in the news.) Often, the “breaking news” ticker tape announcements presaged a blank screen for the following five minutes.

        Very interesting,RTC.Has this phenomenon been more widely rediffused, I wonder; or have you been hitting the Sherbert Fountains™ too early and setting your Bulova by the Pole Star again, RTC?

      • Evening CS.

        Terrestrial TV. No time discrepancy, apart from the usual couple of seconds.

        Live on both BBC & SLY.

        Be seeing you. ?

      • Evening Ruff. Is it my imagination or is CS just a little more affable these days? I do believe that he is trying to fit in more with the communi’ee.

      • Evening Bertie. CS has never been less than affable to me, though I think he’s slightly less wilfully perplexing than he was, but not a lot.

      • Good morning Ruffers. Feeling better my end, after a light breakfast of miso soup, spinach and ginger with a short order of steak and poached eggs on the side. Looking on the brighter side, this is a pretty good hotel.

        To the point – your thesis, RTC, is highly irregular, if authenticity is indeed in good store. I’m in no position to refute or otherwise question your extraordinary claim here, but I admit you have my curiosity. Why do you imagine Prince “Leathern Bottle” Charles would delay until 11:08?

        I’m afraid your projected and entirely ill-conceived conjecture in re my newfound mollification & “mutuality” (RTC knows about this from his N°6 days, I trow) is not only misplaced, misguided and wholly at variance with the truth, Bertie, but also downright bizarre.

        By way of correction, I’d point out that – in common with most, perhaps – when at a “low ebb” (as I certainly have been during these beastly nights) I do tend to be significantly less combatitive. [not that I’m greatly combatitive on iac – & quite the reverse). It’s actually rather worrying to be quite so limp and unfresh.

        Do kindly elucidate further about the eight minutes’ hiatus though.

        Hope the weather is more conducive to comfort in your parts.

      • “Hope the weather is more conducive to comfort in your parts.“

        I’d rather it was more conducive to comfort in my pants! It’s rather a sweatfest at the moment.

      • I’m beginning to wish I’d never mentioned the eight bloody minutes’ hiatus. ?

      • Why is that, RTC? Is it an even more obscure attempt at humour than (some of) my own more egregious excursions on that direction?

        If so, very high marks: you had me. I thought you were being “serious”.

        If not, then this is an extraordinary departure from protocol which has to my best knowledge gone unreported.

        Apologies for the apparent credulity but:
        1) if it’s funny, I don’t get the joke
        or 2) errm, well – I am overseas and with a limited grasp of real-time transmissions

        A nice, quiet day ahead here, so I’ll check back later. İyi akşamlar, chaps… for now.

      • Yes, Bertie, the “parts/pants” opportunity to code-switch was indeed an entirely intentional open invitation. Very well done indeed, and teehee.

        To further expand, for clarity, my usage of “in your parts” was intended to, quite
        specifically & by design, suggest “in your pants”.

        Very like the intentional code-switching supposedly “warning” suggestion, so often seen these days, viz “Polite Notice”. It intentionally subconsciously suggests (to most) “Police Notice” (which it isn’t) and is thereby more effectual as a result of such trickery and subterfuge.

        A bit like a lexical equivalent of those scale-model decals of Feds in the windows of stores of especial interest to chavs, such as B&M, Home Bargains & c.

        Know what I mean, Bertie? Hook, line &, well, “Polite Notice”. Have fun!

      • You’re getting on my tits now CS.

        The 2 minutes silence started 8 minutes late. What part of that do you not understand?

    • Narcissism knows no freedom.
      It is perpetually bound by it’s own self-generated protective bubble , which is permanently in a state of changing flux.
      Fuck all interesting in cunts like that – unless you’re a fucking therapist and you really need the money.
      For the rest of us , they’re too much like hard work – and I find these particular cunts very distasteful indeed , aside from the interracial aspect – which also makes me fucking throw.

      When Diana arrived , the royals went into the gutter.
      They should have done her before the wedding , in hindsight.

  9. I remember Harry telling us that the royals will become the family poor Meghan never had.
    She dumped her own lot, dumped the royals and made sure H dumped his friends, family, military mates and country.
    I wonder if he has worked out who will be the next one to be dumped?

  10. With the publication of this one tome, Harry has produced 100% more books than he has ever read.

    • I think it was ghost written by someone called “Archie Umbongo – Hewitt”! But literary matters are a sore subject with little Hewitt at the moment – some felonious types broke into the Marklehewitts library recently and emptied it of all the books – Poor James Junior was devastated as he was only halfway through colouring the second one in..

  11. I’m not sure how much of that book you can believe when it claims that Gingerbollocks bought her a $300 necklace!
    Do what? Can you imagine Queen Sparkle Tits wearing a piece of tat like that? She spends more than that on a glass of wine at her favourite Hollywoke restaurant. Not that she has to pay for it…….her mere presence is reward enough for the peasants who get to gaze at her magnificence.

  12. Let’s all take a leaf out of their own book.
    Have nothing more to do with the cunts and we will find our own freedom.
    I wouldn’t be bothered if I never heard anything else about them, so let’s do what they want and ignore them.

    • I won’t be buying this book, I’m waiting for the unexpurgated edition which contains uncensored photos taken on their wedding night. If I can’t shag her, seeing someone else shagging her is the next best thing.

  13. This pair of cunts have turned me into an ardent republican. Once the Queen pops her clogs, shut it down. They are only of ceremonial value anyway and I’m sure there are plenty of rich Russians and A-rabs who would buy up the palaces, as they have with the rest of posh London.
    Have you seen the creepy looking fucker who wrote the book? He looks like one of those Ken doll plastic surgery freaks, which figures, as no functioning heterosexual would be in the least bit interested in this tawdry love (of fame and money) story.
    And a massive cunting for the media, for pushing these cunts down our throats.

  14. My idea of freedom involves fat Reg’s jet plunging in a flaming fireball on to Saint Greta’s house with these two fuckers on board.
    More front than Blackpool pier, more shit than a Liberal Dumbocrat conference.

  15. There was a “documentary” on a few nights ago concerning this ridiculous book and its woke irritant subject matter. Thing is, I couldn’t help noticing that their noses were identical, as they are in the header picture above!

    We know Sparkle had a nose job (and a lip reduction probably) to make herself look less negroid, so did she model her new snout on Halfwit’s hooter?

    And before they’d even met?


  16. I imagine that Sparkle Tits has already mapped out Archie’s education. One of those gender neutral schools for California weirdos followed by some kind of theatre school that the Hollywoke elite send their fucked up brats to. No prep school, no Eton and no rough games like rugby for little Archie.
    I don’t suppose the boy Hewitt will like it but he’ll just have to shut up and lump it the fucking weedy little cuck.

  17. These two are actually starting to find a place in my heart. Their ludicrous lack of self-awareness as to just what a couple of cunts they are is a source of considerable entertainment for the public in my view. Observing them is morbidly fascinating; like watching watching a train crash in slow motion.

    • I agree, it’s becoming quite entertaining seeing how the pair of them can become more cuntish, hypocritical and ridiculous than they were the week before.
      You never know, they may actually cause a long overdue backlash against wokeness. Now wouldn’t that be a delicious irony?

    • I can’t help wondering if this PR disaster isn’t being actively promoted by the Queen to put republicans off their aim. I mean, far better subtly to highlight Meghan and Muggins’ extravagance and arrogance, than to invite deeper scrutiny of the palaces and estates at home. The authors of the cuntworthy book are established professional Palace toadies, and assert that they didn’t actually talk to M&M. I think the book was approved at the highest possible level.

  18. The World is fast disappearing up its own bottom. Bat flu, untreatable clap, TB to stun a dinosaur, stabby London, no coppers and the ones there are are forced to be more woke than a guardian editor. One could go on and on and fucking on.. So the only reason for all the crap about Harry and Meghan must be to cheer us all up right. Let us small people see that even those far above us in looks breeding and intelligence have “serious” issues as they go about their scented days. Ain inspiration to people like me who feel somewhat betrayed, bewildered and scammed again and again or on second thoughts bullshit baffles brains let’s bury the crap deluge under a thick layer of pointless uninteresting shite and hopefully carry on with fucking everything over for ever. Is that cynical?

  19. These two dick heads have made themselves targets for the media with all their whining. If they wanted a quiet life the USA is not the place to go. Sparkle tits had this all planned out when she met halfwit.
    The ginger tosser is a pussywhipped thick cunt who is going to see photos of the slapper getting a toe job by a pool featured in The Sun in a couple of years.
    Try getting your old job back after that you twat!

    • I always thought they’d go to Germany and lodge with the Merkelfuhrer.
      Carry on the family tradition and all that…

  20. The Sun (and the rest of them) will get their big bonanza when the very bitter and public divorce goes ahead. Does anyone seriously believe this is going to last?! Even somebody as thick as Prince Enery ov Ewitt will see Meghan Markle Human Leech Of Fucking Ono for what she is eventually? This will make Macca and Heather ‘nice tits though’ Mills look like the Potter’s Wheel Interlude off the old telly. It will happen, it will be more disgrace for Her Majesty, it will be very nasty, and I cannot fucking wait.

    • A terrible thing to say Norman but I totally agree. I know where that bitch’s mind is. Oprah can’t go on forever. At some point she’s going to pack it in to enjoy her mansions where half the rooms are used to store her piles of cash.
      That’s where Sparkle Tits wants to be. An English princess?…….fuck off….too much like hard work. Queen of Hollywoke, that’s the prize!

    • Fucking good call.
      The slag will make even more money as an ex-royal with a story to tell. The dumb yank cunts lap all that shite up.
      Right now – they have fuck all to say , and no brains to say it with.
      Prize cunts.
      But they aren’t even good at being cunts either really.

    • Bollocks! How the fuck did I miss that cultural delight? The Halfwit interviewing the Chimp Who Would Be King and every rich cunt’s token favourite black man! As Nan Taylor would say “ What a load of old shit!”

  21. Scene: Secret Bunker, Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire

    Queen: ‘Ah, Mr Bond.’
    JB: ‘Ma’am.’
    Queen: ‘Alas, Mr Bond, I fear I must ask you to fire up the Merc.’
    JB: ‘Ma’am.’
    Queen: ‘And make sure the driver is a person of colour this time.’
    JB: ‘Very wise, if I may say so, Ma’am. And drugs, rather than drink, do you not think?’
    Queen: ‘Splendid. Now, will you take some tea, Mr Bond?’
    JB: ‘Thank you, but no. I have the helicopter on red alert, for I anticipated something like this.’
    Queen: ‘How fortunate one is to have men like you, Mr Bond. One can always rely on old servants, especially those licensed to kill.’
    JB: ‘Ma’am.’
    (JB bows and exits bunker)

    • ‘And this time Bond – make sure the ambulance crew don’t spend more than 10 mins fucking the slag. Last time was difficult to explain away.”.

  22. What worries me is that this book is on the bestsellers list. Who the fuck reads this shit?!

  23. Why has this uniquely extraordinary and very significant event not been splashed all over the mainstream media, RTC? I’m not, as i said, actually doubting your authenticity by asking that. (unless it’s S-level irony, as also intimated).

    You’re n certainly not “getting on my tits” RTC, but I am a little concerned for you if I’m getting on yours. The 11am two minute silence for the seventy-fifth anniversary of VJ day is, from a rational standpoint, a big deal for the nation state.

    If you’re not actually joking that it was in fact mysteriously delayed by 8 minutes, as you say (and who am I to poo-poo that?), then I really don’t quite get it that you don’t see that this would be extremely newsworthy.

    Just to avoid further misunderstanding, I personally do not mind if Charles had turned up on the entirely wrong day wearing a grass skirt. He’s done such before, after all.I don’t have any special personal affinity with Victory in Japan day, the second World War or 75 year anniversaries more generally (I’m 54). My (only) point is that if he did, it would be on the news

    I do therefore find it rather odd there has been no reporting of this anomaly whatsoever (that I have seen), other than by you.

    Is this, perhaps, another media blackout “experiment” like the Boris Johnson appearing pissed on Remembrance Day last year.

    Sorry old chap, but if you don’t see the oddity of something as blatant as an 8 minute delay to the routine observance being pretty weird, then I’m at a loss how to retain any measure of mutuality. And even less idea, if you’re so blasé about the significance, why you mentioned it to begin with.

    Piss take?

    Pip pip.

  24. Those two complaining about lack of privacy. They’re famous they should put up with.

    Or disappear somewhere, get out of the limelight, don’t go to posh expensive parties, restaurants etc, change their names, ditch all the money and expensive stuff, get a job somewhere, buy a secondhand car and a 3 bedroom house somewhere.
    Live like normal people.

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